Is Humanity Being Raped?

The Insidious Rape of Mankind and the Imminent Solution

Whoa!  Them is fighting words, Tex…

I’ve brought out many blogs about the imperative concept of yin and yang and the balancing of the masculine/feminine energies.  This one is, hopefully, going to be the last one in the series — the Big Kahuna.

I’ve had a pressing feeling to write about this but I’ve tried to duck, dive and dodge every bullet of compulsion sent from my ‘invisible entourage’ (who are encouraging me to take the leap of certain death on this highly emotive topic).

So here it goes:

Rape, Abuse, Murder…How Much More Can We Take?

With the current spate of malicious rapes, brutal disfigurements and fatal attacks on females not only here in South Africa but in India and, I’m sure, all over the globe (and in some cases males are the victims too) — there is a clear need to get to the bottom of why this is happening.

“Both sexes have suffered even though it may not appear so on the surface.”

I just want to say on the off that this blog is not going to be about man-bashing and I’m certainly not going to go on a feminist rant either.  I am both masculine and feminine (on a spiritual level) and I know that to slant any sex is to injure oneself.

These are my opinions and I hope they resonate with you.

Sexual Energy is About to Blow

Sexual energy is a miraculous thing when understood and in its natural state of balance.  But for the last couple of millennium our world has been in the throes of a patriarchal imbalance that has not only disempowered women but inadvertently stripped men of their innate power as well.

Both sexes have suffered even though it may not appear so on the surface.

Tarts, Jocks and Prudes

It is encouraged for men to be sexual predators but women must be prim and proper and keep their hysterical urges to themselves lest they appear somewhat sluttish.

Where is the balance for both parties to feel at ease in this impossible situation?

The man who sleeps around is told by society that the women who consent are loose if not whores.  How degrading is this for him as well as the female counterparts?  No balance there and certainly no self-esteem on either part.

Why?  Because the man is a mirror — on a subconscious level, he is also prostituting himself.  The unconscious mind knows everything even if the conscious suppresses it.

He feeds his desires and his ego by repeating to himself that it’s his right to do so because he was born a man, giving him certain ‘entitlements’.  However, the ramifications of his actions will catch up with him.

Low self-esteem may come biting at his heels that he might start fudging over with a self-righteous ego.

He has just built his foundations on sinking sand.  This structure is unstable.  You have to respect and acknowledge the Divine in not only yourself but others too, otherwise there will be imbalance.

Always Use the Mirror Analogy

If you see women (or men) as ‘playthings’ and objects for your amusement then that is what you are inadvertently projecting about yourself.  If you have no respect for women (or men), you are projecting no respect for yourself.

Starting to see the picture?

Of course, your ego will try to fight this every way it can.  It wants to protect your ‘identity’ — or at least that which it identifies itself with.  This is not your true nature, it is a false persona that your culture, society or religion may have thrust upon you at birth.

We are Drowning Under labels

On the opposite scale of acceptable norms, how pitiful society has made it for a man to have a ‘below average’ sex drive (‘give him medication, goddammit!‘, ‘where is the Viagra?’) or how morally degrading is our media that constantly pumps booty at us on MTV 24/7?

In the above scenario — these men are being totally emasculated by society if they don’t conform to that ‘jock’ standard.

We are drowning under labels that make us feel unworthy, uncomfortable and unacceptable and it is sheer bullshit.

Are You Just Another Jack the Ripper?

For Gods sake!  We are human beings with sexual urges and divine sexual energy to spend but we use most of it feeling guilt, taking that guilt out on others or completely cutting ourselves off.

“To be a master you need to be aware of your emotions and control your reactions.”

For example:  The guilt some psychopaths may have felt in the past for wanting to sleep with prostitutes (which might have made them feel dirty and impure about themselves — the mirror analogy at work) was taken out on the prostitutes (as in that notorious case of Jack the Ripper).

Suppressing the self leads to explosions of anger, rage and conflict.  You just have to look at the Boston Strangler to see how this looks when carried out in the physical if not balanced in time.

You are the Master

Just the awareness of a problem means you are halfway to ‘fixing’ it.  When you identify with it (ego) you are the slave to its compulsion.

