Now is All That Exists! Here’s How to Embrace it…

“For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.”  ~ Alfred D’Souza

Movies and Revelations

Don’t you just love it when a movie hits on a spiritual epiphany?

I was watching a flick called ‘About Time’ when something profound cuffed me upside the head. It’s actually nothing new — just another perspective of that elusive pot of gold called present moment awareness.

Brain Enemas and Rosy Tinted Specs

I felt like some zesty lemon juice had been poured through every wrinkled crevice of my brain — cleansing out all that old fluff that seemed to be impairing my vision.

Most of us are aware of ‘the present’ and just how important it is to stay grounded and supremely concentrated in the moment because this is where our joy lies. We know now that future yearning (or fretting, as the case may be) and past residues keep us forever longing for our bliss, like a carrot being dangled in front of an ass (yes, deliberate use of ass as I think we can all relate to feeling like one from time to time).

The thing is, we sometimes feel bogged down in this world full of chaos but we can always don our rose-coloured glasses to be able to see the beauty in the maelstrom.

But how can we effectively live in the moment?

Living This Day Again

For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, there was a scene where the time-traveling father says to his time-traveling son that the one thing he’d learned about being able to repeat history is going back and living the same day over twice.

Seems pretty strange, doesn’t it?  Who would want to repeat the same day again?

However, his son tried it out and on the first day he hustled and bustled through a typical working day, missing out on all the delights that could have been because he neglected to see that each moment was a gift. He then went back on the same day and things went differently. Because he had already lived the day before, he knew that every obstacle or worry in his day would be sorted out so he approached this day with joy and ease.

1. He delighted in his encounters with people.

2. He put people’s minds at rest that everything was going to be alright with resolute authority.

3. He treasured every sacred moment with his wife and family.

4. He had fun. The scales had dropped from his eyes — the world hadn’t changed, how he experienced in it had.  Life wasn’t about one drama after another, nor was it about worrying and fearing the future — it was about relishing the moment and truly living each day as if it were the last. To take things as they come and know that all things will pass, so all will be well.

A New Recipe For Life

How many of you stress about death (not just your own but people or animals you love), worry about situations, get anxious over things you need to do?  I’m guessing quite a lot of you.

I’ve been having my fair share of problems lately ranging from family to business but the one thing that keeps on boomeranging back to me is just to let it be (thanks to The Beatles for pointing that one out!).

Be in the world, not of it — don’t sweat the small stuff.

Point is: You create your world and a good place to start is to be grounded in each moment. Be present in your life and don’t let events just take place around you. Be the event!

Here is a list of things you may need to allow:

1. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  Alchemize your negative situations by

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finding the diamond in the rough. Diamonds are produced by coal being under extreme stress — turn your stress into a precious gem.  There’s something in every situation for us to learn and grow by.

2. Accept that which you can’t change by trusting in divine flow. Send love and turn your situation around by visualizing how you would like to see it play out. Keep realigning to your desired outcome through positive affirmation and clear visualizations and you’ll be surprised how things turn out for the better.

3. React if you need to — blow off steam, vent, scream… shout, shout, let it all out (shed your fears through tears — Tears for Fears)!  But then give yourself time and space to clear your mind, meditate and ground yourself. When you are calm and relaxed, solutions tend to rear their heads. Nothing can get through the fog of anger and frustration, so remember to meditate daily.

4. Reality can be harsh but remember that you are spirit having a corporeal experience — learn the art of detachment and you will soar higher than you ever imagined! After putting this list into practice, I find myself surrendering to the present moment a lot lately and blissing out even amidst the most chaotic of times (once I’ve had a good cry about it, of course!).

Take Back Control

Some things in life can’t be completely controlled but we can sure influence them to our greatest good by taking a leaf out of ‘About Time’s’ script and treasuring people’s company, finding bliss in the mundane and being the still presence that helps other people to be cool, calm and collected.

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Purpose Fairy

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9 Truths to Stop You From Caring What People Think


We’ve all feared, at some point in our lives, what other people think of us but here are 9 reasons to let go of the opinions of others for our own good:

1. Smoke and Mirrors

The fear of imperfection and/or of not being accepted is, of course, an illusion. Who gets to be the judge and jury on what is deemed beautiful or hideous — successful or stupid? Let me guess:  The tabloids or magazines, possibly Hollywood or the catwalks of Milan? How about TV/movies and the media? Spare a thought about who you give your power over to.  The various outlets that dictate what beauty and normal are seem to be pushing fake, in my opinion.  There are moments where true beauty can shine through these channels, but those flashes are few and far between.  True beauty and acceptance is in the eye of the beholder.  So anyone claiming to know what beauty or normal definitely is needs very close examining if they are not including every member of the human race in their rundown.

2. Self-Realization and Repair Kits

When you can out these undesirable contracts you can begin to repair them.  We have to discover why we felt the lack and how we are feeling now about the same issue. Then we must align it to our higher self by breaking down the agreement piece by piece and offer it up to the light to be cleansed.

