Take The Test — Are You a Slave to Social Networking?

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This is not going to be an article bashing social networking or shouting from the rooftops that it’s from the devil.  No, I find it an extremely helpful, if not detrimental, modern-day tool.  I utilize it socially — to stay in touch with friends and family — and I use it for my business.

Social networking is a great device for spreading information and touching base.  However, it can also be abused.

All too often I see people with their noses stuck to their iPods, even when they are publicly with someone else.  Does anyone else find this extremely rude?

What is it that keeps the populace stuck to other people’s dramas or, in some case, tedious actions?  Are we craving attention?  Is it the need to feel connected? Is it that ugly ego rearing its head and wanting to be seen or to compare?

I feel these actions can inadvertantly drain our inspiration and drive.  However, if used properly, they can be great tools of motivation and new ideas.

Let’s Get Real

I think we will all have different reasons for using social networking but if you are finding it hard to keep those nimble thumbs off your key-pad, then let’s dive into a bit of introspection — answer these questions honestly:

  • Control – do you have command over how much time you spend on social networks such as facebook or twitter, or does it have an irrepressible hold on you?
  • Breaks — can you go without it for a long period of time and not be bothered?  Have you ever tested yourself on this?
  • Loss — do you feel disconnected if you don’t ‘plug in’?  Are you just itching to be updated again?  Are you feeling like you are missing out on something?
  • Time – how many moments do you waste scouring news feeds only to find that 2 hours have passed and you have not really found anything of true value?
  • Question — how are you using it?  Is it benefitting you in some way?  Or is it serving as a distraction?  Or both?
  • Limits — can you set yourself boundaries and time limits?
  • Trimming —Hone down who and what you give your energy to.  Are you wasting a lot of time on engaging in a drama that really doesn’t involve you?  Are you helping or fueling the situation? Or are you just filling empty space?
  • Clarity — are you using facebook for friends and people you actually know?  Or do you befriend any Tom, Dick and Harry that requests your precious time?  Get clear about which social networks are for what.  In other words, use facebook or twitter to stay in touch with interesting people, friends and family and sites like LinkedIn and facebook business pages for your associates, promotions and dealings.  Be clear about the reason you are using these sites and don’t just give your time away willy-nilly.
  • Allocations — assign specific times to go on for personal and business use and be liable for those periods — keep to that schedule.

Rudeness Concealed as ‘The Norm’

At all costs avoid whipping out your iPad in real conversation with bona fide friends and colleagues – nobody appreciates this and you may end up losing a tangible friend or business deal for one moment of digital gratification.

The friends who are willing to meet up with you in the flesh are the ones that will be there for you when you need them.  Give them your undivided attention and respect.

If someone has taken time out to be with you, they should take precedence over any electronic device that is beeping for your attention — learn to turn it off if it’s a distraction.

Take the Test

If you find that social networking is controlling you and you can’t let go, try this out:

  • Alert your connections that you will be taking one weeks (or however long you feel you need) ‘vacation’ from the net.
  • Hold yourself accountable for it, no matter what juicy adventures you want to share – be present with that urge to splurge and be at peace with telling no-one.
  • Observe how remaining silent makes you feel – do you feel a certain tranquility or are you chomping at the bit?  Really question yourself — do you truly need to share that photo of your dinner last night?  Do your friends need to know how long you were at the gym this morning?  Possibly not.
  • If you are experiencing more calm and ease without social networking, then this exercise has worked.  You will be more aware of how to limit your time dedicated to it in the future.  Work out a viable timetable and stick to it.
  • If you are edgy and feel anxious, then this exercise has also worked and you need to go into why you are feeling this way.  Social networking has a hold over you and there is something there that needs addressing.  Dig deep and follow the thread of answers to this question:  Why do I feel the need to be distracted?  You will be taken to the core of your inability to ‘let go’ of being in the loop about every little detail, or keeping people in the loop about every endeavor you undertake.

You Are the Center of Your Own World

When you take a break from your social networking sites, I can bet that you most likely will not be missed — however, this will not be from the lack of love your friends and associates have for you.

The reason is, in all actuality, you are not going to be the center of their worlds and they will most likely have many other diversions to keep them busy.  Don’t take offense at this — it is helpfully indicative that everyone has a ‘life’.  You are at the center of your revolving world and they are conducting their version of reality too — learn to honor this and be grateful when your worlds collide for the greater good.

This can give you a clearer perspective of how you identify what is important and hone down what you feel you need to distribute that will benefit others.  It will aid you to ascertain what needs to be shared and what can remain private.

Call to Action

I want you to work out approximately how much time a week you spend on social networking and then compare it to your new timetable.  Let us know how much time you have saved and what you now do to use that time more creatively.

Use social networking responsibly and you will have the best of both worlds.

Use social networking to see the beauty in life, to get inspired and to spread good vibes — don’t let it use you to become a slave to that lower vibrational world of gossip, drama and bullshit.

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News

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3 Silver Bullets to Eliminate Fear

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. ~Jim Morrison

Shooting Straight from the Hip

Fear is a mighty, malevolent and strong emotion.  Why does it have so much potency in our lives?

The media, governments and big business corporations galvanize us into believing or buying into so many illusory reasons to fear the worst case scenarios (as made up by them).  They usually claim to hold the answer to all your problems too – not in the least bit suspicious, right?

We also need to take responsibility for giving credence to and creating our own fears, literally stifling ourselves with things to worry about.

Every time you give into fear you feed negativity and give it more power.  In fact, you give away your own power in the process.  Fear is a choice, like it or not.

There are, of course, many different types of fear but they are all grounded in the act of giving your power away.  When we come up against any fear, we are actually being presented with a chance from the universe to be brave and face up to it.  Get to the nitty-gritty and uncover the truth about why we are so afraid or uncomfortable.

Stripping Fear

Let’s get to the core of anxiety.  What is fear?

In order to work this emotion back into the light, we need to find its polar opposite.  This, simply put, is LOVE.  When you inject love into fear it dissipates.   It has no stronghold in the presence of love.  But how do I start projecting love when my knees are knocking?

