‘Love and Light’ — What Does it Mean?

What is Meant by the Saying Love and Light?

This is an interesting conundrum.  It is a saying that has become a standard greeting in the spiritual community but what exactly does it mean?

“Where there is love there is life”  — Mahatma Gandhi

Divine You Book by Cherie Roe Dirksen

I touched on this adage in my book Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth but never really found a satisfactory answer.  But, hang on, do I see a light at the end of this tunnel?

I was listening to Deepak Chopra (click here to see which one of his books TOTALLY changed my perspective of success forever!) the other day and he was discussing light in the context of photosynthesis.

Science and Light

Can you believe it, science rearing its technical head in a spiritual blog?  Actually, the bridge between spirituality and science is closing in rapidly.

Let’s put this simply because I don’t want your attention to wane: Light creates form.  There you go, in a nutshell!

Ha, but what does this have to do with spirituality?


Unity in DiversityWe are spirit having a human or ‘material’ experience.  We are incarnate — in form in a dimension that requires atoms (which are pretty much free-floating molecules) to coagulate into matter to make up ‘stuff’ (I know, my scientific prowess is amazing — I’m surprised New Science magazine hasn’t lassoed me to write for their journal yet).

Suffice to say that we need this ‘stuff’, or, more eloquently, solid matter to navigate this third dimension of physical, tangible reality.

Okay, now I know you’re an intelligent bunch so you’re still with me…

The sun’s rays are transported to Earth through the ether and provides organisms with light energy which they convert into chemical energy — a process otherwise known as photosynthesis.

Even the word ‘photosynthesis’ is profound — it is derived from the Greek photo-, “light”, and synthesis, “putting together”.

Without light, plants won’t grow and without plants, herbivores would die and without herbivores, then carnivores and omnivores die — you get the picture.

Are you beginning to put things together here?  Light = putting together.

Right, so Where is Love in all of This?

Love — although it can’t be proven in a laboratory — is the glue that binds existence together for us spiritual beings.  It’s what makes life interesting and adds to our staying power here.

Without love, what would be the point, right?

Ergo, in my humble opinion, love is what keeps us on this planet.  It is what holds the form together, the egg to our cake — the binding ingredient of all biological life.

So light provides us with form and love keeps us in form — interesting, huh?

Let’s Put this Together, Shall We?

What does love and light mean

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In conclusion to this verbiage, I’d like to sum this up by adding; there is another wise saying in spiritual circles — Namaste — which means ‘I bow to the God in you’ — it’s beautiful and shows respect.

It is a recognition of the divine spark or aspect of the creator/God/source within another.

However, of late, we have this new ‘greeting’ to contend with, ‘love and light’. It can either send a shiver of contempt down your spine or fill you with good vibes.

I know that for some the former is true…it may irritate more than invoke feelings of euphoria — hell, it can irritate me sometimes too — especially when you wonder if the person whimsically tossing it about actually grasps the meaning of it or if they just like to poop candyfloss — but, eh, whatever floats your boat.

Now, hopefully, you can say or interpret this with some relevant meaning (as per the above discussion) aka ‘may you be held lovingly in good form’ (or something to that  waffling effect).

What’s your take on this adage?  Do you use it?  Does it get your heckles up?  What does it mean to you?

Original article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Lightworkers World but adapted for use here.

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Welcome to my Wonderland!

I chose a Wonderland theme for my site because I feel like I am skipping down that proverbial ‘Rabbit Hole’ —  I want to take as many people down with me…that sounds rather ambiguous now, doesn’t it?

If you are new here or would like a recap on who I am and what I’m about, I have a new ‘bite-sized’ tour of the site — just let your mouse take a nibble on the cupcake on your left….you will be magically and instantly resized and sent through the internet cable to a page of intrigue, wonder and teapots?

Why Choose Wonderland?

I have been going through copious amounts of re-thinking who I am (haven’t we all?!) and I realized that I am so many things.

I could be described as a practical, level-headed, ‘left brained’ girl (just like our fictional Alice) and on top of it — I am a Virgo (renowned for their pinickity-ness, preciseness and critique — again, another one of Alice’s traits).

Well, I found all these similarities to Alice quite amusing but….

Down The Rabbit Hole

There is a whole other side of me that is revved for creativity, ‘right-brained’ and an incurable dreamer — not to mention a complete nutter too, yup, quite barking mad!

So, in truth, I really cannot be labeled.  But should anyone really you be put into a box?

We are all multi-dimensional, multi-layered, magical beings who can be anything and everything we want to be — at any given time — with the privilege to change our minds at the drop of a (mad-hatters) hat!  It’s called ‘divine birthright’.

One of my favourite sayings from the new Tim Burton production of  ‘Alice in Wonderland’ is this:

Mad Hatter:  “Have I gone mad?”

