Is Assumption Destroying Your Relationship?


One of the Most Poignant Taboos

I would like to delve into the ‘spiritual taboos‘ – maybe you’ve heard of them, maybe you haven’t.  Either way, they are significant enough to address (or re-address as the case may be).

These are concepts put across through the masterful words and teachings, derived from Toltec wisdom, of Don Miguel Ruiz

He sweetened them up by calling them the ‘4 Agreements’ whereas I have used the word ‘taboo’ as a mere marketing ploy to attract your attention.  As shameful as that is, I did it with the noblest of intentions.  We need to hear this – over and over if that be the case.

“To ‘sin’ is to go against your self or to ‘miss the mark’.”

Before we start with these tantalizing taboos, I want to address what it means to sin.  To ‘sin’ is to go against your self or to ‘miss the mark’.  So, go easy on yourself if you see that you have been performing or have been lured into the web of some of these sticky concepts.

Guidelines Along Your Path 

You are on a path to enlightenment (consciously or unconsciously — preferably the former) and when you embark on such a journey you need a basis of comparison.

We have chosen this particular journey into the realms of the soul, so acknowledge your choices and correct them if it suits you.  These guidelines are merely a way to steer you to counter balance your integrity if you do ‘miss the mark’.

The key is to be aware at all times and to realign when you need to.  Oh and did I forget to say FORGIVE yourself if you slip?  These taboos are difficult to master but they can be mastered.  When the seed has been planted as to what they are, it will be up to you – consciously or, sometimes, unconsciously – to water them into fruition.

Assumption — A Deal Breaker!

In this article we are going to address the one spiritual taboo called ‘assumption’.  It is a much overlooked and yet one of the most predominantly adopted characteristic of modern-day society.

A more lighthearted look at this word sees the word ‘ass’ ‘u’ and ‘me’…”

Don’t forget to pin it!

To assume is to not be in full command of truth or fact.  When we assume something we try to interpret, through sometimes limited knowledge or resources, what the truth might be.  We then run with this perceived outcome, sometimes even starting to believe it to be factual without proof.  It sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?  It is.

A more lighthearted look at this word sees the word ‘ass’ ‘u’ and ‘me’.  How succinct, seeing as assuming does normally make an ass out of one or both parties.

Alas, all humour aside, it is something we do too frequently without much thought of the consequences of our minds presumptuous actions.  This is not only dangerous but it is a detrimental factor in limiting us in relationships and with life in general.

Our minds are powerful, this is something most of us know and are starting to quantumly comprehend, so when you mentally construct a truth and play it out over and over in your mind you can either

(a) entirely convince yourself of it’s truth or

(b) bring that scenario into play in reality – in other words, give form to your thought (Law of Attraction).

“When we assume we are potentially shutting a door to further knowledge or clarification.”

Assumptions cloud our discernment and play on our fears.  When we assume we are potentially shutting a door to further knowledge or clarification.

Assumption at Work

Let’s say you assume your husband is having an affair because he has lipstick on his collar.  You do not confront him, fearing the truth to be what you imagine.  You start to treat him differently, as if you are positive that his activities are dubious.  He has no idea why you are acting this way.

Cold shoulders and snide remarks rule the roost.  This could go on for days, weeks or even, God forbid, turn into years of total distrust if it goes unconfronted.  There could be so many reasons and outcomes to this situation but let’s take a look at just three potentials:

  1.  He was having an affair
  2. A lady bumped into him whilst he was travelling in a lift leaving a trace of her lipstick on the side of his collar
  3.  If the latter was the case – you could have irreparably alienated your husband and driven him into the arms of another through your assumptions and unfounded suspicions.   So in this case, you have actually given form or materialized the original fear based on an assumption that was not the truth.  You have forced the undesired outcome.

“Any situation can be resolved.  You never choose any experience in this life without there being a solution.  The only thing standing in your way is your perception of what you want the outcome to look like. “

Don’t assume.  You will undoubtedly pay the consequences.

Always ask.  Communication is one of the keys to living in your integrity.  Always steer yourself towards the light of truth, no matter how hard the truth may be.  Burying the truth will always lead to more pain eventually.

Any situation can be resolved.

You never choose any experience in this life without there being a solution.  The only thing standing in your way is your perception of what you want the outcome to look like.  Sometimes only time can tell whether something serves us or not.

Assumption can lead to a lot of unwarranted unhappiness.  Ever heard of ‘stewing in your own juices’?  Don’t do it!  Rather get to the core of the situation – the source, the truth.

What’s the Alternative then? 

An exercise to try out would be to identify and stop yourself when you are assuming something (big or small).  See if there are any alternatives to your assumptions.  In other words, we often tend to gravitate towards being more negative with our assumptions.

An example would be:

Your friend hasn’t called you in ages, she normally phones you regularly.  You assume she no longer likes you or you have said something to offend her when in fact there may be several reasons for her lack of communication – none of them even involve you!

“You form ideas based on it (assumption) and then your neural pathways fix and that idea becomes your ‘reality’.”

So, try to either get the facts or quell the desire to reach an assumed conclusion.  When you go into this more deeply you will begin to unravel a lot of ‘baggage’ that your mind sets up through the act of assumption.  You form ideas based on it and then your neural pathways fix and that idea becomes your ‘reality’.