Well, let’s address what is called heart-centered living — I’m sure you’ve all probably heard that word by now.  People are talking about it a lot and as airy-fairy and lace-clad as it may seem — there is a solid foundation of truth in it.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… we must do that which we think we cannot. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Heart-Based Quickening

When you work through your heart, based primarily upon how you are feeling about something (as opposed to working through your mind and how you think about something), you are guided by a more truthful resonance of picking up subtle nuances from your surroundings rather than being directed by what reason dictates.

So even though we are in need of our minds and pensiveness, we have been dominated by left-brain thinking for centuries.  A shift is occurring, not to totally disregard our thoughts but to channel through the heart and then process through the mind.  In other words, not just to go straight to the head and bypass our hearts or how we are feeling intuitively.

Rationality can be useful but it has, in some cases, left our instinctive abilities to wither in its heated presence.  Sometimes our ‘logic’ has actually hindered and held us back from following our bliss because ‘society dictates otherwise’ or ‘the norm is to…’  — be careful of whose ‘norm’ you are conceding to.

It’s that age old conflict between science and spirituality (left-brain versus right-brain) — the solution to which is using both in balance.

3 Key factors to transmute fear are remembering that:

1. FEAR 

Don’t buy into it.  Think of all the things you have feared in the past — did any come true?  If yes, did you survive it?  I take it you did if you are reading this.  The energy or vibration of fear draws that which you worry about closer to you.  Have you ever been with someone who is not afraid of dogs but you are.  When a dog comes running at you both, it goes for you, my sweaty-palmed friend, not your companion.  Animals, as you probably know, can sense fear — so can the universe and the universe is impartial.  It acquiesces to what it thinks you desire via your frequency output.  Your emotions are pointing towards fear?  Expect life to become frightening then.  The only thing you should fear is fear itself.


 Get used to being tuned into your feelings and steering them to safer shores.  When you are in fear, inject some love into your aura by thinking of someone you love, your favorite pet, the infectious chuckle of your child or grandchild or a blissful memory.  This is how you get to expand on the feeling of love in the face of fear.  Show fear that you have too much love in your heart.  Fear is a mental construct in the absence of love.  Trust your instincts.


Short, sweet and to the point.  If you want to be self-empowered then the first things you need are awareness and the ability to take responsibility for your actions.  These two fundamental principles are gateways for you to realize your inherent potential.  You are a co-creator, take responsibility for that and take control.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. ~Nelson Mandela

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for PURPOSE FAIRY

The Dummies Guide to Awakening

Originally posted on LIGHTWORKERS WORLD by Cherie Roe Dirksen

We are living in chaotic and tumultuous times.  We have a plethora of information pumped out at us from every channel, be it media, religion, government or our social groups.

You must be this, act like that, live like us — you know the story but you are feeling overwhelmed and a definite sense of lack.  That pit in your stomach that tells you something is not quite right.

The truth is that when you filter through all this garbage and sift out the gems, you are.

Hey!  You left that sentence hanging — you can’t do that!

Yes, I can and I did it for a good reason.  You just are — the ‘I am that I am’, nothing more, nothing less.  Everything else that is external and trying to tug at your attention is a mere distraction to the call that comes from within.

That feeling of

  • being alone in the world
  • not being understood
  • not even understanding yourself
  • feeling depressed
  • emotional swings
  • always struggling to be happy
  • or to have enough
  • the need to be recognized or acknowledged
  • the fear of not being good enough

Do these attributes sound familiar?

Welcome to Planet Earth, the Galaxies no.1 Classroom for Misfits and Lost Souls!

What is worrisome is that the medical profession starts to label all these conditions and you are now marked as ‘chronically depressed’, ‘ADHD’ or ‘bi-polar’ (yeah, aren’t we all!  This is the realm of duality), the list goes on.  Then the medicating starts and what is treated is suppressed and the little emotion we have left is dulled-down to a drip.

Does Medicine Come Cheap?

It should but alas it doesn’t, especially not if you are in the business of making money from illness.  If the drug corporations and governments truly had people’s welfare at heart, medicine and healing practices would not literally have to cost you and arm or a leg.

Keep ‘em Sick

The more illnesses recognized by the profession the better — the more money to be made.  Have you ever looked at the contra-indications of medicine?  It’s a laugh!  And it’s all ‘legal’.  I especially love how most medication warns that this may result in death — no shit, Sherlock!

Be careful of labels when the condition is emotional.  Ply it with drugs if you want to sweep things under the rug, maybe we’ll see you back here in another life to work it out, or maybe you can deal with it today.

I’m not suggesting you throw away all your pills right now.  Just look into what you really need and what can be replaced with a good eating and exercise plan (never mind a good ‘thought’ plan).

Modern medicine has given us value, a bridge from illness to wellness in many cases.  However, sometimes the training wheels need to come off so we can realize our fullest potential.  To continuously take drugs is not going to do your body any long-term good.  Use medication sparingly, if at all.I’m not suggesting you throw away all your pills right now.  

The Real Good News

The upshot of all this is that there is a non-expensive cure to any disease, mental or physical.  It’s called AWARENESS.

Awareness or enlightenment doesn’t automatically conjure up a cloud for you to float on and dictate gospels to your scribe.  You are still going to have the odd bout of anxiety, depression or ailment — the difference is you are going to be able to identify it immediately and start to work on the remedy instead of having a pity party and feel helpless.

You Are in the Driver’s Seat!

You are always in control of your life circumstance.  You are not a human being having a spiritual experience, you are a soul having a corporeal experience.  You are a master of matter, you have just forgotten.

The world is experiencing what the spiritually inclined would call a consciousness shift and what science would refer to as evolution of species.

We are being upgraded, if you like.  Humanity have been sleeping sheep for centuries (no wonder we count sheep in order to fall asleep) and the time is ripe to WAKE UP!  Can you hear the galaxies alarm clock going off?

The alarm has been going off for quite some time now, unfortunately some have continuously hit the snooze button.  Fret not, the galaxy is readying a pale of ice-cold water and is swirling the bucket as we speak — best to wake up now rather than wake up cold, wet and in shock.

