Why Are You Seeing Dragonflies?

“When you pay attention, you prop the door of your soul ajar to welcome the unexpected and the uncontrolled… . You can’t access your interior landscape by banging down a closed door; you can pencil it in as an appointment on your calendar. Paying attention is a habit forming mind-set that comes with repetition and with intention. You give yourself permissiong to “do nothing.” You create quiet spaces. You open a door.”
― Cindy Crosby, Chasing Dragonflies: A Natural, Cultural, and Personal History

I’ve been paying a lot of attention to the beautiful red, blue and golden dragonflies that inhabit my garden and they sure have opened doors in my imagination! I watch them on their daily routine as they dip gracefully — drinking water from our small pond, basking on a branch with their magical, glittering wings turned to catch the warmth of the Karoo sun, and flying curiously about my person, possibly wondering what this blonde Goliath is.

If you want proof of God, just take a close look at a dragonfly. Now there’s Intelligent Design for you. They are one of the most stunning creatures to behold with their intricate, delicate wings that shimmer gold and pearlescent silver, their brightly coloured bodies and their robust fragility (they remind a bit of poppies, in that sense).

I’ve taken to painting them in all their majesty (see picture to your left and above in the header).

Animal Spirit Totems

Many cultures around the world believe that seeing certain creatures can represent different messages from spirit.

Here are some interesting traits that seeing the magical dragonfly may represent:

  1. Agility and Adaption – being able to quickly adjust to change.
  2. Transformation – surrendering to the new.
  3. Self-realization – embarking on a journey to inner wisdom and insight.
  4. Good Luck and Abundance – pointing you in the direction of always getting what you need when you need it.

So, if you have been seeing dragonflies everywhere, you can now apply the above to your situation and see if anything rights true to you.

  • Are you going through any life-changing situations?
  • Are you stepping into your divine right to be abundant?
  • Are you able to “think quick” on your feet?

The dragonfly could very well be your animal totem for the moment. Let me know your experiences with seeing dragonflies and what they mean to you in the comment box below.

If you’d like to keep dragonflies close to home, in fact, cuddle up with them at night, then I have these rather fetching art deco-style cushions at my store sporting my latest artworks – add that bit of magic and good fortune to your home decor!

inshot_20230531_160809541 20230603_130542

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How to Tame the ‘Monkey Mind’

Cherie Roe Dirksen

Cherie is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician living in Barrydale, South Africa. She has weekly blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com where she discusses practical and insightful perspectives on taking responsibility for your life and following your bliss.

Follow her on Facebook HERE. Follow her on Pinterest HERE. Follow her on LinkedIn HERE. Follow her on YouTube HERE.

How to Tame the ‘Monkey Mind’

You’ve heard of the monkey mind, right?

It’s the Buddhist term meaning a restless, unsettled, confused, inconstant, indecisive and somewhat uncontrollable state of mind. It’s when the ego thinks it’s in control and uses the mind (thoughts) as its conduit — a state most of us have found ourselves in from time to time (or, for some, all the time).

Monkey Business

Unfortunately, these ‘thoughts’ think they run the show (from the mind, which is running ape-shit — excuse the phrase but I had to). This impish-rogue, primate mind can only take you so far and no further. That’s why you can reach a stalemate in your life if you’re blocked from your higher states as the egoic mind is only a shadow of the higher mind.

My penny dropped about how I’ve been trying to manifest according to my unconscious (associated with beliefs), subconscious (associated with emotions) limiting beliefs.

Let me explain:

  1. I am certain that reality is an illusion, a kind of virtual reality — a playground for our divine, little souls to run amok. Read related article: The Holographic Universe and The Illusion of Separation
  2. The only thing that is ‘real’ per se is our existence or oversoul/individual soul/higher self. Think of the SIMS game — you, the oversoul, are playing in virtual reality creating families, communities and playing with the concept of individuation, freedom of choice and ‘life’.
  3. Now this ‘higher mind’ is the one with the overview (not the monkey mind or egoic mind — it can’t see further than your nose). Think of the higher self as the one standing on top of a skyscraper looking out on the city below — it can see all the streets and happenings taking place. Think of you, the part of the self in physical matter, as being on the ground — you’re level of perception is looking down an avenue and only seeing what is directly before you. You are not getting the birds eye-view of the higher self up there gazing upon all possibilities below. Say for example (and this is going to be a very simple example but you’ll get the idea): you want a coffee. The monkey mind can smell coffee brewing but takes you on a wild goose chase all over the city thinking it can pinpoint the location. If you had asked the higher self, it could have told you to take a right and a left and…Starbucks. Headquarters or HQ (what I like to call the higher mind) can see the quickest route while monkey mind is still swinging from branch to branch.
  4. Follow Your Bliss Wall Art

