The Dummies Guide to Awakening

Originally posted on LIGHTWORKERS WORLD by Cherie Roe Dirksen

We are living in chaotic and tumultuous times.  We have a plethora of information pumped out at us from every channel, be it media, religion, government or our social groups.

You must be this, act like that, live like us — you know the story but you are feeling overwhelmed and a definite sense of lack.  That pit in your stomach that tells you something is not quite right.

The truth is that when you filter through all this garbage and sift out the gems, you are.

Hey!  You left that sentence hanging — you can’t do that!

Yes, I can and I did it for a good reason.  You just are — the ‘I am that I am’, nothing more, nothing less.  Everything else that is external and trying to tug at your attention is a mere distraction to the call that comes from within.

That feeling of

  • being alone in the world
  • not being understood
  • not even understanding yourself
  • feeling depressed
  • emotional swings
  • always struggling to be happy
  • or to have enough
  • the need to be recognized or acknowledged
  • the fear of not being good enough

Do these attributes sound familiar?

Welcome to Planet Earth, the Galaxies no.1 Classroom for Misfits and Lost Souls!

What is worrisome is that the medical profession starts to label all these conditions and you are now marked as ‘chronically depressed’, ‘ADHD’ or ‘bi-polar’ (yeah, aren’t we all!  This is the realm of duality), the list goes on.  Then the medicating starts and what is treated is suppressed and the little emotion we have left is dulled-down to a drip.

Does Medicine Come Cheap?

It should but alas it doesn’t, especially not if you are in the business of making money from illness.  If the drug corporations and governments truly had people’s welfare at heart, medicine and healing practices would not literally have to cost you and arm or a leg.

Keep ‘em Sick

The more illnesses recognized by the profession the better — the more money to be made.  Have you ever looked at the contra-indications of medicine?  It’s a laugh!  And it’s all ‘legal’.  I especially love how most medication warns that this may result in death — no shit, Sherlock!

Be careful of labels when the condition is emotional.  Ply it with drugs if you want to sweep things under the rug, maybe we’ll see you back here in another life to work it out, or maybe you can deal with it today.

I’m not suggesting you throw away all your pills right now.  Just look into what you really need and what can be replaced with a good eating and exercise plan (never mind a good ‘thought’ plan).

Modern medicine has given us value, a bridge from illness to wellness in many cases.  However, sometimes the training wheels need to come off so we can realize our fullest potential.  To continuously take drugs is not going to do your body any long-term good.  Use medication sparingly, if at all.I’m not suggesting you throw away all your pills right now.  

The Real Good News

The upshot of all this is that there is a non-expensive cure to any disease, mental or physical.  It’s called AWARENESS.

Awareness or enlightenment doesn’t automatically conjure up a cloud for you to float on and dictate gospels to your scribe.  You are still going to have the odd bout of anxiety, depression or ailment — the difference is you are going to be able to identify it immediately and start to work on the remedy instead of having a pity party and feel helpless.

You Are in the Driver’s Seat!

You are always in control of your life circumstance.  You are not a human being having a spiritual experience, you are a soul having a corporeal experience.  You are a master of matter, you have just forgotten.

The world is experiencing what the spiritually inclined would call a consciousness shift and what science would refer to as evolution of species.

We are being upgraded, if you like.  Humanity have been sleeping sheep for centuries (no wonder we count sheep in order to fall asleep) and the time is ripe to WAKE UP!  Can you hear the galaxies alarm clock going off?

The alarm has been going off for quite some time now, unfortunately some have continuously hit the snooze button.  Fret not, the galaxy is readying a pale of ice-cold water and is swirling the bucket as we speak — best to wake up now rather than wake up cold, wet and in shock.

What Can I Do to Fix Myself?

Oh, thank heavens!  I thought you’d never ask.  The answer is simple:  Remember.

To remember means to re-member — to become a part of the whole again.

More specifically, you need to remember that:

  • You have a spark of the divine that lives within your sacred temple  you refer to as your body — treat your body with reverence and respect
  • You are in control of your destiny and not a victim of your fate
  • You came here to experience the great shift of consciousness and to be a part of it
  • You are not only whole but a part of the whole, see the divine en-masse — in your brothers and sisters all over the world
  • Fear is an illusion meant to suppress and contain
  • You were never meant to be contained or suppressed
  • You can rise above any limitations
  • If God is omnipresent, then you are also a part of God (this is especially for those of you who have been or are indoctrinated)
  • Your planet is also a part of God and she holds the cure to any ailment in lost traditions — look to plants and natural, wholesome foods to cure your sick bodies
  • Your thoughts and intent dictate the unfolding of your life — this is why positive thinking, prayer, meditation and affirmations are potent and can also heal many aspects of your life — body and soul
  • Love is the only way forward — it is going to mend the past, present and the future

Break free of your limiting beliefs and join the uprising of the soul — become a part of Awakened Humanity.