What Can I Do to Fix Myself?

Oh, thank heavens!  I thought you’d never ask.  The answer is simple:  Remember.

To remember means to re-member — to become a part of the whole again.

More specifically, you need to remember that:

  • You have a spark of the divine that lives within your sacred temple  you refer to as your body — treat your body with reverence and respect
  • You are in control of your destiny and not a victim of your fate
  • You came here to experience the great shift of consciousness and to be a part of it
  • You are not only whole but a part of the whole, see the divine en-masse — in your brothers and sisters all over the world
  • Fear is an illusion meant to suppress and contain
  • You were never meant to be contained or suppressed
  • You can rise above any limitations
  • If God is omnipresent, then you are also a part of God (this is especially for those of you who have been or are indoctrinated)
  • Your planet is also a part of God and she holds the cure to any ailment in lost traditions — look to plants and natural, wholesome foods to cure your sick bodies
  • Your thoughts and intent dictate the unfolding of your life — this is why positive thinking, prayer, meditation and affirmations are potent and can also heal many aspects of your life — body and soul
  • Love is the only way forward — it is going to mend the past, present and the future

Break free of your limiting beliefs and join the uprising of the soul — become a part of Awakened Humanity.

Other articles that may help:

Energy Forecast:  Carry an Umbrella, it’s Raining Emotions!

Why Now is the Time to Meditate

The 11 Step Guide to Spreading Love

3 Simple Steps to Release You From Depression

Every Road Leads to Rome

Everything is, and will always lead us back to the Divine Source.  However, sometimes we take detours along this path to try to discover more about who we are.  So sometimes ‘all roads lead us to roam’ in some cases.  Some of us need a little reminder or nudge to get us back into alignment with our mission in life.

What is our mission in life you may ask?

To discover our divinity and this is done through lessons.  However, we sometimes fall so deeply into fear and depression that we can’t see that the light switch is dangling just above our own heads.


Everything has its yin and yang (it’s positive and negative attributes). So does the Divine Source. We are here to experience both sides of polarity, to eventually work our way back into the light, which is all-encompassing.

“We can plough it with antidepressants or we can just leave it and let it fester, but neither way is addressing the root of the problem. When you face the fear, you can walk through it.”

White light holds every colour in the spectrum; what a great metaphor for us. When we can work out the extreme opposites and find a balance between the two poles of existence – the yin and yang – we move back into an integrity that has been long-lost and forgotten through the widespread broadcasting of fear.

When we hold our emotions in fear we tend to feel it in our solar plexus, that feeling of ‘butterflies’ or ‘a great pit’ in the stomach. This is our emotional reaction to let our body know something is amiss. We can plough it with antidepressants or we can just leave it and let it fester, but neither way is addressing the root of the problem. When you face the fear, you can walk through it.

Here are 3 simple steps to take which will enable you to realign with your purpose:

  • HermioneGet Vocal — Adopt a ‘Listening Buddy’ — Sometimes a problem doesn’t even need your ‘listening buddy’ to come up with a solution; why is this? Because, we intrinsically, just want to be heard and acknowledged. This can bring us into balance. When we voice out loud our ‘mind chatter’, we can often make sense of it for ourselves just by hearing the power of the emotions taking the form of words. The words are a manifestation of the emotion, and therefore can sometimes be released when spoken. That is why some people calm down considerably after being allowed to ‘say their piece’.
  • Get Creative — Is there a hidden passion in your life, something that you love to do but have been suppressing or putting off?  No more excuses, get back on that bike and ride!  When you engage with the right hemisphere of your brain (where your creativity lives) you will feel elated.  It realigns you to your feminine, nurturing, explorative, passionate side and can ignite the flame for your ultimate purpose (if you don’t already know what that is).  Explore different avenues of creativity until you find the one that just simply ‘clicks’ into place with you.  You will find it, you just need to exercise patience and endurance.  Engage your inner child with this and see every new venture as an ad-venture.  No time is ever wasted when you are having fun.
  • Get Quiet — Find time to meditate or do some breathing exercises, yoga or Tai Chi. Find something that enables you to quiet your mind and have some free space without thought.  This will get you in touch with your higher self and will realign you to your greater purpose.

For more blogs about meditation, breathing exercises, creativity, please see the linked list below:

Do You Need To Meditate?

Making a Commitment to Creativity…Do You Lack Self-Worth?

What is Your Quality of Breath?

Are you stressed out?


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Taking Responsibility For Your Co-Creative Abilities

It Always Starts With Choice

You may have noticed a theme in this life called freewill.  Everyone is free to make up their own minds and act accordingly.  This can also be said on an energetic level.  We may say one thing but mean another, our true intention is usually emitted via our emotional body or frequencies that we give off.

You can say that you are feeling fine but your energetic signature could be telling a very different tale.

“That is why the old adage ‘the world won’t change only how you view it can change’ is so true.”

You cannot fool yourself into the truth, you can only accept what is and try to find a space to feel good within that.  To see past the sometimes limited view of what is happening in our current experience and to turn it into something positive or to try to view it from a new and clear perspective.

That is why the old adage — ‘the world won’t change, only how you view it can change’ — is so true.

When you choose to view something from a higher perspective, you are giving yourself an extremely powerful tool.  Most people never get to use this handy God-given tool and go their whole life giving into the illusion that the are a victim of circumstance.

Victim of Circumstance — Don’t be Just Another Statistic

The attitude of victim or ‘poor me’ syndrome is one that too many people use to justify their lives and what is happening to them.

 “Life doesn’t just randomly happen to you, you are the one happening this life into fruition, or, as the case may be, into decay.”

It is used as a crutch to get you through life and to never take responsibility for your cause and effect actions.

Life doesn’t just randomly happen to you, you are the one happening this life into fruition, or, as the case may be, into decay.  If you take responsibility for this fact, then you are well on your way to creating your destiny and not falling victim to your so-called ‘fate’.

Are You Displaying Salmon-Like Tendencies?