    Click here to get this wall art

    Let go of the monkey mind version of how you want your life to transpire and let in the guidance of the higher mind. The egoic mind can only create from past events. It has no idea of future infinite possibilities because it hasn’t been played out across the minds screen yet, it was not made to do so. That is why when you ask for something you shouldn’t try to conceive of how you’re going to get it — your job is only the asking or the ‘vision’ of what you want not how you’re going to manifest it. Only the higher mind can see the possibilities laid out before you. Have you ever manifested something by letting go of the control aspect? Did you find that you could never have dreamed it possible to show up in the way it did and were fascinated at all the signs and synchronicities (read related article: Why Synchronicity Can Change Your Life) that led you to said manifestation? That’s because your higher self has the overview and not the ego mind.
  5. When you let go and tap into your intuition, cultivating a bond between physical mind and higher mind, you will allow infinite possibilities and realities to flow through you without the resistance and persistence of the monkey mind getting in the way. The ego thinks it knows everything but it doesn’t, it is only necessary to keep you functioning on an individual capacity in physicality (as far as I can tell). This means that we need the ego to keep us engaged on earth or we’d probably want to go back ‘home’ — you get my drift, right?
  6. So, let the higher mind pick out the destination (it knows what you came here to do, so let it do its job), you need to be open to receive the package via the physical mind and then interpret it through the physical experience. It’s really quite simple — law of least effort type stuff, savvy?

I recently applied this monkey mind vs. higher mind stuff to one of my life situations and had to laugh. I was trying to conceive the situation as ‘thus’ (via my chimp noodle) when the situation was ‘this’ (something completely different and couldn’t have possibly conceived through the ego mind until I let HQ speak up). Suffice it to say, I was WAY off course but things slipped into understanding when I got out of my own way.

So, how do you get out of the ego mind and step into the higher mind?

Easy! Have fun…lot’s of it! Follow your bliss. Do what excites you, even if it’s making a tasty sandwich, going for a walk or putting on some music and dancing. Follow your bliss — I can’t say that phrase enough.

The easiest way to a higher vibration (because that is where all the good shit is happening, my friend) is through joy, excitement, love and all the other delicious higher vibrational feelings. I wrote an article recently about tapping into that sweet spot, you can read it here: Find Out How to Tune Into Your Personal Higher Vibration

When you’re in a higher vibe, your soul can easily communicate ideas and thought packages to you.

Enough said, go out and do!

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Get your blustering, bicycling, ballooned baboon STICKERS here…

If you enjoyed this article, please share it with someone you think will benefit from the information. Another way you can show me appreciation is by supporting my shops – I’ve got unique all sorts from greeting cards to t-shirts and more for those special occasions.

You can enter my store HERE and why not pop by my gallery of original art and high-quality prints HERE or click on the picture box below.

Thank you!

Cherie Roe Dirksen Gallery

Imagination is a Powerful Tool

You can listen to this as a podcast HERE (or click on the picture below) or continue reading below.

It’s so very important to keep your dreams alive and your imagination well-greased, as the quote below suggests.

Click on the picture to get your dreams and desires journal!

Of course, not the dreams where you’re in your underwear being chased down town center by a T-Rex or rocking up late to school without your PE kit. No, I’m referring to those personal goals and ambitions.

Lately I’ve been musing on my dreams and desires and have found some sneaky outdated ones.

And that’s okay.

I’m entitled to change my mind about what I want now. I thought that maybe not following through meant I was a failure. Upon reflection, I think I was failing at being true to where I’m at now, and clinging onto outworn ambitions has definitely been holding me back.

New dreams pop up like mushrooms. And it’s healthy to assess which ones to keep and which ones to spring clean.

I’m a person that feels the need to follow every idea through to conclusion, to my detriment. I’ve come to face it though, that’s just a recipe for burnout. My new mantra — like the old adage, ‘pick your battles‘ — is ‘pick your dreams.’

An Easier Way to Dream Up a New Objective

The best tool in your manifesting basket is your imagination.

Imagination isn’t just child’s play, it’s a potent projector. It’s a really beneficial practice to engage in some proactive imagining or lucid dreaming (where you get to control where the dream goes) for say 15-30 minutes a day, give or take.

Do it over a cuppa, or when you’re having some downtime. It’s important to be comfortable and to not be interrupted where possible.

Let your imagination soar and explore all possibilities, outcomes and scenarios of your most heartfelt dream. Keep imagining and strengthening your belief in that particular path.

You’ll be amazed at what you can manifest!

Have a Good Cry (If That’s What You Need To Do)

Funnily enough, after I had reassessed where I wanted to point my compass, I had a bit of a…well, you know…meltdown. I went through all the things I was doing ‘wrong’ and had a bit of a tearful moment and, of course, a ‘poor me’ pity party (and, yes, my stoic husband had to sit through the rant).

I was aware that I was being very negative in this rather dark doldrum but I let it happen. Purge time!

You guessed it, literally 15 minutes after I released my tears and fears (yep, ‘shout, shout, let it all out’ moment), I received a very unexpected business phone call that just confirmed the Universe had opened a floodgate for me (yes, very punny seeing I had just released my own tearful floodgate).

I hope this little blurb has ignited a ‘dream spring clean‘ if that’s what you need in your life right now. Share your thoughts in the comment section below 🙂

If you’d like a reminder of using your imagination to pursue your dreams, the illustrated quote above is available on posters, cards (remember cards also serve as mini prints ;D) and magnets, and also a plethora of other products (click here).



Is Assumption Destroying Your Relationship?


One of the Most Poignant Taboos

I would like to delve into the ‘spiritual taboos‘ – maybe you’ve heard of them, maybe you haven’t.  Either way, they are significant enough to address (or re-address as the case may be).

