Make a New LIFE Resolution (It’s Much More Powerful than a New Year’s Resolution)!

New Life Resolutions Cherie Roe Dirksen

New Year, Blah Blah…

“When you map a way to your success by gradually achieving your markers, then you are proactively making new LIFE resolutions.”

We’ve just entered our first week of the new year and I bet a lot of the best-intentioned resolutions you made have already been kicked to the curb.  Was it all just a bunch of yada-yada on New Year’s Eve?

Thing is, it’s difficult to suddenly change a way of doing something overnight.  Of course, it is admirable to make better choices in our lives but we also need to be kind to ourselves.

What does that mean?  Are you off the hook to go binge drink or keep smoking that pack of fags?

Not entirely.

Decisions for Life

“The key is to be gentle with yourself and take baby steps to a goal.”

When we make resolutions, they are usually set with the intention of bettering our lives by improving on health, wealth, relationship, etc. — right?

Here’s the part where you have to be kind to yourself — Rome wasn’t built in a day!

When we make resolutions to sever bad habits ‘from this day on’, we don’t usually allow ourselves to digress — it’s make or break time.  However, we are all human (well, most of us anyway) and we all make mistakes.

The key is to be gentle with yourself and take baby steps to a goal.

Sustainable Solutions

It’s brilliant to want to make improvements to your life.

When you map a way to your success by gradually achieving your markers, then you are proactively making new LIFE resolutions.

Whatever you want to quit, try to first cut back on — this way you won’t overwhelm yourself and plunge into old habits after your first deviation.

Become more aware if you do fall off the bandwagon.  Don’t judge yourself.  Just pick yourself up and dust off — reassure yourself you’ll do better next time around.

For example:  if you really feel like something, have it (within reason).  Consciously consume it with the awareness of what you are doing.  This way you bring your consciousness into the forefront of the behavior or addiction and you can simply observe yourself in the act.

In moments of quiet reflection, ask yourself:

  • How did this make me feel?
  • Is that why I did it?
  • How do I feel now that I’ve done it?
  • How can I better serve myself next time?
  • Is there something else I can do to get that fix naturally?

Awareness is salient to change.

Change is the only constant and we are all always in flux — it’s something we simply can’t avoid.  So embrace your new intentions with the will to slowly and steadily shift into that new way of being.  Forgive yourself for veering, if you do, and congratulate yourself on what you have achieved.

coverThe Gift Awaits

If you want to make a positive change in your life, I am offering my manifest ‘New Life Resolutions’ (CLICK HERE) to those who want a boost to the new life creation process.  You’ll also be gifted with my eBook ‘Creative Expression — How to Find Your Inspiration’ to add to your creatively evolving life.

Good luck manifesting a year full of personal triumph!

Original  article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News – CLICK HERE to visit their amazing site!

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5 thoughts on “Make a New LIFE Resolution (It’s Much More Powerful than a New Year’s Resolution)!

  1. Pingback: Why Problems are Really Potentials | Cherie Roe Dirksen

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  4. Here I am, an old man, taking baby steps. You’re right. That’s what it takes. I found a way to lose weight, baby steps is the way. I quit drinking, baby steps. I wrote a novel, baby steps, it took me 25 years to write, all baby steps. EZ Whispering Whale


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