Serenity…Your Passport to Peace

Serenity — that wondrous state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled.

But how do we get there?  You get quiet — it’s really that simple.

“Nothing is so aggravating as calmness.” 
―    Mahatma Gandhi

Have you ever tried remaining calm when someone else is raging at you?  Have you noticed how quickly they stop?  Why is that?  Well, you look like an idiot for one thing — it’s the best form of defense.

Serenity is all about being calm in the face of reality and in the words of Lao Tzu:

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” 

When you are able to observe your emotions as they rise within you, you will begin to master having greater control of how you act upon them — if at all.

Here are some blogs that may help you get to your state of serenity:

5 Easy Steps to Meditating (No Lotus Position Required)

Do You Need to Meditate?

Free Serenity eCard

And last but not least, I haven’t forgotten that it’s Friday and that means you get another e-card to add to the collection (click on picture, right-click and ‘save as’):

You may also enjoy:

The Magic Ingredient of Life

Your Passionate Quote of the Day

Dripping Art, Dragonflies and Mood Enhancing Facebook Timelines

6 thoughts on “Serenity…Your Passport to Peace

  1. Thank you for the free e-card. I love your image. I found it while I was looking for an image to express the feeling tone of a poem by Thomas Merton: “When in the soul of the serene disciple”. I’m not sure what the etiquette/legal issues are about posting on Facebook, so I want to ask if you would allow me to post your image with the poem’s words on my Facebook page [along with your information of course]. thx. Sophie:


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