Alice:   “Completely bonkers. But let me tell you a secret: All the best people are.”

Nicely said!  I think most people are completely bonkers when you get down to brass tacks, we’re just afraid to show it.

Well, not anymore — I simply won’t have it and it won’t do if we are to co-create an interesting new world.  I mean, honestly — have you ever seen a sane mad scientist?  We need rocket scientists (’cause let’s face it, most of us want to traverse the universe at some point in our lives and perhaps throw in a little time traveling too), so needless to say, we need to be off our rockers?  Make sense?  I hope not!

Let your naked, unadulterated whackiness shine through and together we can pierce this veil of delusion, or disillusion, whichever you prefer.

If you think that you are 100% sane, well then bully for you!  Maybe it’s time to change the channel…

Fantasia and Prince Charming — How Wonderland Began

I have lived in a fantasy world most of my life.  When I was young, I would dream of my Prince Charming (the hopeless romantic I was!), then I met and married him.

I dreamed of staying in a little cottage in the woods and I live there now (minus the woods…but there are a few trees…and mountains…and a stream — so that counts!).

I could go on forever but I don’t want to bore you, the point is this:

What you think about…you create!  Ergo, you are in a position to create your own Wonderland — how fantastic is that?!?

Reality vs Wonderland

I wrote a small sub-chapter in my book, Divine You, that went something like this:

“When Alice fell down the rabbit hole, she left her perceived reality behind, and stumbled upon a parallel world with many characters showing her their version of reality in a seemingly bizarre world.  When we fall down this rabbit hole metaphor we begin to see our reality as quite bizarre too — we are living in a world of infinite possibility.”

We can either take responsibility for our lives by actively participating in its desired fruition or we can leave it to chance, experiencing a reality that we feel we have no control over.

Either version of these 2 realities is just your perception of it, so why not choose one that sees you manifest the life of your dreams as opposed to succumbing to a path that leads to your fate?

What Needs Addressing

I want to explore concepts such as:

  • Co-creating Solutions — I think humanity needs creative solutions for changing belief structures and helping each other cross this bridge from an old reality to a new and wonderful co-created paradigm.
  • Reclaiming Your Power — We are in the process of reclaiming our divine power and literally dreaming up our own reality — we are powerful and innovative creators who have pure and unlimited, but all to often, unrealized potential.
  • Having a Ball! — We need to bloody-well enjoy ourselves in this awakening process.  Enough serious, long faces already!.  We are limitless possibility living in an ever-expanding universe — let’s use our God-given gifts and paint this canvas of life red, blue, yellow, green, purple with white polka-dots and any other colour you wish to dream up.

I would like to help you bridge the gap between what you may think of as 3D reality to a world where you are this powerful and responsible creator of your own experiences.

What Have You Got To Lose?

It may not be easy, it may not be quick, your ego may die-hard (possible kicking and screaming as it is brought down) but it could also be the biggest transformative experience of your life and isn’t that what this is all about?

Could it not be that you came to this Earth, at this very auspicious time, to live to your fullest potential and be the very change that you want to see in the world?

It’s your call.  However — nothing ventured, nothing gained and remember, we are going to have fun doing this — enlightenment is not all about fasting, chanting and beating yourself over the head for being a dumb-ass.

What You Will Find at This Site

I want to keep you updated on:

  • Exploring and Practicing New Concepts and Ideas
  • Helping you to Create your Spiciest Version of Reality
  • Pushing Boundaries and Conquering Limiting Beliefs
  • Auditory Inspiration
  • Visual Inspiration
  • Empowering Articles

This site reflects my version of reality or ‘Wonderland’ but I will be over-the-moon if it helps and inspires you to create your own dream-scape world.  What you end up with is entirely up to you — you bold and dashing co-creator you!

So roll up your sleeves and come on a journey with me as we venture into the unknown pure potential of this new and exciting concept.

And if you haven’t signed up to become a member, you can do so HERE (it’s 100% free and you get a great inspirational GIFT BUNDLE too along with a monthly newsletter so you’ll always be in the loop)

If you haven’t taken the site tour yet, then you can do that HERE.

Your World, Your Life

I would like to share with you the outro of my book (‘Divine You’).  It is a poem I wrote just before I started the endeavour that was the undertaking of writing this self-empowerment guide.  It encapsulates the journey of this book and I hope it will whet your appetite.

