Why Nothing Truly Matters (but in a Good Way)



why nothing matters


Dissecting The Tao Te Ching

For those of you who are not familiar with this ancient little Chinese treasure written by Lao Tzu, the ‘Tao Te Ching’, I would like to introduce you to its many frabjous wisdoms.

For those who are ‘old hat’ with the Tao — maybe this will serve as a refreshing reminder or even a tiny glimpse at a different perspective.

In today’s blog, I will be looking at teaching no. 11 (crikey!  I sound like a school teacher!!!).

This particular teaching really resounded like a bell in my psyche…it is so profound!

“A wheel is useful, because of the hole at the centre of the hub.

A clay pot is useful, because it contains empty space.

Doors and windows are useful, because they are gaps in the walls.

The value of what is there, lies in what is not there!”

Dude, how cool is that?

Nothing Can Be Everything

Poppy Art Prints by Cherie Roe DirksenThe way I interpret this pearl of pensivity is that there is value in everything — seen or unseen.

In a world where (predominantly) what can be seen or proved  is the only truth, this Lao Tzu diamond demonstrates that we shouldn’t be throwing the baby out with the bath water!

The unseen is just as valuable and palpable as the seen.  Just like the Tao.

What is the Tao?

It is the great mystery.  The absolute principle underlying the universe, uniting within itself the yin and yang and signifying ‘the way’, or code of behavior, that is in complete harmony with natural order.

Mmmmmm….what a beautiful concept.

“Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.” — Johnathan Swift

And what is life without a bit of mystery?  There are so many questions that we as humans will probably never get answers to and perhaps that is alright. We need to make our peace with that.

The very essence of enigma is a tantalizing and playful state and, of course, joy is your purpose!

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