5 Easy Steps to Meditating (No Lotus Position Required)


Why Do You Need to Meditate?

The most important reason why people have been practicing meditation since time immemorial is that it swiftly brings you into alignment with your core being.  This is where you will find balance and true peace.

In our modern-day culture, however, meditation is most commonly practiced to alleviate stress.

Both reasons are as good as any to start practicing this amazing art that is meditation.  If you do already meditate — good on you.  If you are thinking about it — now is the time!

What Exactly is Meditation?

Let’s cut past any preconceived notions about meditation.  It does not require that you:

  • Sit in any position that you find uncomfortable
  • Need to chant or repeat a mantra
  • Need training or classes
  • Need to belong to a specific religion or faith

These things are optional and entirely up to the individual.  The most important thing about meditation is…The art of being still and quieting your mind

How to meditate

Don’t forget to pin it!

It is the ability to bridge the gap between the thinker and the thought-less.  You are offering your self a chance to still the mind-chatter (you know, that continuous loop of ‘what ifs‘ and ‘don’t mind if I do’s’).  I like to refer to this is mind-static — just like the white noise you see on a TV screen when there is a disturbance with the reception.  Our minds can be on a continuous buzz, enough to drive us to the brink of insanity.

This is where meditation will help you to de-clutter your thought processes and align you to your higher purpose through contact with your higher self.

Okay, Sounds Good but How do I go About This?

Simple.  All you need to do is:

  • Concentrate on your breath — this easy step allows you to be more present and centered in your body. It also diverts your attention from thinking to breathing.  If you like, use a mantra — this is a common tool used to stop any unwanted thoughts from creeping in.
  • Close your eyes and relax your body — Feel and imagine the stress draining away as you begin to let your vitality blossom.
  • Feel the tingle — acknowledge the prana or life force that is embodied in every single cell. This is sometimes felt as a tingling sensation in the body. Starting from your feet upwards, expand on that tingling sensation. This amplifies the life-force in your body. Notice how you feel when you do this. Are you feeling alive and vibrant? Are you relaxed and peaceful?
  • Opening your crown chakra — breathe in and imagine a white light streaming in through the top of your head (crown chakra) and permeating your entire body.
  • Relax — the above are only steps to get you into the present moment. When you feel relaxed and peaceful, just be with that feeling for as long as you can. You are now meditating!

Meditation quoteYou can start with just 5 minutes of still, quiet breathing a day and then gradually work your way up to 10-20 minutes at a time.

You do not have to stick to any method to get you to your place of inner peace, just do what works for you. The main point of meditation is to relax and take a break from the constant mind-chatter.

Try to practice this at least 1-2 times a day.

What are the Benefits?

  • Meditation gives you the space to relax your body and to recoup your mind
  • It is proven to reduce stress
  • It is a gateway to discovering your authentic self

And remember:

“Thoughts create everything ~ have clarity of thought and you can achieve anything…”

This was a guest article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Lightworkers World 

Other articles you may enjoy:

What playing chess taught me about life  Win the Lottery Using the LOA  7 things teenagers should know

Do You Need To Meditate? Part 1

There are so many beautifully written books on the subject of present moment awareness, my personal favourites being the Eckhart Tolle books, ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘A New Earth’.  But I would like to touch on it a little bit in this blog.

Why must I be still?

When we are still, we are in the present moment.  When the continuous noise of the mind is silent we experience present moment awareness.

“We use mantras and meditations as ‘training’ wheels to the stillness that is at the very core of our soul.”

Boat on a Lake by Cherie Roe DirksenEasier said than done, of course, but it can be mastered.  With regular meditation (this just means breathing and quieting the mind for as little as 5 minutes a day) and proper breathing techniques and mantras, one can easily become a master of ones thought pattern.  We use mantras and meditations as ‘training’ wheels to the stillness that is at the very core of our soul.

Once you have mastered this you will no longer need the ‘training’ wheels as you will be able to attain stillness instantly.

The Art of Letting Go

For those of you who are new to these practices, some of the techniques used to bring oneself into the present are very helpful but always bear in mind that you will never need anything to realize this potential whenever you want it.

“…when you feel the need to move onto something else or perhaps nothing else, as the case may be, then trust your intuitions.”

Some people cling to their mantras and meditation techniques and this can become a very stagnant practice as the Earth shifts into a new gear.  Some practices will already be felt as outdated and one needs to change with the times, so to speak.

So when you feel the need to move onto something else or perhaps nothing else, as the case may be, then trust your intuitions.  As practices for the sake of keeping a ritual going is of no good if you are not progressing.

