6 Impossible Things To Do Every Day


“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” — Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)

6 Impossible Things to do Every Day

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Go Easy on the Mundane

Life can be wonderful when you’re a dreamer. Life can be even more wonderful when you are a dreamer and a doer!

Nothing trips us up more that boredom or monotony. As the saying goes, ‘boring is as boring does’. But, lucky for us, we live in a world full of unmapped, unexplored and unchartered territory — both physically and metaphysically.

What a cause for celebration!

Ready For Expanded Thinking?

“After all, the word ‘impossible’ only really spells out ‘I’m Possible’.”

You’ve probably realized by now that you are the one creating your life experience by what you’re feeling and doing in this NOW moment. Your past does not define you but your present shapes your future.

If your life is not exciting you, you’re the one forgetting to inject the zest.

So why not start the day, as Lewis Carroll so aptly suggested, by thinking of 6 (even 1 will do!) impossible things you could do to explode the old and catalyze the new. After all, the word ‘impossible’ only really spells out ‘I’m Possible’.

Let me suggest some starting points:

  1. Start Small. Imagine something you want that you’re likely to be able to achieve today. This could be anything from doing that chore that’s been irritating you to exploring a new path whilst taking the dogs for a walk. Why is this going to help you? Because tackling household/garden jobs that you put off give you an immense sense of satisfaction when you finally do them — it incites you to do more tomorrow. Trying new things like taking a walk where you’ve never ventured before is breaking routine and while routine can be a good thing in some areas of your life it can also kill adventure.
  2. Think Big. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but never got around to? Do you think you’re too old to play the piano? Or too overweight to water ski? Or maybe you think you’re too poor to travel? Think again! It’s those ‘I’m Possible’ dreams that light a fire under the derriere and bring back sensational living! Where there’s a will there’s a way, so start off by finding a picture of your desire and pin it to your vision board (you know, that thing you have up somewhere in your house to remind you of what you want to manifest. Don’t have one yet? There’s your other I’m Possible task!) and start taking action along with looking out for synchronicities (don’t know what that is? READ HERE). Impossible is sure to follow!
  3. Visualize. Like I said in point no. 2 — get your vision board started and watch the impossible happen! There’s nothing like walking into your office (or whatever room applies here) and seeing all those pretty pictures of things to keep aligning yourself to. We think we know what we want but, back in reality, there are so many thoughts coursing through our brain that we tend to ‘backseat’ our dreams in lieu of daily matters. Then we forget the things (big or small) that mean something to us. Don’t let your dreams escape you! Every time you think of something you would like to experience — pin it! I walked into a fabulous spa the other day and took one of their brochures. Why? Because even though I wasn’t in town to get a massage that day, it’s something I would love to experience — so, it’s now firmly pinned to my vision board. If I didn’t do that, I would’ve eventually disregarded wanting a sensational 2 hour treatment and would’ve also probably forgotten about the spa itself nevermind it’s location. Now I won’t ’cause I see it every day and smile when I think of going there for my special treat.
  4. Alice in Wonderland QuoteA Pat on the Back. Stop every day to think of the wonderful things you have accomplished thus far in your life. We very seldom stop to let things sink in. It could be the fact that you raised an awesome child (it probably felt impossible when you first looked into his/her eyes as a newborn) or you finally conquered a fear and boarded a plane one day and went overseas for the first time (which may have sparked many other trips). Some things may seem old hat to some and incredible feats to others — don’t underestimate what you’ve accomplished. Even the little things shape our lives. Give yourself some kudos and then keep doing more impossible things!
  5. Burn the Box! You’ve heard of thinking outside the box — which is the Impossible Club’s credo — but burning the box is more potent. In fact, the box never existed in the first place, Schrodinger! Stretch your mind to the infinite possibility of all realities in all directions of space and time. Try lucid dreaming and cruise the universe — let your impossible imagination run riot. The universe is expanding and creating the most beautiful work of art with all its nebulae, solar systems, whirling galaxies and neutron star collisions just to name a few. Expand your mind to take it all in and then apply it to your life. How can you be creatively expansive? How can you use your divine talents to smear this life experience with explosive colour, fizzing verve and sparkling tenacity? Baby, you’re a firework! Thanks Ms. Perry, how right you are.
  6. Rest. Doing relentlessly impossible things all day requires that you need a balance of good R&R. But don’t stop your imagination from thinking of impossible ways to relax. You can dream up a wild bath-time relaxation routine that involves submarines, rubber ducks and lavender oil or you could take some time out to shut those weary little eyes and have a night full of dreaming up new ways to be a super nova!

And remember — you’re the only one who can make the impossible possible.

“Door: Why it’s simply impassible! Alice: Why, don’t you mean impossible? Door: No, I do mean impassible. (chuckles) Nothing’s impossible!” — Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass (Lewis Carroll)

“The Alice books belong to a branch of literature that speaks deeply and clearly to the human psyche–stories of the journey.” Stephanie Lovett Stoffel, The Art of Alice in Wonderland

the art of empowerment

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life New (CLN) – click here and join their growing community!

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How to Create Opportunity


I have to laugh…whenever I write articles, my first step is to check that I’ve written a kick-ass title. When I typed this title ‘How to Create Opportunity‘ into my headline analyzer it scored 125%. I didn’t even know that was possible! Clearly the Universe wants you to hear this.

Why Do We Have More Opportunity Than Ever?

Here it goes:

I, all too often, hear the same stories of people wallowing in their lives because there is lack of opportunity to get them where they want to be. I’m afraid I don’t buy into that and here’s why:

  • Never before in the history of civilization (Ancient Alien theorists may suggest otherwise but for the sake of the article, let’s soldier on) have we had something called the World Wide Web!
  • Never before in the history of civilization (insert Ancient Alien disclaimer here too) have so many people been literally at our fingertips.
  • Never before has the world been at our feet like it is today (again…insert Ancient Alien blurb here — BTW, I’m a complete Ancient Alien theory freak so I’m totally open to the idea that civilization has risen and fallen many times but — for the sake of this article — let’s say we’re treading new territory here).

Don’t Buy Into Lack

Don’t talk to me about lack of opportunity. The world is literally bulging with opportunities our fore-fathers couldn’t have dreamed about!

So, how do we create opportunity? The answer is simple (and you’re probably not going to like it, or maybe you’ll prove me wrong?).

Take action.

You can make all the vision boards in the world, you can visualize your butt off, you can do mantras and meditations (and all of these things help exponentially) but it is meaningless if you do not TAKE ACTION. Creation itself implies action. No action, no creation.

Read related article: How to Turn Disappointment into Opportunity

What this DOES NOT mean:

  • You try to control and force something to work
  • You stop doing things like meditating, visualization and making vision boards

What this DOES mean:

  • Authenticity QuoteYou get your derriere out the door and mingle with REAL people (there is NOTHING that gets you further than speaking and putting your feelers out there). You can meet like-minded people, people who may hold a piece of your puzzle or people who have ideas that you wouldn’t have thought of. Get out there and talk, you may even have some information that will help others. This life is all about us helping each other, right?
  • When you do something like make a vision board or write down a set of goals — it’s important to stay in that energy and feel what it’s like to have that manifest now but it is just as imperative to let it go. You need to learn to ‘let in’ (things that are representative of your ‘joy’ frequency) and to ‘let go’ (things that don’t feel comfortable or are incompatible to your ‘joy’ frequency).  When you let it go and don’t try to control the outcome, you allow the universe to get you there on the quickest slipstream.
  • Meditate on opportunity, ask the universe for synchronicity and when you get it — take action! It may not come in the shape or form that you think, so keep those eyes peeled. Read related articles How Weird, Little Synchronicities Can Actually Be the Bomb! and Why Synchronicity Can Change Your Life.
  • Search engines are a great tool to zip you about the globe. You can read up on what you want to achieve. You can see other peoples success stories or read tips and tricks on your given field — go take a look at Pinterest (if you haven’t ventured into the obscenely creative world of Pinterest, I suggest you set aside a good couple of hours and a flask of tea). Don’t forget that it is great to be inspired by others but don’t be a copy-cat — always be authentically YOU. Don’t be afraid of that, that’s where your true power is. Your dream requires WORK (but the nice kind of work). There are so many things I still want to try my hand at and I know it’s going to take strategy, dedication and some serious time-management with copious doses of patience but it doesn’t put me off.

Creative Expression Book CoverIf you truly want what you say you want, you’re going to be driven to try any and every avenue. The world is your oyster, so crack open the Tabasco sauce and start slicing up those lemons!

And, because I want to see you succeed, I’m giving away free copies of my eBook ‘Creative Expression — How to find your inspiration…’ to all who click HERE (or on the pic to your right).

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Dancing in the Void FINAL lo rs

The art used in this article is called ‘Dancing in the Void’ and was part of my solo exhibition called ‘Rocking Art’

Click on the picture of the painting to your right to take you to my gallery. The original painting is still for sale (at the time of this article publication).

Dancing in the Void’ by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Acrylic and Mixed Media on Boxed Canvas

30″ x 30″ x 1.5″

$1800 (international shipping incl.)

You can now hear Cherie Roe Dirksen on Big Indie Giant radio as she reads out select articles on air.

She also gives weekly news headline updates taken directly from the Conscious Life News site, so be sure to tune in.

Cherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author/columnist/radio presenter, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook(The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.

Self-Empowerment Books by Cherie Roe Dirksen:


The Key to Success That May Surprise You (It Surprised Me!)

Success and Epiphanies

A few weeks ago I wrote an article about an a-ha moment I had with a background program I was running. The program was, ‘life isn’t fair’.

In the article I explained my discovery that life is neutral until you give it meaning (for instance: Life just is. Then you give it meaning: Life is/isn’t fair — your choice!). You can read that article here: How to Nuke Limiting Beliefs

The moment I zero-pointed that energy and reset it (as in: sat in meditation and worked my emotions back to 0 — ‘life just is’ — then juiced up my reality to read, ‘Life is fair’), things started to change rapidly.

New Program Deletion

In the days that followed, I began to realize I had other programs running. I felt it but didn’t know what they were. I knew it had to do with…ta-daaa….money — that old humdinger of a limiting belief that keeps on rearing its shiny head.

I asked the quantum field (what I like to call ‘the force’, ‘the matrix’, ‘God’ or whatever else floats your boat) to show me the block. It did — through a Bashar channel.

He/them/they (Bashar) said (and I paraphrase): you must never sell your ‘product’, you must sell yourself — your passion. Whatever excited you do it in the first place.

Deafening Alarm Bells Going Off

I was so guilty of this! I try to sell my ‘product’ (which can mean anything from services to actual things) — I just assumed that was how it’s done.