Harmful ‘Petty’ Assumptions

Let’s say that you see your neighbour shouting at his children.  You assume that he has anger issues and that he is a bad father.

The truth of the matter may be that you have just caught him on an incredibly stressful day –  he could be father of the year for all you know – but there you have made a mental construct, not through years of getting to know him, but through a momentary reaction that has now tainted your view of his personality and parental skills.

You may even do further damage and air your opinions about him to others leading to an even greater adverse effect on his reputation based on your unfounded assumptions.

“If you can just come to the realization that you are assuming you can begin to change it…” 

Now, how often do we do this?  If you can just come to the realization that you are assuming – become conscious of this behavioral pattern in yourself – you can begin to change it and in doing so you can save yourself a lot of anguish that, more often than not, leads to so much heartache and misunderstanding.

What stories of assumption can you identify with and tell us about?  Are there any you are making now and don’t know how to stop?  Share your experiences and feel free to ask any questions.

If you liked this article and you want to start really anchoring a new positive future, you may consider starting a gratitude journal. Every day write something you are grateful for, no matter how big or small. You’ll see your life start to change when you focus on the positive!

Get your gratitude journal today (click on this link or the picture below) for yourself or for someone you know who’s starting out on a self-empowerment path and could use a bit of motivation!


These gratitude journals can be purchased lined or blank (depending on whether you prefer drawing what you’re grateful for or writing it). They are 13.2cm x 18.6cm – a handy pocket-sized journal!

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4 Programs That Lead to Blocked Abundance — How Many Are You Running?

Shit Header

The Ultimate Enema

Even the most dedicated Law of Attraction students run into walls that seem insurmountable. There are programs that lurk in the darkest recesses that need cache clearing. Holding onto these ‘junk’ programs will only constipate the flow of positive energy into your life.

Here are, what I like to call, the SHIT programs:

  • S — ‘S’ is for ‘shit happens‘ (a common but deadly troublesome software program) and the belief that life isn’t fair. The rich get richer and the poor suffer. Read related article: The Key to Success That May Surprise You (It Surprised Me!)
  • H — ‘H’ is for ‘humility’…or in this case misplaced humility. This kind of humility blocks us in receiving because it thinks it’s rude or embarrassing to receive help or, God forbid, to ask for it. This form of humility must decline such perceived ‘charity’ or ‘pity’. A program with lonely and bleak consequences.
  • I — ‘I’ is for ‘I’m not worthy’. This is the virus of the system and it’s total bollocks (an anagram of ‘ol blocks).
  • T — ‘T’ is for ‘try’. Yoda had it right, folks. To try is a woolly verb that really just implies more ‘trying’. Try, for me, is getting on a merry-go-round and expecting to go somewhere. Trying is the firewall program that blocks out actual DOING. It’s the ‘I might Be’ equivalent of the ‘I AM’ statement.

Right, so that spells out ‘SHIT’ (I’m always trying to justify my impish need to swear in respectable articles). Now let’s turn this around, shall we? Let’s delve into some deep S.H.I.T.

  • ‘S’ could rather stand for ‘satisfaction‘ (perhaps the Stones were running the ‘Shit Happens’ program when they wrote that they couldn’t get any?). Let’s turn ‘life isn’t fair’ into the reality of the program which is: Life is. It just is — you assign it meaning. So, why not see it as completely stupendous? Run the program that life is so stunningly satisfying that every corner you take there’s something there to make it even MORE satisfactory. Isn’t it just an awesome energy to be in — that of utter contentment and fulfillment? Don’t take my word for it, give it a bash and see if it works better than the ‘shit happens’ program.
  • ‘H’ could rather be used for ‘Hallelujah!’ — kick the hampering kind of humility to the curb! If you’re in a pickle and someone can help you (and preferably if the help is genuine and heart-based) let them! When you deny the energy of accepting you deny the other person the gift of giving. You’ll have your chance to pay it forward when the energy is right, so, accept graciously and stop blocking the abundance energy from flowing into and out through you. Read related article: How to Put the “Believe” in “Ask, Believe, Receive!”
  • ‘I’ can be tweaked just a tad to ‘I am worthy‘ — ’cause let’s face it, everybody is! You’re all divine little sausages (even the vegetarians! Yes, you too are meat encased in skin whether you like it or not). Embrace your divinity (I actually wrote a book about this called, Divine You which really goes into why I think you’re God). You are SO worthy because you are SO God, God is in You (even the religious can’t deny it if God is truly omnipotent)!
  • ‘T’ can translate to ‘transform‘ rather than try. You can change tracks any timeSUBSCRIBE icon 1 you like by taking the reigns of your God-given sovereignty and stepping into empowered responsibility for your thoughts and actions. Being resolute is the new sexy.

I can safely say that this has been an undeniably S.H.I.T. article.

If you liked this article, you may consider starting a gratitude journal. Every day write something you are grateful for, no matter how big or small. You’ll see your life start to change when you focus on the positive!

Get your gratitude journal today (click on this link or the picture below) for yourself or for someone you know who’s starting out on a self-empowerment path and could use a bit of motivation!


These gratitude journals can be purchased lined or blank (depending on whether you prefer drawing what you’re grateful for or writing it). They are 13.2cm x 18.6cm – a handy pocket-sized journal!