The STOP Signpost

A useful tool to use is the STOP signpost.  Clearly see a stop sign in your mind’s eye, now use it every time you identify yourself wondering into the terrain of useless or negative thought.


Hold up the sign to your mind.  When you do this it is a distraction to get you to stop dead in your tracks.  Try it for yourself.  Be the ‘lollipop lady’ of your mind by holding up the STOP sign and bringing the traffic of mind noise to a halt to let the helpful and positive thoughts across the road.

For what purpose do I need to get to this ‘Present Moment Awareness’?

Now that you have an idea of how to get to the present moment – what does it do?

“If we could all operate in this space a lot of problems would be alleviated.”

Well, it is the grounding force that enables you to truly live.  The present moment is bliss, peace and tranquility.  It is a tool to help you to find clarity.  But intrinsically it is the place where we are most at peace with ourselves and the outer world.  If we could all operate in this space a lot of problems would be alleviated.

When you are in the moment, there is no thought pattern about past or future there is only the ‘now’.  You experience life as it is now.

When the constant stream of mind-numbing thought is detached we have no fear/stress of future or regret/anger about past.  We are supremely concentrated in the ‘is-ness’ of the now.  It is as simple as it sounds.  When you attain this degree of inner peace you will find out just how perfect you are and everything around you too.

Problems will lose their potency and you will be able to laugh in the face of fear.

What could harm a being as perfect as you? 

You are a soul with no beginning and no end.  What a marvelous space to be in!  That is why some people are addicted to meditation and forget to live!  But the true master finds the balance in-between.

“There are so many basic things that we, as humans, have forgotten.”

We are still human and have to face the outside world but through the practice of being in the present moment and through awareness itself, you will be able to operate in your current reality with a more peaceful and accepting demeanor.

There are so many basic things that we, as humans, have forgotten.  We don’t forget to eat or drink – so why do we forget to breathe correctly?  We don’t forget to sit on the couch and turn on the telly – so why do we forget to be present?

I am scared of stopping for fear of having to confront what it is I really need to address

Most of us are nervous about being still and we try to occupy every bit of spare time we have in filling it up with nonsense.  All this is really just a cover up for the fact that we fear what we may face when we quiet our minds.

We fear the psyche and all the hidden corners that we have not explored.  We fear the clutter that we have stored in there, packing it in boxes and labeling it for another day that we know, deep down, we don’t ever want to face.

We must face these fears if we are to move on.

Read Part 2.

Excerpt from Part 2:

“You can plaster a wall over and over but if there are cracks of unresolved past issues hidden in the concrete, they will always break through leaving imperfections in your wall…”


The above blog has been taken from an extract in my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’, which is available at all leading bookstores.  For more information please click here.

You may also be interested in reading this article:  

Wherever You Go, There You Are: A Short Course in Mindfulness and Meditation

Why a 10 Minute Meditation Could Mean Everything

I was at my monthly Power of 8 group and one of the members suggested our intention should be clarity and focus. She said she had seen a meme on some social platform that read (and I paraphrase):

“My mind is like my internet browser, I have 13 tabs open, 3 are frozen and I don’t know where the music is coming from.”

Her intention was perfect as I was feeling like my noodle was a trio of scrambled eggs. I’ve got so much going on at the moment (haven’t we all?) that I could feel my circuits crashing.

Read related article: The Art of Getting Out of Your Own Way

SUBSCRIBE icon 1I have a nightly ‘mantra’ that I got from a Barbara Marciniak Pleiadian channel that states: I pray for greater clarity of mind and peace in my heart.

I really love that mantra and it does imply so much. To have a clear mind, focus and peace are attributes most would clamber for. And it can be yours.

During our 10 minute intention — I realized that just repeating this mantra at night before I hopped into bed was not half as powerful as it could be. I really felt into it in the 10 minute group affirmation and promised myself — if I do nothing else — to set aside 10 minutes a day for this specific intention.

Read related article: Gardening Your Way to Zen

We especially seem to need an affirmation of this kind in our current world climate. We are being bombarded with chaos for the mind and fear for the heart, so, what better way to balance this than by truly feeling into the Pleiadian intention?

I pray that you will always be blessed with clarity of mind and peace in your heart ❤

You can now hear Cherie Roe Dirksen on Big Indie Giant radio as she reads out select articles on air.

She also gives weekly news headline updates taken directly from the Conscious Life News site, so be sure to tune in.


Cherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author/columnist/radio presenter, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook(The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (Why a 10 Minute Meditation Could Mean Everything) was originally written for and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons.

