What Popped Up in a Guided Meditation and How it Coincided With Plato

Manifesting What You Do and Don’t Want Well, this year showed up with a tremendous thump on the head (thanks to inland revenue — need I say more?) followed by some truly spectacular fireworks and major realizations! The good and the bad have been a-knocking at my door, testing my patience and resolve.  How have the first few weeks of this year been for you? To sum it all up:  This year is going to be about manifesting big time!  Trouble is, if you’re thoughts aren’t in alignment with what you want, you’re also going to create what you don’t want with extreme haste (as I found out a week ago when I faced ‘external authority’). That’s why I urge you to sit down and draw up 7 things you wish to make happen this year.  Read the blog HERE. My Tribe and the Guided Meditation Now, I want to share something uber personal with you.  I got together with my tribe of 4 fantastic femme’s last week for a guided meditation and goal setting orientation for the year. It was an eye-opening experience.  But I didn’t truly ‘get’ it until I stumbled upon an animated 8 minute video illustrating a theory that Plato had (I’ll show you at the end of this blog — please do yourself a favour and watch it.  You are going to be amazed!). It totally coincided with what my higher self was showing me in my meditation. I’m going to try to be short and to the point and I’m going to show you the actual drawings I did whilst having the vision (so it’s going to be a bit rough). Totems, Temples and the Source At first, in our guided meditation, we were taken by our animal totems to a temple:

  • My totem was an owl who flew out ahead of me as my guide.

    Sun Illustration 1

    Illustration 1 – the Sun/Source

  • I got to the temple and sat down on a bench.  I looked up and saw a door and went to look through it.  
  • There I saw a lake with reflections of trees in it.  I turned to my left and saw the sun/source — a brilliant white light surrounded by swirly whirly’s (see illustration 1).
  • I turned to the right and saw tree silhouettes turn into a circle (a kind of mandala — see illustration 2) and then the trees morphed into human figures (for those of you who know my art — it was very much like what I paint…see picture at the top of the blog), the branches entwining to make hearts and DNA.  I got the feeling that the tree’s represented our higher selves and the spirit realm wanting to express love and unity in our 3D reality/the dream/game of life being shown to us in the ‘higher’ realm of communication.

    Tree Circle Illustration 2

    Illustration 2 – Circle of Trees

  • In the center of the circle was water and the reflections of the trees.  It sometimes shifted into the sun in the middle as well.
  • I got the impression that the water was reflecting back to us what we are creating through feeling/emotion and that the trees were actually our ‘higher selves’ or the spirit realm conducting the creations in the pool of water (our 3D reality).
  • The keywords with this vision were about love, reaching out (or ‘branching out’, as the case may be), water reflections (our 3D experience being mirrored back to us in the spirit realm and vice versa), strong unity connection (the roots of the trees were entwined as a collective experience).

The 2014 Focus What I got from this guided meditation was to:

  1. Ground Yourself Daily — Feel connected to the earth and nature (i.e. be grounded BIG TIME!).
  2. Get Creative — Express that soul connection through creativity as often as you can.

When I tapped into the crux of what my soul was trying to convey, I got this message:

“Show what cannot be spoken.”

Now this is all great, but how does this affect you?  And where is Plato in all of this?

Well, here is the video I want you to watch:

I was introduced to this video through an article on a site called ‘2012 The Big Picture’ — You can read the article here. After seeing this video, I got the bigger picture of the message behind the visualization I received in my meditation.  Don’t you just LOVE how synchronicity works!!! 😀 UPDATE:  I have completed the painting I saw in this meditation — you can read the blog about it HERE:  The Tree of Life — Can You Relate?

Today’s blog picture is called ‘The Soulworks Project’ and is available as cards and prints – click here.
If you want to commission something similar, please contact me at cheriedirksen@yahoo.com

 Other articles you may enjoy: Why Synchronicity Can Change Your Life 5 Ways to Tune into a HD Quality Life The 44 Second Example to Feeling Better 2014 — The Year to Sculpt Your Life!

8 Motivating Tips on Writing and Self-Publishing Your Own Book

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