However, if you are wading through life as if it is a torrent, pushing and struggling against it and getting swept away with it, then you are in a victim mentality.  You are pushing your way upstream, and, seeing that you are not a salmon being called back to  your mating grounds, this is not going to serve you.

” There is usually some kind of pay-off with any situation, figure out what yours is and how you can now change it to better suit where you want to be.”

This may have benefitted you up until now, by allowing you a loophole to get out of facing your choices, actions and inactions.  There is usually some kind of pay-off with any situation, figure out what yours is and how you can now change it to better suit where you want to be.

Holding on to any thing or situation that keeps you comfortably tucked up in a blanket of deceit will eventually come around to bite you in the butt.

You Matter, Your Life Matters, Quit Ostriching About!

If you truly want to be a co-creator of your reality then you must step out of the illusion that you do not have a say in the matter.

Extract your head from the whole in the ground.  Only you can’t see what is happening around you when you do.  To everyone else, all they see is a big black and white bird with its head stuck in the ground.  They can’t understand why such a big and powerful avian has to try to conceal itself in the midst of danger — why not face the world and exercise your powerful muscles of choice, action and manifestation?

Your life matters, you matter. Ruffle those gorgeous feathers, bat your luscious eyelids and do the dance of joy!

Choose your experiences and be mindful of when you feel you are in a situation that is ‘out of your control’.  Think again.  Try see the lesson;  Try viewing it from a different perspective.

  • What do you feel is out of control in your life?
  • Do you feel like there is no way that you can control your destiny?
  • Or are you someone who has stepped into their power?
  • What do you do differently now to how you reacted before?



‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ is now out at all leading bookstores worldwide — don’t forget to order your copy:

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Does God Love Us Unconditionally?

I am continuing my blog from Tuesday, where we are taking a look at unconditional love.  To recap please click here.

Divine Love

Now the Divine Source (or ‘God’) that I best understand never judges.  You want to know why ‘He’ doesn’t get involved in human affairs?

“Of course there will be no smiting, there is no judgment.”

Well, the analogy that the Divine is the all seeing father/mother figure brings into focus that when we do something ‘bad’ the Divine will strike us down but this never happens. Some of you think ‘He’ just doesn’t care but I think it’s because the Divine is free of judgment.

The statement that ‘God is Love’ reiterates this.  Of course there will be no smiting, there is no judgment.  Do not conceptualize the Divine as if He/She was human.  It is only us that think like this.

The Human Parent vs God Analogy

As the entity referred to as God has been interpreted as our all loving, encompassing parent, we too are intrinsically a good analogy for this as we all have that basic instinct for love of our own children or relations, even if they are not blood relations, we all have somebody whom we love and cherish and this is the one (or many, hopefully) that we will use this analogy upon.

“You can do nothing wrong in the eyes of the Infinite Oneness.”

I can only speak from an observation standpoint as I, myself, am not a parent.  But the love a parent has for their child is irrefutable.  Your child can do nothing to stop the unconditional love that you have for him or her.

“So the laughable image of hell is a complete and utter scare tactic. “

This is the basic framework of this analogy we will be using because this principal works the same way for the Divine Source.

You can do nothing wrong in the eyes of the Infinite Oneness.  Your behaviors may not be acceptable in certain situations but you, as an entity, a child of the Divine, will never be discarded.  So the laughable image of hell is a complete and utter scare tactic.

Hell — The Biggest Lie Ever Told

If your child did something really bad would you want to see them burn in an eternal pit of fire? Would you physically take your child and want to see them scream and burn for eternity?

I’m pretty sure the answer is ‘no’.

“Do you think the Divine so low as to not have compassion for one of His/Her own?”

So why is it that some people expect God to do this?  What an insult to this all-knowing, all-encompassing Father/Mother figure.  Do you think the Divine so low as to not have compassion for one of His/Her own?  This is one of the most devastating myths we have ever been told and it was invented to literally make us fear something which certainly has not got anything to do with fear.

The Divine Source/God/Infinite Oneness is all about love.

Don’t Suppress Your Divinity through Fear

The vision of hell keeps us trapped in fear and entices us to buy into the various doctrines or religions that claim to prevent this damnation from occurring.  It is a way of suppressing your true divinity by making you fear a made up scenario.

This is a game of entrapment through a web of fear.

Set The Truth Free

The truth is that we will never be judged or damned, we are all holding a shard of the Divine within us.

“Not all religions or doctrines are necessarily bad, they have many great truths in them, although sometimes misconstrued along the way…”

This truth will not allow for such lies to hold any more credence and as we all start to claim our own divinity we will see these old institutions crumble and/or, for the institutions that are willing to bend to incorporate this truth, we will see a restructuring in various doctrines to allow for this ‘new’ human attribute.

The Evolution of Mankind

Having Fun ©Cherie Roe DirksenNot all religions or doctrines are necessarily bad, they have many great truths in them, although sometimes misconstrued along the way, but all that needs to be done is to redefine some texts and have them be more flexible to allow for a changing world and evolution of attitude.

There is no better analogy than that of the human ‘family’ that we treasure so and put so much emphasis on.  We do this because it is real, unconditional love and it is the closest we are going to get to understand the complexities of unconditional love for ourselves.

This has been taken from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is now available.

Sign up to my monthly newsletter subscription and get monthly blog updates, news and more.  A FREE copy of my book ‘Creative Expression’ is also yours when you subscribe.  Subscription is 100% FREE, no strings attached so you’ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose.


Your World, Your Life

I would like to share with you the outro of my book (‘Divine You’).  It is a poem I wrote just before I started the endeavour that was the undertaking of writing this self-empowerment guide.  It encapsulates the journey of this book and I hope it will whet your appetite.