Other articles you may enjoy:

How to Realign with Innate Gratitude

Conquering Blocks Leads to Bold Brave Living

2 Dances You’re Going to Want to Learn Today to Manifest Like a Pro

1 Common Mistake You May Be Making When Using the Law of Attraction


Are You Just Flat Out Broken by the LOA?

It can be darn right frustrating watching people around you manifesting their hearts desires and there you are feeling like you couldn’t conjure a pig in a poke!

What’s wrong with your Law of Attraction prowess?

You’re so sick and tired of hearing that you bring about that which you think about most because you’ve been drawing sweat-beads trying to manifest that $4 million bank account and it just ain’t happening.

What are you doing wrong?

Shooting Too High and Taking the Fall

I’ve had my feelers out, listening to how friends use the LOA to attract a better life. I’ve got to say I’m a bit taken aback. A lot of the aforementioned peeps are straining to go large or go home…and they’re ending up taking the long and frustrating road home.

No wonder!

Here’s what I think is going horribly wrong:

  • Instead of trying to manifest a bar of chocolate, they’re trying to get a ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
  • In lieu of attracting a long lost friend to make contact, they’re trying to procure a relationship with the hot guy from ‘Supernatural’.
  • Despite their amazing efforts to get in shape — and they’re really looking good and making steady progress — they’re feeling shortchanged because they don’t have a bod like J-Lo yet.

In my opinion, the one factor that is going awry is the target is set too high and the patience to manifest such a trophy is way too low.

I totally advocate going for your dreams no matter how intimidating but I also believe in a steady progression of knock-down goals.

It seems like a lot of people are missing the groundwork — then when nothing is coming to fruition, hands are thrown in the air and it is declared that this new-age hippy sh*t doesn’t work.

No…it does work — you just need to hone down on your skill to use this magnificent force of free universal energy.

Those seeds are indeed fertilized and are growing beneath the soil — you may just need to tune your patience, work on your faith and brush up on your affirmation/visualization/feeling expertise. The best way to do this is to start small.No on e wants to hear this but it is actually the fastest track to success.

Trying to manifest a million dollar bank account when you’re sitting in the red is going to exhaust you. So try manifesting $100, then $400, then $600…then progressively increase the amount.

Getting a Self Worth Work-Out

Some people CAN manifest big, it’s not that you CAN’T. It just may be that you’re self belief muscles need some training. As my mother used to remind me, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Give yourself bite-sized goals to achieve. Each time you vanquish the small hill, it makes the big mountain more and more conquerable (is that even a word?). Now you’re starting to build and flex those worth and belief muscles to the max. Eventually, you’ll be able to take the LOA training wheels off and go full tilt!

But until then, you’ve got to eat the elephant one bite at a time (what a ghastly saying! But it sure purveys the point).

Going from Zero to Hero

Okay, so what’s worth checking in on are these points:

  1. Start small. Manifest things daily that are achievable and remarkable. In other words, you want a beautiful garden so your first thought is to manifest a new palatial home with grounds to match when all you need to do is try initially attract a rose bush (palatial mansion may take in excess of 10-20 years to manifest, rose bush may take a day — you do the math!). If your neighbor then leans over the fence and offers you a gorgeous little cutting of her iceberg roses, you’ll not only be pleasantly surprised because the world works in remarkable ways but you’ll be toning those believability biceps. Slow and steady wins the race. This is how you think and manifest outside the box.
  2. Water! You’ve got to nourish your dreams. Keep them well fertilized and fed. Affirm your desires daily and don’t let impatience or despair creep in and ruin your flower bed! If you’re feeling like you’re not manifesting — check in with yourself. Are your goals realistic? What can you do to enhance your desires (like meditate on them or create a vision board, set an even smaller more achievable goal, etc)?
  3. Trim Back. You future project what you’re thinking NOW. Keep realigning your thoughts to nurture your dreams and not bring about existential drought. Stop reiterating the same old sob story about your life/finances/weight/relationships/’fill in the blank’. Create new exciting versions of the life you’re rewiring to step into.

Happy manifesting!

This article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News — come join the community of over 500k! Click here…

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1 Common Mistake with LOA by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Header Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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How Can Wishing For Your Rivals Success Make You Successful?

Is There Enough?  How to Wish for Abundance for Others Too…

This is the part that most people don’t get and it is such a wonderful thing to do.  It is a great test of your faith and just how much you want to see others happy and successful too.

“…would you only want one of your children to succeed in life?”

This principle works on the visualization of other people succeeding, especially those you deem your competitors.  It is a hard concept as we are taught that there is not enough for everyone and that we must win and in order to do that, someone must lose.  This is utter nonsense as the universe is abundant.  This is another ploy in keeping us on opposing sides – the ‘me’ versus ‘them’ theory.

“We don’t all want the same thing anyway, so stop feeling threatened by others…”

Let’s take the ‘Parent Analogy’ – would you only want one of your children to succeed in life?  Of course not, you would want them all to succeed.  We don’t all want the same thing anyway, so stop feeling threatened by others and the wonderful idea of everyone experiencing abundance.