So for now, I’ll leave you with this…

Your World, Your Life…

Your world begins and ends with you
You are in control, the master of your destiny

You are the constant observer of your world
You are the choice maker
Your choices create your world

You will know the crossroads when you see them
Think hard about who you are and what you want
Your decisions are never wrong unless you don’t learn from them
And are grateful when they are the right decisions

We make mistakes so we can learn
We have to make mistakes so we know what we want from life
It is never too late to alter your destiny or to right a wrong

Forgiveness is vital along your path
To forgive helps you to extinguish anger
It is not designed to indemnify the perpetrator
It is there to help you move on

To forgive yourself is a difficult task
It is also a most vital task

You were made perfect
You doubt yourself through the eyes and opinions of others
Be mindful of what you say to others and what is said to you

You know you are Divine, you know you are perfect
Compliments or criticisms from others should be taken lightly
Only you know your soul
Only you can evaluate yourself

If you let criticism into your heart you are agreeing with it
You will pick up a lot of this kind of ‘baggage’ along the way
Just remember it is easy to break the agreement if you do not concur

Only you know who you are
Only you can make the agreement

Never assume anything, assumptions only cause confusion
Make sure you know the facts

The world is your oyster, you are never to young or too old
Your dreams will become reality if you believe it
Thoughts are the second most powerful force in the Universe
Love is the first

Love yourself and you will have endless love for others
Hold love in your heart and the world will open up for you
See everyone in the world as a part of you, a collective Oneness
Treat them like you would treat yourself

Love begets love, fear begets fear
Again, the choice is yours

This is it


                                                      ~  Cherie Roe Dirksen


My book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ is now available at Barnes & Noble Bookstore.

This book encourages the reader to re-examine some fundamental qualities to living a happy and content life.  It looks at the importance of forgiveness, why it is imperative not to judge, how to use the Law of Attraction, present moment awareness, what unconditional love really looks like, how to vanquish fear, awakening the unity that is the christ-consciousness seed within you and lots more.

Don’t forget that you can also download your FREE copy of

‘Creative Expression — How to find your inspiration…’ HERE

or click on the link below to order your paperback copy for $19.99:

What is the Importance of 11-11-11?

Lighten Up!

So that much-anticipated date has come and gone…what now?  What was that about?

For those of you who don’t know, in a nutshell, the number 11 in numerology means illumination or ‘light-bearer’.  It is a master number that cannot be broken down (ie. in numerology if you get a 12 it needs to be broken down to 3 – 1+2=3).

When you have a triple date it is like a holy trinity for this number – triple potency (see ‘Why  3 is a Magic Number’).

11:11 on the Clock 

Have you been glancing at the clock or computer screen (or anything else like a till slip or number plate) and seeing the number 11:11 a lot?

“If the collective give it a positive meaning then it becomes potent.  So even if this number is a man-made phenomenon, that is great! “

It is a sign or a wink from spirit saying ‘we are here, we love you’ – a reminder that you are never alone on your path to enlightenment.  It is also a wake-up call to those who are still in the dream of reality.

There are some skeptics who would say, ‘just a coincidence’ or ‘you are giving it meaning’ and the answer is a resounding ‘yes!’.  You are the creator of your experience, so whatever meaning you give this IS.

If the collective give it a positive meaning then it becomes potent.  So even if this number is a man-made phenomenon, that is great!

We are co-creating a beautiful thing and that is how this works.

Nothing Happened!

Nothing much will be experienced in linearity but there was an influx of cosmic energy on this date.

Symptoms were as such:  heart palpitations, anxiety, nervousness, excitement, nausea, buzzing (no not from the coffee) and the list goes on.

When you look at these symptoms you have to realise the significance of the conditions when you are relating them to an energy surge.

Chaos Theory

What we are supposed to do with this ‘energy’ is to transmute it for the highest good.  When you are co-creating in this reality, everything you do is felt as a whole as we are all connected.

So when you use this energy for purposes that are not beneficial to you or others, you are spreading a ‘chaotic’ energy.  You are the hurricane.

“It is your choice if you want to be in the chaotic form of this energy “

When you are using this energy to spread love, harmony and compassion, you are in alignment with your higher self and the good of all – you are the butterfly.

Butterflies and Hurricanes

It is your choice if you want to be in the chaotic form of this energy and use it to create disharmony (the hurricane) or whether you want to elevate yourself and create a world of love, joy and pure freedom (the butterfly)…

There is an awesome song by Muse called ‘Butterflies and Hurricanes‘ give it a listen here.  It’s sure to kick-start your day!

Hop on Board the Roller-Coaster (Regrettably, Not Optional)

This NOW moment might feel like a roller-coaster ride and it is.  What you have to determine is, would you like to enjoy the ride or be petrified?

Fasten your seat-belts because either way it’s going to be a blast!

Use this energy to create what you want to see in your life.  Set your goals and focus on that.  If you don’t want chaos in your life then take your focus off of that.  Do not give chaos a thought – blank your mind and start visualizing what you do want.

Spill Your 11:11 Beans…

Let me know about your experiences on 11-11-11 or the build up thereto…I’d love to hear them.

My husband saw 2 flashes of light across the sky at about 13h00.  He said it was like someone was taking a giant flash photograph and it only lasted for about a second.