So for now, I’ll leave you with this…

Your World, Your Life…

Your world begins and ends with you
You are in control, the master of your destiny

You are the constant observer of your world
You are the choice maker
Your choices create your world

You will know the crossroads when you see them
Think hard about who you are and what you want
Your decisions are never wrong unless you don’t learn from them
And are grateful when they are the right decisions

We make mistakes so we can learn
We have to make mistakes so we know what we want from life
It is never too late to alter your destiny or to right a wrong

Forgiveness is vital along your path
To forgive helps you to extinguish anger
It is not designed to indemnify the perpetrator
It is there to help you move on

To forgive yourself is a difficult task
It is also a most vital task

You were made perfect
You doubt yourself through the eyes and opinions of others
Be mindful of what you say to others and what is said to you

You know you are Divine, you know you are perfect
Compliments or criticisms from others should be taken lightly
Only you know your soul
Only you can evaluate yourself

If you let criticism into your heart you are agreeing with it
You will pick up a lot of this kind of ‘baggage’ along the way
Just remember it is easy to break the agreement if you do not concur

Only you know who you are
Only you can make the agreement

Never assume anything, assumptions only cause confusion
Make sure you know the facts

The world is your oyster, you are never to young or too old
Your dreams will become reality if you believe it
Thoughts are the second most powerful force in the Universe
Love is the first

Love yourself and you will have endless love for others
Hold love in your heart and the world will open up for you
See everyone in the world as a part of you, a collective Oneness
Treat them like you would treat yourself

Love begets love, fear begets fear
Again, the choice is yours

This is it


                                                      ~  Cherie Roe Dirksen


My book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ is now available at Barnes & Noble Bookstore.

This book encourages the reader to re-examine some fundamental qualities to living a happy and content life.  It looks at the importance of forgiveness, why it is imperative not to judge, how to use the Law of Attraction, present moment awareness, what unconditional love really looks like, how to vanquish fear, awakening the unity that is the christ-consciousness seed within you and lots more.

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Turning a Grim Fairy Tale into a Love Story

This is the continuation from Part 1 which can be read here.

The Fear of God Myth Debunked

When you put a stopper in the illusion that is fear, you allow the love to pour through.  We are prime examples of how we love unconditionally when it comes to our children/family/friends and how, especially in the case of our children, we would never want anything to happen to them.

“God is the ultimate parent and we have put our limited and linear way of rationalizing upon this Force.”

Now, how could we even entertain the notion that God would send any one of us, God’s children, to hell?

Can you see how silly this is and how thin this illusion truly reveals itself to be?

Can you contemplate the idea of your child being in an eternity of pain and anguish?  Now, can you imagine putting them there!?!  God is the ultimate parent and we have put our limited and linear way of rationalizing upon this Force.

I feel this is a great insult and we should look towards remedying this repulsive idea as quickly as possible.

Man-Made Limitations 

The condition that is the fear of God is man-made.  It was never the will of God.  It would go against all logic to assume so.  So please,  instead of thinking with your heads, feel with your heart and ask for the truth to be felt there.

Your child can do nothing to stop the unconditional love that you have for him/her.  This is the framework of the analogy of God as the ultimate parent as this principle of unconditional love for a child works the same way for the Creator.

Your behaviours may not be acceptable in certain situations but you, as an entity – a child of God, will never be discarded, as in ‘sent to hell’.  Be very careful though, because YOUR powerful intent and will may put you there…in other words, you may create your own version of hell.

Unconditional Love

Let’s take an example:

Your child does something wrong, something really bad – we’ll leave it to your imagination as to what wrong is in this instance – would you want to see them eternally punished for this deed or do you have space in your heart for reprieve?

Would you want to see your child repent and be given a chance to elevate themselves from that particular incident where they slipped into a lower vibration of thought and acted upon it?  Yes?

So, why some people expect God not to have the capacity to forgive (as they would) is a complete mystery!

Hell is a Grim Fairytale

The vision of hell keeps us trapped in fear not to serve Gods will but mans will and want for power.  Power is a double-edged sword.

On the one hand it is a beautiful gift when used from the heart but on the other extreme, if used with the head or ego,  it is a destructive force.

“…there is a darker side which seeks to control and overpower with teachings of separation and fear.”

The game of power being played at the moment derives its power from fear – fear of hell is just one example of entrapment in this web of illusion.

The truth is that we are not damned, we are a part of God – a shard of the Divine.  Not all religions are necessarily bad, many do indeed touch on the truth in their metaphors of unconditional love but, as with everything, there is a darker side which seeks to control and overpower with teachings of separation and fear.

You can still belong to a certain religious denomination and feel the connection to God and all that Is but try to steer yourself clear of any vibration or teaching that induces fear – especially fear of God.

Spreading the Light

It is everybody’s free will and choice to believe in whatever they will. All I am saying is that when you do subscribe to something, you do it out of love and not out of fear.

Nothing is black and white, there is so much gray area in life. We are so used to labeling everything in this world and we seldom have the time or inclination to look past the labels.

The Every Day Miracles we Seldom ‘See’

Try to take the time to see the world as it is – a pure miracle of creation.

“…a given reality cannot be set as different perspectives mean a variation of what is being perceived as reality.”

A tree is much more than it’s label as is a flower as are you.  When we start seeing the world with a fresh approach we can start to see past the trappings of labels and we will start to rediscover and reform our ideas or concepts of certain things, situations or people.

It is vital to see things from a different perspective or angle as there are many perspectives to a given reality, so therefore a given reality cannot be set as different perspectives mean a variation of what is being perceived as reality.

What this means is, if we all have a different take on something, that thing cannot be labeled as our different views will give it different attributes or meaning.

Alice Adventuring in Wonderland

This always reminds me of Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole and finding herself in a completely different version of reality.  A world where the characters seem bizarre, if not completely mad, and the world they live in seems utterly discordant to her.

“When we unravel the illusion that is fear, we will be cast into great doubt and will go through a process of rediscovery…”

Alicing AboutShe can’t see past her own labels and finds herself in an enormous pickle until she gains a broader perspective of what is really happening.  When she starts to quieten the constant voice in her mind (her ego) telling her what to think and what to ‘logically’ do (we see a brilliant example in Alice of how ones mind/ego can control ones reality through being over critical of everything and extremely judgmental), she starts to unravel the metaphor of this seemingly parallel reality.

When she ‘awakens’ in her version of reality she gleans a certain knowledge from her undertakings in Wonderland that she can successfully use in her life to make ‘sense’ of her experience.