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Find Out How to Tune Into Your Personal Higher Vibration

How to Raise Your Vibration

Meditate or Bust

The penny dropped for me during this last week. I’ve taken to practicing 10 minute meditations every morning, even my hubby joins me and we do a focused joint intention.

After 2 weeks of doing the same thing, I noticed that the meditation was getting a bit stale — like running over the same old ground. We were visualizing our common goal and what it would be like to have it, etc. and we were both getting a bit bored.

I then entered the meditation with no ‘goal’ or ‘affirmation’ and something said to me, ‘You Are the Universe‘. Simple, hey? You bet!

The ‘voice’ was right. I expanded my consciousness out into the dark void of this Universe in my third eye and everything was just amazing. Perfect. How it should be.

I felt connected to Source.

Well, I’m sure a lot of you are thinking ‘duh, that’s what meditation is supposed to be‘ and you are, of course, right! It’s so simple but, hey, I’m human and I tend to complicate things. I think we all do at times. Thing is, being alive is supposed to be uncomplicated and abundant and joyful and and and….

High-Riding Vibes

When you’ve asked for something, in my understanding, it goes into your cache. Your asking is over. No need to ask anymore — it’s there.

What you have to do is raise your vibration to meet the expected thing you’ve asked for. You’re not going to be rich by placing the thought for ‘more money‘ into your bag and then feeling lack of said money. The money is yours, your job is to discontinue to ask for it but to elevate your frequency to the level of receiving it. We tend to just keep ‘asking’ and never focus on the ‘receiving’. Am I right or am I right?


We’re all good at the asking part of the Law of Attraction but most of us pretty much suck at receiving. Why? Cause we’re programmed — as a society — to be chasing, working hard and running ourselves into the ground for what we want.


You don’t need to do any of that. Your new job is to take up meditation on a daily basis and just feel pure joy.

When you tap into Source energy, you ARE abundant, you HAVE absolutely everything because you are the Universe! Easier said than done? No, not really.

Meditation, like everything, needs practice. Don’t give up even if you’ve got a monkey mind. Concentrate on your breathing (or, just read this article: Meditation For People Who Don’t Meditate (A Simple Guide)). When you can get to the state where your mind is still, focus on something easy like tobogganing or hang-gliding or whatever else floats your boat.

The key to this is: everyone is different and no ‘one meditation/mantra‘ will fit all.

If the violet flame doesn’t feel right, don’t try to picture it. If calling on angels has no meaning for you, don’t let it ruffle your feathers. If picturing yourself in a cave full of treasure seems ridiculous, don’t be a pirate. If you ‘aint feeling the rainbow aura, you may not be a unicorn. Don’t force a square into a round.

Put a Smile on Your Dial

You’ve got to figure out what does put a smile on your face. Think of the Harry Potter series. When Harry had to conjure a patronus (spell) he had to think of the most amazing experience of his life. This is what your homework is. You’ve got to find that one thing that speaks to YOU.

Let me give you my example and maybe you can better understand what I’m going on about:

In my last meditation I imagined myself swimming in a stream and going with the flow. I like to swim and the feel of water all around me, so this already put me at ease. I pictured myself diving off waterfalls and being swept away to different pools and going down natural slides. It was great fun and I felt pretty good. Then I got washed up on a shore of smooth gemstones and crystals. I lay there and my body literally shuddered. My vibes were taken up a notch. I then went and sat on a throne of quartz crystal in the shade of some beautiful tropical plants and, again, another shudder of good vibes was sent through my body.

This really made me feel good throughout the day and it was only a 10 minute meditation. Tailor make yours to fit in with your likes and don’t try to squeeze into someone else’s version of meditation. Other peoples meditations can be great and I’ve used quite a few but I have to admit — now that I’ve taken the training wheels off — my own imagination is the bomb!

Raising your frequency will allow more wonderful things to come to you. After I did this meditation a whole heap of unexpected cool things happened in my life within the following 48 hours.

Don’t forget to not hold any rigid attachment to how you want things to work out, just let the Universe take care of your wealth and abundance the way it should be. Your job is to have fun and enjoy the ride!

Read related articles: 

5 Easy Steps to Meditating (No Lotus Position Required)

What Popped Up in a Guided Meditation and How it Coincided With Plato

What Happens To Your Brain When You Meditate? A Neuroscientist Explains

Are You Heading for a System Crash?

CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebookpage (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (Find Out How to Tune Into Your Personal Higher Vibration) was originally written for and published byConscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen

Serenity…Your Passport to Peace

Serenity — that wondrous state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled.