These are concepts put across through the masterful words and teachings, derived from Toltec wisdom, of Don Miguel Ruiz

He sweetened them up by calling them the ‘4 Agreements’ whereas I have used the word ‘taboo’ as a mere marketing ploy to attract your attention.  As shameful as that is, I did it with the noblest of intentions.  We need to hear this – over and over if that be the case.

“To ‘sin’ is to go against your self or to ‘miss the mark’.”

Before we start with these tantalizing taboos, I want to address what it means to sin.  To ‘sin’ is to go against your self or to ‘miss the mark’.  So, go easy on yourself if you see that you have been performing or have been lured into the web of some of these sticky concepts.

Guidelines Along Your Path 

You are on a path to enlightenment (consciously or unconsciously — preferably the former) and when you embark on such a journey you need a basis of comparison.

We have chosen this particular journey into the realms of the soul, so acknowledge your choices and correct them if it suits you.  These guidelines are merely a way to steer you to counter balance your integrity if you do ‘miss the mark’.

The key is to be aware at all times and to realign when you need to.  Oh and did I forget to say FORGIVE yourself if you slip?  These taboos are difficult to master but they can be mastered.  When the seed has been planted as to what they are, it will be up to you – consciously or, sometimes, unconsciously – to water them into fruition.

Assumption — A Deal Breaker!

In this article we are going to address the one spiritual taboo called ‘assumption’.  It is a much overlooked and yet one of the most predominantly adopted characteristic of modern-day society.

A more lighthearted look at this word sees the word ‘ass’ ‘u’ and ‘me’…”

Don’t forget to pin it!

To assume is to not be in full command of truth or fact.  When we assume something we try to interpret, through sometimes limited knowledge or resources, what the truth might be.  We then run with this perceived outcome, sometimes even starting to believe it to be factual without proof.  It sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?  It is.

A more lighthearted look at this word sees the word ‘ass’ ‘u’ and ‘me’.  How succinct, seeing as assuming does normally make an ass out of one or both parties.

Alas, all humour aside, it is something we do too frequently without much thought of the consequences of our minds presumptuous actions.  This is not only dangerous but it is a detrimental factor in limiting us in relationships and with life in general.

Our minds are powerful, this is something most of us know and are starting to quantumly comprehend, so when you mentally construct a truth and play it out over and over in your mind you can either

(a) entirely convince yourself of it’s truth or

(b) bring that scenario into play in reality – in other words, give form to your thought (Law of Attraction).

“When we assume we are potentially shutting a door to further knowledge or clarification.”

Assumptions cloud our discernment and play on our fears.  When we assume we are potentially shutting a door to further knowledge or clarification.

Assumption at Work

Let’s say you assume your husband is having an affair because he has lipstick on his collar.  You do not confront him, fearing the truth to be what you imagine.  You start to treat him differently, as if you are positive that his activities are dubious.  He has no idea why you are acting this way.

Cold shoulders and snide remarks rule the roost.  This could go on for days, weeks or even, God forbid, turn into years of total distrust if it goes unconfronted.  There could be so many reasons and outcomes to this situation but let’s take a look at just three potentials:

  1.  He was having an affair
  2. A lady bumped into him whilst he was travelling in a lift leaving a trace of her lipstick on the side of his collar
  3.  If the latter was the case – you could have irreparably alienated your husband and driven him into the arms of another through your assumptions and unfounded suspicions.   So in this case, you have actually given form or materialized the original fear based on an assumption that was not the truth.  You have forced the undesired outcome.

“Any situation can be resolved.  You never choose any experience in this life without there being a solution.  The only thing standing in your way is your perception of what you want the outcome to look like. “

Don’t assume.  You will undoubtedly pay the consequences.

Always ask.  Communication is one of the keys to living in your integrity.  Always steer yourself towards the light of truth, no matter how hard the truth may be.  Burying the truth will always lead to more pain eventually.

Any situation can be resolved.

You never choose any experience in this life without there being a solution.  The only thing standing in your way is your perception of what you want the outcome to look like.  Sometimes only time can tell whether something serves us or not.

Assumption can lead to a lot of unwarranted unhappiness.  Ever heard of ‘stewing in your own juices’?  Don’t do it!  Rather get to the core of the situation – the source, the truth.

What’s the Alternative then? 

An exercise to try out would be to identify and stop yourself when you are assuming something (big or small).  See if there are any alternatives to your assumptions.  In other words, we often tend to gravitate towards being more negative with our assumptions.

An example would be:

Your friend hasn’t called you in ages, she normally phones you regularly.  You assume she no longer likes you or you have said something to offend her when in fact there may be several reasons for her lack of communication – none of them even involve you!

“You form ideas based on it (assumption) and then your neural pathways fix and that idea becomes your ‘reality’.”

So, try to either get the facts or quell the desire to reach an assumed conclusion.  When you go into this more deeply you will begin to unravel a lot of ‘baggage’ that your mind sets up through the act of assumption.  You form ideas based on it and then your neural pathways fix and that idea becomes your ‘reality’.

Harmful ‘Petty’ Assumptions

Let’s say that you see your neighbour shouting at his children.  You assume that he has anger issues and that he is a bad father.