When we unravel the illusion that is fear, we will be cast into great doubt and will go through a process of rediscovery, just like Alice, this will take us on a journey to the truth.

This truth is found within — as is God.

To Truly Love God You’ve Got To Love Each Other

Here is where I will wrap this up by saying that God as the parent is likened to the human parent in as much as we are more willing to think out of the box with our own children or loved ones.

In other words, we are far less judgmental in the case of the people we know and love as opposed to ‘the others'(the illusion of separation). This is simply because we feel we know them.

“…God sees all of us in the same light”

So we are not judging them rather we are judging the action with a knowing that we all make mistakes and that our mistakes do not always represent the being behind the mistake.

This is why we always seek to blame another or the situation for our loved ones actions because we think we know them so well.  But if everyone thinks this of their loved ones/children, you can now see how God sees all of us in the same light.

There is no ‘us’ and ‘them’ we are all one big family  When we take this approach and apply it to all our human family we learn what it is to be compassionate and to see things from a different perspective or just from another persons point of view.  When we do this we will move closer to our natural state of divinity.

Do not fear God, question who or what  is behind the fear.

Related Articles:  

Finding Humility Through Wisdom

The Secret to Excellent Living

Is Fear or Love Winning in Your Life?

‘Love and Light’ — What Does it Mean?

Man on a Cloud — Fear Factor or Fiction?

I am going to be addressing a difficult and tricky topic — God.  Yes, very ambitious, I know, but very necessary.

“Our natural state is unity consciousness not separation…”

For those of you who don’t know me, I suppose you could interpret my beliefs as ‘spiritual’ as I do not subscribe to any religion.  I am not opposed to any said religion if it is perpetuating love, compassion and understanding — I just don’t like to label myself.

I don’t want to offend anybody, that is not my intention, I would just like to discuss an alternative view of God.

With that out the way, we can get on with the juicy stuff…

Our Perception is Paramount

What idiot, with his head firmly planted up his backside, came up with the all-too-familiar saying “put the fear of God into you”?  It seems like an absolute dichotomy to me and here’s why:

I don’t believe for a moment, and, I would bet my life in saying, that we are most certainly not supposed to fear God — I think that is a very human interpretation.  God, as Jesus Christ put it, is our loving ‘father/mother’ (parental analogy). A ‘parent’, nonetheless, that can be viewed from both sides of the scale.

Leave Personified Concepts of God at the Door, Please

I feel that the word ‘God’ has become overused and totally abused.  It can come with some unwanted ‘baggage’ due to a long history of the ‘us against them’ attitude and not forgetting that white bearded old tosser dishing out punishment, sitting atop a fluffy cloud.

God for me is everything and can’t be solely personified (that is just our human brains trying to grapple with a difficult concept).

Unfortunately, a lot of people still get hung up on the personification of God but for you more broad-minded readers, I will continue…

Is God Really About Love?

Inspiring Life QuoteLove is the root/prime emotion of the positive scale and fear is the root/prime emotion on the negative scale.

So, if you want to interpret God as something to be feared, I believe,  you have the freedom of choice to do so.

However, always remember that you are making this choice and it has got pretty much nothing to do with God and everything to do with your perceptions.

“God would not ever need to judge…”

God is omnipotent and you can interpret God as both the Yin and the Yang, the light and the dark, the fear and the love – but it is all down to your choosing not Gods’ judgment — in my opinion God would not ever need to judge.

Please remember that judgment is different to discernment.  One needs to discern (the act or process of exhibiting keen insight ) but one does not need to judge (an opinion or conclusion).

God just is.

A Parent Without Unconditional Love?

Let’s take a closer look at God the parent.  Would you prefer that your child love you or fear you?

” To want someone or somethings fear is a resounding alarm to your own feelings of insecurity and vulnerability”

Look to GodIn fact, would you want anyone to fear you instead of love you?

If you do prefer being feared as opposed to being loved, then I suggest you take a serious look into why you feel weak.  To want someone or somethings fear is a resounding alarm to your own feelings of insecurity and vulnerability.

As with the school bully  – the bully is usually seeking to feel powerful because he/she is being bullied by a parent or older sibling, etc. This is not a satisfying way to gain love and respect.

So why do people fear God?

What a slap in the face for this omnipotent entity.  We need to take a long and hard look at why we were taught to be ‘God fearing’ people.

But here is where things get a little more fruity…

The Word

Words are our greatest power.  We have the ability to sway masses with speech, we can cut deeper than a knife with our tongue and we can make amends with an apology.

“…when we think rather than feel, we can easily be misled by the word.”

We are touched with our hearts and the language of the heart knows only love but when we move out of our ‘heart space’ and into our heads, in other words, when we think rather than feel, we can easily be misled by the word.

I am certain that if you put your faith in your heart, you would feel an amplitude of love for God and fear would not feature.  But religion has taught us to fear God.

For what purpose, you might ask?

To keep you a slave to the system.

Nuts and Bolts

With the fear of hell and an eternity in a burning inferno looming over our heads, we are tethered to God through fear and in order to keep on the straight and narrow we hand over our control to religious institutions and the powers that be.

“Not only has this been the most dis-empowering act of all time on humanity but it has literally kept us in servitude and, for the most part, disconnected from God and all that Is.”

HeartThey in turn and with the aid of our allegiance, blind faith and money, will make sure that our souls are not damned and that we neatly fit into society.  Not only has this been the most dis-empowering act of all time on humanity but it has literally kept us in servitude and, for the most part, disconnected from God and all that Is.


Our natural state is unity consciousness not separation.

This great split among people over religion and whose God is right has divided humanity and kept us in a perpetual state of warring factions — the old ‘us against them’ mindset.  This suits the people ‘in charge’ just fine.

We are handing our power over to others when we buy into the fear of God.

I’m going to step off my soapbox for now.  This is going to be continued…(or CLICK HERE to go to Part 2)

Other articles you may enjoy:

The Secret to Excellent Living

Is Fear or Love Winning in Your Life?

Finding Humility Through Wisdom

‘Love and Light’ — What Does it Mean?

Is Fear or Love Winning in Your Life?

