What Could Tumbling Through the Void Possibly Do For Us?


Been in a Funk Lately?

Sometimes we get stuck in a place where nothing seems to be happening. Either we lose our mojo or we try so hard but nothing seems to give back. This is the dreaded ‘void’ and it can cause quite a fluster when we seem to be trapped in it.

I’m pretty verbal about how I’m feeling and have no compunction to truly state what I’ve been going through — this usually results in me finding out I’m not the only one going through something. So, recent conversations with random friends, family and acquaintances all point towards a common experience of this void (the place where not much is happening) — it seems to be where a lot of us are hanging out of late.

Who Brought the Life Jackets?

It’s especially frustrating when we have great ideas but have no energy, no takers, no inclination, no time or no funding to implement such grand plans.

It can indeed seem that we are floating down Diarrhea Creek with no paddle.

The good news is that when we find ourselves in the void there’s probably a damn fine reason for it.

What You Waiting For?

Voids can be great times for:

  • Reflection —  do some inner work, see if there are cobwebs that need dusting on the inside.
  • Reattunement — should you be singing to a different tune, is it time to start anew altogether?
  • Recalibrating — adjusting, checking and realigning your objectives.

If you’ve got all these ducks in a row and you’ve even taken action to see new prospects come to fruition and still nothing is happening — be a sitting duck!

What? Am I Quacking Up?

What I mean is to be still and at peace in the void — don’t strain against it, wish you weren’t in it or panic for fear of never getting out of it.

The void can also be interpreted as the place of creation — the ultimate matrix or womb. Watch for synchronicities and opportunities — be fully aware of what you want to see happen and how the universe tries to make it possible.

Related Article: Are You Experiencing Synchronicity?

I was watching a lecture by Gregg Braden and he said that when we can be in this space without judgment or fear, we allow an opening for spirit (who doesn’t want to see you void of anything) to fill our void in the best way possible. When we try to fill the void in our angst, we can further delay the true path of our soul.

So, have patience if you find yourself in the void and trust that you will soon be guided to your higher calling.

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News

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The Zen of Art

What better way to gift yourself than to spend some quality time creatively expressing your inner feelings?

 “The Dreamers Night Sky” by Cherie Roe Dirksen

I have only recently allowed myself to truly ‘let go’ and I found my form of expression which is more abstract than traditional (see above).  It has been a liberating experience to finally have the freedom to do this and no-one was stopping me but me.

“My first step was awareness of the deep need for my true expression to come through.”

When I discovered this, it was my call to action.  My first step was awareness of the deep need for my true expression to come through.  I then took responsibility for blocking myself and learnt the lesson behind why I was doing that.  The final step I took was action —  to bring about a new timeline or creative direction for myself.

A Call to Action

Free up some space this weekend or in the evening to tap into the inner child that just wants to finger paint and get mucky, cut out colourful pictures and make a collage or just do some ‘mindless’ doodling.

Why is this important?

When we give ourselves time out to practice creativity we are:

  • Honouring ourselves by allowing time for ‘play’
  • Tapping into the right hemisphere of the brain and our source of creativity
  • Setting a scene of tranquility and ‘time-out’ from the noise of our left brain
  • Allowing ourselves freedom of expression
How will this benefit me?

Expressing your creative flare is priceless but here are some key factors for why allowing yourself time and space for artistic endeavour is good for you:

  • De-stressing
  • Calming
  • Personal Fulfillment
  • Integral Time for Inner Reflection
  • Inner Balance
Try creating a tranquil, serene place where you can retreat to when you feel like you are in the ‘zone’ for artistic expression.
Is there anything stopping you?  Please feel free to comment on any of these questions or others that may arise…

What has been blocking your creative flow?  

Are you feeling constricted by the lack of artistic expression you are allowing yourself?  

What practices do you use to overcome creative blocks?  

What things do you tell yourself are more  important than expressing yourself?

Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE and get your FREE copy of ‘Creative Expression — How to find your inspiration…’ SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE 100% FREE and you can opt out at any time.