But how do we get there?  You get quiet — it’s really that simple.

“Nothing is so aggravating as calmness.” 
―    Mahatma Gandhi

Have you ever tried remaining calm when someone else is raging at you?  Have you noticed how quickly they stop?  Why is that?  Well, you look like an idiot for one thing — it’s the best form of defense.

Serenity is all about being calm in the face of reality and in the words of Lao Tzu:

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” 

When you are able to observe your emotions as they rise within you, you will begin to master having greater control of how you act upon them — if at all.

Here are some blogs that may help you get to your state of serenity:

5 Easy Steps to Meditating (No Lotus Position Required)

Do You Need to Meditate?

Free Serenity eCard

And last but not least, I haven’t forgotten that it’s Friday and that means you get another e-card to add to the collection (click on picture, right-click and ‘save as’):

You may also enjoy:

The Magic Ingredient of Life

Your Passionate Quote of the Day

Dripping Art, Dragonflies and Mood Enhancing Facebook Timelines

Where is Your Thinking Pointing You?

Today, I want to focus your attention on your thoughts.

  • What is it that you are always primarily thinking about?
  • Are they thoughts and intentions that will lead you to where you want to be?

If not, today may very well be the day that you get that cold bucket of water on your face — now is the time for your wake up call!

Here are some articles that can get you to clear up any garbage that may be cluttering the foundations of your mind.

CAUTION: You Are Creating Your Life Through Frequency Emissions

5 Easy Steps to Meditating (No Lotus Position Required)

Everything You Do Matters (Jonathan Hilton’s Blog)

I have compiled some quotations (below) that may help you to realign your attention to where you want your thoughts to point you.

Instructions To Download the Quotations Below as Desktop Wallpaper

  • Click on the picture(s) below
  • Right-click
  • ‘Save as’

Here are some free e-cards for you to download too (same process:  click on the picture, right-click and ‘save as’)


If you like the design of these cards, they can be bought as posters via my store, just click on the pictures below to take you there (BONUS: 14.92% Off All Orders until Monday 8th October 2012!   Use Code: THEOCEANBLUE  at the checkout) :


Have a very Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend!

5 Easy Steps to Meditating (No Lotus Position Required)

Why Do You Need to Meditate?

The most important reason why people have been practicing meditation since time immemorial is that it swiftly brings you into alignment with your core being.  This is where you will find balance and true peace.

In our modern-day culture, however, meditation is most commonly practiced to alleviate stress.

Both reasons are as good as any to start practicing this amazing art that is meditation.  If you do already meditate — good on you.  If you are thinking about it — now is the time!

What Exactly is Meditation?

Let’s cut past any preconceived notions about meditation.  It does not require that you:

  • Sit in any position that you find uncomfortable
  • Need to chant or repeat a mantra
  • Need training or classes
  • Need to belong to a specific religion or faith

These things are optional and entirely up to the individual.  The most important thing about meditation is…The art of being still and quieting your mind

How to meditate

Don’t forget to pin it!

It is the ability to bridge the gap between the thinker and the thought-less.  You are offering your self a chance to still the mind-chatter (you know, that continuous loop of ‘what ifs‘ and ‘don’t mind if I do’s’).  I like to refer to this is mind-static — just like the white noise you see on a TV screen when there is a disturbance with the reception.  Our minds can be on a continuous buzz, enough to drive us to the brink of insanity.

This is where meditation will help you to de-clutter your thought processes and align you to your higher purpose through contact with your higher self.

Okay, Sounds Good but How do I go About This?

Simple.  All you need to do is:

  • Concentrate on your breath — this easy step allows you to be more present and centered in your body. It also diverts your attention from thinking to breathing.  If you like, use a mantra — this is a common tool used to stop any unwanted thoughts from creeping in.
  • Close your eyes and relax your body — Feel and imagine the stress draining away as you begin to let your vitality blossom.
  • Feel the tingle — acknowledge the prana or life force that is embodied in every single cell. This is sometimes felt as a tingling sensation in the body. Starting from your feet upwards, expand on that tingling sensation. This amplifies the life-force in your body. Notice how you feel when you do this. Are you feeling alive and vibrant? Are you relaxed and peaceful?
  • Opening your crown chakra — breathe in and imagine a white light streaming in through the top of your head (crown chakra) and permeating your entire body.
  • Relax — the above are only steps to get you into the present moment. When you feel relaxed and peaceful, just be with that feeling for as long as you can. You are now meditating!

Meditation quoteYou can start with just 5 minutes of still, quiet breathing a day and then gradually work your way up to 10-20 minutes at a time.

