The Dummies Guide to Awakening

Originally posted on LIGHTWORKERS WORLD by Cherie Roe Dirksen

We are living in chaotic and tumultuous times.  We have a plethora of information pumped out at us from every channel, be it media, religion, government or our social groups.

You must be this, act like that, live like us — you know the story but you are feeling overwhelmed and a definite sense of lack.  That pit in your stomach that tells you something is not quite right.

The truth is that when you filter through all this garbage and sift out the gems, you are.

Hey!  You left that sentence hanging — you can’t do that!

Yes, I can and I did it for a good reason.  You just are — the ‘I am that I am’, nothing more, nothing less.  Everything else that is external and trying to tug at your attention is a mere distraction to the call that comes from within.

That feeling of

  • being alone in the world
  • not being understood
  • not even understanding yourself
  • feeling depressed
  • emotional swings
  • always struggling to be happy
  • or to have enough
  • the need to be recognized or acknowledged
  • the fear of not being good enough

Do these attributes sound familiar?

Welcome to Planet Earth, the Galaxies no.1 Classroom for Misfits and Lost Souls!

What is worrisome is that the medical profession starts to label all these conditions and you are now marked as ‘chronically depressed’, ‘ADHD’ or ‘bi-polar’ (yeah, aren’t we all!  This is the realm of duality), the list goes on.  Then the medicating starts and what is treated is suppressed and the little emotion we have left is dulled-down to a drip.

Does Medicine Come Cheap?

It should but alas it doesn’t, especially not if you are in the business of making money from illness.  If the drug corporations and governments truly had people’s welfare at heart, medicine and healing practices would not literally have to cost you and arm or a leg.

Keep ‘em Sick

The more illnesses recognized by the profession the better — the more money to be made.  Have you ever looked at the contra-indications of medicine?  It’s a laugh!  And it’s all ‘legal’.  I especially love how most medication warns that this may result in death — no shit, Sherlock!

Be careful of labels when the condition is emotional.  Ply it with drugs if you want to sweep things under the rug, maybe we’ll see you back here in another life to work it out, or maybe you can deal with it today.

I’m not suggesting you throw away all your pills right now.  Just look into what you really need and what can be replaced with a good eating and exercise plan (never mind a good ‘thought’ plan).

Modern medicine has given us value, a bridge from illness to wellness in many cases.  However, sometimes the training wheels need to come off so we can realize our fullest potential.  To continuously take drugs is not going to do your body any long-term good.  Use medication sparingly, if at all.I’m not suggesting you throw away all your pills right now.  

The Real Good News

The upshot of all this is that there is a non-expensive cure to any disease, mental or physical.  It’s called AWARENESS.

Awareness or enlightenment doesn’t automatically conjure up a cloud for you to float on and dictate gospels to your scribe.  You are still going to have the odd bout of anxiety, depression or ailment — the difference is you are going to be able to identify it immediately and start to work on the remedy instead of having a pity party and feel helpless.

You Are in the Driver’s Seat!

You are always in control of your life circumstance.  You are not a human being having a spiritual experience, you are a soul having a corporeal experience.  You are a master of matter, you have just forgotten.

The world is experiencing what the spiritually inclined would call a consciousness shift and what science would refer to as evolution of species.

We are being upgraded, if you like.  Humanity have been sleeping sheep for centuries (no wonder we count sheep in order to fall asleep) and the time is ripe to WAKE UP!  Can you hear the galaxies alarm clock going off?

The alarm has been going off for quite some time now, unfortunately some have continuously hit the snooze button.  Fret not, the galaxy is readying a pale of ice-cold water and is swirling the bucket as we speak — best to wake up now rather than wake up cold, wet and in shock.

What Can I Do to Fix Myself?

Oh, thank heavens!  I thought you’d never ask.  The answer is simple:  Remember.

To remember means to re-member — to become a part of the whole again.

More specifically, you need to remember that:

  • You have a spark of the divine that lives within your sacred temple  you refer to as your body — treat your body with reverence and respect
  • You are in control of your destiny and not a victim of your fate
  • You came here to experience the great shift of consciousness and to be a part of it
  • You are not only whole but a part of the whole, see the divine en-masse — in your brothers and sisters all over the world
  • Fear is an illusion meant to suppress and contain
  • You were never meant to be contained or suppressed
  • You can rise above any limitations
  • If God is omnipresent, then you are also a part of God (this is especially for those of you who have been or are indoctrinated)
  • Your planet is also a part of God and she holds the cure to any ailment in lost traditions — look to plants and natural, wholesome foods to cure your sick bodies
  • Your thoughts and intent dictate the unfolding of your life — this is why positive thinking, prayer, meditation and affirmations are potent and can also heal many aspects of your life — body and soul
  • Love is the only way forward — it is going to mend the past, present and the future

Break free of your limiting beliefs and join the uprising of the soul — become a part of Awakened Humanity.

Other articles that may help:

Energy Forecast:  Carry an Umbrella, it’s Raining Emotions!

Why Now is the Time to Meditate

The 11 Step Guide to Spreading Love

8 thoughts on “The Dummies Guide to Awakening

  1. Pingback: 3 ‘Dark’ Lessons Darth Vader Can Teach Us! | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  2. Pingback: John Cleese – Pushing Boundaries Through Comedy | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  3. “The alarm has been going off for quite some time now, unfortunately some have continuously hit the snooze button. Fret not, the galaxy is readying a pale of ice-cold water and is swirling the bucket as we speak — best to wake up now rather than wake up cold, wet and in shock.” – classic!


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