What Could Possibly Be More Powerful Than Positive Thinking? The Answer May Surprise You!

Gaia by Cherie Roe Dirksen

We Just Can’t Help It!

It’s January 2016 and it’s that time of year when most of us are all revved up and ready for change — we, the hopefuls, dream of stepping up our game in the new months that are about to unfold. It’s all quite exciting.

Then a few weeks into the new year — well, you know the story — some of us get disillusioned and stumble off that rickety bandwagon. Our hopes, dreams and willpower get kicked to the curb and we continue with the same old same old wondering why every year feels like a sequel to Groundhog Day.

Towards the end of last year, I overheard some folks complaining about people who make new years resolutions and all that ‘blah blah blah’…then I saw a quote on Facebook that made me laugh. I’m paraphrasing here but it went something like, ‘I’m not making any new years resolutions ’cause, let’s face it, who likes a skinny, rich woman?’

I even tried to stay away from making resolutions this year but I just couldn’t resist the pull…

Getting Real…For the Umpteenth Time!

I’m no stranger to the Law of Attraction and positive thinking and I’ve applied them to most sections of my life with great success. However, I also have some areas of my life that I’ve applied them too with little or sporadic success.

What I mean by this is that I can achieve something one month but can’t pull it off the next – it wavers (in this specific arena) and then I begin to doubt myself. And I know I’m not the only one experiencing this.

The last months of 2015 had me catching a huge wake up call.

Positive thinking is fantabulosis. But positive feeling is the vooma that lights that ignition! Some of you have probably heard of this already. I had. A gazillion times before as a matter of fact. I know this and yet I was still deluding myself and avoiding how I was truly feeling about the things I was trying to create.

Related article: 5 Reasons Why You Are Failing at the Law of Attraction

Introspection and Facing a Hard Reality

My ‘a-ha’ moments with regards to manifesting finances come and go and never seem to ‘stick’. I have huge epiphanies, things go great and then I trip and fall into a rut.

I took a very serious look at my manifesting behaviors over this past year and was quite shocked to see that I was sliding down a slippery slope of limited thinking — falling back into an abyss of past experience that was dictating my future.

So I hopped to it and created a new vision board for myself in December. When I stepped back to look at it it made my eyes hurt. It was all over the place! It was so helter-skelter that I felt like crying. Why? It was such a huge reflection of what was going on in my head.

My brains and ambitions at the end of 2015 felt like watery, scrambled eggs.

Cracking the Shell

I took a long, hard, penetrating look at my life and thoughts and realized that all the positive thinking in the world couldn’t help me if I felt so ‘out of control’ on the inside.

I do positively affirm a lot of things when I wake up and even during the day. I try to steer my thoughts to positive outcomes but I was lacking in one thing. I wasn’t checking in with myself to see if I was truly feeling positive about my situation.

I got real and figured out that even though I have set goals, vision boards, do affirmations — the whole toot — I was not always feeling the outcome. There was still a little lack in my gut (your solar plexus doesn’t lie!). A little twinge to say, ‘you might not (fill in the blank)’.

That made me think further.

How did I feel about manifesting enough money for next months bills?

Exhausted. My brain was jet-lagged. I hadn’t really accomplished what I wanted to this year and I felt like I didn’t even know what I wanted for next year. It felt overwhelming and it was reflecting in my vision board

Their is No Space For Doubt

One think you need to know...

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I set to work trying to simplify my board. I got it down to the top 10 things I wanted this year. I stood back this time and felt relief wash over me. I could feel the shift within.

It was as though all the straggling thoughts had been filed neatly for me to gaze upon and the feeling was being upgraded.

I had been too chaotic in my thoughts and it was manifesting in my life through my feelings of being out of control. I was even trying to control how I manifested things. My new board reflected what I wanted and I decided to relinquish how I was going to get it.

Within 2 days of me completing the new and upgraded vision for 2016, I manifested one of the things on that board. It involved me bartering one of my paintings for it but, low and behold, the damn thing was working!

