Can We Really Live Without Money? The Answer May Surprise You…

Nature Banner by Cherie Roe DirksenBalls to Capitalism!

I’ve been really doing a lot of ‘couch pondering’ (where you just sit on the couch staring at the ceiling for hours…thinking) about that wretched topic — money.  God, how I love having it and, boy, how I despise the need for it.

What a stinking dichotomy!

I work for myself and, as many of you who do the same may know, it’s great and liberating to be on your own schedule but it sure has its lows — mainly financial.  By the time the end of the month starts rearing its bill-paying head, I have worked myself into a froth over the hows and whens of imminent account deductions.

Why can’t we all just have a gazillion dollars in the bank and live our lives the way we were meant to — in joy and creative splendor?!

Wishful Thinking or Reality?

I suppose one has to take another look at abundance and wealth to pop this little blister of a conundrum.

Is it really all about money?

Now don’t just yell out ‘YES!’.  What if we could really create abundance without the price tag?

When I set my intentions for this year (this article was written in 2014) and created my list of 7 things I wanted (read about how you can start your own list here:  2014 — The Year to Sculpt Your Life!) — I managed to procure 3 things on the list without spending a dime.

It was through people’s generosity and thoughtfulness that I was able to manifest a few luxury items I would have otherwise thought I could only obtain through ‘buying’.

It made me think.

Sustainable Living is Thriving!

I am also in the process of moving from the city into the countryside.  We are doing this because (a) property is SO much cheaper out there and (b) we want to start growing our own food and need land, etc with the possibility of a few rain-water tanks and solar panels.

Just making this move will cut our bills in half — I’m being deadly serious!  I simply can’t wait for the off, as I’m sure you can well imagine.

But not only will this help us to economize but it will also allow us to reduce our carbon footprint and consumerism.  I strangely enough, have a feeling of immense abundance when I look at it that way.  It doesn’t involve abundance money can buy but wealth of spirit and a heart-centered gratification.

Instead of the typical scenario of society telling us that wealth is in accumulating more and more, the truth is that cutting down and needing less provides more abundance in your life — just not in that stereotypical way.

Get your head out of your bank account and into the breeze of that freshly mown lawn!

Do You Need Something?

If you do need something — be it a new dining room suite or tin of apricots — set your intention and put it out there.  How?

  • By talking to other people about what you want (not hounding them for hand-outs but simply mentioning it if it’s appropriate to do so — you never know who you might be talking to),
  • writing your desires down on paper and reading them out to yourself every day,
  • letting go of how you are going to get it, just know that it will happen in its own way,
  • be vigilant and on the look-out for any synchronicities (read more on synchronicity here: Why Synchronicity Can Change Your Life) or signs that may bring you closer to your desire,
  • practice gratitude and
  • give where you can (generosity tends to have a boomerang effect).

Solving the Need for Money — What is the Answer?

Do these suggestions solve the need to live without money?  No, but it’s a start.

The more you put these things into practice, the more you will start seeing how we, as a more heart-centered community, can pull together and get what we all want with little or no money passing hands.

It can happen through:

  • Bartering
  • Generosity
  • Donation
  • Service/Expertise Swapping
  • Thinking Out of the Box

Make sure you are open to receive as well as to give.

Can We Live Without Dosh?

Even though we can do a lot for ourselves without money — there is still a lot of things we do need money for in order to live in modern society.  Just having no internet access alone would bring my foundations crumbling down.

I don’t have all the answers as to how we can live with less money but I do know that if we all pull together and brainstorm ways, a moneyless society could be possible in the near future.

The answer is out there, waiting for us to catch up with it.

4 Things to Get You Started

For now, all the advice I can offer you if you are having financial woes, is to put your intentions out there and think of ways you can experience abundance without money.

There are loads of things you can do or experience to make you feel extremely wealthy.

Here are a few tips:

  • Make a gratitude list of things you have (the roof over your head, your health, a full belly, the love of your cat/dog or the warm bed you sleep in at night).
  • Go be in nature — when you give yourself time and space to relax and sit on some grass or walk on the beach, you will feel the abundance of the Earth.  Lack is only a by-product of what our current society dictates to us that we must have.  Nature has everything we need and to reconnect with the wealth of the planet is a very grounding activity.  This is your planet!  You were born here and you are a citizen of the globe — your abundance lies all around you and not only in coins, printed paper or digital numbers.
  • Call on the never-ending supply of love that is all around you.  You are loved, no matter who you are.  Never forget that.  If you are reading this and thinking, ‘no-one loves me’ then you are wrong — I love you and I’m not the only one.  Feel the love that is yours to tap into whenever you are feeling low and alone.
  • Keep reminding yourself of what you would be doing right now if money was not an issue or required.  Whatever that is, focus on it and set your intention to live that way.

Please let me know if you are having any success trying to live with little or no money.  What is your take on this topic?  Leave your comments below.

UPDATE: I have since made my move to the country and I’m loving it! I still use the above principles and I not only manifest money but also ways to get the things I want and need without money. Try it — it really works! Just to name a few things I recently manifested:

  • A friend in the village dropped off a huge bag of organic produce for me!
  • My neighbour really loved one of my paintings but couldn’t afford it so we did an exchange — my painting for her mountain bike she didn’t use. Yay!!!