So, for instance, if you’ve painted a beautiful picture and it represents something you’re passionate about (say you’re in love with nature and you expressed your admiration through paint), the painting will sell itself. All you have to do is sell your passion.

  • Key to SuccessPromote why you painted it, inject it with fluff. Fluff is about YOU. Sell who YOU are. You’re the unique thing on this planet, and that will reflect in your work or ‘product’.
  • Be yourself — it’s that simple.
  • Give immense amounts of gratitude to that quantum field for your success. An affirmation could be, ‘I’m so grateful for attracting people who resonate with my zest and passion for life, and who support me in every way I can conceive.’

Don’t try to funnel what you want — leave it to the field to arrange how you get your success. Trying to control the outcome will only result in you getting emotionally and/or physically constipated.

Conclusions…and Stop Trying!

So, many of us concentrate too hard on trying to sell our wares. We so vehemently try to do this that we miss the point. We need to sell our passion — why we do what we do; why we are what we are. Encapsulate and BE the passion that drove you down this avenue and stop trying — trying only implies more trying. Savvy? Great. Go out there and peddle your passion!

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CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author/columnist, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your thoughts, actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She also has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates) and my band’s Facebook page isTempleton Universe.

This article (The Key to Success That May Surprise You (It Surprised Me!)was originally written for and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons

Are You Having Problems Receiving? You May be Interested to Know That it is Just as Important as Giving…


Little Princess

The Law of Giving and Receiving

“Giving opens the way for receiving.” — Florence Scovel Shinn

Deepak Chopra wrote a book that changed my life forever.

I stumbled upon it very early on in my quest for spiritual truth — it’s called The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

Now I know most of you have probably read it or heard of it (if you haven’t yet put eyeballs to paper/kindle yet I strongly urge you to do so) but I wanted to briefly recap on Law no. 2, seeing it is the season of giving and receiving.

Deepak states that the flow of life is the harmony of interaction between all elements and forces that make up the field of existence. Because our mind and body are in constant flux (as is the universe), stopping the circulation of vital energy would be tantamount to stopping the flowing of our blood.

No blood flow = blood clot.

His conclusion was that in order to keep this vital chi force from stagnating we must learn to give and receive. So whatever you are wanting to manifest in life — be it good company, money, affluence, love, joy, etc — that is what we must give out into the world.

Related post: Deepak Chopra: The Seven Principles of Manifesting Your Desires

Easier Said Than Done?

A lot of people have no problem giving — it is the receiving part that most shudder at.

Perhaps we were taught that receiving was impolite and we should graciously decline offerings of any sort. Or,  maybe some think that if someone is trying to give us something it appears that we are lacking in some way. Therefore we shun the gift so as not to look needy or ‘down and out’.

This is an ego trap.

When you block someone from giving, you are stopping that vital energetic exchange from circulating. How would you feel if your gifts weren’t received?

It gives most of us great joy to be able to give, so why stop that joy from others? Allow other people to give to you or you may be hampering their ability to be in the universal flow.

Don’t be blood-clotting anybody, you hear?!

How Do I Start Today to Bring the Flow into My Life?

According to the book (7 Spiritual Laws of Success), when you come into contact with anyone, you give them something. This doesn’t have to be material things, it could be a blessing, a flower, a sincere compliment, etc. You’ll find that sometimes the most powerful gestures of giving are non-material (you can occasionally throw in something of a material nature too though).

Receive article

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“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” — Lao Tzu

Think about it — giving the gift of your undivided attention or heart-felt affection and caring are priceless gifts and they won’t break the bank!

Related article: 9 Reasons You Need To Be Giving and Receiving Hugs Everyday

Putting It to the Test

I’d like to demonstrate this with a recent experience of mine. I had my 9 year old niece and nephew (they’re twins) come stay with us for a couple of days. We live out in the country, so there are no such things as malls or cinemas (which these children are accustomed to where they come from).

I decided to devote all the time in those two days to these beautiful children in the form of picnicking at our local waterfall and swimming in the mountain pass to mingling with the community at our village’s Christmas Tree lighting ceremony and coloring in with them on the dining room table.

All these activities cost little to no money but they had my attention and we had a ball! The children kept on saying to me how much they loved being in nature and were taken aback at the beauty of the countryside and all the things it had to offer.

I could see they were genuinely happy and delighted in jumping off rocks into mountains streams and walking along babbling brooks to follow the trails of our magnificent red and blue dragonflies.

It dawned on me in that moment that giving your attention and new experiences to others can be more impactful than a trip to see the latest movie or a burger and milkshake at the local diner.

In a Roasted Nutshell…

Don’t underestimate the power of giving as you will receive it back ten fold! Just keep that flow going and be aware every time you feel you want to decline a gift or gesture — try remember to allow for others to give as well.

Original article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News — click here to see why almost 800 000 readers tune in daily!

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5 Tips to Get You Living the Dream!


Need Some New Direction?

Are you tired of the same old same old? Do you feel your life needs new lift and you know it? Thing is, how do you go about creating a strategy to implement a new idea or goal and stick to it?

We often know exactly what we want but have no idea how to get there. If you don’t already know what you want to see change in your life, then read this related article: Dr Wayne Dyer: Your Purpose Will Find You

Now for those of you who are ready to revamp and remodel your life, here are some tips to get you started on a fresh game-plan and it’s really easy to follow:

  1. Plot and Plan

Once you have an idea/dream/goal you’ll need something that will be in your face every day reminding you of where you’re heading and this is where a vision board or whiteboard comes in to save the day!  If you’re compiling a vision board (which is the best tool to keep you in alignment with your goal), then make sure the end game is on there — don’t fuss too much over how you’re going to get there. As long as you have direction, synchronicity will guide the way (read more about SYNCHRONICITY here: Why Sychronicity Can Change Your Life). Using synchronicity and your innate wisdom will guide you to take the appropriate action at the right time and get you into that slipstream in the quickest way possible. The best place to have your vision board is on your fridge, office space or the back of your bathroom door, where you are guaranteed to visit daily and have the plan etched into the back of your eyeballs.  Or be lazy like me and create a vision board on your computer then use it as a desktop background — another guarantee that you will see it every day.

  1. Plausibility
Living the Dream

Don’t forget to add this to your Pinterest board!

The quickest way to fall off that goal bandwagon is by setting unrealistic goals. Start with small, baby steps to your destination.  Draw up a list and if there is too much on the list, narrow it down to the top 3 achievable goals for this day/month/year.  You can always put the leftovers on your next list of goals. Mapping this out should be fun not exhausting — don’t tire yourself out before you’ve even begun. So, for example, you want to manifest a farm in the country but you’re still staying with your parents. Instead of drawing sweat-beads in the effort of manifesting a smallholding, try first to manifest a stepping stone —  perhaps a comfortable apartment? I’m not saying you shouldn’t reach for the stars, what I’m saying is that manifesting your dreams takes believability and that is unique to every individual. So if you’re new at this or things haven’t worked out in the past, try to set your goals within a realistic framework and you can always work your way up that ladder! Goals are not set in stone, they are mutable and if you change your mind — there is nothing wrong with changing tracks. Keep that list well dusted!

  1. Inject it with Zest

Make your new desire map fun.  If you want to change your eating habits and get slim and healthy, find a way to make it a stimulating change by jazzing up your menu/grocery list and looking forward to your meal instead of planning a drab and monotonous repast plan.  Dance in the kitchen while you cook! If you want to find a fresh, purposeful and electrifying job, have fun reinventing yourself and what you stand for — if you want an exciting job, excite yourself first.  Make damn sure you’re as exciting as the job you’re after. Savvy?

  1. Feel It, Baby!

There’s no way to bypass this one — you really do have to feel what you’re trying to bring into your experience. If you want to be lighter — you’ve got to feel it within first.  Do you want an inspiring job?  Set fire to your sense of self — ignite and burn bright! If you feel like you can’t then pretend. Pretend until it becomes second nature to feel it.  You’ll begin to rewire your brain to think differently through repetition.  Remember:  Doubt = drought.  Water your seeds and you’ll see the shoots soon enough but you’ve got to stick with the feeling program. It’s one thing to think and affirm your desires but what truly sparks the ignition is feeling.

  1. Kid Around

Everyone has an inner child that wants to play and get dirty in the mud.  There is a part of you that still thinks a flower is the most awesome miracle of nature, that swinging on an old tyre tied to a tree is sheer bliss or that blowing bubbles is as mesmerizing as your Playstation. Tap into that part of you when you are trying to visualize your goals.  Your inner child will help you make-believe a whole new world for yourself if you only let him/her out to play.

Just remember that a tedious, monotonous strategy will reap boredom and inertia whereas an adventurous, exciting plan will have you hopping, jumping and skipping to where you want to be with a smile on your face. Ultimately, joy is your purpose so have fun on your way to dream manifestation!

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News — Click here to visit their awesome site.

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1 Common Mistake You May Be Making When Using the Law of Attraction


Are You Just Flat Out Broken by the LOA?

It can be darn right frustrating watching people around you manifesting their hearts desires and there you are feeling like you couldn’t conjure a pig in a poke!

What’s wrong with your Law of Attraction prowess?

You’re so sick and tired of hearing that you bring about that which you think about most because you’ve been drawing sweat-beads trying to manifest that $4 million bank account and it just ain’t happening.

What are you doing wrong?

Shooting Too High and Taking the Fall

I’ve had my feelers out, listening to how friends use the LOA to attract a better life. I’ve got to say I’m a bit taken aback. A lot of the aforementioned peeps are straining to go large or go home…and they’re ending up taking the long and frustrating road home.

No wonder!

Here’s what I think is going horribly wrong:

  • Instead of trying to manifest a bar of chocolate, they’re trying to get a ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
  • In lieu of attracting a long lost friend to make contact, they’re trying to procure a relationship with the hot guy from ‘Supernatural’.
  • Despite their amazing efforts to get in shape — and they’re really looking good and making steady progress — they’re feeling shortchanged because they don’t have a bod like J-Lo yet.

In my opinion, the one factor that is going awry is the target is set too high and the patience to manifest such a trophy is way too low.

I totally advocate going for your dreams no matter how intimidating but I also believe in a steady progression of knock-down goals.

It seems like a lot of people are missing the groundwork — then when nothing is coming to fruition, hands are thrown in the air and it is declared that this new-age hippy sh*t doesn’t work.

No…it does work — you just need to hone down on your skill to use this magnificent force of free universal energy.

Those seeds are indeed fertilized and are growing beneath the soil — you may just need to tune your patience, work on your faith and brush up on your affirmation/visualization/feeling expertise. The best way to do this is to start small.No on e wants to hear this but it is actually the fastest track to success.