To be a master you need to be aware of your emotions and control your reactions.  Understand them, forgive yourself for having those feelings (if they infringe on another human beings freewill) but to gain enough self-control as to not act upon them.

Then you can call yourself a man/woman.  That is the right of passage to manhood/womanhood.

What if I told you we are both masculine and feminine despite what your genitals tell you?  How different would things be then?

There would finally be equality —  no argument.

Where Did We Break?

You cannot be whole if you are broken.  A whole person would never need to belittle, hurt or degrade another.  Someone who does this is broken themselves.

“If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.” — Buddha

The good news is, it doesn’t take a lot to fix.  It’s usually just ideas and concepts about yourself that you have to peel away until the true you is revealed.

Let the Child in You Help You to Remember

Can you remember when you were a child and your parents fought?

For those of you who grew up without both parents, I can tell you what it felt like:  awful!  You felt like your world was about to crumble about your feet.  There was a sense of desperate insecurity because the two pillars you depended on were shaking.

But beside the insecurities that may have been experienced you may have also seen yourself as a bit of your mother and a bit of your father.  When your father insulted your mother you felt insulted and when your mother went on about what a bastard ‘he’ was, again, you were that bastards child.

You may have even felt disconnected from one of the sexes due to a  parent behaving badly towards the other — giving you a subliminal prejudice against the offending sex.

You can see how, as children, we got the concept of being the embodiment of both male and female through our parents, which is perfectly natural,  because we felt we were a 50/50 blend of their energies.

If you had parents who were perfectly lovely to each other, you may have been very proud of yourself because you were a culmination of this divine energy.

You ARE female and male energies encapsulated in one form.

Butterfly with Balls

I feel really uncomfortable when I’m with a group of women and they start laying into ‘men’.  It makes me feel very isolated and upset because I feel like I am 50% masculine.

I also am privileged that most of the men I know are absolutely amazing.  They do not conform to that antiquated, stereotypical patriarchal male and abhor any kind of relation to it.  They are kind, communicative, thoughtful, protective, understanding and strong.

This is what REAL men look like.  Don’t let a few rotten eggs spoil the omelette, ladies.

Now on the other hand, I feel that some of us females need to grow a pair!

“I think men have been deprived of that female goddess energy that was replaced, oh so long ago, by the submissive female energy in survival mode.”

We need to stand in our truth (not be submissive) and be empowered.  Men absolutely love that divine feminine goddess energy.  A woman in control that knows her mind and soul is sexy — don’t think you’ll drive men away.  And if you do, be thankful — those are not the men you wanted to attract in the first place.

Skin — The Goddess

I have to share a story with you: My sister was at a music festival when the British band, Skunk Anansie, came on stage.  She said that the crowd were mainly very young adults/teenagers who had never heard of nor seen this group before.

For those of you who don’t know the lead singer, Skin, you need to read this: CLICK HERE.  She is one of the most powerful women I have ever laid eyes on.  She embodies that strong and graceful female energy yet she also exudes that awesome male vibration.

Anyway, after they had performed a couple of songs, my sister heard one of the young men in the crowd say, ‘Why haven’t we heard of this woman before?  She’s a Goddess!’.

I think men have been deprived of that female goddess energy that was replaced, oh so long ago, by the submissive female energy in survival mode.

That false separation we were taught has hurt us all.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that seeing yourself as superior to the opposite sex is like pooping on your own doorstep!

This is why I advocate that our men have also been disempowered and hurt through this process.  We are both Gods and Goddesses and we should treat each other that way, with love and respect and AWE.

You are AWESOME and you are DIVINE!

Other articles you may enjoy:

Only 50 Shades of Grey — What Happened to the Rest?

How Suppressing Your Shadow Self Can Destroy You

The Freedom Checklist – What Every Human Being Needs to Know

The Fine Balancing Art of Yin and Yang

3 Ways to Cure the Pushover Mentality

What Ancient Egyptians Can Teach Us About Balance of the Sexes

The Shocking Truth About Gender Equality

6 Ways This Amazing Flower Could Help Your Sex Life

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