Things happen in mysterious ways, so keep your eyes peeled for opportunity!

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7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance

Prints available

We all want abundance in some form or another, whether it is wealth in the monetary sense to being richly blessed with meaningful relationships or even to achieve self-mastery — the wealth of spirit.  In this past decade, and, even prior to that, we have been introduced to the idea of the Law of Attraction with popular books such as The Secret and the Jerry and Esther Hicks series, just to name a few.

So Why Is It Still Hard To Manifest Our Desires?

We hear catch phrases like ‘Be in the Flow’ but what does that practically mean to you?  How can you step into this flow and apply it to your situation or reality?  Wishful thinking just isn’t cutting it for some.  Here are some fundamental reasons why it may not be working for you:

1. Patience

I have to get this one out of the way first because it is a simple yet integral principle when you are applying deliberate manifestation.  You need to learn the art of patience.  Think of a seed — it gets planted but it still needs time, rich nutrient and mineral-based soil, sunshine and water to blossom into its full growth potential.  Any hint of doubt (or drought, in the case of our seed) will hamper its chances of reaching the surface and begin its graceful climb towards fruition.

2. Action

Once you have ascertained what you do want to create in your life, have you taken the necessary steps to get the wheel in motion?  If you think that ‘couch manifesting’ is going to take care of everything, let me tell you now — it isn’t.  You need to actively participate in bringing about your desire.  Set yourself realistic goals and hold yourself accountable to them.

3. Mindset

The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car… a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little. ~ Ben Sweetland

If you are having thoughts of lack about what you want to see in your life then that is what you are calling into existence.  This is like wanting to lose weight but only concentrating on all the most fattening foodstuffs — this kind of thought-stream is counter-productive.  Instead of thinking the worst, think about the way you will feel when it does come into your life.  How will it change your life?  Does it feel good when you are in that space of living out your fantasy?  If the answer is yes, then that is the emotion or feeling that you need to fertilize, in your mind, whenever you are practicing co-creation.

4. Vibration

As I addressed in the last point, when you truly allow yourself to feel the desired outcome emotion, it enhances your power to manifest tenfold.  Think of ‘the thought’ as the key in your ignition; ‘The action’ is the spark that ignites the engine and ‘the feeling’ or emotion behind the thought is the gas that gets it all going — the driving force.

5. Alignment

Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. ~ Wayne Dyer

You need to regularly align to what it is you want.  Set yourself that weekly goal and check in with yourself.  Has this week seen you get any closer to what you want?  If not, why not — what could you have done differently?  Sometimes we have to assess that what we are trying to manifest is still truly what we want.  If you change your mind then that is fine, just don’t kid yourself.  If you change midstream to another outcome it is better than plodding along with a manifestation that you are now uncertain about.  Your emotional potency will also be lacking if it is not what you want anymore, so, as the old adage goes, it will be like breaking wind against thunder (slightly euphemized for this blog).

What Can I Do To Bring Abundance Into My Life Now?

Well, now that the blockages have been outlined, let’s take a look at what you can do in this moment and in the near future to bring about the expediency of your manifest will.

The energy behind any deed needs to be from your genuine source.  Any fake or compromised gestures will be meaningless in the pursuit of true abundant living.

Metaphorically this is like taking a flat battery and expecting it to work in your camera.  What goes around comes around, the intent you put out into the universe will come back to you, so, if you are handing out ‘empty’ words or actions, your boomerang effect will be just as hollow and meaningless.  Acting with true integrity is the key to manifesting the life of your dreams.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

6. Tokens of Unconditional Love

Life in abundance comes only through great love. ~ Elbert Hubbard

When you visit someone or just bump into them, bestow a gift upon them.  This could be a silent blessing, well-wish, compliment (make sure it is genuine), a heart-felt hug, a flower or a small gift.  With this action you are giving freely.  Do not expect anything in return, that will be taken care of energetically in a way that you may only come to realize when it happens.

7. Gratitude

Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

List all the things that you have in your life now that you are most thankful for.  This could be from the smallest thing to the largest thing.  For example, you may feel immense joy sitting in your garden — give thanks for that.  You may have a pantry full of food and a roof over your head — give thanks for that, and so the gratitude ball starts rolling and we start to have a clear insight as to how much abundance already exists in the present.  When you start this exercise, you will find more and more things that you can be grateful for from the air that you freely breathe to the limbs that operate at your will.  It is a truly eye-opening experience for those who think they are lacking in some way or another.

But Why Should This Work?

The reason why this does work is because the more elated you feel about your current situation, the more joy you are injecting into your energetic field.  This doesn’t just get lost in space, it is a frequency that you are emitting outwards and it is going to be matched.

This is how our lives really work in the subtle field of energy.  Your energetic signature or emotional frequency is what you are setting yourself up to attract.  You are like a magnet, attracting that to you which you are putting out via your emotions or feelings.  This is why it is imperative that your thoughts are steered towards being more positive, which will then allow your feelings to be in alignment with what you do want.

