Why You Need To Meditate! Part 2

To recap on Part One CLICK HERE

It is a hard reality but it is the truth

You can plaster a wall over and over but if there are cracks of unresolved past issues hidden in the concrete, they will always break through leaving imperfections in your wall.

“We need to merge the habit of practicing to be present back into our mainstream of life to adopt a healthy overall balance of perception of the dimension that we call our reality.”

It is easier, in the long run, to work through these issues until we find that Shangri La in our minds.

We need to merge the habit of practicing to be present back into our mainstream of life to adopt a healthy overall balance of perception of the dimension that we call our reality.  Our stressful and sometimes frantic way of life leaves little ‘time’ to breathe correctly or to be aware of the present moment – or does it?

How many times, in your busy day, do you have a window of opportunity to be present?  I’m sure you can find the time, even if it happens to be when you use the toilet!

Practice makes perfect!

You can practice regular deep breath inhalations and exhalations sitting behind your computer screen or on the train to work (as discussed in Tuesdays blog about the importance of breathing correctly).

” If you have time to buy a doughnut, you have time for these re-alignment practices.”

We say we don’t have the time but that is absolute rubbish and an excuse for the laziness of not taking ones own reigns in this life.  If you have time to buy a doughnut, you have time for these re-alignment practices.

It just takes repetition and a dedication to observing the mind and habitual thought processes.  Clear out all the junk in there and make way for the peace that everyone so readily says they want to have.

When will I be happy?

Don’t look for a future date to attain this present moment awareness – everything that is going to happen will happen now, so what are you waiting for – someone else to do it for you?  Or, perhaps, you don’t have the ‘time’ to do it now and set it up for something that you will do at a later stage in your life?

If this is the case, the chances are that you will never venture down this avenue and you will continue to let your mind override and control your circumstances.

There is no time like the present!  Make a commitment and stick to it, don’t even commit to doing it tomorrow as tomorrow never comes.  Be happy now — you do have the choice, you always have!

Why worry?  Who does that serve?

How many of you, when you examine the stream of thoughts or ‘mind chatter’ in your head, realize that your thoughts either pertain to past life experience or future worry?  Usually worrying about things that never come to pass?  How much time and stress (never mind sleepless nights) could you save just by eliminating such thought patterns?  Stillness is worth every moment it takes in practicing the art.

“Nothing ever happened outside of the now, everything you have experienced in your life up to this point was experienced in the present moment.”

Present moment awareness is the way to live.  It is the only way out of this insane society we live in that is fixated on future and past.  Time is an ultimate delusion and will only be a means to an end – for keeping appointments and such.  Time will become a redundant factor in life.  Who needs time when we live in an infinite Universe?  Time ages us, who needs that?

Be the master of your destiny – live in the present moment.  And you can start this now by becoming aware of your thoughts.  Then progressively you can start to alter them as you see fit or even to stop them dead in their tracks!  Nothing ever happened outside of the now, everything you have experienced in your life up to this point was experienced in the present moment.  Nothing will ever happen in the future – it all happens in the NOW.  Future is unobtainable – the present is always here.  Open your gift, the present, and experience the timeless realm.

‘He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise; begin!’ –Horace, 65-8 B.C.

The above blog has been taken from an extract in my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’, which is due to be released soon.  For more information please click here.

For more on meditation — here is another useful blog:  http://www.meditate.org/Meditation-Is-A-Happening.htm

You may also like to read this article about meditation:

Wherever You Go, There You Are: A Short Course in Mindfulness and Meditation