Do You Need To Meditate? Part 1

There are so many beautifully written books on the subject of present moment awareness, my personal favourites being the Eckhart Tolle books, ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘A New Earth’.  But I would like to touch on it a little bit in this blog.

Why must I be still?

When we are still, we are in the present moment.  When the continuous noise of the mind is silent we experience present moment awareness.

“We use mantras and meditations as ‘training’ wheels to the stillness that is at the very core of our soul.”

Boat on a Lake by Cherie Roe DirksenEasier said than done, of course, but it can be mastered.  With regular meditation (this just means breathing and quieting the mind for as little as 5 minutes a day) and proper breathing techniques and mantras, one can easily become a master of ones thought pattern.  We use mantras and meditations as ‘training’ wheels to the stillness that is at the very core of our soul.

Once you have mastered this you will no longer need the ‘training’ wheels as you will be able to attain stillness instantly.

The Art of Letting Go

For those of you who are new to these practices, some of the techniques used to bring oneself into the present are very helpful but always bear in mind that you will never need anything to realize this potential whenever you want it.

“…when you feel the need to move onto something else or perhaps nothing else, as the case may be, then trust your intuitions.”

Some people cling to their mantras and meditation techniques and this can become a very stagnant practice as the Earth shifts into a new gear.  Some practices will already be felt as outdated and one needs to change with the times, so to speak.

So when you feel the need to move onto something else or perhaps nothing else, as the case may be, then trust your intuitions.  As practices for the sake of keeping a ritual going is of no good if you are not progressing.

The STOP Signpost

A useful tool to use is the STOP signpost.  Clearly see a stop sign in your mind’s eye, now use it every time you identify yourself wondering into the terrain of useless or negative thought.


Hold up the sign to your mind.  When you do this it is a distraction to get you to stop dead in your tracks.  Try it for yourself.  Be the ‘lollipop lady’ of your mind by holding up the STOP sign and bringing the traffic of mind noise to a halt to let the helpful and positive thoughts across the road.

For what purpose do I need to get to this ‘Present Moment Awareness’?

Now that you have an idea of how to get to the present moment – what does it do?

“If we could all operate in this space a lot of problems would be alleviated.”

Well, it is the grounding force that enables you to truly live.  The present moment is bliss, peace and tranquility.  It is a tool to help you to find clarity.  But intrinsically it is the place where we are most at peace with ourselves and the outer world.  If we could all operate in this space a lot of problems would be alleviated.

When you are in the moment, there is no thought pattern about past or future there is only the ‘now’.  You experience life as it is now.

When the constant stream of mind-numbing thought is detached we have no fear/stress of future or regret/anger about past.  We are supremely concentrated in the ‘is-ness’ of the now.  It is as simple as it sounds.  When you attain this degree of inner peace you will find out just how perfect you are and everything around you too.

Problems will lose their potency and you will be able to laugh in the face of fear.

What could harm a being as perfect as you? 

You are a soul with no beginning and no end.  What a marvelous space to be in!  That is why some people are addicted to meditation and forget to live!  But the true master finds the balance in-between.

“There are so many basic things that we, as humans, have forgotten.”

We are still human and have to face the outside world but through the practice of being in the present moment and through awareness itself, you will be able to operate in your current reality with a more peaceful and accepting demeanor.

There are so many basic things that we, as humans, have forgotten.  We don’t forget to eat or drink – so why do we forget to breathe correctly?  We don’t forget to sit on the couch and turn on the telly – so why do we forget to be present?

I am scared of stopping for fear of having to confront what it is I really need to address

Most of us are nervous about being still and we try to occupy every bit of spare time we have in filling it up with nonsense.  All this is really just a cover up for the fact that we fear what we may face when we quiet our minds.

We fear the psyche and all the hidden corners that we have not explored.  We fear the clutter that we have stored in there, packing it in boxes and labeling it for another day that we know, deep down, we don’t ever want to face.