The truth of the matter may be that you have just caught him on an incredibly stressful day –  he could be father of the year for all you know – but there you have made a mental construct, not through years of getting to know him, but through a momentary reaction that has now tainted your view of his personality and parental skills.

You may even do further damage and air your opinions about him to others leading to an even greater adverse effect on his reputation based on your unfounded assumptions.

“If you can just come to the realization that you are assuming you can begin to change it…” 

Now, how often do we do this?  If you can just come to the realization that you are assuming – become conscious of this behavioral pattern in yourself – you can begin to change it and in doing so you can save yourself a lot of anguish that, more often than not, leads to so much heartache and misunderstanding.

What stories of assumption can you identify with and tell us about?  Are there any you are making now and don’t know how to stop?  Share your experiences and feel free to ask any questions.

If you liked this article and you want to start really anchoring a new positive future, you may consider starting a gratitude journal. Every day write something you are grateful for, no matter how big or small. You’ll see your life start to change when you focus on the positive!

Get your gratitude journal today (click on this link or the picture below) for yourself or for someone you know who’s starting out on a self-empowerment path and could use a bit of motivation!


These gratitude journals can be purchased lined or blank (depending on whether you prefer drawing what you’re grateful for or writing it). They are 13.2cm x 18.6cm – a handy pocket-sized journal!

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How To Transform Your Life With One Simple Choice


A Trip to the Dentist

The dreaded day was coming, I had a dentist appointment. One of my fillings had chipped as I chewed on a gummy mint and I had no alternative but to pick up the phone and make the call.

Apart from snakes (and I’m alchemizing even my reptile repulsion — I even stroked the head of a snake the other day — woohoo for me!), dentists have always topped my fear list.

The night before my D-Day I decided to put on my metaphorical ‘big girls panties’ and give myself a stern talking to. I told myself that everything was going to be fine; that my procedure will go quickly and effortlessly and that when he (*dread*) checks the rest of my teeth, all will be well.

Confidently Enters The Reception

You can alchemize anything and don't you forget it!!!As I marched into the dentists reception area, I was welcomed by the friendly receptionist. I was then ushered into the room where I was about to be ‘fixed’.

The dentist, as always, was amicable and kind. I just kept on reciting my BGPL (big girl panty lecture) in my head.

I then noticed that the reclinin

g chair I was in was really comfortable. It then struck me that this environment wasn’t so bad after all. The birds were chirping outside, and even though the implements of torture were in my peripherals, I felt a sense of peace.

The Truth Struck

As I sat there, m

outh open with gadgets prodding and poking, I felt a huge sense of gratitude wash over me.

What? I hear you yell!

Gratitude for being in the dentists chair with a scraper going at it hammer and tongs! Bits of tooth being drilled away and a smell of cooking bone dust in the air! Never!

Well, as unlikely as it may be, I felt really thankful. Thankful for:

  1. Having the service of a trained professional
  2. Having the anesthetic (two big thumbs up)
  3. Knowing that after this small inconvenience I will be able to chew on the left side of my mouth again after exhausting the right side for 11 days
  4. Feeling grateful that I can afford the service of a dentist (I have no medical aid but had a good month with my art sales)
  5. Feeling really calm sitting in that chair and not digging my nails into my wrist like I normally do.

Wishes Come True

Choice and Awareness

Don’t forget to pin it!

After he had patched up the problem (which he said was a minor thing…phew), he told me that the rest of my teeth were in great shape. My internal grin broadened and my big girl panties gave a shimmer of relief.

The whole procedure took 25 minutes! I thought I’d be in there for 45-60 minutes.

As I was paying my bill at the reception, I felt so much gratitude for this man going to medical school to be able to provide this amazing service (in lieu of the outrage I normally feel at being presented with the damage). I thought about how awful it must have been — back in the day — to have had to pull out your tooth with pliers or just let it rot…yikes!

The whole trip was a success! I felt elated (yes, walking out of a dentist room feeling gleeful is one for the books).

The moral of the story: you can alchemize anything and don’t you forget it!!!

If you liked this article, you may consider starting a gratitude journal. Every day write something you are grateful for, no matter how big or small. You’ll see your life start to change when you focus on the positive!

Get your gratitude journal today (click on this link or the picture below) for yourself or for someone you know who’s starting out on a self-empowerment path and could use a bit of motivation!


These gratitude journals can be purchased lined or blank (depending on whether you prefer drawing what you’re grateful for or writing it). They are 13.2cm x 18.6cm – a handy pocket-sized journal!

Read related articles: 3 Ways to Alchemize Chaos  and 5 Super Easy Exercises to Creating a Positive Life!

Books by this author you may enjoy – click here.

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Did You Know That ‘Abracadabra’ Really is a Magically Loaded Word?


It is said that the magic word, ‘Abracadabra’ may have Aramaic origins meaning ‘I create as I speak’. Not such a childish word after all, eh?

Law of Attraction fundi’s (a nifty little African word for ‘experts’) will probably resonate with the above definition of this magical incantation — is it ringing a few bells for you?