If you would like to read more about my journey to finding my inner expression, please click on the links below:

The Space Within Series — Inner Art

Going Deeper…Inner Art Expression

Got It! Inner Art Expression Expressed

Digging even deeper…Inner Art Expression

The Space Within Series — Inner Art

Artistic Frustration

I am experimenting with what I like to call ‘inner art’.  I have always been intrigued with abstract art and especially art that explores patterns, sacred geometry, space, shapes and colour.

“This series is going to be a reflection of how I feel inside, what is desperate to come out.”

But, professionally, I paint more traditional art and cater to ‘the market’.  This series is going to be a reflection of how I feel inside, what is desperate to come out.  Don’t get me wrong, I love painting the things I do, it’s just sometimes I want to ‘break free’ of the conformity and do something purely for myself.

“Whether we are looking through a microscope at the inner workings of our bodies or whether we are looking through a telescope at the cosmos — I can see a notable link.” 

The colours and shapes are all a mix of the inner space coming out into the material world.  I love the theory that we are a microcosm for the macrocosm, as within so without.

Our bodies are made up of omni-central atoms, everything is circular and has the sacred geometry formula.  Whether we are looking through a microscope at the inner workings of our bodies or whether we are looking through a telescope at the cosmos — I can see a notable link.

Unity Principle

The Universal Unity Theory — for me — is the certainty that every one and every thing is connected on some level and I hope this comes across in my art

‘A leap of faith’ (painting above) represents the push into the unknown.  This is something I have been battling with recently and decided to express it through painting.

I want to be free to do what I want, paint what I want, say what I want — a leap into integrity, I suppose.  Wouldn’t the world just be a wonderful place if we could all express ourselves freely and without judgement or fear?

What are your thoughts on freedom of expression and the fear of ‘exposing’ yourself?

Left:  A close up of ‘A Leap of Faith’

Is Your Past Tripping Up Your Future?

A very common condition

AttitudeAre you living in the past, rehashing past traumas and situations?  Do you feel like you want to let go but just can’t?

“Whether you are experiencing regret, sorrow, guilt, shame or a number of other lower vibrational anxieties, you need to let go and detach.”

So many people live this way and can’t seem to move on.  When you find your mind wandering to situations or incidents that have happened, you are living in the past.  Whether you are experiencing regret, sorrow, guilt, shame or a number of other lower vibrational anxieties, you need to let go and detach.

Detaching from your past

This time of the year sometimes gives rise to uncomfortable ‘quiet moments’ where there is nothing to do and we are faced with the possibility of ‘inner reflection’.  These situations are sometimes mistaken for depression or that feeling of being ‘let down’ by the holidays   for not living up to your expectations, or — perhaps, living up too much to your expectations and now you have nothing to look forward to.  Sound familiar?

“These issues that we sweep under the rug are lessons.”

These times should be taken to explore the residue of past reflections.  Is there something that you have been burying down, deep inside?  Something that yearns to be re-addressed but you simply don’t feel like giving it an audience for fear of having to ‘feel’ all over again?

These issues that we sweep under the rug are lessons.  In order to walk through, or pass, a lesson, we must face it.  This can sometimes be painful but it is necessary.  It may be initially an uncomfortable issue to reconstitute but when you have seen the lesson that you have gleaned from it, you can put it to rest forever.  Never having to face that feeling of unresolved emotion trying to rear its head at you.

“You are always capable of graduating from the class of karma.”

blue butterfly pngWe are here to explore and experience.  Some of these experiences are brought over from past lives or early childhood traumas.  You are always capable of graduating from the class of karma.   You never set up anything for yourself that you cannot handle.  With courage in your toolkit, you can search the hidden meanings of your unresolved issues and find the lessons so that you can graduate to the next level of learning.

You are the driver

Only you can do this as no-one else knows your inner workings.  Never look outside of yourself to anyone or anything to ‘fix’ you.  Only you can do that.  You can seek advice and help along your path but inevitably, you do need to do the work.

“Have both your feet firmly in the present!”

What better way to start the new year than to truly start it afresh?  Face your ‘demons’ with compassion and a yearning to learn from past mistakes and you will be creating a much brighter future for yourself without the need to constantly have one foot in the past.  Have both your feet firmly in the present!

Good luck on your journey into the new year and I wish you all the best life you can possibly dream up for yourself.