No More Unconscious Creating

We are now firmly rooted in the dawning of a new age and new consciousness on Earth. However, there is one major topic we need to address – fear.

In the absence of love we are left with fear.

When we no longer trust our instincts we give in to fear.  You can see fear as an illusion and only becomes a perceived reality when you let it become manifest.

Illusion versus Perceived Reality  

To illustrate this point, lets take the illusory nature of assumption (for more about assumption, CLICK HERE).

When you assume something  you do not possess all the facts or truth of the matter at hand.  When you form an idea of what is happening you are assuming (which is an illusory concept).

Then when your assumption has rooted itself in your psyche as the truth, you give it form and this can lead either to the creation of your assumption or the suffering of your ego based on the assumption.  And all this was made possible through an illusion.

“When you worry about something you are future-projecting a negative outcome. “

Fear works in much the same way.  Worry is a form of fear that most of us are altogether too familiar with.  When you worry about something you are future-projecting a negative outcome.

Sometimes the situations we worry about never come to pass.  Worry is an illusion.

When we talk about the NOW or present moment awareness, we are referring to the point of acceptance that one arrives at when there is an absence of fear.  There are many roads that take you to fear such as worry, anxiety, stress, panic, anger, resentment, revenge, etc but they all are rooted in fear.

So, succinctly, fear is the root on the scale of negativity.  The opposite of fear would be love.

Good Ol’ Gushy Love

The emotions that lead you to love are joy, happiness, elation, bliss, mirth, laughter, etc and these are all rooted in love.  The ultimate root on the scale of positivity.  The light and dark aspects of existence.

Without either of these perspectives we would live a very dull life.  We need a basis of comparison, in other words, how would you know not to put your hand in the fire if you had never been burnt.

How would you know just how perfect your body felt if you hadn’t had that painful Thai massage?

“If you choose to let fear take a back seat you will see the world open up to you in ways you never imagined.”

We need comparisons to ascertain what we do want.

Fear is generally not wanted but it certainly gains momentum.  It is a tricky little blighter.  The thing is, and always is, are you aware?  When you can become aware of your fears you can deal with them.  If you are playing the victim role, then perhaps you are quite content to be in a cocoon of misery – the choice will always remain yours.

Do you want this?  Is there a better way?  There is always choice and we are always co-creating our lives.  If you choose to let fear take a back seat you will see the world open up to you in ways you never imagined.

When you can master how you spend your energy and who you spend it on, you will not be sucked into the various dramas that people create.  When you no longer fear living, you will begin to truly live in a way that embraces every moment and does not fear death.

The Dirty ‘D’ word — Death

Death is probably the biggest fear of all.  Death is a gateway to another experience.  Experience is the key to existence.

So instead of thinking of death as a finality, think of it as the ultimate experience and see how you can drop the illusion of fear that is crusted around death.

As I once said to an atheist science teacher, what have you got to lose?  If there is nothing after death, then you would never know and would just be snuffed out, with no after thoughts.  No problem there.

“True freedom can only be found on the path that leads to the root of love — the knowing that all is well and the trusting that the universe is organized and you are a part of that.”

However, if there was an ecstatic afterlife with a soul group orientation, my God – what a bonus!  Now I say that very tongue-in-cheek but in all seriousness – we are energy, ask any scientist.  Energy cannot be destroyed, only transmuted.  F

ear around death is truly scary as it acts like a net that traps you.

Have you ever noticed how some people transcend this life with a smile on their face and how some leave truly terrified?  Which one do you want to be?

Be Free

True freedom can only be found on the path that leads to the root of love — the knowing that all is well and the trusting that the universe is organized and you are a part of that.

“We all need to have our eyes wide open to what we are manifesting and creating on a day-to-day, if not minute-to-minute, basis. “

Look out into the universe.  Can you see how there is structure in everything out there?  There is the cycle of life, death and even a bit of chaos thrown in-between but there always seems to be an order and organization to the universe itself.

Planets aren’t shaped like bananas or cubes, they are round (or at least they were when I wrote this).  Most of them are in orbit around a sun.

There are, of course, some free-for-alls that do not have a sun to orbit and drift through space but what a wonderful metaphor for how some of us feel!  You know, the macrocosm reflecting the microcosm and vice versa.

Bashing Fear on the Nose

Fear is something that we all deal with daily.  No matter what label you put on the emotion – if it is negative or coming from a lower vibration, it boils down to fear.  We now need to march straight up to it and bash it on the nose.

“Everything you experience is a manifestation of your thought.”

There is no more time for unconscious creating in this world (for more about consciously co-creating your life, CLICK HERE).  We all need to have our eyes wide open to what we are manifesting and creating on a day-to-day, if not minute-to-minute, basis.

Everything you experience is a manifestation of your thought.  Everything from the bird in the tree that is singing to the cup of coffee that sits next to you.

Most people just think about manifestations as being on the bigger scale.  ‘Oh, I know I manifested that really needy relationship’ or ‘Yes, I acknowledge that I my anger could have caused the accident’ but do we really consider even the smallest of creations.  If not, you should – because there is no chance in our world – everything is co-created and manifested through collective or individual consciousness.

Hard pill to swallow?  Good!  Nothing worth knowing comes to you on a silver platter.

Fear not, all is well.

Related Article:  

3 Silver Bullets to Eliminate Fear

10 Ascension Tips You Need to Know

Cosmic Dance

As tongue-in-cheek as this article title intended to be — there is something to this biblical concept of ‘ascension’ but it may not be what you think.

To Be or Not To Be…What Was the Question?

Who am I?  

If this has been your question, then I would like to officially welcome you to the human race.

What needs to be clarified is that you know who you are.  You are the I Am that I Am.  This is not just some new flavour caption or the latest (or possibly, oldest) spiritual declaration of the times. This is a statement that holds no ego, no space and no time.  This is your true identity.  When you question your identity, you believe that you are less than what you are.  You are never this — you are only stuck in the illusion or the dream that you are lacking in some way or another.

Your Personal Spiritual Path

Now to find true meaning behind the saying is your spiritual path — your journey to enlightenment.  To say the words with no meaning or context is useless and is as effective as saying any prayer like a parrot and not feeling the words being said.