3. Inherent Beauty and Perfection

We need to look at ourselves and find the beauty inherent in us, not always trying to fish out our perceived faults. When you treat yourself with loving kindness and nurture your self-esteem with positive thoughts, you will begin to shift into alignment with your higher self.

4. Dissecting Agreements

When we were young we had no inhibitions and sang at the top of our voices, danced our hearts out (whether someone was looking or not) and thought we were princesses and superheroes. Then one day someone came along and made you feel less than what you felt about yourself. You may have paused to take it in – then you made a crucial decision. Either you agreed with what they said or you didn’t. That is why some of us can still dance freely and not be bothered whilst others cringe at the thought of dancing in public – this could be due to an earlier experience of being made to feel like you were ‘no good’ by someone who was only giving you one piece of the puzzle.

Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner. ~Lao Tzu

5. Piecing Together Your Puzzle

When I said that the person was only giving one piece of the puzzle I mean that they have a preference based on their version of reality. That is one person’s perspective in a sea of other possible candidates – ones who may have loved your form of expression.  This person could have also been a child, an acquaintance, a stranger or it could have been someone you trusted and loved deeply. The latter is often the case and can make the hurt twice as potent.  However, we must consider that some things are said in the heat of the moment and not really meant by the offender, so we really need to see why we made the agreement.

6. That Tricky Enigma Called Universal Appeal

You need to know that you can never have universal appeal.  You or your talents may not be one person’s cup of tea but what about all the other people in the world who will resonate with your particular brand of uniqueness?  However, ultimately you need to please only you. When you do this then you are immediately accepted and no outside influence can make you feel anything other than what you know yourself to be.

7. Acknowledge the Good

We sometimes tend to disregard the ones who encourage us, leaving only space in our thoughts for the ones who hurt us. Why is this, I wonder?  Everyone has the urge to be liked and accepted for who they are. This is normal. But what we need to redefine is what is normal? Every soul is special and has equally unique attributes, abilities and ways of expressing themselves creatively. There should be no judgment.

8. Identify the Judge

When judgment rears its head, we must question the one doing the judging.   Tell that judge that you are in love with your differences.  Viva la difference!  Without freedom of expression this world would be a very dull place.  Without diversity in hair colour, body shapes, talents, voices, tastes, etcetera we would be tantamount to sheep running around in a field day in and day out – baa-baa-boring!

9. Know Thyself!

Only then will you begin to discover, on the deepest level, that which you truly are and what you have accomplished – not only in this lifetime but in the countless life experiences you have had.  Draw on that wealth of talents you have stored, that which you haven’t even begun to extract from your being.  When you do, there is nothing anyone can say or do to you that would ever hurt you.  You will be resolute as to who you are and nobody can take that away from you — unless you allow them to.

When you are living with the statement ‘be the best you can be’ and you are doing this with all your integrity and might — you have nothing to fear.

Empowerment comes from fearing no-thing and facing every day with courage and love in your heart. Strive to be and do the best you can in every situation, then you will be living in your integrity.  Words or energy that does not fit with your frequency or vibration will not be allowed to penetrate your field of self.  You will have become the master of your life and your reality.

Something worth looking into, wouldn’t you say?

Original article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for PURPOSE FAIRY

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10 Tips Designed to Keep You Happy

Country Girl by Cherie Roe Dirsken

With so much going on in the daily life of the average Joe, it is hard to stay motivated.  We sometimes feel beaten down by society and all the things we occupy ourselves with, voluntary or involuntary.

This can range from commuting, work, school runs, to housework, helping the kids with homework, cooking and finding precious time to unwind — which usually ends  up with us watching TV. But how can we manage our time better to incorporate the things we long to do but feel we have no time for?

Here are 10 tips to get you excited and keep you motivated to enjoy living another day:

1. Quality Sleep

This is one of the most important things you can gift yourself and your family with.  Make space in your night-time schedule to start winding down at least 1 hour prior to going to bed.  You can light some calming, soothing essential oils, such as lavender and chamomile — will assist in good, sound sleep.  You can have a warm, milky drink or some herbal tea.  Switch off all radios and TV’s that are keeping you engaged in noise and ‘action’.  Instead, you can read that book you’ve been promising yourself or listen to some relaxing music.  All of these things can aid you into an alpha brain wave state, which allows your mind to relax and disconnect.  You must avoid falling asleep on a full stomach or, even worse, falling asleep with the TV on.  Your mind still takes in everything it hears, even whilst asleep, and having the TV on will not only disrupt your sleep but possibly cause you to have nightmares.

2. Berry Boost

With a good nights sleep tucked safely under your belt, what better way to start your morning off with than a berry smoothie?  This is quick and easy to make and will give your system a boost of sustainable energy.  These smoothies keep me going for about 4-5 hours.  They are great for your skin too, berries have anti-aging properties and the calcium is good for your bones, ladies!  A quick recipe I use is (for one 500ml serving):  Take 2 handfuls of mixed, frozen berries (or fresh if you like, I like the frozen ones because they give a kind of ‘crushed ice’ effect), 2 squirts of Stevia, 4 tablespoons of plain yoghurt and top up with some milk.  Blend and drink your way to vitality and well-being!