Other articles that may help:

Energy Forecast:  Carry an Umbrella, it’s Raining Emotions!

Why Now is the Time to Meditate

The 11 Step Guide to Spreading Love

10 Bands, 10 Paintings…Let the Rock Art Begin!

Coming Out of a Black Hole and Having Revelations

Yeah, the global energy of late has been intense.  Making us all bunker down for some quiet time, and if not, forcing you to cease and desist.

Have you been lacking inspiration, creativity or get up and go?  Well, I have.

Hatshepsut TempleThese last few weeks since I returned from Egypt have been damn right frustrating.  I’ve lost my pluck, mojo and anything else you want to call it.

I’ve picked up the paintbrushes and seem to be trying to repeat old patterns in creativity that just don’t work for me anymore.

“It could be realism, abstract, impressionism, crapism or bullshitism…who knows?  We’ll just have to wait and see.”

But this weekend I had a revelation…

Who The Hell Am I?

Yes, that old humdinger.  What can I truly offer the world that is unique and not only that,  stay completely in alignment with who I am?

Not easy and a question I am not alone in having to come up with an answer to — this seems to be the common thread or million dollar question among most people this year, if not this lifetime!

I Am…

I sat down to have some quiet time to reflect and saw a storyboard of everything I have done since I left school.  I know that I am intrinsically an artist, musician and a writer and I have tried to merge the 3 in this website but something still hasn’t clicked into place. In a nutshell, it went like this:The Bends

Above (Photo of our band The Bends taken in 2001)

Cherie playing BassThe Younger Years — Left school and played bass in 2 rock bands.  Last band (The Bends — you guessed it, we were all Radiohead fans…yeah yeah) recorded 2 albums and got some radio play.  After the music scene cooled off and my weariness set in I up and left for the UK.  Photo (right) — in Paris Studio recording our 2nd album.

Travel Bug — In the UK I started painting again.  Got back home, 3 years later, and started painting full-time.

Crossing Abbey Road London

Above — In the UK, at the famous ‘Abbey Road’ crossing, London

Profile PictureDivine Revelations and Ants in my Pants — Started feeling ‘pushed’ to write my book ‘Divine You’ in 2010 and did so, focusing all my energy and attention into getting it published and promoting and blogging, etc.

Footnote — Here I am, having come full circle with all 3 of my major interests but I feel like I need to break free from the confines of every single one of them.  I need to fuse them into a trinity of talents that will truly showcase the uniqueness of my being.

New Realizations:

I am a rock chick, a philosopher, a creative, a free spirit, a wanderer, a listener, an adventurer, a seeker, a trailblazer…so what am I trailblazing?

” I am more than the ceiling limit I have built over my head.”

I feel like at the moment I am trying to conform to the standards of any other self-empowerment writer (who just happens to paint and compose on the side).  No, this is not working for me.  I am more than the ceiling limit I have built over my head.

Major Refurbishing

I am going to be blowing through the ceiling.

My first adventure, that incorporates all 3 of my pursuits, will be to do a series of 10 paintings to my favourite bands or musicians from the dawn of my time here on Earth.

Musical Mural A little background:  I love to turn on the stereo in the morning and blast out my favourite music much to my husbands annoyance.  It just happens to usually be quite loud and obnoxious music for this time of the morning.  However the upside is that this ensures that the car gets washed, or that the lawn is mown (husband seeking refuge outside of the domain).

“I want to be activated into action first thing in the morning — and this plus a cup of coffee seems to do the trick.”

There is nothing like a bit of Airbag by Radiohead to get the blood flowing after a long nights sleep or head-banging your way to the bathroom to get cleaned up to Hysteria by Muse.  Who can’t be put into a good mood when you are listening to Queen’s I Want to Break Free?  Or even better, David Bowie belting out ‘Drive in Saturday’?

Yes, I know, I am a bit odd.  This is probably not the best morning music soiree (I am told this is strictly night-time music) but I simply can’t wait for night-time to arrive, I want to be activated into action first thing in the morning — and this plus a cup of coffee seems to do the trick.

So Where is This Heading?  Get On With It, Girl!

Okay, okay…I love rock.  Yes, oh yes.  So I have selected 10 bands to do 10 painting to.  I want to see what comes out whilst listening to their music.  I hope this experiment will be a visual feast and have no preconceived ideas of how any of it will turn out.  All I can guarantee is that I am going to have fun in the process and do whatever comes to me in the moment that I set aside to paint.

It could be realism, abstract, impressionism, crapism or bullshitism…who knows?  We’ll just have to wait and see.

I will be blogging (obviously) about each artwork and the process (so watch out for Tuesdays art blog).  And will reveal the top 10 bands/musicians that have been the greatest influence in my life in next Tuesdays blog.