As you may be aware already, there are 3 fundamental steps to using the LOA:

  • Ask (formulate the desire or thought then write it down/and or verbalize it)
  • Believe (embody the feeling of having what you want)
  • Receive (make believe as if you have it already, act like you have it, speak as if you have it, know that it is coming and…voila!)

Create Your Life Through Magic

Is magic real? The dictionary definition for magic says it all:

The power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.”

Well, my friend, you are that mysterious force!

Read related article: Do You Believe in Magic?

Violet Magical Stars Birthday Poster (1)

Pin it!

What is the difference between prayers, affirmations and spells? In my opinion…nothing. They are just different tools to accomplish the same thing.

We all know that words are powerful. Their very vibration can heal us, build us up, convey our love or sway us to kill each other, tear us down, cast doubt and pain…you get the picture.

How you use the word is your baby — as is using any kind of energy (words are energetic as they carry a frequency). It’s a responsibility in and of itself.

Hate speech or gossip can greatly affect the lives of the people you are casting the words at or about. Speaking positive, loving words can also affect the ones we are directing the energy towards.

Which Team Are You On?

There are pretty much 2 teams that I know of:

  1. Service to self or
  2. Service to others.

If you want to get clearer on the above terms, read this: What is Service to Self (STS) and Service to Others (STO)?

“A person standing in the light has a shadow.  A person standing in the dark has none.  What does this mean?  Even the best of us have shadows.” Read more about the Shadow Self here.

Even Star Wars brings up this concept through the Sith and the Jedi.

The Sith are classically STS and the Jedi are STO. They both know how to use The Force and there is a fine line that separates ‘good’ from ‘evil’ (something we all must discover within — use our intuition/discernment) which is why it is important to work on accepting and understanding your shadow self.

Read related article: Shadow Self: Embracing Your Inner Darkness

Did you know you’re already an all-encompassing magician? Let me explain…

Party Tricks and Life Conundrums

We all use words, don’t we? Every day. For some of us, every second of every day.

I create as I speakOn some level, you have been casting spells all the time. Look back at your life and try to see how the words you use — to describe yourself or your body, your partner, your children/family/friends, your colleagues, your job, your finances, your car, your neighborhood — are all what you may be experiencing now.

It’s one thing to know a good card trick or to pull something out of the hat but it’s another thing to consciously realize that every thought you think, every word you utter is a declaration of what you are calling into being.

Makes you think, doesn’t it? It also makes you want to staple your gob shut! Lol. Good news is, you can direct your words through awareness.

Here’s what you CAN do to be more mindful of the words you are speaking and how it can change your life and the lives of those around you:

  1. You can easily catch yourself gossiping and turn it around or just stop, apologize to whomever you are speaking to and explain that this is not serving anyone.
  2. You can undoubtedly stop criticizing yourself, your appearance, your children, your partner or anyone else when you’re alert.
  3. You can assuredly choose better words to describe your situation, whatever it may be, to reflect a proclamation of what you want instead of what you think ‘is’. Life doesn’t have to be what it is right now if that’s not what you want. What you are experiencing now is the magic performed yesterday. You’re not a victim of circumstance — you can participate right now in creating a new life as if by magic (*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*).

Hocus pocus? Well, if you think so then so shall it be. That’s how magical you are, you prestidigitator!

This article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News — CLICK HERE to visit their awesome site!

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How to Stop the ‘Monkey Mind’ Phenomenon


You’ve heard of the monkey mind, right?

It’s the Buddhist term meaning a restless; unsettled; confused; inconstant; indecisive and somewhat uncontrollable state of mind. It’s when the ego thinks it’s in control and uses the mind (thoughts) as its conduit — a state most of us have found ourselves in from time to time (or, for some, all the time).

Monkey Business

Unfortunately, these ‘thoughts’ think they run the show (from the mind, which is running ape-shit — excuse the phrase but I had to). This impish-rogue, primate mind can only take you so far and no further. That’s why you can reach a stalemate in your life if you’re blocked from your higher states as the egoic mind is only a shadow of the higher mind — a pale and distorted reflection of sorts.

My penny just dropped about how I’ve been trying to manifest according to my unconscious (associated with beliefs), subconscious (associated with emotions) limiting beliefs.

Let me explain:

  1. I am more convinced than ever that reality is an illusion — a playground for our divine, little souls to run amok. Read related article: The Holographic Universe and The Illusion of Separation
  2. The only thing that is ‘real’ per se is our existence or oversoul/individual soul/higher self. Think of the SIMS game — you, the oversoul, are playing in virtual reality creating families, communities and playing with the concept of individuation, freedom of choice and ‘life’.
  3. Now this ‘higher mind’ is the one with the overview (not the monkey mind or egoic mind — it can’t see further than your nose). Think of the higher self as the one cosmic dementia quotestanding on top of a skyscraper looking out on the city below — it can see all the streets and happenings taking place. Think of you, the part of the self in physical matter, as being on the ground — you’re level of perception is looking down an avenue and only seeing what is directly before you. You are not getting the birds eye view of the higher self up there gazing upon all possibilities below. Say for example (and this is going to be a very primitive example but you’ll get the idea): you want a coffee. The monkey mind can smell coffee brewing but takes you on a wild goose chase all over the city thinking it can pin point the location. If you had asked the higher self, it could have told you to take a right and a left and…Starbucks. Headquarters (what I like to call the higher mind) can see the quickest route while monkey mind is still swinging from branch to branch.
  4. Let go of the monkey mind version of how you want your life to transpire and let in the guidance of the higher mind. The egoic mind can only create from past events. It has no idea of future infinite possibilities because it hasn’t been played out across the minds screen yet. That is why when you ask for something you shouldn’t try to conceive of how you’re going to get it — your job is only the asking or the ‘vision’ of what you want not how you’re going to manifest it. Only the higher mind can see the possibilities laid out before you. Have you ever manifested something by letting go of the control aspect? Did you find that you could never have dreamed it possible to show up in the way it did and were fascinated at all the signs and synchronicities (read related article: Why Synchronicity Can Change Your Life) that led you to said manifestation? That’s because your higher self has the overview and not the ego mind.
  5. When you let go and tap into your intuition, cultivating a bond between physical mind and higher mind, you will allow infinite possibilities and realities to flow through you without the resistance and persistence of the monkey mind getting in the way. The ego thinks it knows everything but it doesn’t, it is only necessary to keep you in physicality (as far as I can tell). This means that we need the ego to keep us on earth or we’d probably want to go back ‘home’ — you get my drift, right?
  6. So, let the higher mind pick out the destination (it knows what you came here to do, so let it do its job), you need to be open to receive the package via the physical mind and then interpret it through the physical experience. It’s really quite simple — law of least effort type stuff, savvy?

I recently applied this monkey mind vs. higheSUBSCRIBE icon 1r mind stuff to one of my life situations and had to laugh. I was trying to conceive the situation as ‘thus’ (via my chimp noodle) when the situation was ‘this’ (something completely different and couldn’t have possibly conceived through the ego mind until I let HQ speak up). Suffice it to say, I was WAY off course but things slipped into understanding when I got out of my own way.

So, how do you get out of the ego mind and step into the higher mind?

Easy! Have fun…lot’s of it!

The easiest way to a higher vibration (because that is where all the good shit is happening, my friend) is through joy, excitement, love and all the other delicious higher vibrational feelings. I wrote an article recently about tapping into that sweet spot, you can read it here: Find Out How to Tune Into Your Personal Higher Vibration

When you’re in a higher vibe, your soul can easily communicate ideas and thought packages to you.

Enough said, go out and do!

cosmic dementia - 25.5cm x 92cm x 4cmThe art used in this article is called ‘Cosmic Dementia’ and was part of my solo exhibition called ’42’ (you can download the FREE book of art and poems HERE). 

Click on the picture of the painting to your right to take you to my print store. The original painting is sold.

Cosmic Dementia’ by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Acrylic and Mixed Media on Boxed Canvas

36″ x 10″ x 1.5″

$690 (SOLD)

Other articles you may enjoy:

How to Redesign Yourself From the Cellular Level and Beyond!

How You Can Beat the Matrix

7 Things Every Teenager Should Know About Life

You can now hear Cherie Roe Dirksen on Big Indie Giant radio as she reads out select articles on air.

She also gives weekly news headline updates taken directly from the Conscious Life News site, so be sure to tune in.

Cherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author/columnist/radio presenter, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook(The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.

Self-Empowerment Books by Cherie Roe Dirksen:


How to Redesign Yourself From the Cellular Level and Beyond!


The Phoenix by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Viewing the HTML/WYSIWYG Code

I’m going to play devils advocate and suggest that we are, indeed, living in a construct matrix or hologram (keep in mind that these are just words to be used as ‘training wheels’ for the analogy or concept) and it may be entirely possible for us to change our very own DNA.

“What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” ~Morpheus (The Matrix)

Just imagine a computer programmer writing a code for a client. The client asks if the code can be slightly altered here and there to accommodate his/her needs and the programmer obliges.

Now let’s take our own DNA — which I believe is our pre-programmed and programmable ‘code’. Some have suggested that we inherit certain characteristics from our ancestors, some even suggest we have an akashic record written into our DNA code (which is past life experiences).

If we run on autopilot, we’ll most likely experience this pre-programmed code in the form of anger issues, pain-bodies (the triggering of certain deep, seemingly uncontrollable emotions like sexism, racism, xenophobia, etc), following disease patterns from parents/grandparents/family or any other set of predesignated rules.

Although I’m not disputing that we do inherit certain genes or even past-life encryption, I think it absolutely possible to override the program.

“I’m just a floundering pup in a quantum puddle of potentials and possibilities”

Clearing the Cache

They say that awareness is 50% of the problem solved — so, when you can become aware that reality may actually be the ultimate illusion, it’s a game changer.Lucid Dream Quote

Think of reality as more of a lucid dream. What is a lucid dream? A PROGRAMMABLE dream — one where you get to know you’re dreaming and can then start manipulating the dream to reflect what you want instead of always being afraid of the bogeyman in the closet.

How to work the other half of the 50% — in my very fresh and new experience (i.e. I’m just a floundering pup in a quantum puddle of potentials and possibilities) — is to use your thoughts as the keyboard (typing out the commands to HQ and the body template). Your thoughts are the tool to affect and redesign within the illusion.