We must face these fears if we are to move on.

Read Part 2.

Excerpt from Part 2:

“You can plaster a wall over and over but if there are cracks of unresolved past issues hidden in the concrete, they will always break through leaving imperfections in your wall…”


The above blog has been taken from an extract in my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’, which is available at all leading bookstores.  For more information please click here.

You may also be interested in reading this article:  

Wherever You Go, There You Are: A Short Course in Mindfulness and Meditation

6 Tips on How to Get to Where You Want to Be

 Autumn Whispers Poster

“There is no sugar-coating this theory because the time for pandering this issue is over.  “

For those of you new to the Law of Attraction (LOA) – read on.  For those who understand the LOA — it’s of great benefit to recap what you already know to glean information that may have previously not been taken on board.

Get With the Law of Attraction Program!

Simply put — the LOA states that like attracts unto itself.  Whatever you think about the most you attract into your experience.

“You must take responsibility for what you have created in the past so that you can start creating a better future.”

Autumn Whispers Poster 2There is no sugar-coating this theory because the time for pandering this issue is over.  We have got to get real and face the consequences of our unconscious creations.

I have been practicing this concept for a good few years now and it is REAL.

When I look back into my past and ask ‘what I was thinking?’ — creating such chaos — I soon find that there definitely was a train of thought that led to certain events (albeit undesirable events).

You must take responsibility for what you have created in the past so that you can start creating a better future.

Get Your Good Vibrations Dial Tuned In

We co-create everything in our experience.  Not only through thoughts but through vibration — what we feel.

What we feel sends out a strong signal or frequency and that is mainly what the LOA works with.

It can’t decipher words as such — only the vibration or feeling behind the words.  So, to think that you don’t want something only reiterates that which is unwanted.


Are you Holding your Fat Rolls in Discontent?

When you think about losing weight, for instance, you are most likely concentrating on how fat you are not how thin you want to be.  You are probably looking into the mirror holding your fat rolls and sending out a frequency of self-loathing and discontent.

“The first step to creating the life of your dreams is to get real about your ‘head space’.  “

What then happens is the Universe picks up on that which you are thinking about  — the fat — and sees to it that you receive more.

Choosing From the Cosmic Menu

This is what I know:

  1. We are living in a Universe of abundance.
  2. The Universe holds the building blocks to everything.
  3. The Universe is continuously expanding to our every whim.
  4. There is enough abundance for all.
  5. The Universe is manifesting according to our will but it can only deliver that which it sees as being called into existence by us.
  6. We need to seriously filter our thoughts and emotions in order to project what we want to manifest in our lives — if we don’t do this, we still end up creating our experience through our random, unfiltered thought streams and feelings.

The Taming of the Mind

The first step to creating the life of your dreams is to get real about your ‘head space’.

  • What is going on upstairs?
  • Is it a continuous loop of worried thoughts or random streams of mindless pap?
  • Can you devote some time in your day (only 5-10 minutes is required to get you started) to meditate?

“Meditation is allowing your self to just exist with no distraction.”

Meditation, in essence, only means sitting still in a quiet area and blanking out your mind.

Not thinking of anything and just being.  You don’t have to sport a lotus position or hum and chant if it does not resonate with you.  Meditation is allowing your self to just exist with no distraction.

If you find it hard to meditate then seek help, guided meditations or classes.  This is a paramount step to decluttering your mind and clearing the way for positive thought streams.

Jump in the Drivers Seat, Take Your Life for a Spin

When you can apply the breaks to your negative thought streams, you are in control.  When you have this capability, you are on your way to manifesting your dreams.

Pick up a glass and toast to your new co-creator abilities!


Please feel free to share your thoughts on this matter.

Abundance ecard

Here’s a free ecard for you to download and use. Click on the picture, then right-click and ‘save as’ to your computer. You can then upload it to your e-mail.

Read here

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