Confessions of a Tree-Hugger

Branching Out With Trees

Cherie Roe Dirksen - Official Tree HuggerI love trees.  Any kind.

They are captivating, calming, beautiful, mysterious, life-giving (not only converting carbon-dioxide into oxygen but housing many a life-form), shade-providing and gracious.

So many poems and great works of art have taken root around trees — they certainly capture the human imagination.

To cut what could turn out to be a long blog short — pictures speak louder than words, so…

Today’s art blog is going to look at some of my favourite tree paintings (please note that all the works below can be purchased as prints, posters and greeting cards — just click on the pictures):

Thanks for looking!

Don’t forget to claim your FREE copy of ‘Creative Expression — How to find your inspiration….’ (along with other bonus free gifts)

My Art Portfolio book is also available as a glossy paperback (click on book to take you to the bookstore)

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