You do not have to stick to any method to get you to your place of inner peace, just do what works for you. The main point of meditation is to relax and take a break from the constant mind-chatter.

Try to practice this at least 1-2 times a day.

What are the Benefits?

  • Meditation gives you the space to relax your body and to recoup your mind
  • It is proven to reduce stress
  • It is a gateway to discovering your authentic self

And remember:

“Thoughts create everything ~ have clarity of thought and you can achieve anything…”

This was a guest article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Lightworkers World 

Other articles you may enjoy:

What playing chess taught me about life  Win the Lottery Using the LOA  7 things teenagers should know

4 Easy Steps to a More Relaxed You

CRD Header

Life can literally exhaust our delicate little ecosystems — mind, body and spirit can be put through the ringer.

If we don’t give ourselves space and time to recalibrate and reboot our systems, we can easily burn out or have a nervous breakdown.

Relax and Treat Yourself to Some Time-Out

Todays blog is just a simple reminder that you need to take time out to honour yourself.  This could be taking a few days out to go vegetate in the countryside to pampering yourself with a full body massage.

“We very seldom give ourselves the chance to take a 2 hour sofa holiday.”

Even the little things like making time to meditate or to sit with your feet up and relax can help you to rest your physical vessel and revitalize the mind.

Pull Your Resources

For those of you who have children and are rolling their eyes at me thinking, ‘what am I going to do with the kids?’ — make a plan!  Get a babysitter in for a couple of hours, call in that favour from your best friend or neighbour, got a partner?  Strike a deal.  Where there’s a will, there’s a way — you will find a way, believe me.

No Money for a Spa Treatment? 

If you don’t have the time for a retreat or the money for a spa, here is a list of things your can do right now that cost nothing or very little:

  • Bubble-bath — Is there anything better in this world than to soak in a bubble or aromatherapy bath?  Don’t forget to light some incense and candles.  Make it a special ‘you’ time — when you do this you are surreptitiously telling yourself that you are worth it.
  • 20 Minute Meditation — Never underestimate the power of having a quick meditation session.  When you do this you reconnect with your core and/or higher self and give your mind a much-needed time-out from the mind chatter.
  • Nature Walk — Stretch those legs and get some fresh air into your lungs.  Walking in nature is a great way to unwind and de-stress.
  • 2 Hour/One Day Couch Potato — We very seldom give ourselves the chance to take a 2 hour (or a whole day for the child-free among you) sofa holiday.  Sometimes this can be just the medicine your tired body needs to catch up and catalyze some action.  Put guilt on the top shelf for a day and get out the duvet and bunny slippers — where’s that tub of ice-cream?

Go on, pamper yourself — you deserve it!

Other reading material you may find interesting:

6 Ways to Alleviate Stress Now

6 Techniques to Stop Worrying

What is Free and Priceless in the World Today?

3 Simple Steps to Release You From Depression

Are You Surfing on Good Vibrations?

Is Assumption Killing Your Relationship?

Butterflies and Hurricanes — 2012 is Here!

So, 2012 is here and we are about to enter one of the most anticipated years in history!

Are you feeling it?  This year has a certain air of mystery, intrigue, excitement, anxiety, angst and nervous anticipation.  What do we do?  What can we do?  Is there anything TO do?

The answer is an emphatic YES!  You can take time out this year for yourself.

The Search to Reconnect with Your Inner Being

Inner reflection is the key to unlocking the authentic you.  The you that is your core essence, buried deep down inside  — past all the various layers you have accumulated over time and experience.

“If you make yourself a top priority, you will be strong enough to help others on their path.”

  • Take time out to meditate, get in touch with the silence.  Learn to be comfortable in silence.
  • Take a fresh look at your diet and make sure to add lots of pure water, fruit and vegetables to it.  Remember that you are what you eat.  Do you feel heavy?  Are you eating heavy starchy foods?  Or too much meat?  Get real about what you are putting into your unique temple.
  • Treat your body to regular exercise.  Do something that you enjoy.  It is useless to commit to an exercise regime when you hate it.  Play to your strengths.  Do you like to take a walk in a forest or along a beach?  Do you enjoy dancing?  Find out what you like to do and fit it into a fitness routine.  Cater to your needs and preferences.
  • Take time out to be in nature — go to the beach, climb mountains, hike in fields or simply sit under a tree.  Reconnect with the Earth — this is your home.  Find the beauty that is on your doorstep.
  • Get creative.  Take time out to muck about.  Get a hobby, rekindle your interest for photography or art.  Give yourself time to explore a creative avenue.
  • Play.  Connect with the inner child every once in a while (preferably as much as you can).  Play in sand, dance in the rain, laugh your head off — let your hair down and stop caring about what anyone thinks.  What do you think?  That’s all that matters.
  • Eat lots of dark chocolate.  I don’t know how important this step is but I thought it might round this list off nicely.  However, it has been proven to release happy endorphins in your body, so a little shouldn’t hurt!  Click here for an article on the positive effects of eating chocolate.
New Years Resolutions…

So, this new year make your resolutions about you and reconnecting to your divine self.  Explore your inner depths and uncover your I AM presence.  If you make yourself a top priority, you will be strong enough to help others on their path.