Trying to manifest a million dollar bank account when you’re sitting in the red is going to exhaust you. So try manifesting $100, then $400, then $600…then progressively increase the amount.

Getting a Self Worth Work-Out

Some people CAN manifest big, it’s not that you CAN’T. It just may be that you’re self belief muscles need some training. As my mother used to remind me, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Give yourself bite-sized goals to achieve. Each time you vanquish the small hill, it makes the big mountain more and more conquerable (is that even a word?). Now you’re starting to build and flex those worth and belief muscles to the max. Eventually, you’ll be able to take the LOA training wheels off and go full tilt!

But until then, you’ve got to eat the elephant one bite at a time (what a ghastly saying! But it sure purveys the point).

Going from Zero to Hero

Okay, so what’s worth checking in on are these points:

  1. Start small. Manifest things daily that are achievable and remarkable. In other words, you want a beautiful garden so your first thought is to manifest a new palatial home with grounds to match when all you need to do is try initially attract a rose bush (palatial mansion may take in excess of 10-20 years to manifest, rose bush may take a day — you do the math!). If your neighbor then leans over the fence and offers you a gorgeous little cutting of her iceberg roses, you’ll not only be pleasantly surprised because the world works in remarkable ways but you’ll be toning those believability biceps. Slow and steady wins the race. This is how you think and manifest outside the box.
  2. Water! You’ve got to nourish your dreams. Keep them well fertilized and fed. Affirm your desires daily and don’t let impatience or despair creep in and ruin your flower bed! If you’re feeling like you’re not manifesting — check in with yourself. Are your goals realistic? What can you do to enhance your desires (like meditate on them or create a vision board, set an even smaller more achievable goal, etc)?
  3. Trim Back. You future project what you’re thinking NOW. Keep realigning your thoughts to nurture your dreams and not bring about existential drought. Stop reiterating the same old sob story about your life/finances/weight/relationships/’fill in the blank’. Create new exciting versions of the life you’re rewiring to step into.

Happy manifesting!

This article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News — come join the community of over 500k! Click here…

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1 Common Mistake with LOA by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Header Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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The Lovers Bench by Cherie Roe Dirksen

“Happiness is an inside job” — William Arthur Ward

“Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won’t have to hunt for happiness” — William E. Gladstone

The one thing most humans have in common is the desire to be happy. Although most people seek it as either a future event or something that has passed, never to be recaptured.

Happiness or fulfillment is not something we should really be striving for in some up-and-coming event — it’s something we’ve got to grab right now.

We’re bogged down with the false sense of happiness through attainment — the idea that money and things can buy our bliss.

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.  Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” — Denis Waitley  

Let’s take a look at some of the prime aspects that I think are worth kicking to the curb in the pursuit of happiness:

  1. Negative Self Talk — You simply cannot thrive on a negative inner dialogue.  Masaru Emoto fluidly demonstrated the effects of positive, indifferent and negative emotion on water (see more HERE).  We are made up of approximately 55-65% water (depending on your age and sex), so can you imagine what negative thoughts are doing to your body?  If you’ve got nothing nice to say to yourself, say nothing at all.  Stop yourself when you notice the negative gremlins popping up.  Ask yourself if there’s something more encouraging to affirm. For example, say you’re thinking ‘I’m such a loser’.  You can redirect that to, ‘I try my best’, or, ‘There are some things I get right’.
  2. Self Loathing — There is no space for anything but self love if you want a fulfilling existence.  The type of self love I’m referring to is anything but selfish or narcissistic — it’s necessary.  You can’t expect other people to love you if you don’t have love, honour and respect for your self.  This kind of love is cultivated from an innate knowing that you are a complete and divine piece of universal energy (or God/the Force/fill in the blank here). It doesn’t need to rehash the past or beat itself over the head a million times for past mistakes or inadequacies — it is the wholeness of self realization (your ‘I Am’ presence). For more on this topic, please read ‘3 Crucial Steps to Self Acceptance’.
  3. Fear —  There are things much more important than fear and we’ve got to wake up and walk through the fear to get to them. Fear is a grand threshold guardian — you can either sit at the gate, dig your heels in and go no further or you can cock your hat as you pass on through. As Jim Morrison so eloquently put it, ‘Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.’  Try to see fear as the rumblings of an earthquake that is about to shake you out of your comfort zone into an infinity of possibility.  When you walk through your fears there is only space left to be — when you are in this state, happiness or fulfillment is all that is left to experience.
  4. Service to Self — The greatest amount of happiness is achieved when we are not only seeing to our own joy but when we are helping others to find their well of happiness — service to others.  Throw out the need to trample on others in indulgence of your own whims.  We’re all in this life together — we should work in symbiosis with each other.  What affects one affects us all.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”   — Marianne Williamson

And in parting, here are some beautiful words from John Lennon that wrap this up nicely:

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”   

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Win the Lottery Using the Law of Attraction

Win the Lottery Using the LOAI get a lot of letters from readers frustratingly seeking advice on using the Law of Attraction to win the lottery.

I’m going to try to make it as clear as possible, in this article, as to why I think you are failing to procure the winning numbers.

For many, you tried using the techniques taught in books like ‘The Secret’ and ‘The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent’ — to name but a few — and have had relative success (meaning you may have managed to lasso your ‘parking angel’ or you manifested a great job).

But how have you done with the big things — like that elusive million bucks in the bank scenario?

What is Abundance — You Really Need to GET This!

The problem with all this new-found knowledge of the Law of Attraction is that it’s become a bit of a breeding ground for greed.

There’s nothing wrong with trying to live a comfortable, joyful life — don’t get me wrong — but just going straight for manifesting huge lumps of money is becoming a big problem and the sweat beads of frustration are pooling up on the collective forehead.

Abundance takes on many forms not just monetary wealth.

So, what exactly is it that you want to do with all this lottery money?

11:11, Lizzy’s Legs and… Bingo!

I’m going to help teach you, not how to pick winning numbers, but how to succeed at
LIFE’S lottery.

Don’t hang up on me now — if you clicked on this article there is a curiosity in you to win big and I’m going to explain why you can but not in the way you may have been going about it.

The answer is actually quite simple.

Why — when you’re quite good at manifesting in general — can you not win the lottery? You’ve got to ask yourself:

  • How many other people who are masters of the LOA (Law of Attraction) are trying to do the same thing?
  • Are you prepared to wait your turn?
  • Are you prepared to wait your turn even if it means you may only win in 20 years+ time?
  • Do you believe that you will win 100%?
  • Is your self talk, thoughts and actions all pointing towards winning the lottery or do you get bursts of highly negative, emotive feelings that cramp your style when someone else wins?
  • Are you happy for that someone else when they win?
  • Do you understand that when you are genuinely happy to see someone else succeed at what you want to do or gain sends out a burst of magnetic impulse that draws it to you even more?
  • Do you understand that to do the opposite and curse and swear for not winning sends out more magnetic energy to attract losing into your sphere?

Now the questions above require that you answer as truthfully as you can.

But even more important is why I think you are fighting a potentially losing battle — you REALLY need to read this:

  1. Book Cover CARPE DIEM OR BUST

    Get this authors second book from Amazon for $8.99 (paperback) or download for FREE – click ‘free downloads’ in menu

    Tunnel Vision.  When you ask to win the lottery you are picking only ONE path out of literally infinite paths to get you to where you want to be. Let me give you a metaphor: Say your friend tells you he is lonely and really wants a partner, someone to share his life with. You tell him about the LOA and he starts visualizing and affirming eagerly. A year down the line you ask him how it’s going and he replies that the LOA is a bunch of rubbish ‘cause he still hasn’t got his dream girl. He then goes on to tell you that he is in love with a married woman and he has been trying to manifest the perfect relationship with only her (he has selected only ONE path/channel among infinite possibilities). You can’t believe how much time he’s wasted! Why? Because you know that if he just asked for the ‘perfect partner’ and not one specific and almost impossible relationship he would be sitting right now with his love. Your friend isolated one option for himself and he may even get what he wants down the line — perhaps when he’s in his 80’s and this woman he has a fetish for is finally available — but do you think he’s prepared to wait that long? Do you think he should rather relinquish the ‘how’ and ‘who’ of his perfect partner and trust that the universe will take care of all the details? Same goes for the lottery.

  2. Multiple Channels for Success. The universe knows how to get you to your destination in the quickest way possible but if you hold on rigidly to only one way of getting there (aka winning the lottery) you are closing doors that would get you what you want quicker. So, you may indeed be manifesting a lottery win but it may take you 10, 20, 30 years+ to get there (like the above example of your friend finally being with the woman he loves in his geriatric years) because you’ve only selected that one channel. Chances are you’re going to get frustrated waiting for your win and your doubt will lead you down a path of negative and woeful thoughts which will kill any seed that is starting to take root. You may even abandon any hope that the LOA works in any way whatsoever and become a sad, lonely and poor skeptic. Imagine wanting to watch the movie ‘Gone With the Wind’ but you only select one channel to watch, wait and hope that it will screen. Wouldn’t you have much better success getting satellite TV and having 500 channels to scour in search of that movie? The one channel may indeed show the movie one day but it could be a long, long wait whereas the satellite option would probably play the movie within a few months.
  3. Scan for Limiting Beliefs.  If you don’t believe 100% that what you’re trying to manifest is possible, it ain’t going to happen. It’s as simple as that. When you acquire smaller stuff through deliberate intent, such as receiving a chocolate or getting a phone call from an old friend you’ve lost contact with, it slowly and steadily builds your confidence in the LOA and your believability factor strengthens. But to go from manifesting a bunch of flowers to the lottery is slightly over-ambitious for the budding believer. Most people get frustrated and give up entirely not knowing that, even if you do believe 100%, it takes the 3 P’s to manifest what you want. Patience, persistence and positivity. Oh, and did I mention patience? Patience, patience, patience…I can’t stress it enough. It’s imperative, especially when you are asking for the big things — mountains sometimes have to move to get you what you want, so start being very joyful in your present moment. That’s the only way you are truly going to get through the patience part. Which leads me to…
  4. Be Here, in the NOW.
    Everything only ever happens in this moment — the NOW (one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read on present moment awareness is Eckhart Tolle’s, The Power of Now. When you are comfortable and peaceful in your present you will be in a space that resonates joy and magnetically pulls great things into your life experience. It’s always good to be clear on what you want ‘cause it’s a real cracker to wake up to the realization that the world is your oyster and that it was just your perception that was out of alignment.
  5. What’s Best?  Winning the lottery might not be in your best interest. Did you ever think of that? I believe we all come here with a purpose — it’s usually to create and grow. Cascades of cash can change people and it might just not be something that your over-soul wishes to experience. It might even set your personal growth back and make you a lax creator — this may be why you are receiving resistance in your personal arena. This does not mean that you must take a vow of poverty, it just means that you must assess what drives you to want so much cash. Whatever the reason is (because you don’t just want money – you want what money can buy) — hone in on that rather than the dosh.