You cannot bring into your experience joy if all you are feeling is sadness.  You cannot be wealthy if all you feel is lack.  These are basic principles that, unfortunately, too often get overlooked when we try to view our own lives and how they are turning out.  It is often hard to face the truth that what you put in, you get out.  But if you are to make any headway in this life, you need to face the core truth of what you are creating consciously or even subconsciously.  This is actually good news!

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Life isn’t going to just randomly happen to you anymore — you are always in full control of your life and can guide it in any direction you choose.  You always have a choice, never forget that — our freewill is our greatest asset.

This isn’t to say that your life is going to be all cotton-socks and pink roses — you may very well have your fair share of everyday mishaps.  What will change is how you perceive these obstacles and what you choose to do with them.  The world isn’t going to change, it is how you view it that will make the change you desire.

Put into this world what you wish to get out and you will be in the flow.  You will be in the driver’s seat steering your life into abundance.

Original article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Purpose Fairy:  7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance.

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Why is Gratitude so Important When Creating Abundance?

To recap on the previous article about abundance, please CLICK HERE

Set Your Emotional Dial to ‘Vibrate’

Feeling gratitude for what you have brings with it its own vibration.  For those of you who are at a loss to what the word vibration truly means, I will give you some dictionary meanings that I think encapsulate this vitally important word:

 Vibrate –  (def) experience a rush of emotion in response to something;  a distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively;  feel sudden intense sensation or emotion;  to resonate:   be received or understood;  oscillation.

This vibration of gratitude seems to attract more positive things into your life.  The more grateful you are for what you have the more you will have to be grateful for.

“…give thanks even before you have received…”

It seems like a good deal for such a pleasant feeling, gratitude.

Bypass Gratitude and Say Goodbye to Abundance

Gratitude is therefore a very important aspect of the Law of Attraction and should not be bypassed.  Besides, it feels good to be thankful and to remind ourselves of all the things in our lives that are going great.  We so often only think of our lack.

When you want to manifest a desire and you can picture what you want, don’t forget to give thanks even before you have received it.  This process brings it to you even quicker, as the matrix has to ‘hop to it’ because you are already feeling emotions of gratitude and it will have to align with that vibration or frequency.

The above article has been an extract from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is available now through all good bookstores.

Other blogs related to this topic:

What is Thanks Giving?

Are You Creating the Life of your Dreams?

Top of Blog Photo credit:  ”Thank You” by Felixco, Inc

What is Abundance and How Do I Get It?

Now Don’t Just Think of Money!

When we think of the word abundance most of us jump straight to material wealth.  However, abundance, like the word ‘wealth’, does not only mean physical treasures.

Wealth can be measured by your physical wealth or health.  Without your health you could be the richest person in the world and it would mean nothing.

“…the umbrella of wealth covers so much more than money.”

Wealth can also refer to your mental frame of mind, as in the case with health, if you are mentally ill all the gold in the world won’t help you.

Having meaningful relationships, whether romantic or otherwise is of great importance.  In other words, you have a lot of money but no-one to share it with – not much fun either!

“…you could be the poorest or the richest person in the world and still suffer a huge amount of pain if you feel that everything is worthless and your life has no meaning. “

Then there is of course the financial wealth which we all think will solve our problems but as you can see from the list above, this is not always the case.  Of course, it is wonderful to have no money worries and to be able to buy anything you desire or go any place in the world or just to have enough to pay the bills – I am not denying that.  But the umbrella of wealth covers so much more than money.

The most important of all is the wealth of spirit.  Without this you will be searching your whole life for meaning to it all and you could be the poorest or the richest person in the world and still suffer a huge amount of pain if you feel that everything is worthless and your life has no meaning.

The Distortion of Wealth 

Unfortunately, through most media outlets we are being pumped with the need for greed.  This is another clever ploy by the ‘elite’ to keep us in a cycle of want and ‘tunnel vision’.

“We are being manipulated on a massive scale to keep us from seeing certain truths about our reality.”

Be very careful of the need for riches and try to assess why you want all that money anyway.  Always try to see the root of the desire and be mindful and appreciative of the trees in the forest instead of not seeing the forest for the trees.

We are being manipulated on a massive scale to keep us from seeing certain truths about our reality.  This is being done to keep our minds preoccupied with meaningless pursuit.  This is what I mean by being ‘mindful’ of your desires.  Are they really yours?  Or are you having the wool pulled over your eyes?  So be clear about what you want and why you want it.

How Can I Feel Abundant When I Have Nothing? 

A good starting place, to manifest your dreams, is to start with being grateful for what you do have.   That which you consider being of wealth to you.  This could be having a close family or a special talent or even the fact that you have a roof over your head and food in the fridge.

To be continued…CLICK HERE for part 2

Thursdays Blog will look at the importance of gratitude in receiving true abundance.  To follow my blog, please click the ‘follow’ button in the right-hand sidebar.

The above article has been an extract from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is available now through all good bookstores.

Here is another article, about abundance, that I found helpful from the Deepak Chopra Center Blog —

Are You Ready for Abundance? A Letter from David Simon, M.D. – The Chopra Center Blog.

Photo credit:  “Green Dollar” by Scott Chan

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