Energy Forecasts: Carry an Umbrella, it’s Raining Emotions

News Forecast, Just In

Due to high levels of stress and anxiety, the human race is collectively clearing all dross and karma in preparation for a higher state of consciousness. All those who are unaware of this present condition are urged to be cautious whilst traveling outside their door.

Here are some of the symptoms one can expect from their fellow-man during the shift of energies:

  • Stress and anxiety in copious amounts
  • Lack of enthusiasm at work or even for life
  • Heightened emotional responses which can include outbursts, crying, temper tantrums, etc.
  • Feeling that nobody understands you
  • Feeling abandoned or isolated
  • Feeling frustrated
  • Feeling great anticipation but not knowing what for
  • Being on your last nerve and highly strung
  • Severe mood swings

Physical symptoms can include:

  • Ringing in the ears
  • Feeling off-balance
  • Dizzy spells
  • Aching back and neck
  • Upset stomach
  • Depression
  • Feeling listless
  • Insomnia or over-sleeping
  • Constant fatigue
  • Loss of appetite or surge of appetite for certain things (especially protein)
  • Heart palpitations

I know a lot of you may think, ‘well, she’s just listed about everything that there is’.  True, but these are genuine symptoms that people of all ages are experiencing en masse — just start-up a conversation with anyone about this and you’ll see.

So What’s Happening?

Let’s cut through the BS and get straight to it.  We are in the middle of a massive planetary alignment and shit-storm.

Energy in the form of solar flares to gamma rays are bombarding us at every level.  Our bodies are absorbing these energies and adapting.  This means that we need to take it easy, relax and have loads of down-time.

Think of it like we are a bunch of computers who have just got an upgrade.  The computer needs to be rebooted (precisely where we stand at the moment) and to log on again using the new software.

There will be an orientation period where we need to assimilate what is happening to us on an emotional and physical level.  It is also happening very fast and for this reason alone, we need to take care of our physical and emotional needs.  This can be done by:

  • Drinking lots of clean, pure water
  • Eating fresh foods, especially root vegetables (needed for grounding)
  • Rest, rest, and oh have I said this yet?  MORE REST!  Babies need to sleep because they are growing, we need the same because we are changing physically as we absorb these new energies from the solar system
  • Release pent-up emotions by either having a good cry, a good shout, a loud scream or any other way of letting out the steam (go listen to Tears for Fears ‘Shout’ — some sound advice there)
  • Get yourself a talking buddy and talk!  Let it all hang out…don’t hold back, even if you end up talking to your pet or writing it out — let it go
  • Meditate — get quiet and listen to what your soul wants.  You don’t have to be a guru to do this, you just need to switch off the TV, radio, iPod, blah blah and feel comfortable with silence, then go within.  You will be amazed at the answers that await you in this place of stillness

The Cure

The upshot of all this is, if you have your umbrella and perhaps don a pair of wellies, you can go splashing around in puddles and have some fun!  Even if you are a sorry sack at the moment, don’t forget to inject some humour and playfullness into your life. Lately, I’ve been finding comedy and laughing a good source of upliftment.

As they say ‘laughter is the best medicine’ — go on, try it out.  Here, I’ll even help you out.  To get you started, watch these 3 classics (I’m watching you!  I’ll know if you skip the last one — just because it’s a Muppets sketch don’t think it isn’t pant-wettingly funny):

What have you been experiencing lately?

Does any of this ring true to you?

Or do you think this is a bunch of new age baloney?

It’s okay to speak truthfully and to have your say.  Get it off your chest.  Oh, and while you’re at it, you might as well share the link  to your most favourite comedy sketch.  Broadcast the humour!

A Practical Guide to Feeling Good

Are You Reading Me on FM?

It’s a kind of magic…not only does this Universe work on energy and everything in and of it is read as energy, which by the way, cannot be destroyed only transmuted or reshaped – but we are also working primarily with vibration or frequency.

Quantum Tongue-Twister

Quantum physics has a wave-particle duality phenomenon that states that all particles have both wave and particle properties….and behave, in accordance with the observer, in either fashion. When a camera observes, they act as particles. However, when there is no equipment  used to observe, they acted as waves and particles simultaneously.

“…the tree falling in the forest with no-one to hear it makes no sound but also dances the fandango if it feels the urge?”

Does this mean that everything in the Universe is guided into manifestation based on what or who is observing it? Does this mean that not only will the tree falling in the forest with no-one to hear it make no sound but also dance the fandango if it feels the urge?

So what?

So everything!

Every thought pattern that you conjure up in your mind has a certain frequency. Is it lower or higher? Are you thinking ‘good’ thoughts or ‘bad’ thoughts? Whatever you are thinking you are calling into creation.


You can master your life experience with just the information that whatever you project emotionally or whatever frequency you emit, is shaping your life experience.