Be kind and compassionate towards yourself and you will then be able to find it easier to relate to others and to see the connection we all have with each other.

Separation is the Illusion, unity is our reality.

Butterflies and Hurricanes

This year may feel chaotic and turbulent but you can always transmute any energy to your advantage.

You can choose to be the butterfly, free and beautiful or you can get stuck in the hurricane of chaos and drama.

Choices map out our future.  Make sure you choose from your heart.  It is easy to get caught up in drama if you don’t remain grounded and coherent in your thinking patterns.

Detach from drama and be the still presence.  Be compassionate and loving whilst remaining firm and grounded.

Happy New Year everybody!

My new book is due for release soon…

Out now…

Why You Need To Meditate! Part 2

To recap on Part One CLICK HERE

It is a hard reality but it is the truth

You can plaster a wall over and over but if there are cracks of unresolved past issues hidden in the concrete, they will always break through leaving imperfections in your wall.

“We need to merge the habit of practicing to be present back into our mainstream of life to adopt a healthy overall balance of perception of the dimension that we call our reality.”

It is easier, in the long run, to work through these issues until we find that Shangri La in our minds.

We need to merge the habit of practicing to be present back into our mainstream of life to adopt a healthy overall balance of perception of the dimension that we call our reality.  Our stressful and sometimes frantic way of life leaves little ‘time’ to breathe correctly or to be aware of the present moment – or does it?

How many times, in your busy day, do you have a window of opportunity to be present?  I’m sure you can find the time, even if it happens to be when you use the toilet!

Practice makes perfect!

You can practice regular deep breath inhalations and exhalations sitting behind your computer screen or on the train to work (as discussed in Tuesdays blog about the importance of breathing correctly).

” If you have time to buy a doughnut, you have time for these re-alignment practices.”

We say we don’t have the time but that is absolute rubbish and an excuse for the laziness of not taking ones own reigns in this life.  If you have time to buy a doughnut, you have time for these re-alignment practices.

It just takes repetition and a dedication to observing the mind and habitual thought processes.  Clear out all the junk in there and make way for the peace that everyone so readily says they want to have.

When will I be happy?

Don’t look for a future date to attain this present moment awareness – everything that is going to happen will happen now, so what are you waiting for – someone else to do it for you?  Or, perhaps, you don’t have the ‘time’ to do it now and set it up for something that you will do at a later stage in your life?

If this is the case, the chances are that you will never venture down this avenue and you will continue to let your mind override and control your circumstances.

There is no time like the present!  Make a commitment and stick to it, don’t even commit to doing it tomorrow as tomorrow never comes.  Be happy now — you do have the choice, you always have!

Why worry?  Who does that serve?

How many of you, when you examine the stream of thoughts or ‘mind chatter’ in your head, realize that your thoughts either pertain to past life experience or future worry?  Usually worrying about things that never come to pass?  How much time and stress (never mind sleepless nights) could you save just by eliminating such thought patterns?  Stillness is worth every moment it takes in practicing the art.

“Nothing ever happened outside of the now, everything you have experienced in your life up to this point was experienced in the present moment.”

Present moment awareness is the way to live.  It is the only way out of this insane society we live in that is fixated on future and past.  Time is an ultimate delusion and will only be a means to an end – for keeping appointments and such.  Time will become a redundant factor in life.  Who needs time when we live in an infinite Universe?  Time ages us, who needs that?

Be the master of your destiny – live in the present moment.  And you can start this now by becoming aware of your thoughts.  Then progressively you can start to alter them as you see fit or even to stop them dead in their tracks!  Nothing ever happened outside of the now, everything you have experienced in your life up to this point was experienced in the present moment.  Nothing will ever happen in the future – it all happens in the NOW.  Future is unobtainable – the present is always here.  Open your gift, the present, and experience the timeless realm.

‘He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise; begin!’ –Horace, 65-8 B.C.