Within a week, I had manifested another thing on my board.

What changed?

I not only do my affirmations every day now but I make myself feel what it’s like to be on that holiday in Italy, sipping red wine and I can feel the wind zipping through my hair as I cycle down the main road on my new mountain bike.

Before I thought I had to concentrate on manifesting money to be able to buy things and experiences but I know now that the universe works in mysterious ways.

I’ve had people give me things that I thought I’d have to buy or spontaneously treat me to dinner or even trade with me for mutually beneficial gain. It’s opened my eyes up to new ways of manifesting and has given me a new hope that this year is going to be epic.

All I have to do is feel it. I hope you get to feel your way to all the things you dream about doing and having!

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News — click here to visit their awesome site and see why over 800k readers tune in daily!

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6 Tips on How to Get to Where You Want to Be

 Autumn Whispers Poster

“There is no sugar-coating this theory because the time for pandering this issue is over.  “

For those of you new to the Law of Attraction (LOA) – read on.  For those who understand the LOA — it’s of great benefit to recap what you already know to glean information that may have previously not been taken on board.

Get With the Law of Attraction Program!

Simply put — the LOA states that like attracts unto itself.  Whatever you think about the most you attract into your experience.

“You must take responsibility for what you have created in the past so that you can start creating a better future.”

Autumn Whispers Poster 2There is no sugar-coating this theory because the time for pandering this issue is over.  We have got to get real and face the consequences of our unconscious creations.

I have been practicing this concept for a good few years now and it is REAL.

When I look back into my past and ask ‘what I was thinking?’ — creating such chaos — I soon find that there definitely was a train of thought that led to certain events (albeit undesirable events).

You must take responsibility for what you have created in the past so that you can start creating a better future.

Get Your Good Vibrations Dial Tuned In

We co-create everything in our experience.  Not only through thoughts but through vibration — what we feel.

What we feel sends out a strong signal or frequency and that is mainly what the LOA works with.

It can’t decipher words as such — only the vibration or feeling behind the words.  So, to think that you don’t want something only reiterates that which is unwanted.


Are you Holding your Fat Rolls in Discontent?

When you think about losing weight, for instance, you are most likely concentrating on how fat you are not how thin you want to be.  You are probably looking into the mirror holding your fat rolls and sending out a frequency of self-loathing and discontent.

“The first step to creating the life of your dreams is to get real about your ‘head space’.  “

What then happens is the Universe picks up on that which you are thinking about  — the fat — and sees to it that you receive more.

Choosing From the Cosmic Menu

This is what I know:

  1. We are living in a Universe of abundance.
  2. The Universe holds the building blocks to everything.
  3. The Universe is continuously expanding to our every whim.
  4. There is enough abundance for all.
  5. The Universe is manifesting according to our will but it can only deliver that which it sees as being called into existence by us.
  6. We need to seriously filter our thoughts and emotions in order to project what we want to manifest in our lives — if we don’t do this, we still end up creating our experience through our random, unfiltered thought streams and feelings.

The Taming of the Mind

The first step to creating the life of your dreams is to get real about your ‘head space’.

  • What is going on upstairs?
  • Is it a continuous loop of worried thoughts or random streams of mindless pap?
  • Can you devote some time in your day (only 5-10 minutes is required to get you started) to meditate?

“Meditation is allowing your self to just exist with no distraction.”

Meditation, in essence, only means sitting still in a quiet area and blanking out your mind.

Not thinking of anything and just being.  You don’t have to sport a lotus position or hum and chant if it does not resonate with you.  Meditation is allowing your self to just exist with no distraction.

If you find it hard to meditate then seek help, guided meditations or classes.  This is a paramount step to decluttering your mind and clearing the way for positive thought streams.

Jump in the Drivers Seat, Take Your Life for a Spin

When you can apply the breaks to your negative thought streams, you are in control.  When you have this capability, you are on your way to manifesting your dreams.

Pick up a glass and toast to your new co-creator abilities!


Please feel free to share your thoughts on this matter.

