What Ancient Egyptians Can Teach Us About DNA and Cloning

A Fascinating Theory About DNA

Todays blog is not going to be an article as such, just a theory that I am going to put forward to you.  So let’s put our thinking caps on and take a swim back over the tides of time to ancient Egypt, a lost culture that I believe to have been about more than slaves and self-righteous, pyramid/tomb building Pharaohs.

Resurrection vs Cloning

Let’s stretch our imaginations here and try to see this with different eyes.  The ancient Egyptians used to mummify their corpses, with, what we think, to be a thought to the soul being resurrected in the same body at a later stage.

“What if they never meant to ‘re-embody’ their existing dead selves but to mummify their ‘blueprint’ (as in DNA) for future cloning of themselves…”

I don’t think this is the case, or not at least initially.  The vital organs were also taken out of the body and mummified in jars.  Strange, it may seem, if the soul were to awaken in its former body minus a few vital organs?  But let me play devils advocate and say that maybe a few temple priests would be on hand in such an event and quickly be able to reassemble the organs in the body.  That is quite a stretch though, wouldn’t you say?

Bear with me, I’m getting there…

The Book of the Dead

I am reading the Egyptian Book of the Dead by E.A. Wallis Budge (published in 1895) and I came across something that interested me.

Mummification or DNA Preservation?

He said that the Egyptians had a very clear concept of death and that there was no dispute that they believed the soul to journey to heaven whilst the flesh decayed in the earth.  So why mummification?

Here’s where my theory gets interesting.

What if they never meant to ‘re-embody’ their existing dead selves but to mummify their ‘blueprint’ (as in DNA) for future cloning of themselves, on the off-chance that their soul may return to the Earth plane and they had the choice of re-existing as a previous form?

Even Thoth in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth stated that his soul passed through the Halls of Amenti numerous times for different incarnations on the earthly plane.  What I feel he suggests is that each carnation saw him in a different vessel but with full memory of who he was previously.  Something that we fail to do upon reincarnation, or most of us, at least.  It is very rare indeed for us to remember a previous lifetime, why is this I wonder?  Are we a species with amnesia and why?

“..ancient Egyptians went to great lengths to mummify their dead whilst seemingly fully aware that the soul went on without the body, the body was left to decay.”

Wallis Budge mentioned that it is a perplexing dilemma in the world of Egyptologists, that the ancient Egyptians went to great lengths to mummify their dead whilst seemingly fully aware that the soul went on without the body, the body was left to decay.

New Information Provides New Answers

No offense to Wallis Budge, but what would he have known about DNA in the late 1800’s?  Never mind of cloning!

He goes on to say, which just anchored this concept for me, that and I quote:

‘They believed in an incorporeal and immortal part of man, the constituent elements of which flew to heaven after death;  yet the theologians of the VIth dynasty had decided that there was some part of the deceased which could only mount to heaven by means of a ladder.’

Ha!  A ladder?  Have you seen the structure of a DNA double helix?  It sure as hell resembles a spiralling ladder to me!  And, again, Wallis Budge did not have this information back in the 1800’s, so how could he compare it to DNA?

They even go on to call this ladder the ‘Ladder of God’ which strikes a remarkable resemblance to Gregg Bradens theory in The God Code which states:

“God eternal in the body”

Which was an encryption (much like the binary codes of a computer matrix) that certain open-minded scientists have found embedded in each strand of DNA.

So, I have stated my case but

  •  what are your thoughts on this?
  • Does it change the way you see ancient Egyptians or even ancient civilizations as a whole?
  • Have we forgotten some kind of long lost culture and spiritual science?
  • Is humanity experiencing divine amnesia?
  • Are we a species in galactic quarantine trying to rediscover our routes and potential?

You be the judge.


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Photo credit:  DNA by Sheelamohan

5 thoughts on “What Ancient Egyptians Can Teach Us About DNA and Cloning

  1. Pingback: Bizarre Contrasts: McDonalds and Karnak Temple, Egypt! | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  2. Pingback: Come Journey Through Picturesque Egypt With Me | Cherie Roe Dirksen

    • I think there is a LOT more to them than what Egyptologists tell us. Everytime I return to reading The Book of the Dead (it is huge and I am only half way), I have mind-blowing ‘a-ha’ moments. The thing is, we can only now compare it to our modern technology whereas in the past we had no basis for comparison. So I think that in the future, there may be some interesting stuff to uncover. The mystery continues…they are already digging out the rest of the Easter Island statues. The heads have bodies! Unbelievable stuff is being ‘unearthed’ – literally!

      Liked by 1 person

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