Your Solar Plexus: First Impressions are Usually Right

We have an unnatural amount of data to process than that of the average human being, say just 30 years ago let alone a century back. We have social media and most of us get swept away in superfluous cr@p on our newsfeeds — we see the daily activities of people we don’t even know.

We subscribe to pages that feed us information on celebrities, sports stars, politicians, gurus — you name it!

We have so many faces, characters and perceived personalities to sift through every day that it is no wonder we have become numb to our own perceptions and impressions of people. We have forgotten that we have a superpower — we have inner radar.

Read related article: 3 Tips to Help You Know When You Can Truly Trust Your Gut

WTF Happened to Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Speech!

SUBSCRIBE icon 1I have noticed — with greater severity of late — that people (or sheeple in this case) seem to be following a cut and dry ‘herd’ mentality. A way of thinking that leaves no room for grey area or much-needed debate or alternative perspective.

I get that it’s hard to see — when we’re in the thick of it — that we’re being ushered into thinking left or right (or whatever the case may be).

I have noticed — with growing concern — that people seem to be choosing sides without much thought, reacting out of emotional pain-bodies with little contemplation to evidence, condemning without patience or research of an alternative point of view, having a do or die mentality and completely sh*tting on another persons right to have a competing perception or opinion for him/herself.

If an opinion differs from mainstream it is literally taken down or you are ‘unfriended’ or persecuted or trolled into submission.

Welcome to the United States of Eurasia!

This is not a democratic society we are living in, it’s turning into that insidious Orwellian society we were warned about. I saw something the other day that made me laugh although it’s not really funny: (paraphrasing) “1984 was supposed to be a fictional novel and not a governmental instruction manual”

The media is whipping people into a galvanized frenzy and we need to be extremely careful!

The best thing you can pray for right now is clarity of mind (see my article: ) and the ability to be able to allow someone else a contrary opinion. It’s the ‘my God is the true God and your God sucks’ mentality.

We need to honour the opinions, religions, political views of others and not tell them how they should think. It’s just plain childish to bulldoze someone else to have your line of thinking. It certainly doesn’t get anybody anywhere and only creates greater division (which is a win for the ‘Powers that Were’).

There’s only one rule in the Wiccan tradition and that is ‘do what you want as long as it harms none’. Well that pretty much covers it all, doesn’t it?

If other people don’t abide by this, know that karma is a bitch. All you can do is live in your integrity and help others who may not have the rights or ability to make condoning decisions if need be (as in children, animals, the Earth).

Judging Books by Content Not Covers

I wanted to end this off with saying that we, as a species, have a wonderful ability to sense or ‘read’ energy — it’s that gut instinct (solar plexus). You have a chakra located in your belly area that has an innate intelligence. If you take the time out to actually feel or listen to what it is telling you, you will greatly benefit from the experience.

First impressions are usually accurate because your energy field is picking up on the other energy fields emissions  and doing a quick and smart analysis of intent. When you get an uneasy feeling — it’s a sure sign that although the persons smile, words, resume and actions might be polished (and completely fake), their inherent nature is lacking somehow.

We know that white toothy grins do not the trustworthy politician make, so we need to start looking past peoples faces and words and tune into the frequency they are emitting.

Trust your gut — it’s usually never wrong. It’s a super-power worth developing — you’re going to need it!

Read related article: How To Manifest Through the Solar Plexus Chakra: Magnified Manifesting!

You can now hear Cherie Roe Dirksen on Big Indie Giant radio as she reads out select articles on air.

She also gives weekly news headline updates taken directly from the Conscious Life News site, so be sure to tune in.


Cherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author/columnist/radio presenter, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook(The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (Your Solar Plexus: First Impressions are Usually Right) was originally written for and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons.

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A Practical Guide to Feeling Good

Are You Reading Me on FM?

It’s a kind of magic…not only does this Universe work on energy and everything in and of it is read as energy, which by the way, cannot be destroyed only transmuted or reshaped – but we are also working primarily with vibration or frequency.

Quantum Tongue-Twister

Quantum physics has a wave-particle duality phenomenon that states that all particles have both wave and particle properties….and behave, in accordance with the observer, in either fashion. When a camera observes, they act as particles. However, when there is no equipment  used to observe, they acted as waves and particles simultaneously.

“…the tree falling in the forest with no-one to hear it makes no sound but also dances the fandango if it feels the urge?”

Does this mean that everything in the Universe is guided into manifestation based on what or who is observing it? Does this mean that not only will the tree falling in the forest with no-one to hear it make no sound but also dance the fandango if it feels the urge?