If you believe that the Divine is behind the Law of Attraction then it makes perfect sense, yet again, that we all manifest abundance.  Just like  parents wanting all their children to have happy and prosperous lives.

“Is it not a thrill on its own to see other people happy and excited?”

So, whatever situation you want to bring into your life, be it a successful career or a successful relationship, see others enjoying the same benefits.  If it is a raise in your salary you desire then see all your colleagues happy faces as you visualize them all receiving a raise.

Is it not a thrill on its own to see other people happy and excited?  This vibration is also extremely powerful and will make you a magnet for success, especially as all those around you will be experiencing good times through your visualizations as well!  How about that for a win-win situation?

If you find yourself having trouble with this exercise, then it might be prudent to question, deep within yourself, why you are feeling this way.

This exercise will help you to see the Grand Design – a world of joy and creativity where everyone’s a winner.

Above photo image created by Grant Cochrane

Part of the above article has been an extract from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is available now through all good bookstores.

Why is Gratitude so Important When Creating Abundance?

To recap on the previous article about abundance, please CLICK HERE

Set Your Emotional Dial to ‘Vibrate’

Feeling gratitude for what you have brings with it its own vibration.  For those of you who are at a loss to what the word vibration truly means, I will give you some dictionary meanings that I think encapsulate this vitally important word:

 Vibrate –  (def) experience a rush of emotion in response to something;  a distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively;  feel sudden intense sensation or emotion;  to resonate:   be received or understood;  oscillation.

This vibration of gratitude seems to attract more positive things into your life.  The more grateful you are for what you have the more you will have to be grateful for.

“…give thanks even before you have received…”

It seems like a good deal for such a pleasant feeling, gratitude.

Bypass Gratitude and Say Goodbye to Abundance

Gratitude is therefore a very important aspect of the Law of Attraction and should not be bypassed.  Besides, it feels good to be thankful and to remind ourselves of all the things in our lives that are going great.  We so often only think of our lack.

When you want to manifest a desire and you can picture what you want, don’t forget to give thanks even before you have received it.  This process brings it to you even quicker, as the matrix has to ‘hop to it’ because you are already feeling emotions of gratitude and it will have to align with that vibration or frequency.

The above article has been an extract from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is available now through all good bookstores.

Other blogs related to this topic:

What is Thanks Giving?

Are You Creating the Life of your Dreams?

Top of Blog Photo credit:  ”Thank You” by Felixco, Inc

Why 3 Is A Magic Number

This is an extract from the second chapter — about The Trinity — in my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ now available through Barnes & Noble, Amazon, WHSmith and Waterstones Bookstores.

The Power of 3

The number 3 is a metaphor for the catalyst — it is the number of action.

“Father, Son and Holy Spirit are an expression for the Divine within you, your true, raw and, in most cases, unrealized potential.”

In this case, the action required to bring about Heaven on Earth, or HOME (Heaven on Mother Earth) as I like to call it, through a massive awakening in us and our ability to merge this sacred trinity together — within ourselves — to embrace and be one with the Divine. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are an expression for the Divine within you, your true, raw and, in most cases, unrealized potential.

The concept of mind, body and spirit is a powerful trio and trinity in itself. When closely examined, it could be considered as a metaphor for the sacred oneness of the Divine, duality (our embodiment), and the unity of consciousness (the realization that we are all One that makes up the Whole again). A closed circuit of continuous Divine energy.

The Splinter In Your Mind

When you realize that the ‘splinter’ in your mind, that one thing that you sense is out of kilter but you can’t seem put your finger on, is the remembrance of your true state of existence then you can begin to piece together the memories of your Divine self.

“What a wonderful representation of the trinity when it is symbolized as the triangle – it will never change its shape, unbending and durable.”

The splinter is that part of you, the true self, trying to come out and manifest in this 3D plane of existence. Yes, there it is again – the 3 even crops up in reference to the dimension we infer ourselves to be most present in.

The triangle is a perfect example of the 3, the sturdiest shape possible. The only ‘perfect’ figure which if all endpoints have hinges will never change its shape unless the sides themselves are bent. What a wonderful representation of the trinity when it is symbolized as the triangle – it will never change its shape, unbending and durable. This is a remarkable example of our uncompromising totality.

Tune in for more…

Over the next few weeks I will be taking some more juicy extracts from my book to give you a taste of what Divine You is all about.  So please stay tuned as I tempt you with more teachings on reclaiming your innate Divine power…press the ‘follow’ button on the sidebar to get e-mail notifications of new blogs.

This book encourages the reader to re-examine some fundamental qualities to living a happy and content life.  It looks at the importance of forgiveness, why it is imperative not to judge, how to use the Law of Attraction, present moment awareness, what unconditional love really looks like, how to vanquish fear, awakening the unity that is the christ-consciousness seed within you and lots more.


How Can Everyone Be Divine?

This is an extract from the first chapter in my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ now available through Barnes & Noble, Amazon, WHSmith and Waterstones Bookstores.

Are We Really Divine?

Is it really a surprise that instead of searching outside of yourself for a savior to come and save you that, indeed, you are that savior?

The cliché that everything you’ll ever need is within you is now appearing to be an absolute truth. In fact, truth is better defined as integrity which is an undivided completeness and/or a state of totality with nothing wanting. It is a much easier, and if I might say, lazier route to hand over the job of spirituality and the understanding of the ‘God’ concept to someone or something else outside of yourself.