For example:

Your girlfriend leaves you. For weeks you are feeling a pit in your stomach (solar plexus chakra) and you can’t eat, sleep and feel depressed. This is a ‘grieving’ period and it is appropriate.

But sooner rather than later (or never at all!) you are going to have a choice to move that feeling from your solar plexus to your heart chakra (middle of the chest).


You need to master the transmutation of energy. Sounds difficult, doesn’t it?  It really isn’t.

Moving the Energy Up

When you are feeling stuck in your solar plexus (stomach area) you can always choose to move it up a notch into your heart chakra (chest area).

When you are feeling down or depressed or even stressed, angry or frustrated (any ‘negative’ emotion) you can move it up on the emotional scale.

Butterflies and Pits

When we feel those butterflies in the tummy or a pit in the stomach, we are experiencing the negative scale of the solar plexus.  I’m sure you can relate to this feeling.

Expansion and Bliss

When you move it up one, you are moving the energy or frequency/vibration into the heart center.  To experience the feeling of love, joy or bliss we must put ourselves into this frame of emotion.


Observe how you feel when you think of something wonderful.  Holding your child for the first time, getting your first puppy, watching a magnificent sunset — these are all triggers to get you to feel ‘bliss’ and this is usually felt in your heart chakra.

When you find the one thing that can immediately make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, you have your trigger to activate the heart centre/chakra.

This is extremely important as it is a tool to help you to elevate yourself and your well-being.  It is empowering to know that whenever you are feeling out of alignment with your true state, which should be bliss, joy and/or love, you can use a memory to help guide you back into your center.

Practical Steps to Feeling Good

Practice this whenever you can.  Just sit quietly, close you eyes and think of that one thing that brings you joy, feel it, observe it, expand it until your whole chest is tingling and opening.  Can you feel that the more you expand this feeling, the more it permeates through your entire body — every cell seems to ‘vibrate’.  Congratulations!  You have found your good vibration!

Now you can use this to steer your life in the direction you want to see it sail into…have fun!

Just remember, if you fall overboard, you can throw yourself a life belt by either moving it up a notch or reminding yourself that ‘this too shall pass‘.  Then when you are feeling a little better, you can start your heart chakra meditation and start redirecting your cosmic vibration to match your desires again.

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Taking Things Personally Could Be Ruining Your Life

Caught in Blue by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Framed Prints Available – Click Here

Be Honest With Yourself

Are you easily offended? When you take something personally or are affronted, you are — in a claustrophobic little nutshell — agreeing with what has been said about you.

Does this ring true or are you shaking your head profusely?

When you feel offended you are agreeing with the offender because it has touched a nerve. Let’s try unravel more of this…

Nerves Weren’t Always Twisted, You Know

If someone tried to hurt you, or perhaps even inadvertently, says something to you that you don’t agree with – no problem – you usually shrug off this kind of ‘offense’ because it really doesn’t bother you.

For example: You are happy with your appearance and feel you are a fine specimen, someone passes by in a vehicle and shouts out ‘hey, freak!’

Here is your moment; do you agree with that or not? If you are 100% confident that you are a perfectly chic human being then you would most likely shrug the comment off and have a good laugh.

Why? Simply because you don’t agree with the statement.

“Who get’s to be the judge and jury on what is deemed beautiful accepted or hideous? The tabloids? Hollywood?”

Now, if you think you are ‘okay’ looking but there could be room for improvement, or, in the extreme, if you are someone with downright low self-esteem, this statement would be devastating because a part of you, or perhaps – most of you, agrees with this. You are shocked that someone else has found you out!

You thought if you could keep your head down no-one would notice you but here someone has clearly seen your faults. This feels like a low blow and you become all knotted up in your stomach (solar plexus area).

The Illusion of Appearance

The ultimate fear of imperfection and/or of not being accepted is, of course, an illusion.

Who get’s to be the judge and jury on what is deemed beautiful accepted or hideous? The tabloids? Hollywood? Just spare a thought as to who you give your power over to, that which dictates what beauty and normal is, and try to see that it is all fake.

True beauty and acceptance is in the eye of the beholder. So anyone claiming to know what beauty or normal definitely is needs very close examining if they are not including every member of the human race in their synopsis.

To agree with anyone over anything stemming from feelings of lack would be disempowering.

“The person doing the insulting is only reminding you of something that needs to be taken on within yourself to have a good, long and hard look at – and to either change or accept.”

The same could be said over someone slighting your intelligence. If you don’t feel stupid then any snide remark over your competence could be easily overlooked but if you are worried about what others think, a dig at your IQ could mean the world to you.

Are You to Blame?

This is not truly the fault of the insulter (although they will have to deal with their contribution via their karma) – it is actually your fault.

Yeah, it sounds harsh and it is. But if we are going to get real about this we need to dive right into the core of the problem and bring it up for close scrutiny.