So in the words of the famous Monty Python…”and now for something completely different”.  Bring it on!


Note to self:  Need to add new word invented in this blog to Wikipedia — ‘crapism’.  Needs no definition either, self-explanatory. Bullshitism seems to be a valid word because my spell check didn’t pick it up.

Share Your Insights:

What are you struggling with?

Do you have yourself all sussed out or are you still in flux about who you really are?

Do you think it is important to align yourself with your core essence or do you think that is just a bunch of crap?

How to Stay Grounded in 2012

Energy Influx

How have you been feeling lately?  This year, as exciting as it is, comes with a price.

“You even may seek medical advice because your body is doing the fandango and you ain’t dancing!”

The price we are paying for our spiritual upgrade is sleepless nights/insomnia, waking up at 3:00 in the morning (not again!), feeling lethargy/exhausted for no good reason (except the sleepless nights, of course), headaches and migraines that leave you feeling incapacitated, mood swings that knock you off your feet (with no sign of PMS in sight), strange eating patterns, loss of lustre and, probably the worst of all, the dark night of the soul.

We are experiencing a massive wave of cosmic energy hitting us from all directions, from planetary alignments to solar flares and gamma rays.

The Dark Night of the Soul

What is this?  It is the feeling that you could sink no lower.  When the earth seems to literally have been taken out from under your feet.  You wander around in a daze, not knowing if you are coming or going or even if you want to be here to participate in the first place.

“No-one understands you and you certainly don’t understand anyone else.  You want out!”

It is a feeling of great depression, possibly the worst you have ever experienced.  And mostly, and this is the really irritating part, you don’t know why you are depressed, you don’t seem to have a good enough reason.

You feel like an alien on your own planet.  No-one understands you and you certainly don’t understand anyone else.  You want out!  You even may seek medical advice because your body is doing the fandango and you ain’t dancing!

This happens to even the best of us.  You are not alone and this feeling will pass in time.  I know this because I have had several ‘dark nights of the soul’ periods over the past 2 years and, even though you feel like it will never end, it does.

This Too Shall Pass

You have been through a lot in your lifetime.  Cast your mind back to all those events that you thought you would never get through.  Well?  Did you get through them?  The answer is probably yes.

“When you can find the middle ground — where you are satiated, at peace and have found contentment in the moment — you have found your source of power.”

When we are faced with depression, worry and anxiety — just to name a few — it is very hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  However, it is there, it is always there.  You are not alone and you are never abandoned.

Just remember that everything is fleeting and all things will pass.  The good and the bad.  This is not meant to make you feel uneasy, especially if you are in a good place.  It is just a bridge to help you to cross to a peaceful frame of mind.

You have most likely also been in vast amounts of joy and happiness in your life.  The feeling of elation also doesn’t last.  You may not feel unhappy when it passes but the elation does pass.

Where Your Feet Touch the Ground and Your Head Floats in the Sky

When you can find the middle ground — where you are satiated, at peace and have found contentment in the moment — you have found your source of power.

A great exercise to help you to ground yourself is to go out and be in nature.  Sit under a tree or feel the grass under your bare feet.  There is nothing like nature to draw you into the present moment.

We do live on a beautiful planet in an extraordinary point in time — don’t forget that.  Try to remind yourself of it as much as possible, especially when you are feeling low.

Your choices determine your life, you chose to be here.  Enjoy the bumpy ride and hold on for your dear life — the roller-coaster has only reached the summit!

My latest book is out now at all leading bookstores:

Is Your Past Tripping Up Your Future?

A very common condition

AttitudeAre you living in the past, rehashing past traumas and situations?  Do you feel like you want to let go but just can’t?

“Whether you are experiencing regret, sorrow, guilt, shame or a number of other lower vibrational anxieties, you need to let go and detach.”

So many people live this way and can’t seem to move on.  When you find your mind wandering to situations or incidents that have happened, you are living in the past.  Whether you are experiencing regret, sorrow, guilt, shame or a number of other lower vibrational anxieties, you need to let go and detach.

Detaching from your past

This time of the year sometimes gives rise to uncomfortable ‘quiet moments’ where there is nothing to do and we are faced with the possibility of ‘inner reflection’.  These situations are sometimes mistaken for depression or that feeling of being ‘let down’ by the holidays   for not living up to your expectations, or — perhaps, living up too much to your expectations and now you have nothing to look forward to.  Sound familiar?

“These issues that we sweep under the rug are lessons.”

These times should be taken to explore the residue of past reflections.  Is there something that you have been burying down, deep inside?  Something that yearns to be re-addressed but you simply don’t feel like giving it an audience for fear of having to ‘feel’ all over again?