“…we must never hand our power over to anything or anyone outside of ourselves.”

This is what has happened through the various religions and even some of the ‘new age’ practices. You are handing your power over to someone else. If we are to take back control over our destiny and life as we know it on this planet, we must never hand
our power over to anything or anyone outside of ourselves.

We are powerful Divine beings.

What It Really Means To Be Christ-Like

The parables of Jesus Christ always felt like he had a greater understanding of people and the way this world should be experienced – especially when he spoke of our innate divinity (being the sons and daughters of God).

“Words are powerful tools of both positive and negative vibration.”

This is why I feel that the stories of Jesus Christ were tales of spiritual morality that encompassed compassion, empathy, non-judgment and love.  When someone speaks his or her truth there is always a resonance within the words being said that will affect you positively. Words are powerful tools of both positive and negative vibration.

So, when Jesus spoke his truth, it resonates within because fundamentally we know what it sounds like as everyone has this form of integrity inside them and that is how we recognize it.

Our truths are buried deep inside and the whole process of enlightenment is to shine a light on it and to bring ourselves into complete clarity and wholeness.

More Tasty Tit-Bits To Come…

Over the next few weeks I will be taking some more juicy extracts from my book to give you a taste of what Divine You is all about.  Please stay tuned…

This book encourages the reader to re-examine some fundamental qualities to living a happy and content life.  It looks at the importance of forgiveness, why it is imperative not to judge, how to use the Law of Attraction, present moment awareness, what unconditional love really looks like, how to vanquish fear, awakening the unity that is the christ-consciousness seed within you and lots more.


Your World, Your Life

I would like to share with you the outro of my book (‘Divine You’).  It is a poem I wrote just before I started the endeavour that was the undertaking of writing this self-empowerment guide.  It encapsulates the journey of this book and I hope it will whet your appetite.

So for now, I’ll leave you with this…

Your World, Your Life…

Your world begins and ends with you
You are in control, the master of your destiny

You are the constant observer of your world
You are the choice maker
Your choices create your world

You will know the crossroads when you see them
Think hard about who you are and what you want
Your decisions are never wrong unless you don’t learn from them
And are grateful when they are the right decisions

We make mistakes so we can learn
We have to make mistakes so we know what we want from life
It is never too late to alter your destiny or to right a wrong

Forgiveness is vital along your path
To forgive helps you to extinguish anger
It is not designed to indemnify the perpetrator
It is there to help you move on

To forgive yourself is a difficult task
It is also a most vital task

You were made perfect
You doubt yourself through the eyes and opinions of others
Be mindful of what you say to others and what is said to you

You know you are Divine, you know you are perfect
Compliments or criticisms from others should be taken lightly
Only you know your soul
Only you can evaluate yourself

If you let criticism into your heart you are agreeing with it
You will pick up a lot of this kind of ‘baggage’ along the way
Just remember it is easy to break the agreement if you do not concur

Only you know who you are
Only you can make the agreement

Never assume anything, assumptions only cause confusion
Make sure you know the facts

The world is your oyster, you are never to young or too old
Your dreams will become reality if you believe it
Thoughts are the second most powerful force in the Universe
Love is the first

Love yourself and you will have endless love for others
Hold love in your heart and the world will open up for you
See everyone in the world as a part of you, a collective Oneness
Treat them like you would treat yourself

Love begets love, fear begets fear
Again, the choice is yours

This is it


                                                      ~  Cherie Roe Dirksen


My book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ is now available at Barnes & Noble Bookstore.

This book encourages the reader to re-examine some fundamental qualities to living a happy and content life.  It looks at the importance of forgiveness, why it is imperative not to judge, how to use the Law of Attraction, present moment awareness, what unconditional love really looks like, how to vanquish fear, awakening the unity that is the christ-consciousness seed within you and lots more.

Don’t forget that you can also download your FREE copy of

‘Creative Expression — How to find your inspiration…’ HERE

or click on the link below to order your paperback copy for $19.99:

How to Manifest Your Desires

Poppy IToday’s blog is going to concentrate on the key steps to manifesting what it is that you desire to experience.

“It is always a good idea to reassess or rethink what it is we want to manifest so that we can always remain focused and clear on what we want out of life.”

For a recap of the Law of Attraction and how you can begin to take charge of your life, please read Tuesdays blog here before proceeding with the following steps.