That’s why the first leg of our journey into awareness was learning about the Law of Attraction (which is somewhat of a dichotomous title as everything you ever want or needed is with you — no need to attract it — and every moment is NOW so it cannot be coming from some place other than where you are NOW but that’s another wormhole for another day).

Clearing your cache is more about letting go of what you DON’T want so that what you DO want remains. This day is the first day of the rest of your life — leave all prior bullsh*t at the door, please!

Time to Hit the Publish Button

I’m not saying that Rome was built in a day. Unless you’re some wunderkind, most of us take a bit of time to reach this stage of lucid dream/reality manipulation.

Believability is key, so ask for signs and synchronicities (read more here: Why Synchronicity Can Change Your Life) that you are a divine being having a jolly good time in a construct reality (’cause like in theStar Trek holodeck — it’s supposed to be fun, functional, recreational and/or informational). Remember that your soul/existence is the only reality.

Level Up

What works for me is simply starting my day off, as soon as I opSUBSCRIBE icon 1en my eyes, with the thought that it’s going to be a great day and I am 100% healthy from top to toe. Go on to list what you want to see happen and keep close check on your emotional output throughout the day.

Don’t say you want financial freedom and then keep talking about and feeling lack — don’t say you want the perfect mate and then project how inadequate, unlovable and lonely you feel (remember that any relationship starts with YOU — you’ve got to have healthy self love to be in any successful coupling. Read more here: Do You Feel Worthless? 2 Reasons Why You Need to Love YOU).

Emotional outbursts alter our moods and manifesting prowess, so, if you do get sucked into a downer — realign as quickly as possible.

Try building a catch phrase to keep your head above water (a kind of mental flashcard app). Something like, ‘All is perfectly well in my world’ or ‘I create abundance all the time ’cause I’m the shiz niz’.

Make it funny, make it you, make it work! Being light-hearted is a fast-track to personal freedom.

Other articles you may enjoy:

How to Turn Disappointment into Opportunity

Why Patience Truly is a Virtue

How to Avoid Quantitative Action Dissatisfaction

The Phoenix - 25.5cm x 92cm x 4cm

The art used in this article is called ‘The Phoenix’ and was part of my solo exhibition called ’42’ (you can download the FREE book of art and poems HERE). 

Click on the picture of the painting to your right to take you to my gallery at Saatchi Art. The original painting (as of the date of article publication) is still available for $690 (which includes worldwide shipping).

‘The Phoenix’ by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Acrylic and Mixed Media on Boxed Canvas

36″ x 10″ x 1.5″

$690 (incl. worldwide shipping)


Cherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.


How To Sink Your Teeth Into Molding Your Reality

A Trip to the Dentist

The dreaded day was coming, I had a dentist appointment. One of my fillings had chipped as I chewed on a gummy mint and I had no alternative but to pick up the phone and make the call.

Apart from snakes (and I’m alchemizing even my reptile repulsion — I even stroked the head of a snake the other day — woohoo for me!), dentists have always topped my fear list.

The night before my D-Day I decided to put on my metaphorical ‘big girls panties’ and give myself a stern talking to. I told myself that everything was going to be fine; that my procedure will go quickly and effortlessly and that when he (*dread*) checks the rest of my teeth, all will be well.

Confidently Enters The Reception

As I marched into the dentists reception area, I was welcomed by the friendly receptionist. I was then ushered into the room where I was about to be ‘fixed’.

The dentist, as always, was amicable and kind. I just kept on reciting my BGPL (big girl panty lecture) in my head.

I then noticed that the reclining chair I was in was really comfortable. It then struck me that this environment wasn’t so bad after all. The birds were chirping outside, and even though the implements of torture were in my peripherals, I felt a sense of peace.

The Truth Struck

As I sat there, mouth open with gadgets prodding and poking, I felt a huge sense of gratitude wash over me.

What? I hear you yell!

Gratitude for being in the dentists chair with a scraper going at it hammer and tongs! Bits of tooth being drilled away and a smell of cooking bone dust in the air! Never!

Well, as unlikely as it may be, I felt really thankful. Thankful for:

  1. Having the service of a trained professional
  2. Having the anesthetic (two big thumbs up)
  3. Knowing that after this small inconvenience I will be able to chew on the left side of my mouth again after exhausting the right side for 11 days
  4. Feeling grateful that I can afford the service of a dentist (I have no medical aid but had a good month with my art sales)
  5. Feeling really calm sitting in that chair and not digging my nails into my wrist like I normally do.

Wishes Come True

sub buttonAfter he had patched up the problem (which he said was a minor thing…phew), he told me that the rest of my teeth were in great shape. My internal grin broadened and my big girl panties gave a shimmer of relief.

The whole procedure took 25 minutes! I thought I’d be in there for 45-60 minutes.

As I was paying my bill at the reception, I felt so much gratitude for this man going to medical school to be able to provide this amazing service (in lieu of the outrage I normally feel at being presented with the damage). I thought about how awful it must have been — back in the day — to have had to pull out your tooth with pliers or just let it rot…yikes!

The whole trip was a success! I felt elated (yes, walking out of a dentist room feeling gleeful is one for the books).

The moral of the story: you can alchemize anything and don’t you forget it!!!

If you liked this article, you may consider starting a gratitude journal. Every day write something you are grateful for, no matter how big or small. You’ll see your life start to change when you focus on the positive!