Abundance ecard

Here’s a free ecard for you to download and use. Click on the picture, then right-click and ‘save as’ to your computer. You can then upload it to your e-mail.

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Turning a Negative into a Positive

Facebook Header SpectacularWe all know about positive thinking and the Law of Attraction but do we really put it into practice?

I have so many friends who say they completely understand the Law of Attraction but I find these very same people asking me to join groups on Facebook with very negative connotations, such as ‘Stop Child Abuse’ or ‘Fight Cancer’ . They still don’t quite get it.

So how do you phrase with positivity then?

It does take some getting used to and it can be thought-provoking but it is possible. Mother Theresa said something very profound to demonstrate this premise, it went along the lines of: You’ll never see her at an Anti-War Rally but you will find her at a Pro-Peace Demonstration.

“When we harp on negative words or phrasing we are actually calling them into existence or perpetuating their existence…”

Let’s take the ‘Stop Child Abuse’ campaign, this can be rephrased as the ‘Love and Respect our Children’ or ‘Joyous Childhood’ campaign. ‘Fight Cancer’ can equate positively to ’Complete Physical Well-being”.

What Happens When we Focus on Negativity?

Pink PoppiesWhen we harp on negative words or phrasing we are actually calling them into existence or perpetuating their existence. Feeding the problem, making it recur over and over until we change our mindset.

Let’s try to think a little differently and see what a world of difference we make.

When I talk to most people about this they nearly always tell me that it is far to difficult to alter ones thoughts.  It is not — it just takes time, awareness and patience.

How to Stop Negativity 

The first step is to put your awareness on your thoughts and try to stop the negative ones in their tracks.

At first, some of these thoughts will slip through the cracks and you’ll find yourself in a fear induced state of panic of what might be or what has been and might happen again (isn’t this conducive to how most of us think?).

This is actually quite a normal state of mind in our society – one could even say a collective state of mind. Don’t give up on it though, with repetition things will change and you will find it easier and easier to stop your train of thought when you want to.

One by one you will slowly begin to eradicate these unproductive thought processes from you mind.

Patience is a Strong Virtue

Blue BirdsEverything takes time and a bit of getting used to so the best is to be patient with yourself and gently usher in the new positive thought process.

Do not judge yourself if you fall of the track every now and again – you just pick yourself up and get back on track.  Before you know it, you will be identifying negative thought patterns more and more easily and you will be able to alter the pattern to positivity.

“Just remember the ‘what if’s’ usually never ever happen anyway – how much time have we wasted on this?”

I know this for sure because I practice this and find it to be very effective. It has taken me almost a year to be at a point where I can change negative thoughts midstream and reverse it to a more positive scenario.

What if I Lapse?

Believe me, I also have my lapses but more often than not it can be stopped before one gets carried away in the stream of ‘what if’ scenarios.

I was very good at the ‘what if’ scenario – I’m sure we could all win Oscars for that but how about changing the ‘what if’ into a ‘what is’ because only what is happening now is of true importance. Just remember the ‘what if’s’ usually never ever happen anyway – how much time have we wasted on this?  Read more about how to stop worrisome thoughts HERE.

Easier said than done? Most definitely, but anything of great importance is worth the persistence. Persist with this and, I promise you, you will reap the rewards of a clear and positive state of mind.

Positive thoughts can pull you out of the darkness.
Positive thoughts can heal a sick body.
Positive thoughts can help eliminate our biggest obstacle, fear.

You are in Control 

PoppiesPositivity will alter your perception of the world you live in – the choice is, and always will remain, with you.

You create your life experience, you are in control.  What you see reflected in your life circumstance is what you have projected, consciously – or most of the time unconsciously.  Be clear about this and move on to filtering your wants and don’t wants.

Live your best life – you can only do this when you take responsibility for your actions and thoughts.  Take control of your life and truly live!

Have Your Say…

  • Are you a positive person or do you feel yourself slipping into the negative realms before you can stop it?  Share your thoughts and experiences…I’d love to hear from you.

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