What Freddy Mercury Can Teach Us About Detachment

Guest article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Lightworkers World

‘Nothing really matters, anyone can see…nothing really matters.  Nothing really matters to me…any way the wind blows.” – Freddy Mercury (Bohemian Rhapsody)

Freddie Mercury What Freddy Mercury Can Teach Us About Detachment

Beautifully put!

Thank you, Freddy Mercury, for writing this poetic piece of universal truth and to Queen for adding the sound vibration and bringing this song alive through Bohemian Rhapsody.

Why am I quoting this?

Well, I was singing it the other day when it hit me, ‘this is quite spiritually profound’.

Mastery Over Matter

I have been going through a lot of detachment lately — on many different levels.  From friendships to career choices, desired outcomes to ego battles and the one thing that keeps coming up for me is ‘nothing matters’.

The energy of late seems to be circling around your ability to regroup and ground yourself to what is really important.

No material thing or situation should concern you too much — the lighter the baggage on your earthly sojourn, the less for you to carry (this should be taken literally and metaphorically).  The more at peace you are with the fact that you are here temporarily and no thing or person is a constant, the more likely you are to enjoy your experience.

Now, as I say in my book ‘Divine You’, I don’t mean that nothing matters in an ‘I don’t care’ sort of way.  The art of detaching is just another tool to let you be in the world and not of it.  Question yourself:

  • Can you be here, in this reality, but not be attached to it?
  •  Can you dream up desires and outcomes for yourself and not be attached to them if they change or do not materialize as you may have wanted them to?
  •  Can you detach yourself from drama — be it on a social network, in the office or with your family or friends?
  •  Can you look at circumstances as if you were hovering above them?  An observer, one that is removed from any outcome but still revels in the joys and intrigue of the world.
  • Can you be someone that cares and loves everyone and everything but could leave this plane of existence tomorrow?
  • Are you afraid of death?  Or have you made peace with your multi-dimensional, infinite existence?

Who are You?

This is the I AM THAT I AM  that people talk about.  Being 100% satisfied with where you are and who you are, without needing anyone or anything outside of yourself for gratification.

Loving enough to know when to say nothing, or do nothing, to help a loved one.  When you are able to detach from drama, you will show others that it can be done.  Peace is achievable — one soul at a time.

Do You Find it Difficult to Detach?

pensive What Freddy Mercury Can Teach Us About DetachmentDetachment is not hard or cold.  It is your ability to love enough to leave a bit of space — some room for peace and stillness where there may be none.  You will be that still presence that can ground those around you into the present moment.

What is blocking your ability to let go?

  • Your mind or ego?  Do you perhaps get a kick out of drama?  Can you admit to that?
  • Your ‘worries’?  Do you think that to detach would leave you looking like you don’t care?

Remember that to detach is a loving act.  If you stress or worry about what other people will think of you for detaching or not getting involved in drama, then you need to work on why their opinions matter.  If they are close to you, either friends or family, you can still let them know you care but are not going to interfere with their lives.

If there is something tangible you can do to help, then by all means do but remain that still presence and have an awareness of your emotional body.  If you feel like you are being drained or getting sucked back into 3D drama, then you need to exercise detachment again (for further reading about detaching out of love or fear, click here: https://cherieroedirksen.com/2012/04/12/are-you-clinging-by-your-finger-nails/).

Let’s Wrap This Up

Tracy by the pond 250x166 What Freddy Mercury Can Teach Us About DetachmentWhen you realize that no-thing really matters, you can bend like a reed in the wind and go any way the wind blows.You remain whole and unfaltering, present and aware — you are impartial and just.  This is true detachment.

Thank you, Queen.

Other articles you may enjoy:

8 Life Strategies That Playing Chess Has Taught Me

Letting Go For Your Own Good — Detaching Out Of Love


What is Detachment?

Detachment is letting go of worldly dramas and living in true peace.

To still be able to love your ‘neighbour’ unconditionally but to not get involved in any kind of drama whatsoever.

Every emotion you experience in this life is a choice.  As soon as you feel resistance to someone or something or a pull to engage in conflict, you have re-entered the world of drama.

How can I truly Detach?

There are two different types of detachment, that I know of.

1.  Detaching with Love

white poppyWhen you detach with love you have a feeling of being in exquisite peace with the world.  You bear NO resentment, anger or aggression to anyone or anything.  You are in a state of allowing and you are working with your heart centre.

“To detach with love means that you are in the understanding that there is always more than meets the eye to any given situation.”