“You do not need to ‘find’ yourself because you were and are never lost.”

We so often miss this vital point.  Your ‘homework’ is to give juice to this phrase.  You do not need to ‘find’ yourself because you were and are never lost.  You need to rediscover who you are because you have forgotten – that’s all.  How you get to this point is entirely up to you.  Every soul takes a unique path to their spiritual awakening and this can be fun and daunting at the same time.  Now, this brings me to ascension – the latest hot topic.

Don’t Be Fooled by the Rapture

EscapismWill some be beamed off the face of the Earth (possibly like the Mayan civilization – disappeared never to be seen again) or will we all die and move on to the wondrous 5th dimension that has been promised by so many prophets and soothsayers?  Will the religiously righteous be taken up to heaven while the rest are left to fight out the apocalypse?  Is this all just one big hoax or money-making scheme?

They do seem like rather strange questions, don’t they? But believe it or not, they are being asked. We are looking outside ourselves for answers and we want them fast.

Some were even led to believe that the 21st December 2012 was going to be ‘the date’.

Now here’s how I understand this cosmic rapturing conundrum.

Could Love Be Key to the Ascension?

Ascension is a state of elevating yourself into a different level of consciousness and, in my humble opinion, is not a physical event.  This is a lateral and not a literal experience.

What has love got to do with it?  Let’s examine this more closely.

Firstly, fear is the catalyst for being in an eternal drama.  I say eternal because if you don’t break the pattern of fear it will lead to the inevitable cycle of karma – cause and effect.  You will be doing it again if you don’t learn this time around.

“You incarnated with the intention to overcome the illusion and fear is the root cause of all illusion.”

This is not some form of punishment – this will come from the will of your over soul – your higher self. You incarnated with the intention to overcome the illusion and fear is the root cause of all illusion.  Love is the reality and love will cancel out all fear.

So your job is to examine fear – not to push it aside like most of us are guilty of doing but to take it out and look at it.  We need to face the fear and walk through it.  You can take this literally or metaphorically, the choice is yours and will fit the situation.

Trust Your Gut Instinct

Your discernment is the key factor in outing your darkness.  Only you know what cobwebs are lurking in the deep caverns of your soul.  Only you can dust those corners and expose them to the light.

If some fears need facing head on, then do it!  If some need therapy, then do it!  If some need deep reflection and meditation, then do it!  No more excuses.  If you are making excuses, for whatever reasons you have, be very sure that you are fully aware that your excuses ARE your choices.

“No-one else is responsible for you.”

If you choose to excuse yourself from your lessons then you will be in for another round on the karma wheel – your choice.  Some people take longer to pull finger than others – this applies to lifetimes too, you know.  So it is appropriate that some will not achieve full enlightenment in this lifetime, there will be other lifetimes to battle this out – your choice.  If you are a go-getter, then why not make it this lifetime?

As Yoda said, ‘Do or do not – there is no try’.  But the bottom line to this bollocking is that you must be responsible for your choices.  No-one else is responsible for you.  If this is your mindset you are in for a rude awakening!  No pun intended.

I Am that I Am

Now let’s get back to ascension. Ascension, for me, is embodying your experience here on earth by:

  • knowing at a deep soul level your ‘I Am’ presence (being resolute about who you are),
  • accepting what is and always knowing when to take appropriate loving action when there is something you can change,
  • understanding that unconditional love holds the answer to all problems,
  • finding the compassion in any situation and forgiving freely,
  • giving freely with no attachment,
  • seeing divinity en-masse, with no exceptions,
  • knowing, at all times, that there is divine order,
  • knowing you are a part of the entire system called ‘life’ therefore stepping into unity consciousness,
  • honouring all life — in whatever shape or form, including self,
  • being comfortably in the world but not of it.

We need to face everything with resolution that all is in divine order.  Whatever is just is.  There is a peace that comes with this acceptance.  If you are fighting this phrase you still need to accept that there is divine order and that you are divine.

If you do feel this then when you are faced with a fear based situation, be the calm presence.

“There simply is no ‘ceasing to exist’ – even if you do leave your body behind.”

Even if this situation means death – all you have to do is state I AM THAT I AM.  If you die in fear you will generate a lesson that you will have to walk through again…yup, the good ‘ol wheel of karma.

If you die stating and knowing in your heart that you ARE the divine, you have accepted mastery.  You are in dharma or nirvana.  There simply is no ‘ceasing to exist’ — even if you do leave your body behind.  If you ascend with or without your body —state the I AM THAT I AM.

Your only job is to make sure you know what you are stating and that it is felt in your heart.

The Heart Chakra

When you are faced with fear, try to concentrate your energy on your heart center.  Feel your heart swell with love and gratitude for whatever brings you these feelings in your life – whether it be your children, grandchildren, pets, friends, anything that brings you joy and feelings of elation — this is how you will elevate yourself into a different frequency.  Now expand that feeling.

Practice this over and over again until you can switch on the sensation of immense love whenever you have to.  When you send out love and light to the world or to anyone or anything, make sure you are feeling the love in your heart centre (chakra).  This makes it more potent and it will bring more of that feeling back to you – so it’s a win-win situation.

When you love, there simply is no space left for fear.  You will be on a different vibratory plane.  Fear won’t ‘fit’ anymore.

Truth Be Told

I read a channeled message saying that we need to speak our truths.  If you don’t speak your truth for fear of what people may think of you, you are not ready.  That resonated with me and I am now fully motivated to stand up and say it like it is and if people think I’m a nutter, well, why the hell not!

I am proud to stand up at AA (abnormal anonymous – although not quite so anonymous anymore) and say, ‘Hi, my name is Cherie and I am completely abnormal.  But hey, I Am that I Am.’

The ascension is the awakening to your divine self, the knowledge that you are a part of God and the acceptance that everything has divine order and purpose.  In order to do this, you must also see this divinity en-masse — in everyone and everything.  How can peace and love not arise with this attitude?

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How to Get and Maintain that Positive Attitude

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