3. Time Productivity

Use your time wisely.  If you commute to work by public service, take this opportunity to meditate or read.  Make it ‘you’ time.  If you can, it is great to shut your eyes in the morning and the evening (could be on your way to or from work  if you are traveling by public service) — for just 10-20 minutes at a time — to meditate and clear your mind.  This will benefit you in more ways than you can imagine.  It also gives you a break from the mind chatter or what I like to call ‘white noise’.  This allows more productive thoughts through instead of the useless and incessant worry that can clog up the mind.

4. Breathing

Huh?  Don’t I do this automatically?  Yes, but most people are in the habit of shallow breathing.  You need to oxygenate your body for optimum productivity and chi (vital force).  Try to, at least every hour, breath in to the count of 5, hold it to the count of 5 and exhale to the count of 5.  This will give you a boost during the day.

5. Let Loose

This is an integral step for you to de-stress after a long day. Explore an activity that is tantamount to letting the ‘inner child’ out to play.  I find it really helpful to put on some upbeat music and have a sing-song and dance around the house.  Get your groove on and invite your family to join in.  You can do this for just 30 minutes and it is a really fun way to get moving and to unwind.  The best part is you also get a great workout — physically and vocally!  Let your inner diva shine!

6. Keep it Clean

This is a macrocosm/microcosm thing — it affects the inside and the outside world.  When you have a neat, tidy and clean home and/or office, you are happier.  When you have a clean, refreshed body, you are happier.  I have to tell you about my dog.  She hates her bath, as do so many of our canine counterparts, but after she has been through this torturous activity, she runs around the garden like a dog-reborn — smiling, barking and just generally frolicking like a pup.  Bath-time also equates to going for a walk (which she does regularly) but when she walks after her bath, she has a spring in her step and a wag in her tail that is much more noticeable.  This is a great metaphor for how we feel when our bodies are bathed (make your bath-time a treat too — get some nice smelly soaps and bubble-bath and make it an event) and our houses or offices are spic-and-span and organized.

7. Eat Well

Another part of keeping it clean, is keeping the inside of your sacred body clean and invest in a detox every now and again.  Or better still, make it a daily habit to eat healthy fresh foods.  You know the kind I’m talking about so I’m not going to go into detail.  This is a no-brainer, you are what you eat.  Keep it fresh, colourful and simple and your system will be alive and vibrant, leaving you feeling energized and ready to take on the world.  Have you noticed how sluggish you feel when you’ve pigged out on a burger and chips?  Yeah?  Well, you need to get real about what you are putting in and perhaps compare that to what you are getting out!  You may have a Porsche but you can’t run it on horse manure.

8. Creative Space

This is really important.  We all need to express ourselves creatively, no matter if it takes the form of art, writing, decorating, drawing, constructing/ building, etc.  It is hugely beneficial to give yourself some time and a quiet space to be creative.  If it is once a day, that is great.  If you can’t fit it in daily then at least allocate yourself a good few days of the week to squeeze in 2-3 hours of creative expression time.  You can even make this a family activity where everyone gets time out to do something fun.  It will teach you and your family the benefit of taking care of your own needs in an unselfish and productive way.

9. Gratitude

Take time out, especially with your family, to give thanks for all that you  do have in your life right now.  This can be over a meal, as is commonly practiced in the saying of Grace.  I am not a religious person but I do see the benefits of giving thanks.  This could also be done in your quiet time in the bath, or whilst you are commuting, etc.  You can explain the benefits to your family and encourage them to also find a quiet minute or two to reflect on being grateful.  This feeds positivity and will nurture your good feelings ratio.

10. Reflect

When you find the space to reflect on your life, your goals and your dreams, you can keep the picture of your destiny clear and precise.  When you don’t take time out to ponder and to re-align with your intentions, you may lose sight of where you are headed.  You can sometimes slip into a stream that does not fit the destination of your dream.  Make a vision board where you can pin all the things you desire and all that you would like to manifest in your life experience.  Make sure you hold yourself accountable for taking action towards your goals and keep this board somewhere where you will see it every day.

What is most important of all is that you enjoy your journey, this life is precious and special and you can make each day an enjoyable experience.

If you catch yourself falling into boredom or despair, simply remind yourself that you can make a choice to re-align to a more joyful outlook — run through this checklist and see if there is anything you can do or improve on to bring you into a state of balance and fulfillment.

In the wise words of Eckhart Tolle, you can either be enthusiastic about what you are doing, enjoy what you are doing or accept what you are doing.  When you do not fall into any of these 3 categories you set yourself up for feeling resentment or frustration.

What do you find lifts your spirits?  Please share it in the comment box below. 😀

Original article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Purpose Fairy: 10 Tips Designed to Keep You on Your Toes.

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Table Books of Art and Inspirational Teachings by Cherie Roe Dirksen:

Creative Expression        Art Portfolio

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