The person doing the insulting is only reminding you of something that needs to be taken on within yourself to have a good, long and hard look at – and to ultimately change or accept.

Although you probably won’t want to give them a gold medal for their efforts at the time, I assure you that some people are in this life to push your buttons — in a seemingly unloving way — to actually give you the opportunity to reconsider your belief structures.

This may be on a level that even they are not aware of.

If there are no buttons to push, then you can walk away head held high knowing that it is something you have overcome or never had a doubt about in the first place.

It is the slights that leave us feeling wounded that mean that we have a program still running within us that wants to be ended, a cache that needs clearing.

What Insults You?

You have to be cruel in examining these beliefs in order to be kind to yourself.


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We all face difficult, dark moments of self-realization, when we see the agreements we have made about ourselves and have to try to turn it around. When you can out these undesirable contracts you can begin to repair them.

We have to discover why we felt the lack and how we are feeling now about the same issue. Then we must align it to our higher self by breaking down the agreement piece by piece and offer it up to the light to be cleansed.

What do I mean by this?

This simply means to shed light on a problem. When it has come to our full attention we can dissemble it and make a new beneficial agreement about ourselves.

We need to look at ourselves and find the beauty inherent in us, not always trying to fish out our perceived faults. When you treat yourself with loving kindness and nurture your self-esteem with positive thoughts, you will begin to shift into alignment with your higher self.

“However, we must consider that some things are said in the heat of the moment and not really meant by the offender, so we really need to see why we made the agreement.”

Some of these agreements we made at a very young age. When we are young we have no inhibitions and sang at the top of our voices, danced our hearts out (whether someone was looking or not) and thought we were princesses and superheroes.

Then one day someone came along and made you feel less than what you felt about yourself. You may have paused to take it in – then you made a crucial decision.

Making the Agreement

Either you agreed with what they said or you didn’t. That is why some of us can still dance freely and not be bothered whilst others cringe at the thought of dancing in public – this could be due to an earlier experience of being made to feel like you were ‘no good’ by someone who was only giving you one piece of the puzzle.

What Puzzle?

When I said that the person was only giving one piece of the puzzle I mean that they have a preference based on their version of reality.

That is one person’s perspective in a sea of other possible candidates – ones who may have loved your form of expression.

This person could have also been a child, an acquaintance, a stranger or it could have been someone you trusted and loved deeply. The latter is often the case and can make the hurt twice as strong.

However, we must consider that some things are said in the heat of the moment and not really meant by the offender, so we really need to see why we made the agreement.

“We sometimes tend to disregard the ones who encourage us, leaving only space in our thoughts for the ones who hurt us.”

You also need to know that you can never have universal appeal with absolutely everyone.

You or your talents may not be one person’s cup of tea but what about all the other people in the world who will resonate with your particular brand of uniqueness.

Neither being important though because it is ultimately you who needs to please you. When you do this then you are immediately accepted and no outside influence can make you feel anything other than what you know yourself to be.

“Without diversity in hair colour, body shapes, talents, voices, tastes, etc we would be tantamount to sheep running around in a field day in and day out – bah-bah-boring!”

We sometimes tend to disregard the ones who encourage us, leaving only space in our thoughts for the ones who hurt us.

Why is this, I wonder?

Everyone has the urge to be liked and accepted for who they are. This is normal. But what we need to redefine is what is normal?

Every soul is special and has equally unique attributes, abilities and ways of expressing themselves creatively. There should be no judgment.

What do We do About That Sheeple Judge?

When there is judgment on this, we must question the one doing the judging.

Without freedom of expression this world would be a very dull place. Without diversity in hair colour, body shapes, talents, voices, tastes, etc we would be tantamount to sheep running around in a field day in and day out – bah-bah-boring!

Love your difference, embrace yourself.

Begin to discover, on the deepest level, who you truly are and what you have done – not only in this lifetime but in the countless life experiences you have had. Draw on the wealth of talents you have that you haven’t even begun to extract from your being.

Know Thyself!

As the oracle in the movie The Matrix had written above her kitchen door: ‘Know thyself’ (a long-established ancient Greek aphorism).

When you do, there is nothing anyone can say or do to you that would ever hurt you because you will be resolute as to who you are and nobody can take that away from you, unless you allow them to.

 “Empowerment comes from fearing no-thing and facing every day with courage and love in your heart.”

Don't Take Things Personally - Find Out How...

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When you are living with the statement ‘be the best you can be’ and you are doing this with all your integrity and might then you have nothing to fear.

Empowerment comes from fearing no-thing and facing every day with courage and love in your heart. Strive to be the best and do the best you can in every situation and you will be living in your integrity and you will know yourself.

Then words or energy that does not fit with your frequency or vibration will not even penetrate your field of self. You have become the master of your life and your reality.

Something worth looking into, wouldn’t you say?

Do you have something that you just can’t not take personally?  What is it and can you perhaps trace when you made the agreement?

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