Resetting Your Limitations

Divine You Book by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Get this authors first book from Amazon for $8.99 (paperback) or download for FREE – click ‘free downloads’ in menu

I know how discouraged some people feel because part of waking up to your innate power is that you should be able to manifest anything — even the sky is not the limit anymore.


Now while this may be true, every person has varying degrees of truth and beliefs that could restrict this infinite flow of possibility.

Your job is to crack your own code.

Don’t get frustrated seeing other people manifesting what you want, rather get inspired by it — use it as fuel for your own believability factor.  We all have to mine through our limiting beliefs, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Make the journey pleasurable by delighting in synchronous markers (for more on the importance of synchronicity READ HERE) and other magical encounters your path may have.

Delighting in Desire and Not Self-Destructing!

Desires and making them happen can be wonderful but they can also drive us to the edge of insanity.


Pink Green Spring Flower Quotes Pinterest GraphicWhen your desire consumes you and it starts to define who you are (or, more importantly, who you are not yet) — whether you’ve been successful or not — you are teetering on rocky terrain.

It can be the cause of great unhappiness, especially when your desires are not met.

The key to leading a fulfilling life is to take great glee in all manifestations.  To let go of how you are going to get what you want and experience enchantment in finding out just how the universe delivers your request.  Because the chances are you’re going to meet some interesting people along the way and find yourself on a bit of an adventure and guess what?  That’s life and it’s beautiful!

Take life as one amazing experience at a time.  It’s up to you if you choose to see the experience as positive or negative.

Okay, now that we’ve gone through the finer points, let me get to the juiciest bit — how to win life’s lottery!

Here are the steps to living your life to the fullest.

  • Get Very Clear — If it’s money you think you want then rather get clear on what you want to buy with the money — is it a house, a car, a holiday, a comfortable life? When you know what it is you are trying to achieve then create a vision board or something of the like and pin your aspirations where you can see them. Go ahead and affirm every day what you want and, most importantly, feel what it feels like to have it already (for more info on this I highly recommend you read ‘The Isaiah Effect’ by Gregg Braden).
  • Make Joy a Priority — When you take the above step you open up infinite ways for the universe to bring you what you desire without narrowly trying to squeeze it into only one solution (aka the lottery). Your next step will be to blissfully enjoy every moment of realizing your goals — in other words, be happy now. What you assign this minute manifests in your tomorrows. So invest in your future by projecting joy now.
  • Look for Synchronous Encounters — You’ve heard the saying that the journey is sometimes better than the destination, right? It’s true — every word. As I said before, become Alice in Wonderland searching for those synchronicities (or rabbit prints) that try to steer you towards even more joy. You’re going to get plenty of markers so watch out for them. They might come in the form of a dream that you live the next day or as silly as seeing a number repeating itself wherever you look. In my opinion, even the smallest synchronicities show us that we are pointing in the right direction.
  • SUBSCRIBE icon 1Thanks and KudosGratitude is not only a magnet for success but it also puts things into perspective for you. Sometimes we get lost in all the fuzz of daily life and we forget how much we have and how much we’ve achieved already. Take time out to give thanks and acknowledgment for all that has manifested in your life so far.

You can lead a happy and prosperous life.  You were born to encompass the full umbrella that is wealth.

Don’t be confined by constricting yourself to only one avenue or outlet (i.e. winning the lottery when there are many other ways available to manifest your dreams) — surrender to the universal flow and let it gently usher you with effortless ease along your way.


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Come peek at the other things I do besides blogging :)…

Templeton Universe        Artwork Collage Cherie Roe Dirksen

Do You Believe in Magic?

Heather with Blue Butterflies by Cherie Roe Dirksen

I’m not going to be talking about the kind of magic that sees rabbits being pulled out of hats or pretty pink-clad fairy princesses riding on unicorns pulling candy-floss out of their arses.

No.  Magic exists, it just might not be in the shape or form of what we’re told magic is.

Magic is something unique and individual.  Miracles happen too, they’re just in the eye of the beholder.  Beauty is as paradoxical as magic and miracles but beauty exists, doesn’t it?

Beyond Your Boundaries Lies Wonderland

I am doing a 6 week course with the multi-talented, Eleftheria Kakambouras (you can visit her beautiful site HERE), and she said something that really stood out for me, ‘Magic happens outside of your comfort zone”.

Ooooooh — love that!

How profound!  But what does it mean?  Does magic even exist, I mean really?

Well, like I said before, I do think magic exists — it’s going to be different to each individual according to your beliefs, filters, experience and perspective.

Magic Redefined

What is magic for me?

The dictionary definition for magic says it all:  “The power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.”

I find magic in synchronicity.  When you start to pay attention to synchronicity and how these ‘meaningful coincidences’ can change your life, you’ll start to rethink your definition of magic.

What about telepathy?  I have a few friends that share this awesome ‘magic’ trick every now and again.  It may not be your conventional idea of telepathy but we sure as hell read each others minds from time to time and across vast distances.

Magic is about bridging the seen and the unseen, however that looks in your universe.

So, what Eleftheria said about magic happening outside your comfort zone is all about pushing yourself beyond your own limitations — what you believe or think you are capable of and/or what ‘magic’ may really look/feel like to you.

The ball is in your proverbial court.

Try to conceive magic as going beyond your boundaries of what is ‘real’ and hoisting your ass out of comfort and normality (thanks for that pearl of wisdom, El!).

Fear Versus Magic

My phobia has been filming myself.  I’ve done it once or twice before and absolutely hated it.

That was so outside of my comfort zone because I had to deal with how I sound (eeeek) and all the idiosyncrasies of how I pull my mouth or flick my hair (yes, a bit OCD, I know!) or just what an absolute idiot I can be (now I just call it mad and proud!).

Magic Come Forth and Carrots Be Gone!

The magic arose for me whilst I was filming.

I am attempting to put together a series of vlogs for Youtube, so, I knew I had to face this demon and step out of my cushy little world of typing behind a computer screen.

I started off by video journaling every day (baby steps) — just little 2-3 minuters about my day or anything that popped into my head.  As I continued to do this I realized I was actually starting to become more ‘loose’, fluid and confident — a little more of ‘me’ in there.

I always felt that in the past, when I filmed myself, it was like someone had inserted a giant carrot up my backside because my ‘performance’ was so stiff and contrived.

Finally my ‘magic’ had seeped in and I was outside my ring of comfort and actually enjoying the results.

You Define the Magic

This is what I mean about magic being what you bring to it (how you define it not what society says it is).

A few weeks ago I would have told you it would take a miracle for me to be comfortable in front of a camera and now I am actually liking it!

I hope that this ability will open new and exciting doors for me — even if it is only to be able to truly express myself (all carrots removed).


Magic is what you make of it.  If people laugh at you for believing in magic — let them!

Are you having fun with your version of magic?  Yes?  Well then that’s all that matters.  Leave them to create their own reality without magic — there should be no judgment from either side.

How do you step out of your comfort zone and experience magic? You can make a start by asking yourself these questions:

  • What is it that you’re avoiding?
  • Is it something that makes you feel uncomfortable?
  • Do you know that this is the one thing that could unblock a lot for you?
  • Perhaps even lead you to greater opportunity?
  • How could you plot a course to overcome it bit by bit?
  • Are you willing to give it a try?
  • Are you willing to look at the world in a new light and experience magic of your own making?
  • Can you think of 3 things that happened in your life that had a magical essence about them?  This could be dreams that have come true to situations that turned into miracles when you thought the worst would happen.

See if you can give magic a more personal meaning.

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Alchemizing Fear

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Why Creativity Leads to Universal Expansion

Shining a Light on Sensuality and Sexuality

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Book Cover CARPE DIEM OR BUST      


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How to Use the Void to Manifest

Bluebirds by Cherie Roe Dirksen

New Energy, New World

You may have noticed that the Mayan ‘end of the world’ calendar has come and gone (21/12/2012). We are now supposedly in ‘Year 2’ of this advanced and illustrious new age/paradigm/Earth.

Can you feel it?

Or are you feeling more like you’re stuck in a void with endless karma and drama being flung at your feet?

The Roots are Strong

The good news is that we are in a new energy and in order for the new to emerge the old has to die — and it’s dying hard!  What does that mean?  Well, in a nutshell, old energy is going down kicking and screaming.

It may look like the negative, base, ‘Mad Max’ war-ridden world is winning but it’s roots are rotten.  Smoke and mirrors are being used to prop up these decaying, useless ways.

The new shoots are still young but their roots are strong and fixed in integrity and love.  We have created another realm — it just needs our full attention now to manifest itself.  It’s going to happen one soul at a time — cheesy but true.

‘Okay, so what does this mean practically for me today?’, I hear you ask.

Understanding the Wind Down to Wind You Up!

When an old system winds down we get thrust into clearing out and preparing for the new — something like moving house.  You usually end up throwing stuff out, cleaning your butt off and scaling down dramatically — this is a great metaphor for when we shift into a new paradigm.

You have to get rid of the old baggage to step into a new world.  So a lot of you will have found yourself doing copious amounts of emotional, karmic, mental and physical clearing the last few years.

So, when the end of 2012 hit us we were at the bottom end of winding down…then came the void of 2013.  Boy!  Did any of you feel at a loose end the WHOLE year?  Well, I sure did.

We overcame!  Now we’re almost half way through 2014 — the promised year of manifestation.  However, some people are still stuck in the void energy.

The definition of void is empty space.  This is good news!  Here you can create anything you want — even more void…as in ‘avoidance’ or a void dance!  So use the void wisely.

The void/darkness is the gateway to all mystery and manifestation — the door to understanding this universe we’ve created.

Using the Void

In the Tao Te Ching you can use the Tao any way you want — it is empty but inexhaustible.

What is the Tao?   In Chinese philosophy, it is the absolute principle underlying the universe.  It is a combination of yin and yang and signifies the way that is in harmony with the natural order.

Is it hard to use the void?  No.

