Do You Love Yourself?

The Love for Self

Most of us have the biggest problem of all when it comes to loving ourselves.

Try this as an exercise: 

Every time you see yourself in the mirror, give yourself a wink and say (you don’t have to say it out loud if you don’t want to) ‘I love you’.  I know, the first time I tried this I laughed, it is hard to take yourself seriously but try it over and over again and see the change in how you perceive yourself.  I noticed that instead of picking out my flaws in the mirror, I started to see and admire the positive attributes of my body.

“…see past your perceived imperfections and look at the magnificent being you are.”

This is not an intention to be Narcissistic but an attempt to acknowledge yourself and the deep connection you have with your body and consciousness.  So, look at yourself in that mirror and fall in love with yourself, see past your perceived imperfections and look at the magnificent being you are.

The love for self is the glue that will bind you together and the strength of the adhesive you use will determine your longevity and health whilst you are in form.

“You need to accept compliments as if they were a gift…”

Try to also receive compliments gracefully.

Can You Receive a Compliment?

A lot of us feel uncomfortable with compliments and either resist the gifting of a compliment or deny it completely.

When you do this you are inadvertently telling yourself that you are not worthy.  You need to accept compliments as if they were a gift, you need not take them personally (as in identify with them which is your ego at play) but just acknowledge them without rebuttal.

You are worthy of praise and should accept it in kind.

The above article has been an extract from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is available now through all good bookstores.

Do You Understand Unconditional Love?

Playing with Words

Now let’s cast aside all cheesy connotations of the word and let’s have a closer look at it…LOVE.

L  O  V  E.

Yes, but what does it mean?

Now I like to play with words and I think it is fascinating that word like disease broken down are ‘dis-ease’ and ‘remember’ is to ‘re-member’ (become a part of the whole again), so love backwards begins to spell…evol – ve?  Maybe…evol – ution…could be.  Just a thought…

Aren’t we all progressively trying to evolve in one way or another?  Could love be the catalyst for evolution?

To Love Unconditionally

Love is more than a word or chemical reaction in the brain telling us how we feel.  Love is the Universal language of emotion.  It can even be called the ultimate emotion.  Or going out on a limb, the only true emotion – the one that leads back to Source.

“We say we love unconditionally but in reality our love always comes with conditions attached.”

There are of course ‘different’ types of love.  The love a mother has for a child, the romantic kind of love, brotherly/sisterly love, love for thy neighbor, and the list goes on.  You get the picture.  But what does it really mean?

Love is unconditional.  Another word that most people roll their eyes at…what is unconditional?  We say we love unconditionally but in reality our love always comes with conditions attached.  Think about it.

Do you love your partner unconditionally?  No, I hear you say.  Okay, why?  Well, because there is the fear of them leaving or, even worse, leaving me for someone else.  Fear, another wonderful concept that I delve into in my new book ‘Divine You’ (now available at all good bookstores!).

Understanding Love

Heart IITo love unconditionally is best likened to the parental type of love.  Even though it goes to say that even some parents love with attachments — this is most typically found in Western and even in Eastern cultures where parents tend to live through their children and do not let the children experience their own desires.  But typically a parent loves their child (ren) unconditionally.

” A parent will love their child even if that child does something unspeakable…”

This is the closest we are going to get in this 3D realm to what unconditional love really looks like.  A parent will love their child even if that child does something unspeakable.  Even if your child were to commit a serious crime.  You wouldn’t just stop loving your child if they were to murder someone.

You might be devastated but you will still love them.

Turning off Judgment to Experience Love

Love is something you can’t switch off.  But judgment is.  Judgment can be switched off, it just takes time and practice.  I say this because our need to judge continuously clouds our need to love unconditionally.

“We judge in others what we don’t like about ourselves.”

Isn’t that what this is really about?  We blind ourselves through judgment of others.  Why?  Because everyone is mirrored back to us.  We judge in others what we don’t like about ourselves.

I will continue more on this topic in Thursdays blog (please click the ‘follow’ button in the sidebar if you wish to be instantly updated when blogs are released).  This has been an extract from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is now available.

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