How to Use the Void to Manifest

Bluebirds by Cherie Roe Dirksen

New Energy, New World

You may have noticed that the Mayan ‘end of the world’ calendar has come and gone (21/12/2012). We are now supposedly in ‘Year 2’ of this advanced and illustrious new age/paradigm/Earth.

Can you feel it?

Or are you feeling more like you’re stuck in a void with endless karma and drama being flung at your feet?

The Roots are Strong

The good news is that we are in a new energy and in order for the new to emerge the old has to die — and it’s dying hard!  What does that mean?  Well, in a nutshell, old energy is going down kicking and screaming.

It may look like the negative, base, ‘Mad Max’ war-ridden world is winning but it’s roots are rotten.  Smoke and mirrors are being used to prop up these decaying, useless ways.

The new shoots are still young but their roots are strong and fixed in integrity and love.  We have created another realm — it just needs our full attention now to manifest itself.  It’s going to happen one soul at a time — cheesy but true.

‘Okay, so what does this mean practically for me today?’, I hear you ask.

Understanding the Wind Down to Wind You Up!

When an old system winds down we get thrust into clearing out and preparing for the new — something like moving house.  You usually end up throwing stuff out, cleaning your butt off and scaling down dramatically — this is a great metaphor for when we shift into a new paradigm.

You have to get rid of the old baggage to step into a new world.  So a lot of you will have found yourself doing copious amounts of emotional, karmic, mental and physical clearing the last few years.

So, when the end of 2012 hit us we were at the bottom end of winding down…then came the void of 2013.  Boy!  Did any of you feel at a loose end the WHOLE year?  Well, I sure did.

We overcame!  Now we’re almost half way through 2014 — the promised year of manifestation.  However, some people are still stuck in the void energy.

The definition of void is empty space.  This is good news!  Here you can create anything you want — even more void…as in ‘avoidance’ or a void dance!  So use the void wisely.

The void/darkness is the gateway to all mystery and manifestation — the door to understanding this universe we’ve created.

Using the Void

In the Tao Te Ching you can use the Tao any way you want — it is empty but inexhaustible.

What is the Tao?   In Chinese philosophy, it is the absolute principle underlying the universe.  It is a combination of yin and yang and signifies the way that is in harmony with the natural order.

Is it hard to use the void?  No.

Here’s what to do:

  • Align with your thoughts.  Thoughts create everything in the universe.  What are you thinking about the most?  Be completely honest with yourself.  Can you see how you are consciously or, as the case may be, even unconsciously bringing about manifestations in your life that are aligning with what you think about? Okay, most of you probably know this point by now — it’s ‘old school’ stuff but it’s of primary importance and here’s why:  Manifesting has become increasingly more instantaneous!  Holy crap, my hombre!  Hold onto your hats…
  • Manifest wisely.  Instant manifestation can be dangerous for some and great for others.  This is why getting clear with what your mind is harping on about is of the utmost significance now.  We’re in a potent manifesting energy, where you are going to have things pop up with much more speed than before — good or bad.
  • Use the void as your clean slate.  What does this mean?  Get clear today, hell, even right now, on what you want to see unfold in the next 6 – 12 months.  Be specific, write it down, read it out every morning and take action where you can — then detach from the outcome and watch out for synchronicities that will point you in the right direction (read more about that HERE).  Most people don’t even know what they want to manifest so they just leave it to fate.  Wake up call!  Fate is you unconsciously manifesting whatever you’re thinking about the most!  So you can become a conscious co-creator of your reality or you can subject your life to your random and vague inner dialogue.

Are You Manifesting More Void?

The biggest trouble I’m seeing at the moment is people who say that nothing is manifesting in their life.  Wrong!  If this is you, you are manifesting too but you are in the void and therefore you are manifesting more ‘void’ when you say or think that ‘nothing is happening’.

Take a look at that phrase, ‘nothing is happening’.  So be it — your wish is the Tao’s command!

Get it?  I hope so — happy manifesting!

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Lightworkers World.

Other articles by Cherie Roe Dirksen you may enjoy:

2014 — The Year to Sculpt Your Life!

Why We May Be Feeling Disenchanted

5 Ways to Tune into a HD Quality Life

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Why You Should Strive to be a Nobody

3 Crucial Steps to Self Acceptance

Feel Like a Rug Has Been Pulled Out From Underneath?

The Universe is Abundant, Why Aren’t You?


Self-Empowerment Books by Cherie Roe Dirksen:


Table Books of Art and Inspirational Teachings by Cherie Roe Dirksen:

Creative Expression        Art Portfolio




10 thoughts on “How to Use the Void to Manifest

  1. Pingback: Finding a Reason to Smile Every Day | Cherie Roe Dirksen

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  9. Once again Cherie you found me… I so needed this and it has given me the reassurance and calm that I need in a dark fearful time… finding it difficult to concentrate on anything I wasn’t even going to read it and then something said to me isn’t that a sign that you should. ..thank you from my heart and soul lovely beautiful Cherie situation is no different except I know feel guided and able to let go… and amazingly lots of unbelievable coincidences popping up in all different places…. You helped me through a dark time in 2011 … a million thank yous and bless you ♥


    • Hi Penny — so nice to hear from you! I’m so pleased that this article helped you out. Your comment means a great deal to me, thank you. It’s good that you are following your heart guidance and are able to let go of what doesn’t serve you. Don’t stop following those syncronicities! 😀 Much love, Cherie xxx


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