Here’s what to do:

  • Align with your thoughts.  Thoughts create everything in the universe.  What are you thinking about the most?  Be completely honest with yourself.  Can you see how you are consciously or, as the case may be, even unconsciously bringing about manifestations in your life that are aligning with what you think about? Okay, most of you probably know this point by now — it’s ‘old school’ stuff but it’s of primary importance and here’s why:  Manifesting has become increasingly more instantaneous!  Holy crap, my hombre!  Hold onto your hats…
  • Manifest wisely.  Instant manifestation can be dangerous for some and great for others.  This is why getting clear with what your mind is harping on about is of the utmost significance now.  We’re in a potent manifesting energy, where you are going to have things pop up with much more speed than before — good or bad.
  • Use the void as your clean slate.  What does this mean?  Get clear today, hell, even right now, on what you want to see unfold in the next 6 – 12 months.  Be specific, write it down, read it out every morning and take action where you can — then detach from the outcome and watch out for synchronicities that will point you in the right direction (read more about that HERE).  Most people don’t even know what they want to manifest so they just leave it to fate.  Wake up call!  Fate is you unconsciously manifesting whatever you’re thinking about the most!  So you can become a conscious co-creator of your reality or you can subject your life to your random and vague inner dialogue.

Are You Manifesting More Void?

The biggest trouble I’m seeing at the moment is people who say that nothing is manifesting in their life.  Wrong!  If this is you, you are manifesting too but you are in the void and therefore you are manifesting more ‘void’ when you say or think that ‘nothing is happening’.

Take a look at that phrase, ‘nothing is happening’.  So be it — your wish is the Tao’s command!

Get it?  I hope so — happy manifesting!

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Lightworkers World.

Other articles by Cherie Roe Dirksen you may enjoy:

2014 — The Year to Sculpt Your Life!

Why We May Be Feeling Disenchanted

5 Ways to Tune into a HD Quality Life

Green Boutique Zazzle Logo

Why You Should Strive to be a Nobody

3 Crucial Steps to Self Acceptance

Feel Like a Rug Has Been Pulled Out From Underneath?

The Universe is Abundant, Why Aren’t You?


Self-Empowerment Books by Cherie Roe Dirksen:


Table Books of Art and Inspirational Teachings by Cherie Roe Dirksen:

Creative Expression        Art Portfolio




Could You Do With an Infinite Supply of Money?

Money, Money, Money

Oh boy, ABBA got it right — it is a rich man’s world!  Financial flow is a sticky and uncomfortable topic.  We all want a constant stream of income to live well, whatever your version of ‘well’ is.

For me personally, I care not for Porches, Gucci handbags or Mansions — I want money to travel and enjoy the finer things in life (haute cuisine, theater and Belgian chocolate are more up my alley).

But no matter what you want to do with your money, we all want that financial security at the end of the day because money brings choice — the spice of life!

Your Free Ticket to a Healthy Wealthy Attitude

So with that in mind, I knocked up this little visual money affirmation.  It should help to shift your attitude or feeling towards money.

After all, the sky is the limit!  We are the only ones who put restrictions on our earning capacity (ask Bill Gates).

Pin it to your vision board (I have :D), save it as a desktop wallpaper or print it out and stick it to your forehead — anything to hammer this affirmation home!

Let’s do this together and see if it works!  Here it is (see below picture for download instructions):

Money Affrimation 2

To download, click on the picture — right-click and ‘save as’ to your computer. You can print it out and use it about your home or office as mini posters or you can use it as your computer desktop wallpaper.

If you couldn’t be bothered to print this out for yourself or you just want it on a specially made, easy-to-use product — fear not, I have the immediate solution for you.

I have made this item available as magnets ($4.45), stickers ($6.40 for a sheet of 20) and postcards ($0.95).  Just click on the pictures below to take you to the store.

Money Affirmation Magnet

Magnets for $4.45

Money Affirmation Stickers

20 Stickers for $6.40

Money Affirmation Postcard

Postcard at $0.95

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Getting Specific about the Direction Your Life is Taking

gaia header

Catching a Wake Up!

Today’s blog is going to be mind-blasting.  I have had a revelation!

You would think that as a self-empowerment writer I would eat, breath and poop the Law of Attraction and understand it fully.  Oh boy, so did I!

The Universal Curve-Ball

I fell off the bandwagon a few weeks ago but it was such a slow tumble that I hadn’t realized I was falling until a few days ago.

I have been verbally (telling my friends and husband in frustration) and mentally (reaffirming this over and over again in my head) repeating a mantra of late:

“I have no time, I’m so busy, I’ve no time for myself”

moonlit forestOh, Cherie, for someone who knows that what you think about you bring about, those are foolish words!

I’ve even been telling people that I wish I could clone myself at least three times and give each replica jobs to do on top of trying to squeeze an eighth day into every week.

My new year’s resolution for 2013 was to meet new people, make new contacts and get myself ‘out there’ more physically (as opposed to having my nose stuck to my computer).  The opportunities have been rolling in — from attending lectures and mingling with like-minded folks to being invited to go to the theater.

Getting My Act Together:  Act 1 — Scene 1

So, to cut a long story short, I was walking on the beach thinking of my ‘problems’ when I was gifted with a moment of clarity.

The Universe:  Didn’t you get what you wanted?

Cherie:  Um…yes, I suppose but now I don’t have any time for myself.

The Universe:  What do you mean?

Cherie:  I’m very grateful for all the opportunities and recognition I’ve been getting recently but I wish you could space these gifts out a bit.

The Universe:  How?

Cherie:  Well, like give me say a weeks’ notice prior to each meeting/event so that I can properly organize instead of having everything one on top of the other and feel completely unprepared and have to shift my workload into my weekend.

The Universe:  OK.

Yes, for those wondering, I do actually have these conversations in my head.  Am I mad — probably.  But mad is the new sane.  Here’s why…

Instant Feedback that it Worked!

Painters UniverseThat very evening, my best friend writes to let me know that he is visiting South Africa and will be here in 7 days’ time.

I was so excited about this that it didn’t dawn on me that I had got that instant feedback that the Universe was listening.  It however did smack me over the head a couple of hours later and I burst out laughing.

My hat! The Universe had not only acquiesced to my request but was rather darn specific about the details to boot!

I’m amazed at how this system actually works.  I know it does but sometimes I get carried away in that old 3D tide of life and forget that I am in control all the way.

Improvising Your Menu

I hope you come away from this tale of timely terror with a renewed sense that:

  • When you are clear about what you want, the Universe conspires to make it happen.
  • The Universe constantly gives you things that it thinks you’re asking for.
  • If it’s not congruent with what you do actually want, you need to get more specific.  Hone your desires.  Be clear about what you do want.
  • You need to keep assessing what you’re being given so that you shape what it is you specifically want.  Only you can do this, don’t leave it to fate.
  • You can ask for anything.

Money, Money, Money — It’s a Rich Man’s World

The next thing that dawned on me is that I have been working my butt off and, admittedly, been getting opportunities to network, grow and expand in my field but I have not been asking for financial compensation.

In fact, I am just making my bills every month by the skin of my teeth.

I’m grateful that I can pay my rent and put food on the table but I want more.  I want certain luxuries (like all of us do), I want to travel and I want to save.

I have also had my eye on a darling pair of red velvet shoes…lol.

All jokes aside, I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid as to not pick up on the fact that I’m not being clear about how much I want to earn for all my efforts.

Sometimes we get so carried away with all the gumpf in our lives that we forget to spell out the obvious.

So, even though I have not hit the jackpot yet — my request is still in the pipeline — I just know I’m going to get a huge windfall soon.

Happy manifesting!

Please share your stories here.  How are you doing in the manifestation department?  Are you seeing the fruits of your visualizations or are you still having trouble manifesting your desires?

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12 Things Successful People Do


In a world where almost everything seems to be competitive and the yearning for success is rife, take heart in knowing that you can benefit greatly by learning from others and how they manage and maintain success in order to establish a winning formula for your life.

First things first, what does success actually mean?

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” — Albert Einstein

Success can vary according to the individual.  It can be measured in relationships, love, money, career, purpose, spirit, attitude and the list goes on.

There are some simple qualities you can take onboard to excel in all of the above.   If you know someone whom you or society deems as successful and they don’t quite make the grade with the many attributes listed below, you may want to question their overall success — they may have the money and career in the bag but success in life should tick all the boxes.

Let’s take a look at what sets some people apart from the rest:

  1. Life Hacks

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    Talk Positive — Successful people always communicate confidently to others and themselves.  You can’t thrive on a negative dialogue.  Aim to encourage, motivate and inspire all you meet including yourself.

  2. Move On — Never dwell on your mistakes.  Failure should always be used as feedback.  Being stuck in the past only ensures that you will not be able to effectively work in the present.  Take your blunders and learn from them — there are always hidden gems to be found in boo-boos.
  3. Look out for No.1 — Efficacious people know that they need to take care of themselves first and foremost.  This is not a selfish act; it is an action of necessity.  Besides, no-one appreciates a self-declared martyr — there’s no brownie points in it for you, believe me.  Acting the martyr will lead you to harbor resentment and will alienate people around you, especially those of you who do everything with a mumble under your breath.  When you take care of your own needs first, you will have the ability to help others with a gratified smile on your face.
  4. Set Boundaries — Don’t be a pushover.  Know your limits and draw the line in the sand for others when you need to preserve your energy and time.  Learn how to distinguish what you need to address and what you need to let alone.
  5. Philanthropy — The Buddha mentioned that one should tithe a percentage (Judaism stipulates 10%) of their earnings to benefit their community.  This is a no-brainer.  You want to see your society thrive because you are a part of it — it’s a symbiotic relationship.  You wouldn’t take a dump on your own doorstep now would you?
  6. Remain Grounded — Remember your roots and always practice humility in the face of any position.  Be a lone, content stallion rather than a prancing pony — ponies get ridden at fairgrounds.  Strut and you’re likely to stumble, be humble and you’ll always be firmly footed.
  7. Be Open to New Ideas — Bend like a reed in the wind.  When you give in to complacency, you stop listening to others and their thoughts — big mistake.  You don’t know everything, no matter how old and experienced you are.  The universe is ever-expanding so what gives you the right to stand still?  Nothing ages you like rigid conceit — your passport to entropy.
  8. Own It — Prosperous people own their lives, where they are, how they got there and what they stand for.  Embody your experience and live your truth.  Be an original and not a copy.  There’s nothing worse than a cheap fake.  Everyone has something unique to offer the world — your job is to uncover your diamond.
  9. Admit to Mistakes — Successful people aren’t afraid to acknowledge they’re wrong.  True courage lies in integrity — your ability to recognize the truth and concede when appropriate.  To err is human.
  10. Think Creatively — Fruitful endeavors are usually sparked by thinking out-of-the-box, stretching beyond what is the norm and testing the limits.  If  you want to play it safe you’re going to be average.  Pushing boundaries is where resilience leads to triumph.  Inject colour, passion, vitality and true-grit into everything you do and you will succeed.
  11. Exercise Criticism Immunity — Success lies in your ability to detect constructive from destructive critique.  When you can master the skill of not taking things personally, you will be able to clearly see what opinions you can take aboard your ship to steer you in the right direction and which thoughts need to be left on the dock lest they sink your ship.  Discernment is one of your handiest tools for gauging the worth of alternate views.
  12. Enjoy Life — Finding joy and fulfillment in everyday activities is another sign of a successful person.  Can you take any situation and turn it into a gift?  Can you find the beauty in the chaos?  The delight in the mundane?  If your life is a bore, you need to take a long hard look at who’s making it boring — let me give you a clue:  Go stand in front of the mirror.  Boring is as boring does.  Use your time on this planet wisely, there is a hidden microcosm of treasure in any situation — you just need to view things from a different perspective.  A recent study just reported that adventure and travel (another activity you see successful people adhering to) seems to lead to longevity.  If there is just one thing you must take from this list let it be to enjoy your life.