So what?

So everything!

Every thought pattern that you conjure up in your mind has a certain frequency. Is it lower or higher? Are you thinking ‘good’ thoughts or ‘bad’ thoughts? Whatever you are thinking you are calling into creation.


You can master your life experience with just the information that whatever you project emotionally or whatever frequency you emit, is shaping your life experience.

For example:

Your girlfriend leaves you. For weeks you are feeling a pit in your stomach (solar plexus chakra) and you can’t eat, sleep and feel depressed. This is a ‘grieving’ period and it is appropriate.

But sooner rather than later (or never at all!) you are going to have a choice to move that feeling from your solar plexus to your heart chakra (middle of the chest).


You need to master the transmutation of energy. Sounds difficult, doesn’t it?  It really isn’t.

Moving the Energy Up

When you are feeling stuck in your solar plexus (stomach area) you can always choose to move it up a notch into your heart chakra (chest area).

When you are feeling down or depressed or even stressed, angry or frustrated (any ‘negative’ emotion) you can move it up on the emotional scale.

Butterflies and Pits

When we feel those butterflies in the tummy or a pit in the stomach, we are experiencing the negative scale of the solar plexus.  I’m sure you can relate to this feeling.

Expansion and Bliss

When you move it up one, you are moving the energy or frequency/vibration into the heart center.  To experience the feeling of love, joy or bliss we must put ourselves into this frame of emotion.


Observe how you feel when you think of something wonderful.  Holding your child for the first time, getting your first puppy, watching a magnificent sunset — these are all triggers to get you to feel ‘bliss’ and this is usually felt in your heart chakra.

When you find the one thing that can immediately make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, you have your trigger to activate the heart centre/chakra.

This is extremely important as it is a tool to help you to elevate yourself and your well-being.  It is empowering to know that whenever you are feeling out of alignment with your true state, which should be bliss, joy and/or love, you can use a memory to help guide you back into your center.

Practical Steps to Feeling Good

Practice this whenever you can.  Just sit quietly, close you eyes and think of that one thing that brings you joy, feel it, observe it, expand it until your whole chest is tingling and opening.  Can you feel that the more you expand this feeling, the more it permeates through your entire body — every cell seems to ‘vibrate’.  Congratulations!  You have found your good vibration!

Now you can use this to steer your life in the direction you want to see it sail into…have fun!

Just remember, if you fall overboard, you can throw yourself a life belt by either moving it up a notch or reminding yourself that ‘this too shall pass‘.  Then when you are feeling a little better, you can start your heart chakra meditation and start redirecting your cosmic vibration to match your desires again.

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Are you Creating the Life of your Dreams?

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Are You Letting the Wonders of the World Pass You By?

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Are You Using Your Heart Properly?

Listen to Your Heart

hand on heartTo avoid the cheesy violin strings and perhaps the urge to start singing a Roxette song, I’m going to get straight to the point of this blog.

Your heart centre tells you where you are heading.  Your gut instinct is a great thing to follow and that usually tells us when we have strayed off course.  You know, the butterflies in the stomach or sinking feeling felt in the solar plexus (stomach area).

When you can shift the feeling of surety up into your heart centre and feel an overwhelming confidence for what you are doing, then you are working from your heart and you can trust the process.

If you feel a strain in this area when you move your feelings up into your heart centre, then you need to reflect on your decision, something is still amiss.

The Importance of Feeling

Why is it important to feel things?  Our emotions are our internal guidance system, much like a GPS trying to steer us onto the right course, if only we pay attention.

“…we reconnect with our soul and can realign ourselves to our purpose.”

DisconnectedIf you are working with a GPS in your car and you keep ignoring the signals then you will be in a state of chaotic driving, going nowhere at every turn.  Feeling lost and disconnected whilst at any point in time, you could have just listened to that voice on the GPS to get you back on track.

This is why meditation is so useful, we reconnect with our soul and can realign ourselves to our purpose.

Are You Lost?

It seems like a no-brainer but we often decide to just ignore our gut instincts or turn off the voice of reason in the head.  That is when we wander from our path and get lost in the forest of uncertainty.

Do You Know You Have a Compass in Your Pocket?

So take time out to meditate, realign and trust the heart.  You have an internal barometer — use it.  Trust yourself more.  You do know everything, it is all there at your core and when you tap into that, you are tapping into the knowledge of the Universe or what is sometimes referred to as the Divine Matrix.