  • Setting an intention — do this daily and try to follow-up every week on your desires manifestation.   You may want to retweek what it is you want.  It is perfectly okay to change your mind.   It is important to bend with the wind and to not resist it.  So, if you feel like there is something better you want to manifest, then do that and don’t stay rigidly stuck on your first desire.  It is always a good idea to reassess or rethink what it is we want to manifest so that we can always remain focused and clear on what we want out of life.
  • Visualization and Emotion — when you have set your intention visualize what it would feel like if you were already living in that reality.  The more you feel the emotions, the more the Universe will line you up with that frequency that you want or believe yourself to be on.  We all played ‘make believe’ when we were kids, so don’t tell me you don’t know how to daydream!  This step is literally daydreaming that existence and when you get to the ‘feeling’ part, you have your positive manifesting emotion.
  • Anchoring — anchor that emotion!  Try to feel that emotion whenever you can.  Think about how wonderful it feels.
  • Detach — the most important part of this process is to detach from what you want.  This almost sounds like a dichotomy but it isn’t.  The reason why we need to detach from the outcome is that we don’t know the quickest possible way to get to our desires.  The Universe does and when you detach you are actually allowing for the speediest route to your desired destination.  Know in your heart that your wish is being seen to and that the fruits will come.  When you can be in this frame of mind, you have detached and are in the state of allowing.  Blank out your mind and stop worrying about how to ‘get there’.
  • Live it out — see yourself always living in the desired outcome.  Instead of focusing on the hows and whens of the manifested desire, focus on what you are going to be doing when your dream is met.  In other words, if you desire more money, then money is not what you really want — you can do very little with the physical aspect of the money except wipe your bottom with it.  What you want is what the money can buy — the vibrational exchange.  So picture what it is you want the money for.  Is it a new car or a lavish vacation — then picture yourself driving down the highway in your new car or soaking up the suns rays in Barbados (hell, even throw in the first class ticket you could afford to get there with!).  Let go of how you are going to get there and ‘feel’ like you are already there — picture yourself boarding the plane and drinking champagne in first class or getting into your new red Porsche and starting the ignition.  Make the visualizations exciting and pleasant.

Poppy IIYou can do these visualizations and emotion-enhancing techniques when you meditate. All it takes is a powerful 5 minute meditation to kick-start your desires into action.

“Tell yourself how quickly you are going to get things done and how much fun it’s going to be.”

I usually do an exercise in the morning over my first cuppa.  I set my intention for the day and I see myself easily carrying out all my plans and having time to spare.  I also visualize that I am enjoying myself immensely whilst I am doing it.  Go on, try it!

You will be amazed how everything falls into place when you expect it to.  Think about that.  When you whine and complain about how little time you have, or how much you have to do — you usually end up meeting that agreement easily!  So try it in reverse.  Tell yourself how quickly you are going to get things done and how much fun it’s going to be.

Let The Universal GPS Take You There!

What I know for certain is that if you do not detach you start to doubt, when you doubt you lose the momentum of your desire.  When you try to fathom the way the Universe should bring your desire about, you are resisting what can be done to achieve your goal.  This can lead you to take ages to manifest what you want instead of letting go and letting the Universal GPS take you there.

“…when you are in your integrity you will be a responsible creator and you will manifest for yourself and the greater good.”

Keep focusing on your goal and enjoy the ride!  You are always going to want more and want to create more, this is alright as the Universe is ever-expanding.  Please don’t get me wrong with this statement as I am not advocating being an ‘over-consumer’ — please co-create responsibly.  But I have no doubt that when you are in your integrity you will be a responsible creator and you will manifest for yourself and the greater good.

Lastly and probably the most important step — have fun!  The joy is in the journey and not always in the arrival of your destination (this is just a momentary bonus until you want to manifest your next creation).

Happy manifesting!

For more about the Law of Attraction and how to co-create your life, I have found the Jerry and Esther Hicks books of great help.  CLICK HERE for more information.

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 Autumn Whispers Poster

“There is no sugar-coating this theory because the time for pandering this issue is over.  “

For those of you new to the Law of Attraction (LOA) – read on.  For those who understand the LOA — it’s of great benefit to recap what you already know to glean information that may have previously not been taken on board.

Get With the Law of Attraction Program!

Simply put — the LOA states that like attracts unto itself.  Whatever you think about the most you attract into your experience.

“You must take responsibility for what you have created in the past so that you can start creating a better future.”

Autumn Whispers Poster 2There is no sugar-coating this theory because the time for pandering this issue is over.  We have got to get real and face the consequences of our unconscious creations.

I have been practicing this concept for a good few years now and it is REAL.

When I look back into my past and ask ‘what I was thinking?’ — creating such chaos — I soon find that there definitely was a train of thought that led to certain events (albeit undesirable events).

You must take responsibility for what you have created in the past so that you can start creating a better future.

Get Your Good Vibrations Dial Tuned In

We co-create everything in our experience.  Not only through thoughts but through vibration — what we feel.

What we feel sends out a strong signal or frequency and that is mainly what the LOA works with.

It can’t decipher words as such — only the vibration or feeling behind the words.  So, to think that you don’t want something only reiterates that which is unwanted.


Are you Holding your Fat Rolls in Discontent?

When you think about losing weight, for instance, you are most likely concentrating on how fat you are not how thin you want to be.  You are probably looking into the mirror holding your fat rolls and sending out a frequency of self-loathing and discontent.

“The first step to creating the life of your dreams is to get real about your ‘head space’.  “

What then happens is the Universe picks up on that which you are thinking about  — the fat — and sees to it that you receive more.

Choosing From the Cosmic Menu

This is what I know:

  1. We are living in a Universe of abundance.
  2. The Universe holds the building blocks to everything.
  3. The Universe is continuously expanding to our every whim.
  4. There is enough abundance for all.
  5. The Universe is manifesting according to our will but it can only deliver that which it sees as being called into existence by us.
  6. We need to seriously filter our thoughts and emotions in order to project what we want to manifest in our lives — if we don’t do this, we still end up creating our experience through our random, unfiltered thought streams and feelings.

