Healing Through Art — The Gates to Wonderland Just Got Flung Wide Open

Lust For Life

The Poppy Forest

I started off my career in art exploring what I like to call ‘decorative’ painting.  You know the sort;  flowers, trees, butterflies, sunsets, whatever tickled my fancies.  There is nothing wrong with this kind of expression and it paves the way for mastering specific techniques and mediums but I always felt a yearning for more expansive art.

However, painting ‘decorative’ art allowed me to express my love for anything resplendent — the beauty of nature.

Pink PoppiesMy art took a turn when I started painting my gold patterned backgrounds (as seen in the picture — right), I was testing the grounds for a more out-of-the-box approach.  It was well received and I was happy for a while doing it.  These complicated hand-painted motifs of swirly patterns represented ‘life energy’ — something I have been able to see all around me all the time.

I still felt a hunger for something new.  I tried to dabble in abstract art, I have always had a love for abstract but found it the hardest thing to paint.  I dug deep for this but it still didn’t fit the criterion that was swaying in my soul and keeping me at bay from realizing my fullest potential.

Spirited Away

I dreamed up the ‘Rock Art’ series last year and half-heartedly began my journey quite blinded to how it was going to unfold.  After the Radiohead painting emerged out onto the canvas, I literally had a dream and was shown what it meant (read article here).

“Tut, tut, child! Everything’s got a moral, if only you can find it.” — The Duchess, Alice in Wonderland

Interested by this unusual turn of events I endeavored with the project and Metamorphic Dilatation (The Beatles Art) was born.

         Jeff Buckley --- Raw 24 x 36 LR

Love Story

Heart close upThe festive season came and went and I lost a tiny bit of my momentum with this series until I decided to pick up a brush and start with the Jeff Buckley painting (no. 3 in the series).  It was going to be Muse but something changed my mind.

What happened with the painting ‘Raw’ changed my life forever.  You can read all about it here.  After the painting was done I had a dream…

What Dreams May Come

I was taken by a man (couldn’t quite make out who) into a room where I was shown that an artist could extract the essence of a message be it through music, literature or any other means and purvey the idea into a picture — a kind of visual therapy.

“Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.” — The Doorknob, Alice in Wonderland

I was told that it is quite difficult to get most people to listen to music outside of what they know.

  • How many of you have tried and failed to get people to listen to the music you like?
  • Or try to convince them that something that resonates with you should immediately resonate with them?

Same thing goes for literature.  You can read a book and have an epiphany but to get someone else to read the book let alone have the self-same striking realization is a difficult task indeed.

It doesn’t mean that there is no message in the song or novel and it also doesn’t mean that your friend is an idiot for not ‘getting it’ or bothering to listen/read.  We all work to a different schedule.

But how cool would it be if you could, like an alchemist, extract that message and translate it in a picture?  Something that you need to just look at to get or understand the underlying current?

People are usually willing to look at something visual which can only take a few seconds of their precious time.

The meaning I got from my dream was that you can imprint a message or a code (something that sparks off something in you on a conscious or unconscious level) to trigger a healing within you to take place.

Or a prompt to get you to explore the music or literature (or whatever medium is being transmuted) further which may activate that message you need.

The Sound of Music

To download as desktop wallpaper or to print and use around the home/office as mini-posters — just click on the picture, right-click and 'save as' to your computer.  All rights reserved.A good friend (who synchronously is a musician who is working on healing music at this very moment) and I were debating and bouncing off concepts of a universal and quantum nature (we came up with the caption to your right).

We were discussing how music, in itself, can transport you to places that words only try to point you towards.

Obviously, not all music does this — there is music and there is music.  Some music can be very base and hollow, coming from the ego or the want for fame and money.  Other music relays a message — it could be a cosmic or earthly message.  It could be consumed on an unconscious or conscious level.

  • Have you ever noticed how music can lift your spirits?
  • Or get you to go deeper into your emotions?
  • Or simply move you to tears of bliss or sorrow?

The classical composers like Bach and Debussy excelled at elevating the soul.  It’s as if they could take you to a higher dimension to feel the music in and around you — letting the vibrations pulsate through every cell in your body, literally absorbing the encoded transmissions of the wonders of 8th dimensional sound frequency.

Alice Through the Looking Glass

blue butterfly pngThis brings me back to the many epiphanies I’ve been having this month through dreams, synchronicities, ‘a-ha’ moments with friends and family members and opening my mind to new possibilities with the all-encompassing help of the Universe itself.

Talk about unity consciousness at work!  We are all so interwoven into this fabric of existence and we reflect so much to and in each other, which ultimately, reflects the entire cosmos.  We are One.

So, Alice has been journeying into the reflections of herself and has pulled out all her resources to finally discover what she’s been prepping for.

“Curiouser and curiouser!” — Alice in Wonderland

I started this site wanting to merge my passion for writing with my love of music and art.  I set out to do this as best I could, floundering a little at times as I tried new ways to do this.  None of which truthfully felt like the puzzle pieces fitted.

With this new insight I finally feel like the puzzle has at last become a recognizable picture (as we are usually given the pieces without the added benefit of having the box image for a reference — no, that would have been too easy).  I get to merge the trinity of music, art and literature into one capsule that can benefit the observer in a flash.

I couldn’t have asked the Universe for a better connection to work through me, expressing the Source, than this!

No wonder you’re not supposed to try to ‘control’ the nooks and crannies of how your path will unfurl — nothing out-of-the-box will ever develop with you trying to manipulate it at every turn with only your current understanding of how the world works.

They Call Me Trinity

I need to trim my time expenditure on this site and neatly package it to fit this new revelation.

So, instead of having an art/creativity blog on Tuesday, a spiritual blog on Thursday and a Free Giveaway blog on Friday, I have decided to reconcile all three if these into one new and exciting blog (to come out every Wednesday from next week) that will have inspiring verses, tasty visuals and something for nothing.

I will, from time to time, blog articles of value or interest on any given day but you can rely on the Wednesday blog to be a weekly occurrence.

That’s All Folks!

And that’s the rundown of how this year began for me — thanks for journeying with me and I hope you’ll stick around to see what’s to come in the bright and uncharted future of this magnificent virgin Wonderland.

13 thoughts on “Healing Through Art — The Gates to Wonderland Just Got Flung Wide Open

  1. Pingback: How to Artfully Get into Your Element | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  2. Pingback: 3 Sound Reasons to Dispel the Myth that You Can’t Afford Art | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  3. Pingback: Are You Being Disillusioned by Reality? | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  4. Pingback: The 12 Hour Saatchi Art Competition Challenge — Start to Finish | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  5. Pingback: How I Got Raw With Jeff Buckley | Cherie Roe Dirksen

    • Hey, hey! My fellow tumble-weedette…I’m tumbling, stumbling and fumbling today ;)… thanks for ‘lending’ me (actually, I was just stealing them willy nilly) some of your alchemical, capsulated catch-phrases. See how you rub off on me? lol


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