 “Action is the foundational key to all success.” — Pablo Picasso

The road to success needn’t be a difficult one; your perspective of your given obstacles and victories will determine how you use them to free yourself.  The moment you get out of your own way, you will find the happiness you seek.

12 things successful people do by Cherie Roe Dirksen

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You can supplement the word ‘happy’ with success — they are one and the same as the definition of success is merely to have a favourable or desired outcome.  Ultimately, everyone just wants to be happy.

So, I want to end this off by saying that success is a state of mind, if you let others dictate to you what it looks like then you are doomed to failure.  Strive to be happy and content right now and you will be on your way.  Take action now to live with the conviction to be happy and you can only be prosperous.

Next stop — success!

Header Image by Nissor Abdourazakov from Pixabay

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4 Things to Ask Yourself When Searching for Purpose

When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous. ~Wayne Dyer

The Burning Question

African BeautyWhat is my purpose?  The one sweltering question we try so hard to answer and fulfill in our lives but often leaves us cold, feeling confused or frustrated.

There could be so many possible answers.  More pressing is the fact that sometimes we don’t just have one singular purpose, or, that purpose could change from day to day, year to year or decade to decade. We need to get comfortable with the idea of going with the flow and trusting our innate instinct.

Job Conundrums

We could be happily (or unhappily) plodding along in a job for many years when one day you wake up and being a (blank) no longer seems to ‘fit’ into your life anymore.

You scratch your head thinking what could I possibly want out of life now?  I thought I was a (blank)?’ 

Never label yourself as one thing or another — you will restrict the flow of your life.  The answer could be that you are a quantum, multi-dimensional, layered being.  This means that you could be causing change in many numerous ways, even on a subconscious level.  We have in built indicators that start beeping when your contract is about to reconfigure or needs to change.  This is why I will put emphasis on the fact that we need to learn to trust ourselves and our intuition. You may want to dig your feet into the ground in resistance but you need to entertain the prospect that it is time to move on.

You may either need to professionally pick up and move into another arena or to physically move yourself to another location to shine your light where it is needed more.

Change is the Only Constant

tree of life - serpentWe, as human beings, do not relish change.  In fact, for some, it is a frightening prospect.  The uncomfortable truth is that the only constant in this life is change.  The sooner you can make your peace with that, the better you will be able to adapt to any given situation.

The reasons for change can be countless and I like to refer to these seemingly non-linear events as ‘quantum’.  We are navigating in a world of quantum soup, where there are many probabilities layering themselves upon each other.  There are so many levels to our lives and the majority of these are unseen or subconsciously being carried out.  So if you have a niggling feeling that your life needs an overhaul, it is probably time to start making that happen.

The Universe, Source, Higher Self or God — whichever you prefer — has layered these events to unfold in divine timing and you will be gracefully cushioned to your next phase with ease — that is, of course, if you don’t resist.  If you insist on resisting the process, you will probably still get there in the end but it will be the long and bumpy cart-ride instead of the smooth bullet train.

From the Horses Mouth

Who Am II speak from personal experience as I have done a lot of job hopping and career labeling in my time. I started my young life out being very artistic and decided to become an Interior Designer.  Then I hit my early twenties and joined a band.  In between remedial jobs I decided to go back to art and became a full-time painter.  This was going well until I got my ‘spiritual nudge’ to write a book.  This confused the living daylights out of me because I had labeled myself as an ‘artist’.  I was not a ‘writer’!  However, I decided not to fight what was coming out and wrote my first book.

I realized that I loved writing — who would have thought?  I decided to write and paint but this became very taxing.  I got my final nudge to trim back on the art and concentrate on the writing, which is where I am at now. What this whole process has taught me is to surrender to the now and to not fear change because that is where your excitement lies.

Try asking yourself these 4 questions:

  • What do you feel like doing now? 
  • What is it you would do if money wasn’t an issue?
  • What is your gut/instinct telling you? 
  • Where do the synchronicities or signposts point you?

If you are having some challenges identifying your purpose, a good place to start is in meditation.  The wonders that quiet reflection can do is innumerable.  When you are in this state of centered awareness ask yourself ‘what is my purpose?’ and just see what comes up for you.

The answer could be immediate or it could take a couple of hours, days or weeks to come through.

Follow those Synchronous Markers

Rabbit prints The key is to be patient and follow the signs and synchronicities.  They will be there to guide you.  You will have your light-bulb moment if you are dedicated to looking for these pointers.

Just remember they can come to you in many ways— through dreams, meditation, the TV/internet/radio, through people or conversation and pretty much any other precursor that is relevant to your particular question or purpose.

But I Need to Make Money

Yeah, tell me about it!  We all need the green stuff to pay our bills at the end of the month, right?  This is a difficult one because during the transition you may not make the money you need to and this can often put people off pursuing their dreams.

The answer is that if you trust the process, the gates will open for you but you need to exercise patience and faith.  I know faith doesn’t pay the bills (unless you have a wealthy and generous Aunty Faith), but you can make a start at your dreams without giving up you day job for now.  Baby steps will eventually lead to you changing tracks permanently and having a solid foundation to do so in the future.

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Purpose Fairy

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The Secret to Living a Grand Life Revealed!

The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters. ~Audrey Hepburn

Forest 1

You want to know the secret, right? You clicked on this article because you’re itching to know what this underground, hush-hush truth to living a brilliant and fulfilling life is, don’t you?

You may initially be disappointed to know that it is not money, good looks, fame and fortune or bending over backwards in philanthropic or selfless pursuit.

Now, although there is no judgment in having any of these features in your life, there is but one simple attribute you can muster up in this very moment that will bring you into alignment. The many masters that walked the earth, did so with peace and content in their hearts because they knew this secret.

Something that is so ridiculously obvious to some but not so apparent to others.  ‘Oh what is it!’ I hear you cry. You’re just going to have to bear with me a little longer.  Something as fruitfully juicy as what I am about to reveal, deserves a big build up!

The Here and Now

Here we are incarnated on a planet called Earth. Humanity in its apparent prime — a species so trumped up with itself that in our pursuit to strive for greatness we miss a fundamental principle to life and existence. A principle so far out for some that it is overlooked and brushed off as bohemian nonsense — the right to life and a reverence for existence.

The what to who and the who to what?

Imagine a world where everyone had the exact same amount of love and respect for EVERY life form as they do for their own self (assuming that you have mastered the ability of self-love, that is).  But, ah, here bares the rub!

Self-Love or Bust!

Respect yourself and other will respect you. ~Confucius

When you attain that love for self that I’m speaking of, you usually automatically begin to love and respect others as well as every other form of life you encounter.  I am even including what is deemed inanimate objects here.  Everything on this planet has a presence, from the rocks, plants and animals to the soil, worms and the very core of the earth itself.

If you cannot see or feel this to be true, this article will not resonate with you.  If you feel just one iota of truth in this, please read on.

The Secret Revealed

Love is what binds us, respect is what unites us.  To have love and respect for all life forms guarantees you an excellent quality of life because you will be walking around in sheer reverence to all you come across.  There will never be a dull or uninspired moment.  Why?

Because when you bump into even a stranger, you will see God in his/her eyes.  You will look upon a flower and see the cosmos within the fold of its petals.  You will sit up against a tree and feel its life energy resounding through your core and you will sit upon the earth and feel her heart-beat pumping out the rhythm of all life.

Hippy Thinking or Revolutionary Insight?

Some of you may be thinking that I’m some deranged and dangerous hippy, you know, one of those people that doesn’t even want to eat a vegetable because they feel they are killing the plant.

No, not at all. What I am suggesting is that no matter what you do, do it with love and respect.  If you want to eat an animal, consume it with love and gratitude in your heart for its life and sacrifice.  When you press a ripe and bursting strawberry to your lips, give your utmost attention to its life force and presence (the sunlight that made it grow, the water that gave it its succulence, the earth that housed it). You see nothing ever truly ‘dies’, it is transmuted.

Whether You or the Animal is Lunch

The animal becomes a part of your biology as does the strawberry.  You become part of the earth again when it is your time to move on (or in the unusual circumstance that you decide to go on a rather unsuccessful safari, you may become a lion’s appetizer and therefore be at one with the lion and eventually come out as the fertilizer for the earth).   Life really has got a sense of continuity (and humor), no matter which way you perceive it!

Find that humor in life, find the peculiarity of oneness with life and find the love for being a part of this unique system — life.  See yourself in everything and everything will reflect the wholeness of your being. Feel the life force in everything and shift into unity consciousness.  Do this and you will step into love and bliss.

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Purpose Fairy

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People Who Own Their Lives Live With Conviction

“When you take a stand out of deep conviction, people know. They may not even agree, but they ask, ‘Do I want someone who is willing to take a hard stand and someone I can trust to do that when the chips are down?’ They want that”. ~Barbara Boxer

Thumb-Sucking in Society

So many people today seem to be mulling about — scampering hither and thither with no real purpose in life.  I’m not implying that you need to have one, two or even three main drives in life, your primary purpose should really only entail the betterment of yourself and, if you can manage it (but usually comes with the package of self-improvement), the betterment of other people’s lives as well.

This does not necessarily mean that you need to don a nun’s outfit and become the next Mother Theresa.  It simply means to live with integrity and to let that little light of yours shine, shine, shine.

For want of not breaking out into song at this point, I will swiftly move on.

So many ‘self-help’ writers (including myself) bang on about purpose but let’s take a look at another word today — conviction.

What does it Mean to Live with Conviction?