The Taming of the Mind

The first step to creating the life of your dreams is to get real about your ‘head space’.

  • What is going on upstairs?
  • Is it a continuous loop of worried thoughts or random streams of mindless pap?
  • Can you devote some time in your day (only 5-10 minutes is required to get you started) to meditate?

“Meditation is allowing your self to just exist with no distraction.”

Meditation, in essence, only means sitting still in a quiet area and blanking out your mind.

Not thinking of anything and just being.  You don’t have to sport a lotus position or hum and chant if it does not resonate with you.  Meditation is allowing your self to just exist with no distraction.

If you find it hard to meditate then seek help, guided meditations or classes.  This is a paramount step to decluttering your mind and clearing the way for positive thought streams.

Jump in the Drivers Seat, Take Your Life for a Spin

When you can apply the breaks to your negative thought streams, you are in control.  When you have this capability, you are on your way to manifesting your dreams.

Pick up a glass and toast to your new co-creator abilities!


Please feel free to share your thoughts on this matter.

Abundance ecard

Here’s a free ecard for you to download and use. Click on the picture, then right-click and ‘save as’ to your computer. You can then upload it to your e-mail.

Read here

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Is Fear or Love Winning in Your Life?

No More Unconscious Creating

We are now firmly rooted in the dawning of a new age and new consciousness on Earth. However, there is one major topic we need to address – fear.

In the absence of love we are left with fear.

When we no longer trust our instincts we give in to fear.  You can see fear as an illusion and only becomes a perceived reality when you let it become manifest.

Illusion versus Perceived Reality  

To illustrate this point, lets take the illusory nature of assumption (for more about assumption, CLICK HERE).

When you assume something  you do not possess all the facts or truth of the matter at hand.  When you form an idea of what is happening you are assuming (which is an illusory concept).

Then when your assumption has rooted itself in your psyche as the truth, you give it form and this can lead either to the creation of your assumption or the suffering of your ego based on the assumption.  And all this was made possible through an illusion.

“When you worry about something you are future-projecting a negative outcome. “

Fear works in much the same way.  Worry is a form of fear that most of us are altogether too familiar with.  When you worry about something you are future-projecting a negative outcome.

Sometimes the situations we worry about never come to pass.  Worry is an illusion.

When we talk about the NOW or present moment awareness, we are referring to the point of acceptance that one arrives at when there is an absence of fear.  There are many roads that take you to fear such as worry, anxiety, stress, panic, anger, resentment, revenge, etc but they all are rooted in fear.

So, succinctly, fear is the root on the scale of negativity.  The opposite of fear would be love.

Good Ol’ Gushy Love

The emotions that lead you to love are joy, happiness, elation, bliss, mirth, laughter, etc and these are all rooted in love.  The ultimate root on the scale of positivity.  The light and dark aspects of existence.

Without either of these perspectives we would live a very dull life.  We need a basis of comparison, in other words, how would you know not to put your hand in the fire if you had never been burnt.

How would you know just how perfect your body felt if you hadn’t had that painful Thai massage?

“If you choose to let fear take a back seat you will see the world open up to you in ways you never imagined.”

We need comparisons to ascertain what we do want.

Fear is generally not wanted but it certainly gains momentum.  It is a tricky little blighter.  The thing is, and always is, are you aware?  When you can become aware of your fears you can deal with them.  If you are playing the victim role, then perhaps you are quite content to be in a cocoon of misery – the choice will always remain yours.

Do you want this?  Is there a better way?  There is always choice and we are always co-creating our lives.  If you choose to let fear take a back seat you will see the world open up to you in ways you never imagined.

When you can master how you spend your energy and who you spend it on, you will not be sucked into the various dramas that people create.  When you no longer fear living, you will begin to truly live in a way that embraces every moment and does not fear death.

The Dirty ‘D’ word — Death

Death is probably the biggest fear of all.  Death is a gateway to another experience.  Experience is the key to existence.

So instead of thinking of death as a finality, think of it as the ultimate experience and see how you can drop the illusion of fear that is crusted around death.

As I once said to an atheist science teacher, what have you got to lose?  If there is nothing after death, then you would never know and would just be snuffed out, with no after thoughts.  No problem there.

“True freedom can only be found on the path that leads to the root of love — the knowing that all is well and the trusting that the universe is organized and you are a part of that.”

However, if there was an ecstatic afterlife with a soul group orientation, my God – what a bonus!  Now I say that very tongue-in-cheek but in all seriousness – we are energy, ask any scientist.  Energy cannot be destroyed, only transmuted.  F

ear around death is truly scary as it acts like a net that traps you.

Have you ever noticed how some people transcend this life with a smile on their face and how some leave truly terrified?  Which one do you want to be?

Be Free

True freedom can only be found on the path that leads to the root of love — the knowing that all is well and the trusting that the universe is organized and you are a part of that.

“We all need to have our eyes wide open to what we are manifesting and creating on a day-to-day, if not minute-to-minute, basis. “

Look out into the universe.  Can you see how there is structure in everything out there?  There is the cycle of life, death and even a bit of chaos thrown in-between but there always seems to be an order and organization to the universe itself.

