Simply BE in Gratitude

Being Grateful

I’m going to make today’s blog short and sweet. Pretty nifty for a writer who’s so long-winded, right?

I hope I can convey this ‘new theory’ through the written word — I thought of videoing an interpretive dance for you but that would probably be more confusing. So here it goes…

I’ve discovered a new level to gratitude. 

“I feel like this new ‘being grateful for no particular reason’ is a bold step in my conscious evolution. It’s the anticipation of great things to come instead of the worry about what might go wrong (which actually brings that into being).”

I’ve been practicing gratitude whenever I can and even in the most strange circumstances. Take for instance my recent loss of income streams from all different avenues — normally this would have freaked the old Cherie out completely but the new Cherie is simply loving it!

Okay, how can I love having money and security taken away from me?


New Adventures, New Directions

I’ve assigned my life with new meaning. You know how life is meaningless (as in neutral until you assign it either positive or negative meaning)? Well, I’ve decided and really FELT like the Universe is redirecting me big time and it couldn’t have come at a better time.

I was actually getting quite bored with the Ground Hog day my life was becoming, so, this breath of fresh new adventurous air is a God send (he he…literally).

I won’t lie, I’m still in the throes of the transition but I’m injecting fricking gratitude into every moment. I can’t wait to see what’s coming and I can just feel it’s going to be awesome.

I am already starting to experience the new opportunities and contacts coming in and — from my vantage point — I’m super excited.

I feel like this new ‘being grateful for no particular reason’ is a bold step in my conscious evolution. It’s the anticipation of great things to come instead of the worry about what might go wrong (which actually brings that into being).

I’m starting a whole new way of thinking and using gratitude to boost it. I hope you join me on this journey. So, even when things look pretty shitty — try to see the Universe offering you something even better, more exciting and tailor-made to suit your soul.

If you liked this article, you may consider starting a gratitude journal. Every day write something you are grateful for, no matter how big or small. You’ll see your life start to change when you focus on the positive!

Get your gratitude journal today (click on this link or the picture below) for yourself or for someone you know who’s starting out on a self-empowerment path and could use a bit of motivation!


These gratitude journals can be purchased lined or blank (depending on whether you prefer drawing what you’re grateful for or writing it). They are 13.2cm x 18.6cm – a handy pocket-sized journal!

Read related articles: How to Realign with Innate Gratitude and Are You Expecting Good Things to Happen? Why You Should…

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8 thoughts on “Simply BE in Gratitude

  1. Pingback: Why Gratitude is Future Projecting a Positive Outcome – Cherie Roe Dirksen

  2. Pingback: How to Win the Lottery Using the LOA – Cherie Roe Dirksen

  3. Pingback: 2 Damn Good Reasons Why You Need to Love Yourself! | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  4. Pingback: Future Projecting a Positive Outcome | Cherie Roe Dirksen

  5. Thank you for this! I have been feeling the same way the past few weeks…like something BIG is finally going to happen; turn my life around – finally. I’m focusing on that and being positive and not letting any negative words, thoughts or things people say even stay in my mind or atmosphere! Wishing you all the best on YOUR journey!!!! Take good care! Keep writing about this!

    Liked by 1 person

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