Simply put, conviction is a firmly held belief. You can start to act upon your convictions today by ascertaining:

What is it that you stand for?  Is it love, world peace, justice, having a jolly good time, a particular cause, educating the next generation, spreading your particular brand of creativity, etcetera?  Get clear on your legacy. How would you want to be remembered?  This can usually point you in the right direction.

Then ask yourself how you are embodying this?  In other words, how are you walking the talk in your everyday life?  You can either take giant or baby steps to stand in the light of your convictions or you can just talk about them.  If you choose the latter, you’re not going to be judged by me, but you need to then own that decision too.

Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct. ~Thomas Carlyle

Living your conviction, in my tangy opinion, just means to go for what you believe in guns blazing (not literally, of course). Own your choices. The golden rule is to not infringe on anyone elses free will.

Are you Wishy-Washing Your Life Away?

Conviction is a way of taking responsibility for your actions no matter what you are doing. If you can’t take responsibility, then you shouldn’t be doing it.  Chances are that you are going to end up blaming everyone else but yourself for any future repercussions.

Don’t be a ‘poor me’, be an ‘I-know-what-I’m-doing’ kind of chap/lass.

Own your life, own what you want to get out of it, own that you are still learning and growing, own who you are and what you stand for and most of all own the fact that it won’t last forever.

We are in this theatrical production of life together, we will come and we will go — make the most of it while you can.

Hello, Steven Spielberg!

We can write and act out a drama, comedy, romance, horror, sci-fi (if you have the relevant props and celestial connections) or a feel-good script (heck, it could even be a combination of all!) — this is your God-given free-choice.  Live it with conviction and your life story will not only make it onto the Top ranking DVD list but could also end up on Blu-ray.

Own it, be it, do it and then, when it is your time to exit — depart knowing that you truly lived.  If you leave this plane of existence having touched just one person’s life, you have made a difference!

Live like you mean it.

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What Does Thanks-Giving Mean to You?

Now for those of you wondering what a South African has to say about Thanksgiving — this is not about the American holiday, it is about the art and practice of gratitude.

Why is Gratitude Important?

Gratitude, like everything else in the universe, is a workable energy. On the scale of polarity, it is a positive energy that when used will attract more of the like back to you.

What Does this Mean?

This means that the more you ‘give thanks’ for the things in your life, whether they be your family, friends, your health, roof over your head, food in the fridge, your clothes, car, etc — the more of that energy will be returned to you.

Whether it be through appreciation or just the universe giving you more of what you are grateful for.

“We often only tend to see the lack we are experiencing”

Gratitude should be given for everything and anything. Try to see all the positive things, people or situations you have in your life. Make a list, if you can. You will be surprised at how much there is to be thankful for. Then keep on reminding yourself when you are feeling lack – pull out the list and read it!

We often only tend to see the lack we are experiencing. When this is the prime focus you are attracting more of that energy into your life. This is how energy works or what is referred to as the Law of Attraction.

Like Attracts Like

So when you are putting thoughts out there of lack or longing, your energy is that of lack and longing and that is what you will continue to draw into your life.

Change your thoughts by simply altering your energy from lack to gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for. Even if it is the air that you are breathing — that is keeping you alive — be grateful!

Just the fact that you woke up in a warm bed and with a roof over your head is testimony to the full life you are leading. We take too much for granted.

“As you open to receive, your heart will expand and this feeling is elation and bliss”

When you alter your energy you will ‘feel’ it. When you experience the ‘not having’ you will feel it in your solar plexus (stomach area), this feels like you’ve been punched in the gut. Not a nice feeling at all. It can even lead you to feel nauseous.

An Attitude for Gratitude

When you alter that energy to gratitude, you are moving up on the scale of positivity and you should begin to shift that feeling out of your solar plexus and start to feel a more expansive feeling in your chest. This is commonly referred to as your heart chakra.

As you open to receive, your heart will expand and this feeling is elation and bliss — much better than being kicked in the stomach, eh?

Try it out. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Shift your attitude and embrace gratitude. Your life will change. Practicing the art of gratitude allows for you to start experiencing your life the way it was meant to be lived.

Make every day thanks-giving day!

Original article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Interviewfest.

For a little more inspirational thanksgiving day ideas and tips on making a gratitude board, CLICK HERE.

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7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance

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We all want abundance in some form or another, whether it is wealth in the monetary sense to being richly blessed with meaningful relationships or even to achieve self-mastery — the wealth of spirit.  In this past decade, and, even prior to that, we have been introduced to the idea of the Law of Attraction with popular books such as The Secret and the Jerry and Esther Hicks series, just to name a few.

So Why Is It Still Hard To Manifest Our Desires?

We hear catch phrases like ‘Be in the Flow’ but what does that practically mean to you?  How can you step into this flow and apply it to your situation or reality?  Wishful thinking just isn’t cutting it for some.  Here are some fundamental reasons why it may not be working for you:

1. Patience

I have to get this one out of the way first because it is a simple yet integral principle when you are applying deliberate manifestation.  You need to learn the art of patience.  Think of a seed — it gets planted but it still needs time, rich nutrient and mineral-based soil, sunshine and water to blossom into its full growth potential.  Any hint of doubt (or drought, in the case of our seed) will hamper its chances of reaching the surface and begin its graceful climb towards fruition.

2. Action

Once you have ascertained what you do want to create in your life, have you taken the necessary steps to get the wheel in motion?  If you think that ‘couch manifesting’ is going to take care of everything, let me tell you now — it isn’t.  You need to actively participate in bringing about your desire.  Set yourself realistic goals and hold yourself accountable to them.

3. Mindset

The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car… a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little. ~ Ben Sweetland

If you are having thoughts of lack about what you want to see in your life then that is what you are calling into existence.  This is like wanting to lose weight but only concentrating on all the most fattening foodstuffs — this kind of thought-stream is counter-productive.  Instead of thinking the worst, think about the way you will feel when it does come into your life.  How will it change your life?  Does it feel good when you are in that space of living out your fantasy?  If the answer is yes, then that is the emotion or feeling that you need to fertilize, in your mind, whenever you are practicing co-creation.

4. Vibration

As I addressed in the last point, when you truly allow yourself to feel the desired outcome emotion, it enhances your power to manifest tenfold.  Think of ‘the thought’ as the key in your ignition; ‘The action’ is the spark that ignites the engine and ‘the feeling’ or emotion behind the thought is the gas that gets it all going — the driving force.

5. Alignment

Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. ~ Wayne Dyer

You need to regularly align to what it is you want.  Set yourself that weekly goal and check in with yourself.  Has this week seen you get any closer to what you want?  If not, why not — what could you have done differently?  Sometimes we have to assess that what we are trying to manifest is still truly what we want.  If you change your mind then that is fine, just don’t kid yourself.  If you change midstream to another outcome it is better than plodding along with a manifestation that you are now uncertain about.  Your emotional potency will also be lacking if it is not what you want anymore, so, as the old adage goes, it will be like breaking wind against thunder (slightly euphemized for this blog).

What Can I Do To Bring Abundance Into My Life Now?

Well, now that the blockages have been outlined, let’s take a look at what you can do in this moment and in the near future to bring about the expediency of your manifest will.

The energy behind any deed needs to be from your genuine source.  Any fake or compromised gestures will be meaningless in the pursuit of true abundant living.

Metaphorically this is like taking a flat battery and expecting it to work in your camera.  What goes around comes around, the intent you put out into the universe will come back to you, so, if you are handing out ‘empty’ words or actions, your boomerang effect will be just as hollow and meaningless.  Acting with true integrity is the key to manifesting the life of your dreams.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

6. Tokens of Unconditional Love

Life in abundance comes only through great love. ~ Elbert Hubbard

When you visit someone or just bump into them, bestow a gift upon them.  This could be a silent blessing, well-wish, compliment (make sure it is genuine), a heart-felt hug, a flower or a small gift.  With this action you are giving freely.  Do not expect anything in return, that will be taken care of energetically in a way that you may only come to realize when it happens.

7. Gratitude

Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

List all the things that you have in your life now that you are most thankful for.  This could be from the smallest thing to the largest thing.  For example, you may feel immense joy sitting in your garden — give thanks for that.  You may have a pantry full of food and a roof over your head — give thanks for that, and so the gratitude ball starts rolling and we start to have a clear insight as to how much abundance already exists in the present.  When you start this exercise, you will find more and more things that you can be grateful for from the air that you freely breathe to the limbs that operate at your will.  It is a truly eye-opening experience for those who think they are lacking in some way or another.

But Why Should This Work?

The reason why this does work is because the more elated you feel about your current situation, the more joy you are injecting into your energetic field.  This doesn’t just get lost in space, it is a frequency that you are emitting outwards and it is going to be matched.

This is how our lives really work in the subtle field of energy.  Your energetic signature or emotional frequency is what you are setting yourself up to attract.  You are like a magnet, attracting that to you which you are putting out via your emotions or feelings.  This is why it is imperative that your thoughts are steered towards being more positive, which will then allow your feelings to be in alignment with what you do want.

You cannot bring into your experience joy if all you are feeling is sadness.  You cannot be wealthy if all you feel is lack.  These are basic principles that, unfortunately, too often get overlooked when we try to view our own lives and how they are turning out.  It is often hard to face the truth that what you put in, you get out.  But if you are to make any headway in this life, you need to face the core truth of what you are creating consciously or even subconsciously.  This is actually good news!

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Life isn’t going to just randomly happen to you anymore — you are always in full control of your life and can guide it in any direction you choose.  You always have a choice, never forget that — our freewill is our greatest asset.

This isn’t to say that your life is going to be all cotton-socks and pink roses — you may very well have your fair share of everyday mishaps.  What will change is how you perceive these obstacles and what you choose to do with them.  The world isn’t going to change, it is how you view it that will make the change you desire.

Put into this world what you wish to get out and you will be in the flow.  You will be in the driver’s seat steering your life into abundance.

Original article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Purpose Fairy:  7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance.

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What You Need to Know About Desperation and Manifestation

Travels and Learnings

I always find that my travels around the world are not only inspirational but I also learn so much more about cultural dynamics.

My trip to Egypt was no different.

I had a wonderful adventure and fulfilled a life-long dream to visit Egypt’s many ancient wonders (which I will be sure to blog about in the weeks to come) but I have decided to start the ‘Egypt Blog’s’ off with one of the less positive aspects of my trip.

The Tourist Trap

The most unfortunate of my experiences was the down-right invasive nature of the Egyptian peddlers and vendors at the ancient sites.  For those of you who have been to Egypt, you most certainly will know what I am talking about.  For those who haven’t visited this spectacular country, let me explain:

The government allows these hawkers entrance to all the major sites — they charge a kind of rent for these vendors to access the tourists.  The only trouble is they have absolutely no sense of personal space, what the word ‘no’ means, a sense of when to quit, etiquette or customer relations and don’t get me started on invasiveness!

