3 Simple Steps to Release You From Depression

Every Road Leads to Rome

Everything is, and will always lead us back to the Divine Source.  However, sometimes we take detours along this path to try to discover more about who we are.  So sometimes ‘all roads lead us to roam’ in some cases.  Some of us need a little reminder or nudge to get us back into alignment with our mission in life.

What is our mission in life you may ask?

To discover our divinity and this is done through lessons.  However, we sometimes fall so deeply into fear and depression that we can’t see that the light switch is dangling just above our own heads.


Everything has its yin and yang (it’s positive and negative attributes). So does the Divine Source. We are here to experience both sides of polarity, to eventually work our way back into the light, which is all-encompassing.

“We can plough it with antidepressants or we can just leave it and let it fester, but neither way is addressing the root of the problem. When you face the fear, you can walk through it.”

White light holds every colour in the spectrum; what a great metaphor for us. When we can work out the extreme opposites and find a balance between the two poles of existence – the yin and yang – we move back into an integrity that has been long-lost and forgotten through the widespread broadcasting of fear.

When we hold our emotions in fear we tend to feel it in our solar plexus, that feeling of ‘butterflies’ or ‘a great pit’ in the stomach. This is our emotional reaction to let our body know something is amiss. We can plough it with antidepressants or we can just leave it and let it fester, but neither way is addressing the root of the problem. When you face the fear, you can walk through it.

Here are 3 simple steps to take which will enable you to realign with your purpose:

  • HermioneGet Vocal — Adopt a ‘Listening Buddy’ — Sometimes a problem doesn’t even need your ‘listening buddy’ to come up with a solution; why is this? Because, we intrinsically, just want to be heard and acknowledged. This can bring us into balance. When we voice out loud our ‘mind chatter’, we can often make sense of it for ourselves just by hearing the power of the emotions taking the form of words. The words are a manifestation of the emotion, and therefore can sometimes be released when spoken. That is why some people calm down considerably after being allowed to ‘say their piece’.
  • Get Creative — Is there a hidden passion in your life, something that you love to do but have been suppressing or putting off?  No more excuses, get back on that bike and ride!  When you engage with the right hemisphere of your brain (where your creativity lives) you will feel elated.  It realigns you to your feminine, nurturing, explorative, passionate side and can ignite the flame for your ultimate purpose (if you don’t already know what that is).  Explore different avenues of creativity until you find the one that just simply ‘clicks’ into place with you.  You will find it, you just need to exercise patience and endurance.  Engage your inner child with this and see every new venture as an ad-venture.  No time is ever wasted when you are having fun.
  • Get Quiet — Find time to meditate or do some breathing exercises, yoga or Tai Chi. Find something that enables you to quiet your mind and have some free space without thought.  This will get you in touch with your higher self and will realign you to your greater purpose.

For more blogs about meditation, breathing exercises, creativity, please see the linked list below:

Do You Need To Meditate?

Making a Commitment to Creativity…Do You Lack Self-Worth?

What is Your Quality of Breath?

Are you stressed out?


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4 thoughts on “3 Simple Steps to Release You From Depression

  1. Pingback: 4 Simple Tips on How to Stay Calm at Family Reunions | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  2. love this,it seems you allways come up with tehe right medicine at the right time. I love following your blogs. thank you so much. my life has chaned so much since
    Christmas eve that I couldn’t really express it,except thru song,poetry,and just pure love and serenity has surrounded me. I connected with someone from a long time ago that has changed me and set me free to be me. hope you are well and wish you all the blessings that I desire for myself.j.e.


    • We are synchronously entwined! 😉

      I’m so glad to hear that your path has brightened up and that you are connecting to it all through your form of creative expression.

      I am very well, thank you. Just rushing to get the first proof of my second book out (I have been dragging my feet a little and now it’s crunch time!).

      I always love hearing from you. Thank you for taking the time out to come over to the site – it’s always appreciated. xxx Cherie.


  3. Pingback: Danger Ahead: Are You Honouring Yourself? | Cherie Roe Dirksen

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