How to See Divinity in Living Colour

Rock Art Buckley Timeline

The Palette of Existence

Here’s a short but, hopefully, thought-provoking look at the ‘light’ and ‘dark’ energy of existence.

When you mix all the colours of the spectrum together physically (as in with paint) you get a muddy brown/black (let’s call this the ‘dark’ side).

When light refracts, it splits into all the colours of the spectrum. All separate yet integrated beautifully (let’s call this the ‘light’ side) — we have that much marveled over rainbow or prism.

White light is produced also by spinning all the colours to produce white light (as in Newton’s colour wheel — VIEW HERE).

Can you see how each are the same thing and a part of the Source/God/Creator? The same thing (colours) just in different states.

Dual Perspectives

The dark side is experiencing the chaos of being in a quantum soup state and the light side has organised itself and is experiencing harmonic order — chaos vs. order.

There is no judgment – only learning and pushing yourself beyond the boundaries of your own limitations.  The question is:  which state do you choose to experience?


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