The above blog has been taken from an extract in my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’, which is due to be released soon.  For more information please click here.

For more on meditation — here is another useful blog:  http://www.meditate.org/Meditation-Is-A-Happening.htm

You may also like to read this article about meditation:

Wherever You Go, There You Are: A Short Course in Mindfulness and Meditation

Are You Breathing Correctly?

Why is the Quality of Breath Important?


It is the first thing we do when we experience this life in biology and the last thing we do when we exit.  As physical beings, it is our life – we cannot function without it.  It is the miracle of breath.

“Breathing correctly enlivens your mind, invigorates the body and helps you to find clarity”

In meditation, it is our bridge between the noise of our minds and the approaching silence.  It is our pathway to stillness, to present moment awareness.  Breathing correctly enlivens your mind, invigorates the body and helps you to find clarity.  Your quality of breath will determine your quality of life.

Breathe deep, let your stomach fill with air, breathe out and know that you are alive, feel the tingling sensation in your body.  Your cells are alive and bursting with energy.

Deep breathing will help your body and bring balance to your biology.  Try to consciously breathe, even if it is every hour. Most of us breathe shallowly most of the time which restricts oxygen to the brain causing fatigue and lethargy so, whenever you can, put your attention on your breath.

Try this exercise: 

Breathe in to the count of eight – really fill your lungs and let your stomach expand to the extent that you look pregnant.  Hold that breath to the count of eight and then release it slowly to the count of eight.

Do this 3 times as many times a day as you can, especially in the morning, when you awaken, and just before sleep.  It will give you an added kick to the day and induce restful sleep at night.

Mindful Breathing Soothes the Soul

When you engage in mindful breathing – putting your mind on inhalation and exhalation — you form a bridge to the quiet place in your mind.  When a thought arises, brush it aside,  you will need to do this a lot as the mind and ego loves to interrupt this process.  It is like a child that needs to be disciplined a few times before it backs down.

With time and practice, you will be able to cross that bridge a little easier every time you engage in the stillness or meditation (Thursday’s blog will look at the importance of meditation in our lives).

Don’t judge yourself or get upset if your mind just won’t shut up – this is normal and takes a lot of practice to get to the point where you can achieve full stillness without the ‘white noise’.

My Mind just won’t Shut Up!

Sometimes my mind just won’t let go of a song or tune when I am trying to meditate and I just let that be – it usually dissipates in the end anyway.  Follow your mind wherever it takes you.

“This is the journey into the mind and it can be a wonderfully calming experience…”

This journey can be really awesome as you begin to sense the vibrations and different frequencies in the ether and all around you.  It might come in the form of flashing or bright coloured lights or a vortex or wormhole.  Sometimes it just remains dark or ‘spotty’ – a bit like the night sky.  Stay with this and see where it takes you.  This is the journey into the mind and it can be a wonderfully calming experience (it can also be a rollercoaster ride for some, so buckle up!).

Here is a great site for different breath techniques – http://www.scoop.it/t/breathwork/

Thursdays blog is going to take a look at the importance of meditation and quieting the mind…

The above blog has been taken from an extract in my first book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’.

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6 Ways to Alleviate Stress Now

Do You Need To Meditate?

The Zen of Life

5 Easy Steps to Meditating (No Lotus Position Required)

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6 Ways to Alleviate Stress Now

Mapping your way out of stress

We seem to be living in tumultuous times.  If you don’t take a moment out of the ‘rat race’ it can consume you.

If you feel like you are running around on a hamster wheel or wonder when the light is going to be seen at the end of this future tunnel — then please read on…

Practical steps to take:

You cannot be fully productive if you are running on empty.  There are a few things you can do immediately that will relieve you of any immediate pressure.

  • Breathe
  • Drink lots of water
  • Fresh air
  • Exercise/stretch
  • Write out a plan or strategy
  • Take frequent small breaks

Now, let’s take a closer look…


It is very important to breathe correctly.  Most of us do what is called ‘shallow’ breathing. When you breathe properly, you are breathing into your diaphragm and better still, to really oxygenate your body (which will make you feel more awake and alive) — take a deep breath into your stomach.  Let your stomach fill up so that you look like you are pregnant. Whilst you are breathing in — count to 5.  Hold it for 5 and then release it to the count of 5. Do this 3 times.  If you can do this every hour it can help immensely to keep you awake and in tune with your self.Here is some more information with regards to breathwork:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breathwork


Drink lots of pure, clean water.  This will flush out unwanted toxins in your body and keep you flowing.  You will be able to have more clarity of thought and the health benefits of drinking water are too numerous to go into.  Suffice to say that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain in doing this.Too much coffee intake can do more harm than good, so instead of reaching for the java juice — have a glass of water.

