How to Gift Yourself with Gratitude

The Attitude for Gratitude

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I was thinking about how all global citizens can catch a ride on this American holiday wave.

Gratitude is something we should express every day, not just on one particular day — obviously.  However, having one ‘big’ day to truly express your thanks is not a bad thing.

Taking Leaves Out of American Books

So, why not mark off Thanksgiving Day as a special day for you too — no matter where you are in the world — to give thanks for all that you have.  If you already make this part of your daily routine, my hat is lifted to you.

If it is something you just haven’t got around to thinking about yet, or, you have given it some thought but somehow that chemical reaction in your brain runs out of electricity as it is passed out through your ear.

In other words, you know you have mounds of things to be grateful for but you haven’t the staying power to run through the list every morning.

Making Your Own Gratitude Board in Seconds!

I have the solution!  It’s called a gratitude board and it goes straight onto your fridge — the one place you are guaranteed to look at least once day!

You can make it out of cardboard, you can print it from your computer, you can make your own at Zazzle or you can buy it ready-made HERE.

However you decide to go about making this board, I suggest you set a goal to have it up and running by a certain date and hold yourself accountable.  Better yet, pair up with a friend and do it together — that way you can hold each other accountable to get it done!

Suggestions and Tips to Get the Ball Rolling 

These boards make great gifts too, especially if you are looking for a meaningful token for that certain someone who needs a little nudge in the right direction.

“When children are immersed in a creative task, the underlying lesson sticks like glue.”

You  can also present them to your guests as a parting novelty at Thanksgiving dinner — a heart-felt gesture like that is sure to go down a treat!  Or, if you are not hosting this special occasions yourself, why not give one to your whomever happens to be your gracious host at Thanksgiving lunch/dinner.  Heck, they even make the perfect birthday or Christmas gift!

If you don’t feel like getting the magazines, photo’s, glue and cardboard out to make your own board from scratch, you can make a gratitude dry-erase board on Zazzle and customize it to your heart’s content — CLICK HERE (they start at $16.95).  You can dress them up with your own pictures or photo’s of loved ones that you are grateful for — go mad!

Get the Kids On-Board the Gratitude Express!

You can even get your children or grandchildren involved with this project — it will be a valuable lesson for them to see just how much they also have in their lives to be thankful for.  When children are immersed in a creative task, the underlying lesson sticks like glue.

Just remember to leave some room on the board for expansion.  This is something that you are going to have to get used to along your path of gratitude because the more you give thanks for what you have, the more you will have to be thankful for.

You don’t feel like making your own or you just don’t have the time?  Click on the picture below, I have already made up one for you.

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9 thoughts on “How to Gift Yourself with Gratitude

  1. Pingback: Goodness Gracious Great Gratitude « Dr. Sherry E. Showalter – "Keepin It Real"

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