Why You Should Start Loving Money Today!

Beach Fun by Cherie Roe Dirksen

How About Singing a New Tune?

Love is an amplifier — when you feel love it’s the most powerful energetic vibration in the universe (IMHO).

When you feel lack it brings more lack.  Ergo, shouldn’t we start packing up all our preconceived and deep-seated feelings that money is the root of all evil?  How about we start declaring that we LOVE money.

Did you feel a shudder just then?  It’s difficult for a lot of us to say that we love money!

It’s especially hard when you’re on a ‘spiritual’ path — aren’t you supposed to renounce money?

Why think that?

Money is a Tool — Nothing More, Nothing Less

Money is our current form of energy exchange.  It is a useful tool to get what we need.

The only ‘evil’ is what you do with the money.  We need to start getting VERY clear about why we want the green stuff.

If it’s to impress someone outside of yourself or gain some sort of prestige, you’re going to hit a wall.

Here’s a quick guide to check in to see if you’re wanting money for the right or wrong reasons (I use the terms ‘right and wrong’ very loosely as they are only perspectives — but I think you’ll know what I mean):

  • To want money to prove to your friends/parents that you’re successful — not so good reason (you’ll be out of alignment when you seek fulfillment outside of yourself).
  • To want money to travel the world and experience different cultures, etc — good reason (you’re doing it for yourself).

It can sometimes take the slightest of tweaks to align yourself with your true desires.

If you’ve always wanted money to buy a house and find that deep down inside you’ve wanted this desperately to impress your parents, well, try to align your new desire for a house to satisfy your needs (i.e. I want a house so that I can plant a sustainable garden and/or feel like I’m part of a community).

Manifestation, as far as I’m concerned, needs to be in line with your spirit (i.e. your specific journey).

Letting Go of Brainwashing

If you’ve had blocks regarding money now is the time to chuck ’em out the window!

Money isn’t to blame, you are.  Harsh, yup…but for those of us who have money blockages, we need a cold bucket of water dumped on our heads now to snap us out of this cycle.

There is a fear of success, did you know that?

Why would you fear success/wealth?

  • You may fear the tax man. Being rich means a lot of taxation and paperwork, right?
  • You may fear what people think of you if you were loaded (how do you view the rich — with loathing? Contempt? ‘Oh, he’s such an arrogant bastard, rich son of a b**tch’…bingo!  You are going to subconsciously worry about mirroring these beliefs and not want people to say those things behind your back).
  • You may fear the wrong type of attention you’ll get when you’ve got a fat bank balance (you know, the vultures come a-hovering).
  • You may fear that people will then only like you for what you’re worth or what they can get out of you. There is a fear of being taken advantage of.
  • You may fear that you’ll go off the deep end and wind up sipping cocktails, snorting coke and dancing with loose naked men/women on yachts and totally neglect your spiritual path.
  • You fear that money truly is from the devil and all it will bring is material, superficial pleasures that will lead to pain.

I’m here to tell you…bullshit.

You can actually be a really nice person and be rich…lol.  There are plenty of them in the world.

Dissecting the Nonsense We Tell Ourselves

If you can’t tell a genuine friend from a blood sucker by now, money is the least of your problems and growing a backbone may need to take top priority.

If you fear inland revenue, you’re always going to — whether you’re rich or poor.  Bonus is, if you’re rich you can hire an accountant.  So, don’t use that excuse as an obstruction.

If you fear what other people think, then you need to read this article and give yourself a kick up the arse: 9 Truths to Stop You  From Caring What Other People Think

If you really think money is from the devil, you may want to navigate to another site at this point.  People created money and it was actually a rather splendid idea — it solved a lot of problems that bartering alone couldn’t solve.

If you fear what you may do if you are rich (as in getting jacked up with too much honey and funny business) I think you’d know by now what kind of person you are.  You’re not going to suddenly change your tune if you get money and if you do, well, then there is a massive lesson in it for you that you had to obviously experience.

Just don’t let the ‘what if’s’ be your crutch.

Energy Exchanges and Changes

However, the true test is to not become attached to money.  If another system comes along that works better than money, great!  Just don’t see money as the enemy cause the only person you end up hurting is yourself.

Your perception of money could be the very thing holding you back from your wealth.

Declare every morning without guilt, shame or any other crappy little negative nuance, “I LOVE money”.  Remember to mean it!

If you feel constricted in your solar plexus (stomach area) or anywhere else you need to deeply go into why you feel anxious about declaring your love for loot. Be honest with yourself — there’s a lot at stake.

When I first tried declaring ‘I love money’ I felt really agitated in my solar plexus and I went on to discover that I felt a lot of fear around success (most of the above list was ticked!).

Then I got clear about it and realized it was all nonsense and stuff that I could chuck out quite easily.

Money isn’t the problem — people are.  Money can be a great tool for both good and evil.  The choice is yours.

Trust yourself to be a human being who wants the best for all humanity — abundance is our true birthright.  Start believing it!

By the way, ‘I love money’ can be used for anything you want to manifest.  For example:  ‘I love being healthy’.  Use the word ‘love’ as your new amplifier and trust in divine flow.

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3 thoughts on “Why You Should Start Loving Money Today!

  1. Pingback: ‘Love and Light’ — What Does it Mean? | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  2. Pingback: 7 Ways to Tame the Ego and Become Instantly Likeable | Cherie Roe Dirksen

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