Fresh Air


We were not meant to be crammed in doors all day, especially if you work in a shop or office.  Go outside, when you can, even if it is for a minute or two and do the breathing exercise.

Even better, whenever you can, take a stroll in a forest or on the beach (if you don’t have access to any of those — go find yourself a tree to sit under).  It does wonders for the body and mind.

Exercise and Stretching

I know those of you who are most stressed probably feel you don’t have time for this step. But even if it is for a couple of minutes — something is better than nothing.

Get up and stretch — if you know a few yoga stretch moves then do that.  If you feel too embarrassed to do it in front of your colleagues then go to the bathroom and stretch.

Stretching releases built up energy and allows it to flow through your body in a balanced way instead of accumulating and being stagnant.  You will feel brighter and more alive.

You should take at least 30 minutes of daily exercise.  Go for a walk on your lunch break. You need to plan for exercise, especially for those of you on a strict schedule.  If you plan for it, you will allow it to happen.  There is always time for something important.


If you are stressed out, the likelihood is that you have far too much on your mind.  One of the best techniques for de-cluttering the internal mind chatter is to get it out of your head and onto a whiteboard or diary/notebook.

This way you can see what needs to be done.  You can prioritize it and then  you can start to implement it.  When you do this, it will give you a sense of relief because you will not be stressing over things that you might have forgotten.  All you need to do is consult the board or notebook and then tick it off once it is done.

This really helps to keep your sanity and a clear vision of what needs to be done and in what order of importance.  You will truly start to see the light at the end of the tunnel if you do this.


TelephoneYou were never meant to be glued to a computer screen or meant to be shut up in any environment, so, when you can — get up and take a break.  Go walk around the office or walk to the water cooler (don’t forget to have a cup!) and back.

Even little breaks can mean greater success.  They can lessen your chance of developing migraines and headaches and they can lessen your stress when you take a break from a problem.

Sometimes even taking a break can allow you time and space to sort out a problem that you would not have done if you were never removed from it.

Life is for living not stressing

Finally, I would like to end off by saying — life is for living and not stressing out.   What can be done — do.  What can’t be done should not be stressed over.  Worry never solved a problem but clear thinking and planning has.  Shelve the worry and create a space for solution by following the above steps.

Please share with us any tips and tricks you have learnt or discovered about relieving stress.

Other articles you may enjoy:

Serenity…Your Passport to Peace

5 Easy Steps to Meditating (No Lotus Position Required)

Anchoring the New Energy

Take care of my heart by Cherie Roe DirksenToday’s blog is going to be a simple one – a prayer for love and peace where you will anchor the new energy.  If prayer sounds too ‘religious’ then use it as a meditation or an affirmation.

This can be done as you read it from your computer screen or it can be said during your ‘quiet time’.

If spoken out loud it is more potent as your words carry a frequency and/or energy.  Please say it with feeling – without feeling the words will be meaningless.

“…it is a great thing to do whenever you are feeling low and want to raise your vibration”

The easiest way to truly feel the love is to go to your heart chakra (middle of your chest) and imagine yourself swelling with love in this space.  Think of someone or something that makes your feel joyous, blissful, loving or any one of the positive spectrum of emotions. Work from there and expand that feeling so that you are in a state of love or bliss.

Don’t worry if you can’t do it at first, this exercise takes practice and repetition but it is a great thing to do whenever you are feeling low and want to raise your vibration.

Here is the prayer/affirmation:

“I hold the vision of love and peace here on Mother Earth (HOME)
I see Her folded, safely, within the wings of a White Dove
I clearly picture a blanket of love and peace wrapped around the Earth and Her inhabitants
I feel the love sweep over me and know that it is felt simultaneously everywhere by everyone and everything
I sense the smiling faces receiving this love and I tingle with the presence of peace and joy as it vibrates throughout my body
My heart chakra opens even wider to receive the universal gift of this new love energy
I see all my earthly brothers and sisters embrace each other with warmth and compassion
They have lifted the veil of illusion
The smiles reflect an inner knowledge – they can all stare into the eyes of their enemies and see the mirror of self reflected back
They are relieved that they are no longer on opposing sides
They revel in the discovery of Oneness and can’t believe it was
so long forgotten
Arms (weaponry) are laid down
Arms (human) are linked
We are One

Thank you for taking the time out to do this, you have made a difference!


Please share with us how this affirmation/prayer made you feel after you did it.  Your feedback and input is invaluable.