Only 50 Shades of Grey — What Happened to the Rest?

Something Wicked this Way Comes by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Despicable Me

Not only have I not (double negative, I know) read the sizzling book but I also have no intention of playing in the shadows of this steamy novel — pretty much based on the fact that all I know about it is its reputation for sexual explicitness.

What I do intend to do in this article is to whip out any double-entendre I can think of pertaining to sex, genitals or erotica.

This will be in an attempt to lure you into another grey area (of which who knows how many shades may present themselves) — the balancing of the sexes (an exploration of the ‘shadow-self’ will follow shortly in a blog post near you — so do remember to bookmark this page or ‘follow the blog’ to get updates).

Bottoms Up and Off We Blow!

It sickens me to my core when writers play on sensationalizing filth, which is why I’m in constant conflict with myself and my questionable morals.

Yin and YangEnough said, let’s soldier on in this minefield of masculine/feminine, light/dark, good/bad…yin to my yang.

We need to put on our ‘big-girls panties’ or our ‘big-boys jocks’ now as we undress (oh stop!) the issue of balancing sexual energy.  And do get your head out of the gutter — this kind of sexual energy is what the universe is made of — we’re not just talking about the old ‘heave-ho!’.

“There is a deep misconception about the roles of masculine and feminine energy in the world right now, and it has been there for quite a long time.  The belief is that masculine energy is a dominant energy, while feminine energy is a submissive energy.  This war between the masculine and the feminine has caused many women to forsake their femininity in an attempt at equality, and many men to forsake their masculine energy out of guilt or embarrassment.” — Tuning Masculine & Feminine Energy

Sex and the Universe

Sexual energy is a magical power that each of us possess (or, in some cases, may possess us).  We need to master this cosmic force in order to bring a healthy balance to our lives.

The fundamental principle is to recognize that we all, regardless of our apparent sex, are made up of both masculine and feminine energies.  We sometimes only suppress one or the other to ‘fit into’ our society, or what is deemed to be normal in behaviour of our relevant genital status.

Don’t Confuse Sex with Sexual 

Sex is, of course, great for procreation and extra-mural activities but it is not all about what happens in the bedroom (or behind the bicycle shed).  Shelve those preconceived indoctrinated or hippy notions about what the word ‘sex’ means.  That is for another blog, another day (maybe even on another site).

This blog is not going to address any kind of kinky, tantric or middle-of-the-road hokey pokey debauchery.

This is not about the ‘act’ it is about the ‘energy’.

The 6 Signs of Sexuality

Sexual energy exists on all levels — it is fundamental to creation on every level.  It is dynamic, it is the flow, it is what attracts or repels us in any situation (you are reading and emitting this type of ‘sexual energy’ all the time – consciously or unconsciously).

Here is a list of 6 common traits of the masculine energy — do any of these resonate with you (regardless of your sex)?:

  • Security/safety — a ‘container’ energy
  • Strong — a sense of standing firm and being a protector
  • Resolute — a decisive energy
  • Freedom — the masculine energy wants to be the container not the contained
  • Logical — always trying to find the solution
  • Action — impulsive and daring — ‘leap before you look’

Here is a list of feminine energy traits — do you recognize any of these in yourself (again, regardless of what sex you are):

  • Surrender — not to be mistaken with submissiveness but rather a sense of wanting to be held by that comforting peaceful masculine container energy
  • Sensitive — paying fine attention to feelings and emotions
  • Gentle — feminine energy seeks to allow for smooth flow and the path of least resistance
  • Bonding — the act of bringing together and unifying
  • Creative — the need to give birth to creation be it in form, thought or deed
  • Pensive — calculating and cautious — ‘look before you leap’

There is no right or wrong list as you can see — all the points listed above are highly commendable and desirable.  The exercise of outlining these different attributes is to marry the two — to ‘meet in the middle’ or to have a bit of both.

When you can embody these traits and draw upon them when you need to in any given situation, you become a very powerful human being.

It is of utmost benefit to be a bit of both.  The union of divine masculine and feminine gives us a chance to ‘see’ through the eyes of the other sex and to gain a deeper understanding of our dichotomous nature.

To state the bleeding obvious:  Without men there would be no women, without women there would be no men.  Let’s face it, we need each other to make it work.

The Benefits of Empathic Behaviour

Firstly, the union of the sexes would probably bring about world peace.  A balanced human being would have no need for supremacy — the need for domination is the soul being strangled by the needs of the ego.

Secondly, there will be no more ‘war of the sexes’ — I mean, that’s so last century already!  Seriously, when we figure out that we encapsulate both male and female energies, we can finally start to move on.

Not only will this mean that you’ll see more women belching in public whilst their partner blubs over the latest rom-com but the benefits of the union will also include:

  • Emotional Freedom — you depend on yourself for fulfillment but enjoy the company of others. You are open and honest with the ones you love and are able to express yourself without fear of judgment.
  • Empathy and Vision — the ability to see things from the others point of view and thus come to an agreeable solution instead of a pissing contest.  The need to be right is overtaken by the need to be careful.
  • Personal and Collective Power — owning who you are, what you are, how you feel and how you choose to express yourself and allowing others to do the same in a manner that doesn’t infringe on anybody’s rights.  You flow with life and allow instead of resist.
  • Wisdom in Equality — realizing that your Yin/Yang energy is reflected in every other soul and to disrespect another is to disrespect yourself.  You are free to contain that compulsive judgment.
  • Creative Action — you embrace creative thinking and act upon ideas that encourage, uplift, benefit or enlighten.
  • Ownership — you are a part of the bigger picture and not just a small and inconsequential ant (not that I think ants are inconsequential, merely that they paint a good metaphoric picture) mulling about the face of the Earth.  Your resoluteness will encourage others to seek out their own power and pass it forward.
  • No More Rats Arses — you no longer give a monkeys bum about what other people think of you because when you embody the union of traits, you are SOVEREIGN. This is not, in any way, to be associated with ego — it is a state of wholeness within your being.  You are embracing your divinity and acknowledging it in others.

If I have left anything out on this list, please do leave your comments in the allocated box below.  I would love to get your take or experience on this saucy topic.  Knowledge shared is wisdom gained.

Inequality Begins with ‘I’ and Ends with ‘Why?’

To look down upon, to belittle or to mistreat someone because of their sex (and this works with any other human allocation be it religion, culture, skin colour, sexual preference, etc) is an indication that you are not whole.

When you insult or degrade another, you insult and degrade yourself.

A man or (wo)man who is complete, is one who does not need to undermine any other.  To do so is a public display of your own inadequacy.

Banging On and On

Right, you lot!  Time to zip it up — this subject has been milked.  I hope all this sexuality talk hasn’t left you high and dry (oh God, please! No more innuendo!!!)…until the next blog where we will be poking about the shadows of our murky selves and trying to embrace what we find.

Goodness knows what we’ll dredge up, so don’t forget the latex gloves next week!

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The Insidious Rape of Mankind and the Imminent Solution

The Shocking Truth About Gender Equality

The Fine Balancing Art of Yin and Yang

Painting Pink Floyd — Soldiering Through the Minefield of Emotion

What is Love?

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