When you work with your heart centre you see the divine in everyone and everything.  You can see past the ‘drama’ of circumstances and situations.  You can see right to the very core of conflict and feel compassion, even for those whose opinions and actions differ from yours severely.

To detach with love means that you are in the understanding that there is always more than meets the eye to any given situation.

“Never assume to know the ins and outs of another souls journey.”

You are only observing a surface reality to a much deeper library of events that have led up to this scenario.  ‘Scenario’ in this case could be a life situation or even a certain person.  You see, we have no clue as to another souls journey, you can make assumptions and piece certain bits of information together, but, ultimately, you are not seeing the entire multi-layered picture.

Never assume to know the ins and outs of another souls journey.  This must be respected and a person who is truly detached in love, knows this and let’s it be.  Even if this soul is someone very close to you.  Every soul that incarnates here has their own life lessons to learn in their own chosen way.

We all come into this life with freewill and the ability to choose what we want to experience, even if this means we make the wrong choices.  Sometimes this has to happen for you to learn and grow.

Some people don’t learn their lessons in time but you have to respect that souls journey and choices.  You are not responsible for any adult human being but yourself, all you can offer is your unconditional love (even if it is from afar) and your support when it is needed.

Judgment is never wise, always try to find the compassion in any situation.

2. Detaching out of Fear

The other form of detachment is that of letting go out of exhasperation.

You feel cornered and frustrated, so your reflex is to detach to protect yourself from further hurt.  This must not be mistaken for detaching out of love, which is heart centred. Detaching out of fear is a lower chakra energy.

“Going within is not easy but nothing of true importance ever really is.”

You may even be experiencing negative lower chakra symptoms such as constipation (not being able to let go) or stomach upsets (solar plexus signal of anxiety/worry).

If you feel that you are detaching out of fear, then it is best to go into it.  Give yourself some space and time to meditate.  See meditation blog HERE.

The worst thing you can do is carry on and sweep whatever is bothering you under the rug.  Going within is not easy but nothing of true importance ever really is.  You need to do this inner work to truly gain closure for yourself.  Without this closure you will not be ready to move on to the next stage of development.


BeachedA lot of the time, people tend to hang on to their past hurts.  This is not self-serving.  To forgive another for something will not only affect that person positively (and if you don’t want them to be affected positively, this is another sign that you need to see the divine in others to be able to detach with love) but it will liberate you.

I have devoted a whole chapter in my book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ to forgiveness.  If you are having trouble with letting go then I suggest you read it.


So if you feel that you are clinging onto something or someone, isn’t it about time to let it go?

Trust that the Universe will cushion your fall into the void of unconditional love.  You are the only one responsible for holding yourself back.

What are you still holding on to that you cannot let go of?  

Are you able to see how detaching with love could be a viable solution?

Do you feel that you may be detaching out of fear?

‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ is now out at all leading bookstores worldwide — don’t forget to order your copy:

 You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for daily inspiration and articles:


Don’t Let the World Get You Down!

How to be in the world but not of it

As things stand now, you are most likely reading this blog from a computer somewhere on planet earth.  My marvelous skills of deduction are quite remarkable, I know.

We seem to all be in the same boat, paddling around in circles, paddling against the current or drifting out to sea.  How can we be in this beautiful world but not let it get us down?

Let’s face it, there is a lot of stuff that can, and does, lower our spirits and dampen our whetted desire to be on this planet.  But then, when we look around, we see that this planet is an exquisite paradise, filled with beauty, intrigue and adventure.

Why is it that life can be so damn tough when there is also so much fun to be had?

Heaven on Earth?

There is a simple truth to life.  We can create heaven on earth but we can also create our own personal form of hell.

Our very thoughts and actions will determine which destination we end up in.

Are you living in fear?  Meet Jack Soap…

When you live in fear you are perpetuating fear.

Let me give you an example.  If Jack Soap listens to the news constantly on the radio (which primarily reports bad news and how terrible the world out there is, along with all there is to be fearful of), he will be in a conscious or even unconscious negative frame of mind.  His preset to life will be tainted with a neuro-linguistic programming of doubt and fear.

You may even find that Jack has a preconceived idea that he should trust no-one.  He may even not like to venture outside his own home, let alone comfort zone, for fear of being attacked.  He may even cringe at the thought of an overseas holiday, he’ll think you mad if you were to suggest such nonsense, what with all the potential terrorists on-board planes these days!