You just need to learn to be still, patient and to listen.

Blogs you may find useful: 

Taking Responsibility For Your Co-Creative Abilities

Letting Go For Your Own Good — Detaching out of Love

6 Techniques to Stop Worrying

 Is Your Past Tripping Up Your Future?

12 Things Successful People Do To Excel



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‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ is now out at all leading bookstores worldwide — don’t forget to order your copy:

Download your FREE copy of ‘New Life Resolutions’ — 10 Steps to a New You! by clicking on the picture below:

You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for daily inspiration and articles:


Letting Go For Your Own Good — Detaching Out Of Love


What is Detachment?

Detachment is letting go of worldly dramas and living in true peace.

To still be able to love your ‘neighbour’ unconditionally but to not get involved in any kind of drama whatsoever.

Every emotion you experience in this life is a choice.  As soon as you feel resistance to someone or something or a pull to engage in conflict, you have re-entered the world of drama.

How can I truly Detach?

There are two different types of detachment, that I know of.

1.  Detaching with Love

white poppyWhen you detach with love you have a feeling of being in exquisite peace with the world.  You bear NO resentment, anger or aggression to anyone or anything.  You are in a state of allowing and you are working with your heart centre.

“To detach with love means that you are in the understanding that there is always more than meets the eye to any given situation.”

When you work with your heart centre you see the divine in everyone and everything.  You can see past the ‘drama’ of circumstances and situations.  You can see right to the very core of conflict and feel compassion, even for those whose opinions and actions differ from yours severely.

To detach with love means that you are in the understanding that there is always more than meets the eye to any given situation.

“Never assume to know the ins and outs of another souls journey.”

You are only observing a surface reality to a much deeper library of events that have led up to this scenario.  ‘Scenario’ in this case could be a life situation or even a certain person.  You see, we have no clue as to another souls journey, you can make assumptions and piece certain bits of information together, but, ultimately, you are not seeing the entire multi-layered picture.

Never assume to know the ins and outs of another souls journey.  This must be respected and a person who is truly detached in love, knows this and let’s it be.  Even if this soul is someone very close to you.  Every soul that incarnates here has their own life lessons to learn in their own chosen way.

We all come into this life with freewill and the ability to choose what we want to experience, even if this means we make the wrong choices.  Sometimes this has to happen for you to learn and grow.

Some people don’t learn their lessons in time but you have to respect that souls journey and choices.  You are not responsible for any adult human being but yourself, all you can offer is your unconditional love (even if it is from afar) and your support when it is needed.

Judgment is never wise, always try to find the compassion in any situation.

2. Detaching out of Fear

The other form of detachment is that of letting go out of exhasperation.

You feel cornered and frustrated, so your reflex is to detach to protect yourself from further hurt.  This must not be mistaken for detaching out of love, which is heart centred. Detaching out of fear is a lower chakra energy.

“Going within is not easy but nothing of true importance ever really is.”

You may even be experiencing negative lower chakra symptoms such as constipation (not being able to let go) or stomach upsets (solar plexus signal of anxiety/worry).

If you feel that you are detaching out of fear, then it is best to go into it.  Give yourself some space and time to meditate.  See meditation blog HERE.

The worst thing you can do is carry on and sweep whatever is bothering you under the rug.  Going within is not easy but nothing of true importance ever really is.  You need to do this inner work to truly gain closure for yourself.  Without this closure you will not be ready to move on to the next stage of development.


BeachedA lot of the time, people tend to hang on to their past hurts.  This is not self-serving.  To forgive another for something will not only affect that person positively (and if you don’t want them to be affected positively, this is another sign that you need to see the divine in others to be able to detach with love) but it will liberate you.

I have devoted a whole chapter in my book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ to forgiveness.  If you are having trouble with letting go then I suggest you read it.


So if you feel that you are clinging onto something or someone, isn’t it about time to let it go?

Trust that the Universe will cushion your fall into the void of unconditional love.  You are the only one responsible for holding yourself back.

What are you still holding on to that you cannot let go of?  

Are you able to see how detaching with love could be a viable solution?

Do you feel that you may be detaching out of fear?

‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ is now out at all leading bookstores worldwide — don’t forget to order your copy:

 You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for daily inspiration and articles:


How to Surf on Good Vibrations

Please recap on part 1 HERE (What Frequencies Are You Sending Out?)

Moving the Energy

When you are feeling stuck in your solar plexus (stomach area) you can always choose to move it up a notch into your heart chakra (chest area).