These issues that we sweep under the rug are lessons.  In order to walk through, or pass, a lesson, we must face it.  This can sometimes be painful but it is necessary.  It may be initially an uncomfortable issue to reconstitute but when you have seen the lesson that you have gleaned from it, you can put it to rest forever.  Never having to face that feeling of unresolved emotion trying to rear its head at you.

“You are always capable of graduating from the class of karma.”

blue butterfly pngWe are here to explore and experience.  Some of these experiences are brought over from past lives or early childhood traumas.  You are always capable of graduating from the class of karma.   You never set up anything for yourself that you cannot handle.  With courage in your toolkit, you can search the hidden meanings of your unresolved issues and find the lessons so that you can graduate to the next level of learning.

You are the driver

Only you can do this as no-one else knows your inner workings.  Never look outside of yourself to anyone or anything to ‘fix’ you.  Only you can do that.  You can seek advice and help along your path but inevitably, you do need to do the work.

“Have both your feet firmly in the present!”

What better way to start the new year than to truly start it afresh?  Face your ‘demons’ with compassion and a yearning to learn from past mistakes and you will be creating a much brighter future for yourself without the need to constantly have one foot in the past.  Have both your feet firmly in the present!

Good luck on your journey into the new year and I wish you all the best life you can possibly dream up for yourself.

Heaven on Mother Earth…

The Dream of a New Beginning in 2012

A few weeks before the end of last year I sat down at my easel in deep thought.  I wanted to attempt to paint a picture of how I would like to see the New Earth.  What is my ultimate Utopia?  What does it look like?  What colours are there?

After some quiet time and inner reflection, this is what I came up with…

The original is sold but this is available as prints and greeting cards

Key Components Behind the Inspiration of this Piece:

I wanted to incorporate:

  • Bright, vibrant colours
  •  Positive energy
  • A feeling of reconnecting with Gaia/Spirit of the Earth
  • A place where all Gaias inhabitants can live with each other in symbiance
  • Clean running water
  • Luscious vegetation



My art portfolio book is available online…

Butterflies and Hurricanes — 2012 is Here!

So, 2012 is here and we are about to enter one of the most anticipated years in history!

Are you feeling it?  This year has a certain air of mystery, intrigue, excitement, anxiety, angst and nervous anticipation.  What do we do?  What can we do?  Is there anything TO do?

The answer is an emphatic YES!  You can take time out this year for yourself.

The Search to Reconnect with Your Inner Being

Inner reflection is the key to unlocking the authentic you.  The you that is your core essence, buried deep down inside  — past all the various layers you have accumulated over time and experience.

“If you make yourself a top priority, you will be strong enough to help others on their path.”

  • Take time out to meditate, get in touch with the silence.  Learn to be comfortable in silence.
  • Take a fresh look at your diet and make sure to add lots of pure water, fruit and vegetables to it.  Remember that you are what you eat.  Do you feel heavy?  Are you eating heavy starchy foods?  Or too much meat?  Get real about what you are putting into your unique temple.
  • Treat your body to regular exercise.  Do something that you enjoy.  It is useless to commit to an exercise regime when you hate it.  Play to your strengths.  Do you like to take a walk in a forest or along a beach?  Do you enjoy dancing?  Find out what you like to do and fit it into a fitness routine.  Cater to your needs and preferences.
  • Take time out to be in nature — go to the beach, climb mountains, hike in fields or simply sit under a tree.  Reconnect with the Earth — this is your home.  Find the beauty that is on your doorstep.
  • Get creative.  Take time out to muck about.  Get a hobby, rekindle your interest for photography or art.  Give yourself time to explore a creative avenue.
  • Play.  Connect with the inner child every once in a while (preferably as much as you can).  Play in sand, dance in the rain, laugh your head off — let your hair down and stop caring about what anyone thinks.  What do you think?  That’s all that matters.
  • Eat lots of dark chocolate.  I don’t know how important this step is but I thought it might round this list off nicely.  However, it has been proven to release happy endorphins in your body, so a little shouldn’t hurt!  Click here for an article on the positive effects of eating chocolate.
New Years Resolutions…

So, this new year make your resolutions about you and reconnecting to your divine self.  Explore your inner depths and uncover your I AM presence.  If you make yourself a top priority, you will be strong enough to help others on their path.

Be kind and compassionate towards yourself and you will then be able to find it easier to relate to others and to see the connection we all have with each other.

Separation is the Illusion, unity is our reality.

Butterflies and Hurricanes

This year may feel chaotic and turbulent but you can always transmute any energy to your advantage.

You can choose to be the butterfly, free and beautiful or you can get stuck in the hurricane of chaos and drama.

Choices map out our future.  Make sure you choose from your heart.  It is easy to get caught up in drama if you don’t remain grounded and coherent in your thinking patterns.

Detach from drama and be the still presence.  Be compassionate and loving whilst remaining firm and grounded.

Happy New Year everybody!

My new book is due for release soon…

Out now…