Here’s Your Crown — You Are Sovereign!

Butterfly on Red Poppies

You’re Bloody Amazing!

Let’s cut through the brown stuff here and get straight to the crux.

  • Most of us have been on a journey of breaking down our programming that we are ‘less than’/sinners/victims/mortal and we are starting to let our heads venture out of our tortoise shells to catch a glimpse of our innate, immortal muchness.
  • We have been clearing out and sifting through all our crap to ‘find’ ourselves and where we belong in this crazy world.
  • We are building a bridge to the ‘other side’ to cross over into a new paradigm/dimension where we are 100% co-creators of our experience.
  • We have had it up to here (*hand on forehead*) and our bullshit-o-meter has finally tipped.

So what is this crazy woman on about?

Stop and Feel that Energy!

Forget about all the past rubbish, karma crapola, wobbly bobbly stuff that keeps you tethered to the past in those dramatic scenarios like:  ‘what was I in a past life?’;  ‘I’m ironing out my karma’;  ‘I need to work through this stuff before I am enlightened’;  ‘when will I see the light at the end of the tunnel’ type balderdash and own it today. It’s just too easy to get stuck looking back and forget to move forward.

This is the first day of the rest of your existence, you immortal powerful little sausages!

Don’t buy into it anymore — you are YOU now.  Right this very moment you can void out any contracts/implants/agreements you have made that ties you to ANYTHING. You have the power and have always had the power — you’ve just been suffering with a bout of amnesia.

It’s time to re-member that you are:

  • Sovereign/Divine/Part of God/The I Am that I Am (whatever you want to call it)
  • In the Now (not tethered to any karmic contract/past life ‘wrong’/programmed belief — you just are.  Full stop. Declare that you will now release any karma or trapped emotions in your body and that you revoke any contract you made that is holding you back from your higher purpose and at-one-ment with God/Source.
  • Required to be authentically YOU.
  • Reminded to do whatever you like as long as you do not infringe on anyone/things right to freewill/choice, etc and is in line with your higher self. Spirit wants you to be in joy.

If you have gone into information overload (which it’s easy to do in this cyber age), remember that it’s also healthy to unplug from other people/channels/ascended masters/archangels/ET’s who are telling you what to do, how to act or anything else that comes from OUTSIDE YOUR SELF.

Be very aware of what your gut instinct is telling you and discern the truth by checking in with your spirit or innate awareness.

Let This Moment Mark the Beginning of a New You!

Fellow souls, rise up today and let’s own our divine birthright together.  Today we stand up and declare that we will not be taking it up the arse any longer.


Repeat this daily until you live, think, eat, breath and truly embody this truth.

Todays blog picture is called ‘Red Poppies with a Butterfly’ and is available as prints, posters and greeting cards – click on the picture above to take you to the store.

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Finding Your Magnificence

“You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you.” —  Eckhart Tolle

Poppy Field

Where is my Pluck?

To have pluck is to be spirited with a determined courage.  Its very definition is inspiring — bravery, nerve, valour, guts and heart — but how can we truly embody this deliciously tantalizing trait?

If you feel you’ve lost your pluck or, perhaps, never had it in the first place — a good place to begin to look for it is within.

It cannot be found, with any sustainable long-term results, at:

  1.  The gym
  2. The latest copy of ‘Heat’ magazine
  3. The TV/gaming console or any other distracting electronic device
  4. The bottom of a bottle
  5. That new nightclub around the corner
  6. The mall (note to self — especially the shoe shop)

Don’t get me wrong — there is a certain amount of nerve that comes from wearing shoes that elevate you a couple of inches.

I’m not saying you need to stop doing any of these things if they make you truly happy, I’m just pointing out that the things on the list above can be titanic distractions if you are seriously trying to pursue better living.

There’s a bit of magnificence in you and it shines like a diamond, however, unlike a lump of coal enduring vast amounts of stress to produce a diamond — yours is innate.  It just might be covered in layers of soot.

Fight-or-Flight Syndrome 

1 ButterflyWe Homo Sapiens have an inbuilt radar system called ‘fight-or-flight’.  It can be pretty useful in dangerous situations.

Say for instance, you are being chased by a lion (it surprisingly doesn’t happen often, I know — not even in South Africa, where I live) but for the sake of a good metaphor, I’ll use it.

The chances that you stick around to face your foe and brave out the storm are slim.  It would be far more prudent to take flight (preferably up a very high tree).  This kind of scarpering in the face of certain death is essential for survival.

To fight it — say perhaps you were armed with a rifle or a kilogram of catnip — may also be wise if there was a high possibility of success (i.e. living to tell the extraordinary tale to your grandchildren).

The only problem with this ingrained sense of preservation is it get’s in the way of our emotional and spiritual growth.

The Human Duress Barometer

The fight-or-flight response is also known as acute stress response.

Essentially, this response prepares the body to either fight or flee any potential threat — no matter what it is. It is also important to note that the response can be triggered due to both real and imaginary threats.

A lot of us have lost our magnificence and have given into the stress of trying to ‘stay alive’ or play it safe.


Uncovering Your Diamond

The SoulIt wasn’t really my intention to get you to accept your death in this article (although it certainly wouldn’t hurt), it’s more about finding your innate wisdom and knowing that all is well within you — your diamond core essence, living from your heart center.

To stand in love is to fear nothing — there simply isn’t enough space for fear.

In the Face of Inevitable Doom

I was in a discussion where two mature chaps, whom I happen to love and respect dearly, were debating what they would do in the face of a tsunami.

I said that it would be more compelling to stand your ground, knowing that you are about to enter a new phase in the chapter of your existence and to face the wall of water with a sense of awe and acceptance — to which one of the gentlemen concurred.

He said it would be better to face your death with love and peace in your heart and to enjoy the power of nature as the water swept you away.  What an amazing perspective — to actually enjoy your own death!

The other lad, however, was shaking his head at us, not quite believing what he was hearing.  He stated that he would turn tail and head for the hills!  He couldn’t quite understand why we would not want to save our lives.

We retorted by stating that if death was inevitable, the only thing you can do is to truly embody the experience of passing on.

If you can do this with a sense of security about who you are, embracing your divinity, and facing impending doom with reverence and love in your heart — you will die according to your own terms and not in fear.

When Mind and Heart Work Hand-in-Hand

We all need our minds to navigate and to add some kind of structure to our lives but, all too often, our thinking carries us away on paths that don’t serve us.  Our heart, on the other hand, is our intuition — our own personal guide.

If we can process situations through our heart first and then our heads, we would be living our luminosity.

To find the magnificence of your soul is to uncover heart-based living.  To truly encapsulate your divine essence that is immortal, wise and glorious.

You are more than a mammal walking on the face of the earth.  You are more than a statistic on a governmental consensus sheet.

You are a unique and heavenly expression that, with a bit of spit and polish, can radiate and cut through the heart of any situation to get to the deepest of truths.

You are pure magnificence wrapped up in a corporeal vessel.

 “More important than the quest for certainty is the quest for clarity.”

—     Francois Gautier

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Lightworkers World

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