“…you can move it up on the emotional scale.”

When you are feeling down or depressed or even stressed, angry or frustrated (any ‘negative’ emotion) you can move it up on the emotional scale.

Butterflies and Pits

When we feel those butterflies in the tummy or a pit in the stomach, we are experiencing the negative scale of the solar plexus.  I’m sure you can relate to this feeling.

Expansion and Bliss

When you move it up one, you are moving the energy or frequency/vibration into the heart center.  To experience the feeling of love, joy or bliss we must put ourselves into this frame of emotion.


Observe how you feel when you think of something wonderful.

It could be:

  • Holding your child for the first time,
  • Getting your first puppy,
  • Watching a magnificent sunset,
  • Lying in a warm, snug bed,
  • Getting a promotion or bonus,
  • Eating Italian ice-cream…

…whatever coaxes that warm, fuzzy feeling in you. This is the trigger you need to get you to feel ‘bliss’ and this is usually felt in your heart chakra.

” It is empowering to know that whenever you are feeling out of alignment with your true state, which should be bliss, joy and/or love, you can use a memory to help guide you back into your center.”

When you find the one thing that can immediately make you feel all cozy and gooey inside, you have your trigger to activate the heart centre/chakra.

This is extremely important as it is a tool to help you to elevate yourself and your well-being.  It is empowering to know that whenever you are feeling out of alignment with your true state, which should be bliss, joy and/or love, you can use a memory to help guide you back into your center.

Practical Steps to Feeling Good

Practice this whenever you can.  Just sit quietly, close you eyes and think of that one thing that brings you joy, feel it, observe it, expand it until your whole chest is tingling and opening.

Can you feel that the more you expand this feeling, the more it permeates through your entire body — every cell seems to ‘vibrate’.

Congratulations!  You have found your good vibration!

“…you can start your heart chakra meditation and start redirecting your cosmic vibration to match your desires again.”

Now you can use this to steer your life in the direction you want to see it sail into…have fun!

Just remember, if you fall overboard, you can throw yourself a life belt by either moving it up a notch or reminding yourself that ‘this too shall pass‘.  Then when you are feeling a little better, you can start your heart chakra meditation and start redirecting your cosmic vibration to match your desires again.

Let me know how this works for you.  If you already are in touch with your chakras and how to align yourself, let me know what works best for you.  Let us share our knowledge and experience and please feel free to ask questions.

Other articles you may enjoy:

Are You Letting the Wonders of the World Pass You By?

7 Proven Tactics to Spread Joy Around the World

Finding Yourself and Your Purpose

6 Techniques to Stop Worrying

Anchoring the New Energy

How to Stay Positive

What Frequencies Are You Sending Out?

Are You Reading Me On FM?

It’s a kind of magic…not only does this Universe work on energy and everything in and of it is read as energy, which by the way, cannot be destroyed only transmuted or reshaped – but we are also working primarily with vibration or frequency.

Quantum Tongue-Twister

Quantum physics has a wave-particle duality phenomenon that states that all particles have both wave and particle properties….and behave, in accordance with the observer, in either fashion. When a camera observes, they act as particles. However, when there is no equipment  used to observe, they acted as waves and particles simultaneously.

“…the tree falling in the forest with no-one to hear it makes no sound but also dances the fandango if it feels the urge?”

Does this mean that everything in the Universe is guided into manifestation based on what or who is observing it? Does this mean that not only will the tree falling in the forest with no-one to hear it make no sound but also dance the fandango if it feels the urge?

So What?

So everything!

” Whatever you are thinking you are calling into creation.”

Every thought pattern that you conjure up in your mind has a certain frequency. Is it lower or higher? Are you thinking ‘good’ thoughts or ‘bad’ thoughts? Whatever you are thinking you are calling into creation.


You can master your life experience with just the information that whatever you project emotionally or whatever frequency you emit, is shaping your life experience.

For Example:

Your girlfriend leaves you. For weeks you are feeling a pit in your stomach (solar plexus chakra) and you can’t eat, sleep and feel depressed. This is a ‘grieving’ period and it is appropriate.

“…you have a choice to move that feeling…”

But sooner rather than later (or never at all!) you are going to have a choice to move that feeling from your solar plexus to your heart chakra (middle of the chest).


You need to master the transmutation of energy. Sounds difficult, doesn’t it?  It really isn’t.

I will dive into the transition of bad feelings into good feelings in my next blog and will continue with practical steps to activate your heart chakra.  You can READ IT HERE.

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