‘The Sound of Art’ Video Series Debut — Interviews, Live Music and a Special Guest from Paris (7 mins)

Mission Impossible

Or should I say, mission I’m possible (as the daughter of my friend just discovered!).  I see you reading the title and asking yourself, ‘all this in under 7 minutes?’.

You’d better believe it!

The Sound of Art Poster 3

After much blood, sweat and tears over the past 2 weeks — the final cut is ready!  And all in the same week as my second book get’s sent off to the publishers — just call me the Duracell bunny.  Did I mention I’m also working on a 5 panel commissioned painting?

Another Coffee, Please!

Maria Von Trapp, Succulent Musical Performances and Some Dubious Animation

This is episode 1 and I’m being interviewed about the first painting, ‘Escapism’ in my Rock Art Series (painted to Radiohead).  I have made a special menu button for the Rock Art blogs that can be seen under my banner for quick reference or if you just want to catch-up on the series again.

Without further ado…here is the video (please remember to adjust the quality on Youtube otherwise it can automatically pick the fastest and lowest quality setting).

Don’t Be Shy to Voice Your Opinion (as Long as it’s Dripping with Honey!)

Your comments are more than welcome, either here or on Youtube.

I would also like to ask that, if you like the video (of course), can you please share it with your friends, Twitter buddies or Facebook pals.  I could sure use your help to get this series out into the big wide world.

Actually, you can even share it if you think is sucks.  I don’t mind.  Any publicity is good publicity, right?  I’m probably going to regret saying that some day. 🙂

A Big Thank You to My Contributors

Finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank all you special people out there in cyberspace for your support and for those generous souls who agree to keep me afloat by buying me copious amounts of ‘coffee/tea’ through the site — your donations keep me going in ways you can’t imagine, so a big Thank You.