Poor Jack may not even realize that there is a sunny and bright side to life.  It is as if he could be living on a different planet to John.

Are you living in love? Meet John Doe…

Meet John Doe (yes, alright!  I know my pseudonyms leave something to be desired).  He enjoys listening to uplifting music rather than put on the news.  He enjoys walks in the park and getting in touch with nature.

He sees the beauty that the world has to offer.  He smiles at people as he walks along his path and they smile back.  He is certain that there is goodness in everybody because that is his experience.

John is living in the world and enjoying it.  He is not letting the world dictate his experience, he is dictating his own experience.  He is detaching from potential drama because he knows he has the choice to only focus on the positive aspects of life.

When John does this he is in control, he is mapping out his destiny according to what he wants to manifest.

He is not a victim of circumstance and he is certainly not an unconscious creator.

Jack vs John

Jack, on the other hand, is in the world and of the world.  He is getting trapped in the lower vibrational frequency of negativity and he is letting the world dictate his experience.

He is unconsciously creating an undesirable life.  He may not even be aware that he can change this at any time if he so wishes.

Jack was blessed with freewill, just like John.  Jack, however, can’t seem to see it.  He can’t take responsibility for his life choices because he feels he hasn’t made them.

But he has.

Whether he chooses to accept that or not, he has made his bed and he is tossing and turning in it.

Can you see the message behind the metaphor?  Be in the world not of it.

Freewill and Choice

Choose your experiences.  Choose what you expose yourself to.  Choose to engage in drama, or choose to love from afar and lend your support whilst creating strong, effective boundaries.

You do not have to get involved and bogged down in drama if you don’t want to.  You can always help those in need but you can do it with detachment.  This means that you can still help in this world but you are fully aware that it is not required that you get involved with a problem — most certainly not to the extent that it encapsulates you in drama.


Detachment is not a word that describes the state of not caring.  Quite the opposite.  You care enough to help and you care enough about yourself to remain neutral.

Think of detachment like Switzerland — the neutral zone.  You can lend a hand but you are not getting hooked into anything.

You can live in this world, enjoy it and be mindful of the ‘drama’ and/or the negative aspect of life.  This will give you the freedom to pick and choose your experiences and know when to help and when to say no.

Do you feel that life is taking you for a ride?  Or are you in the drivers seat of your experience?  Share your stories…

Related Articles:

Are You Clinging on by Your Fingernails?

What Freddy Mercury Can Teach Us About Detachment


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‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ is now out at all leading bookstores worldwide — don’t forget to order your copy:

The Baboon and The Butter — Part 2

Read Part 1 HERE


More baboons had slipped inside my house as I was pursuing my perpetrators. This time I grabbed the garden hose, turned it on and ran into my front door ‘guns blazing’.

Another Interesting Fact About Baboons…

Baboons don’t like getting sprayed with water ( a small God send). They took one look at the hose pipe and made a run for it without me even having to start spraying. Relief! I ran around my house making sure the windows were all closed so that no more monkey business could ensue.

The Big Clean Up!

To cut a long story short, my house was in a shambles. They had trashed my kitchen. If I hadn’t been so adamant to retrieve my butter I would have saved myself a lot of money and trouble.

After cleaning up the mess (which took me close to an hour), I sat on my couch head in hands, just thinking about the pandemonium that had just taken place. I saw several blatant lessons in what had just happened…

“…this day showed me that even a tub of butter could spark off a suppressed ego…” 

The moral to this story for me was the realisation that I am still attached to ‘things’. I thought I had conquered my worldly attachment in my pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. But this day showed me that even a tub of butter could spark off a suppressed ego — this was certainly food for my thought.

A Lesson Learned…

We can all fall off the bandwagon but the real lesson is to get back on. I learnt that it was alright to lapse and make mistakes (even if this did mean chasing a wild animal without fear of consequence and putting myself in very real danger). The key is to see and be aware of the lapse and to make every effort to not let it happen again or even just to laugh at it when it does.

So let go of material attachments as everything is unstable and situations are changing constantly.  I felt that I had paid good, hard-earned money for that butter and it was mine!  But what was even more precious than something I bought at the store was my life.  I put myself in danger  over a petty ‘issue’ that I constructed in my mind and followed through on and I hope that never happens again.

Sometimes we need to detach from these ‘worldly’ things — after all, we are free spirits and should remain that way.

Free from rigidity.
Free from fear.
Free to live.

Free to choose.

I took the above photographs on the ‘Baboon Walk’ I did.