Planets aren’t shaped like bananas or cubes, they are round (or at least they were when I wrote this).  Most of them are in orbit around a sun.

There are, of course, some free-for-alls that do not have a sun to orbit and drift through space but what a wonderful metaphor for how some of us feel!  You know, the macrocosm reflecting the microcosm and vice versa.

Bashing Fear on the Nose

Fear is something that we all deal with daily.  No matter what label you put on the emotion – if it is negative or coming from a lower vibration, it boils down to fear.  We now need to march straight up to it and bash it on the nose.

“Everything you experience is a manifestation of your thought.”

There is no more time for unconscious creating in this world (for more about consciously co-creating your life, CLICK HERE).  We all need to have our eyes wide open to what we are manifesting and creating on a day-to-day, if not minute-to-minute, basis.

Everything you experience is a manifestation of your thought.  Everything from the bird in the tree that is singing to the cup of coffee that sits next to you.

Most people just think about manifestations as being on the bigger scale.  ‘Oh, I know I manifested that really needy relationship’ or ‘Yes, I acknowledge that I my anger could have caused the accident’ but do we really consider even the smallest of creations.  If not, you should – because there is no chance in our world – everything is co-created and manifested through collective or individual consciousness.

Hard pill to swallow?  Good!  Nothing worth knowing comes to you on a silver platter.

Fear not, all is well.

Related Article:  

3 Silver Bullets to Eliminate Fear

How to Get and Maintain that Positive Attitude

Turning a Negative into a Positive

Facebook Header SpectacularWe all know about positive thinking and the Law of Attraction but do we really put it into practice?

I have so many friends who say they completely understand the Law of Attraction but I find these very same people asking me to join groups on Facebook with very negative connotations, such as ‘Stop Child Abuse’ or ‘Fight Cancer’ . They still don’t quite get it.

So how do you phrase with positivity then?

It does take some getting used to and it can be thought-provoking but it is possible. Mother Theresa said something very profound to demonstrate this premise, it went along the lines of: You’ll never see her at an Anti-War Rally but you will find her at a Pro-Peace Demonstration.

“When we harp on negative words or phrasing we are actually calling them into existence or perpetuating their existence…”

Let’s take the ‘Stop Child Abuse’ campaign, this can be rephrased as the ‘Love and Respect our Children’ or ‘Joyous Childhood’ campaign. ‘Fight Cancer’ can equate positively to ’Complete Physical Well-being”.

What Happens When we Focus on Negativity?

Pink PoppiesWhen we harp on negative words or phrasing we are actually calling them into existence or perpetuating their existence. Feeding the problem, making it recur over and over until we change our mindset.

Let’s try to think a little differently and see what a world of difference we make.

When I talk to most people about this they nearly always tell me that it is far to difficult to alter ones thoughts.  It is not — it just takes time, awareness and patience.

How to Stop Negativity 

The first step is to put your awareness on your thoughts and try to stop the negative ones in their tracks.

At first, some of these thoughts will slip through the cracks and you’ll find yourself in a fear induced state of panic of what might be or what has been and might happen again (isn’t this conducive to how most of us think?).

This is actually quite a normal state of mind in our society – one could even say a collective state of mind. Don’t give up on it though, with repetition things will change and you will find it easier and easier to stop your train of thought when you want to.

One by one you will slowly begin to eradicate these unproductive thought processes from you mind.

Patience is a Strong Virtue

Blue BirdsEverything takes time and a bit of getting used to so the best is to be patient with yourself and gently usher in the new positive thought process.

Do not judge yourself if you fall of the track every now and again – you just pick yourself up and get back on track.  Before you know it, you will be identifying negative thought patterns more and more easily and you will be able to alter the pattern to positivity.

“Just remember the ‘what if’s’ usually never ever happen anyway – how much time have we wasted on this?”

I know this for sure because I practice this and find it to be very effective. It has taken me almost a year to be at a point where I can change negative thoughts midstream and reverse it to a more positive scenario.

What if I Lapse?

Believe me, I also have my lapses but more often than not it can be stopped before one gets carried away in the stream of ‘what if’ scenarios.

I was very good at the ‘what if’ scenario – I’m sure we could all win Oscars for that but how about changing the ‘what if’ into a ‘what is’ because only what is happening now is of true importance. Just remember the ‘what if’s’ usually never ever happen anyway – how much time have we wasted on this?  Read more about how to stop worrisome thoughts HERE.

Easier said than done? Most definitely, but anything of great importance is worth the persistence. Persist with this and, I promise you, you will reap the rewards of a clear and positive state of mind.

Positive thoughts can pull you out of the darkness.
Positive thoughts can heal a sick body.
Positive thoughts can help eliminate our biggest obstacle, fear.

You are in Control 

PoppiesPositivity will alter your perception of the world you live in – the choice is, and always will remain, with you.

You create your life experience, you are in control.  What you see reflected in your life circumstance is what you have projected, consciously – or most of the time unconsciously.  Be clear about this and move on to filtering your wants and don’t wants.

Live your best life – you can only do this when you take responsibility for your actions and thoughts.  Take control of your life and truly live!

Have Your Say…

  • Are you a positive person or do you feel yourself slipping into the negative realms before you can stop it?  Share your thoughts and experiences…I’d love to hear from you.

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