You cannot take in the splendour of these ancient awe-inspiring monuments because you are being chased by these desperate peddlers.  They seem to see  you as dollar signs and won’t take no for an answer.  Even if you agree to purchase something off them, they try to sell you more than what you need and it is hard to get your change out of them.

Keep Your Head Down and Your Nose Clean

Our tour guide advised us to keep our heads down, don’t make eye contact, say nothing — do not engage in conversation on pain of death.  This is easier said than done, especially if you are South African.  We find it very rude not to greet or make eye-contact, never mind ignore someone if they ask you a question.

But the words of our guide were indeed words of pure wisdom.  If you even look one of these men in the eye they can follow you for miles, pushing clothes and scarves on you and sometimes even throwing them over your shoulder and demanding payment.  They become very aggressive very quickly too when things don’t go their way.

Surely the tourism board should have picked up on this by now?  I watched a Michael Palin documentary the other night, that was filmed in the 90’s where they were taking the Mickey out of these sellers for doing exactly the same thing.  Some things never change.

But enough about me venting this unfortunate tourist pet-hate, this blog has got a point.

Desperation Leads to Repulsion

After many hours of deliberating this, I realised that their desperate attempts at making money were actually repelling their own trade.

Our whole group as a whole said that if it weren’t for their pushy and annoying way of trading, that they would actually buy their wares.  So, why don’t they get this?

Well, it all boils down to the universal law of attraction and repulsion.  When you are desperate for something, your very desperation pushes what you want further away from you.

I have the utmost compassion for these traders as I know that their ‘rent’ is high and they need to make money to support themselves and their families but what they are doing is counterproductive.

But let’s take ourselves out of Egypt and apply this to any persons situation.

Lack vs Flow

The more desperately you want something the more your frequency will be that of lack.  So, your emotional body is emitting not that which you desire (let’s say money, in this case) even though that is what you may think you are primarily affirming, it is not.  Your lack will be what you are sending out into the cosmos and, you guessed it, that is what will be magnetically attracted back to you.  You will be drawing in more of your lack frequency.

So, how do you stop feeling lack when you want something?

Surrender to Divine Flow.  When you surrender to your circumstance and trust that all will be well, you no longer are fighting against the current — you are allowing yourself to be gently carried by the stream of Divine Flow.  This does not mean that you do nothing to realise a goal, do what you can and let the universe take care of the rest.

The least resistance will allow you into the slipstream of flow whereas desperation will see you struggling against the current.

What are you struggling with? 

Is there anything you are having a hard time trying to fathom or understand about your circumstance? 

Can you see how your emotional vibration is more potent than just your thought stream?

20 Ways to Set Your Spirit Soaring (and they’re all FREE)

Getting in touch with your innate sense of well-being can be fun, inexpensive and easy.

Here is a list of things that life has to offer that are 100% free — no strings attached (except in the case of playing with kittens):

  • Friendship — Connect with real people (not just social networking), make new connections and rekindle old relationships, if appropriate.
  • A smile — Dish them out!  You have nothing to lose.  Pass them around.
  • A heart-felt hug/embrace — It never goes astray, have you noticed?  Making physical contact is extremely important for any living creature.
  • A compliment Be impeccable with your words, let only kind, well thought-out words roll off your tongue.
  • Fresh air — Yes, it is free and beneficial.  Be grateful for a deep breath of oxygen.
  • Cloud spotting — This is preferably done on freshly mown, green, lush grass.
  • Swimming — A swim in the ocean or a lake, or even a pool.  The feeling of being weightless and carefree.  Priceless!
  • Humour — Share a good joke, get laughing — it’s the best medicine.
  • Smelling — When was the last time you literally stopped to smell the roses? Use your senses wisely…
  • Children — Watching a baby or a child/children play is one of the most uplifting past-times.  It’s free and it usually puts a smile on your dial.
  • Kittens — Have you ever watched a kitten or cat play with a piece of string?  Another priceless activity that will get your heart-strings all in tune.
  • Dogs — One of my favourite things to observe is witnessing a dog disembarking from a car to see he is at the beach!   If you don’t have pets, go sit in the park and watch animals frolicking.  Just remember joy is contagious — anyone’s or anything’s joy rubs off, did you know that?
  • Mountains — There they are, just standing there looking pretty…go climb one!  It’s an amazing feeling.
  • Walking — Strolling through a meadow on a sunny spring morning, watching butterflies dance their way through the sky in front of you.  When last did you do that?
  • Napping — Having an afternoon nap in the sun or under the shade of a tree.  Bliss!  For anyone who’s been to South Africa, you would have noticed that people do this all the time — during lunch-breaks, coffee breaks, etc.
  • Sand castles — Building a sandcastle is just terrific.  Getting down and mucky in the sand.  Free and liberating!  Note to the beachless:  sorry about that, perhaps it’s time to take a trip to the nearest coast or plan that next tropical holiday?
  • Stomping — Once you’ve built the sand castle, jump on it and smash it into the ground.  Do you remember doing that!?!  Pure elation and freedom from attachment. Release the joy of your inner child.
  • Music — Play your favourite songs and instantly lift your vibration!
  • Be grateful — Make a list of all the things going right in your life and you’ll be surprised at just how well you are manifesting your existence.
  • Creative Expression — The last FREE thing on my list is my book ‘Creative

    How to find your inspiration…

    Expression — How to find your inspiration…’  It is available on this site as a FREE download once you subscribe (subscription is also 100% FREE).

How freeing is it to know that there is so much to do that doesn’t come with a price tag attached?

Sometimes we need to concentrate on being in the now, focus on the little joys of life to squeeze the ultimate bliss out of every day.

What things do you like to get up to that are free and priceless?  Please share your stories…

Here is a blog that you may find interesting:

How to find happiness without buying it

Help Others.org: On Passing Around Smiles… — A Kindness Story.

No Free Handouts — You Have to Work for your Happiness

How to Surf on Good Vibrations

Please recap on part 1 HERE (What Frequencies Are You Sending Out?)

Moving the Energy

When you are feeling stuck in your solar plexus (stomach area) you can always choose to move it up a notch into your heart chakra (chest area).

“…you can move it up on the emotional scale.”

When you are feeling down or depressed or even stressed, angry or frustrated (any ‘negative’ emotion) you can move it up on the emotional scale.

Butterflies and Pits

When we feel those butterflies in the tummy or a pit in the stomach, we are experiencing the negative scale of the solar plexus.  I’m sure you can relate to this feeling.

Expansion and Bliss

When you move it up one, you are moving the energy or frequency/vibration into the heart center.  To experience the feeling of love, joy or bliss we must put ourselves into this frame of emotion.


Observe how you feel when you think of something wonderful.

It could be:

  • Holding your child for the first time,
  • Getting your first puppy,
  • Watching a magnificent sunset,
  • Lying in a warm, snug bed,
  • Getting a promotion or bonus,
  • Eating Italian ice-cream…

…whatever coaxes that warm, fuzzy feeling in you. This is the trigger you need to get you to feel ‘bliss’ and this is usually felt in your heart chakra.

” It is empowering to know that whenever you are feeling out of alignment with your true state, which should be bliss, joy and/or love, you can use a memory to help guide you back into your center.”

When you find the one thing that can immediately make you feel all cozy and gooey inside, you have your trigger to activate the heart centre/chakra.

This is extremely important as it is a tool to help you to elevate yourself and your well-being.  It is empowering to know that whenever you are feeling out of alignment with your true state, which should be bliss, joy and/or love, you can use a memory to help guide you back into your center.

Practical Steps to Feeling Good

Practice this whenever you can.  Just sit quietly, close you eyes and think of that one thing that brings you joy, feel it, observe it, expand it until your whole chest is tingling and opening.

Can you feel that the more you expand this feeling, the more it permeates through your entire body — every cell seems to ‘vibrate’.

Congratulations!  You have found your good vibration!

“…you can start your heart chakra meditation and start redirecting your cosmic vibration to match your desires again.”

Now you can use this to steer your life in the direction you want to see it sail into…have fun!

Just remember, if you fall overboard, you can throw yourself a life belt by either moving it up a notch or reminding yourself that ‘this too shall pass‘.  Then when you are feeling a little better, you can start your heart chakra meditation and start redirecting your cosmic vibration to match your desires again.

Let me know how this works for you.  If you already are in touch with your chakras and how to align yourself, let me know what works best for you.  Let us share our knowledge and experience and please feel free to ask questions.

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Are You Letting the Wonders of the World Pass You By?

7 Proven Tactics to Spread Joy Around the World

Finding Yourself and Your Purpose

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Anchoring the New Energy

How to Stay Positive

How Can Wishing For Your Rivals Success Make You Successful?

Is There Enough?  How to Wish for Abundance for Others Too…

This is the part that most people don’t get and it is such a wonderful thing to do.  It is a great test of your faith and just how much you want to see others happy and successful too.

“…would you only want one of your children to succeed in life?”

This principle works on the visualization of other people succeeding, especially those you deem your competitors.  It is a hard concept as we are taught that there is not enough for everyone and that we must win and in order to do that, someone must lose.  This is utter nonsense as the universe is abundant.  This is another ploy in keeping us on opposing sides – the ‘me’ versus ‘them’ theory.

“We don’t all want the same thing anyway, so stop feeling threatened by others…”

Let’s take the ‘Parent Analogy’ – would you only want one of your children to succeed in life?  Of course not, you would want them all to succeed.  We don’t all want the same thing anyway, so stop feeling threatened by others and the wonderful idea of everyone experiencing abundance.

If you believe that the Divine is behind the Law of Attraction then it makes perfect sense, yet again, that we all manifest abundance.  Just like  parents wanting all their children to have happy and prosperous lives.

“Is it not a thrill on its own to see other people happy and excited?”

So, whatever situation you want to bring into your life, be it a successful career or a successful relationship, see others enjoying the same benefits.  If it is a raise in your salary you desire then see all your colleagues happy faces as you visualize them all receiving a raise.

Is it not a thrill on its own to see other people happy and excited?  This vibration is also extremely powerful and will make you a magnet for success, especially as all those around you will be experiencing good times through your visualizations as well!  How about that for a win-win situation?

If you find yourself having trouble with this exercise, then it might be prudent to question, deep within yourself, why you are feeling this way.

This exercise will help you to see the Grand Design – a world of joy and creativity where everyone’s a winner.

Above photo image created by Grant Cochrane

Part of the above article has been an extract from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is available now through all good bookstores.