Get your gratitude journal today (click on this link or the picture below) for yourself or for someone you know who’s starting out on a self-empowerment path and could use a bit of motivation!


These gratitude journals can be purchased lined or blank (depending on whether you prefer drawing what you’re grateful for or writing it). They are 13.2cm x 18.6cm – a handy pocket-sized journal!

Read related articles: 3 Ways to Alchemize Chaos  and 5 Super Easy Exercises to Creating a Positive Life!

Other articles you may find interesting:

Go Slow to Speed Things Up

This is Why You Are Amazing

Got Blocks? This May Be Why…

How to Cope With the Knowledge of Pure Evil

The Truth About Being All Stirred Up

The Scary Truth About Our Subconscious Programming

In last week’s article, I wrote about asking for something only once when you are manifesting your reality — you can recap HERE.

Today I’d like to dive into the murky waters of the subconscious and bring to the surface the programs we run in the recesses of our psyche.

Are You on Autopilot?

Dr Bruce Lipton says that our subconscious runs 95% of the time, allowing our conscious mind to run at around 5%. What’s the problem here?

The challenge with this situation is that although our subconscious is a great existential tool as it is responsible for downloading certain repetitive programs like driving, working, washing, walking, riding — you get the picture — it also picks up negative beliefs and programming that doesn’t always align with what we want to experience.

Those whacked out programs like, ‘I don’t deserve this’, ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’, ‘I’m useless’, ‘I’m unlovable’ or ‘I’m the sole bearer of the only truth and this is the way it is’ — you can fill in the rest.

It is responsible for assimilating the behaviours and beliefs of those we were surrounded by from age 0 until about 7 (when we start putting the program together and start testing out our own personality).

This means that you take on the beliefs and conducts of parents, teachers, siblings and other role models (or even acquaintances you were exposed to) — the good, the bad and the chillingly ugly.

The 5% of the conscious mind is where you’ll find your dream, goals, desires centre. It’s the part that gets lost in a thought when you’re driving to the supermarket and the next thing you’ve parked your car and couldn’t remember even manoeuvring into the parking lot (that’s because the subconscious program took over the driver’s seat and got you there while the conscious mind played with an idea).

Downloading a New App and Clearing Those Cookies!

Here’s the tricky bit: It’s up to you to weed out the bad programs and beliefs by becoming aware of them.

When you can become aware of the beliefs that don’t serve you or the life you want to lead, you can start to change the way your subconscious works.

The subconscious works on autopilot and can sabotage the conscious desires in the blink of an eye. Why? Because it runs 95% of the time and the conscious only 5%.

So, in context, if you want to manifest a new car and you’ve done everything that the Law of Attraction experts have told you to do, and you feel like you’ve affirmed your butt off but you’re only manifesting more car problems — your subconscious programming actually has the joystick (or in this case, misery-stick).

Don’t fret! It’s actually a good sign that your bull-sh*t programs are coming up for a cache clearing.

How Do I Clean Up My Disk?

Firstly, being aware that your disk (subconscious) needs clearing is a huge plus — congratulations! Then you can get to work.

This is where the ‘fake it to make it’ adage comes in handy.

sub button

Repetition is what got you there in the first place, so now you can start building a new program even if it feels foreign at first. Affirm the new program when you wake up in the morning and just as you dose off at night.

Keep yourself in check if the old program rears its head. You can even go for hypnosis if that feels right for you.

Read related articles: A Hindu Priest Explains How Your Subconscious Mind Can Be Reprogrammed and How to Re-Program Your Subconscious Mind to Get What You Want (Video)

Cherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author/columnist, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (The Scary Truth About Our Subconscious Programming) was originally written for and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons.

Other articles you may enjoy:

2 Damn Good Reasons Why You Need to Love Yourself!

5 Super Easy Exercises to Creating a Positive Life!

5 Golden Nuggets I Would’ve Wanted to Know as a Youth

Why You Should Ask Only Once

Ask Once Header

During a daily ‘quickie’ meditation me and my hubby do, Mike turns to me and asks, ‘Why do we keep on asking for the same thing — surely that shows you don’t trust the process?

I tried to defend the situation by saying that repetition and affirmation anchor a desire. Then I thought about what my wise partner had said. He was, of course, right.

Esther Hicks (who channels ‘Abraham’) even said that when you ask it is always given — a cache exists in the ether of things waiting to match your vibration so you can claim them.

We have now changed how we do things and ask only once and then, in our daily meditation, give thanks for having it and feel into that timeline.

What does that mean though?

It simply means that you only need to ask once and it is given. It is then your job to raise your vibration and sort out those limiting beliefs that keep you from your desire so that you can meet that dream/goal.

That sounds like a right trough of gobbledygook, doesn’t it? We hear about limiting beliefs and raising your vibration but how exactly do you do that?

The Easiest Solution to Life and the Universe

You, in the revolutionary words of Bashar, follow your highest excitement — which means that you live every second of every day in joy and following a path of least resistance to what is. Read related articleMaking Peace With the Chaos in Your Life

Ergo, if you need to go to the toilet — enjoy that experience. Be grateful for the toilet and the toilet tissue that you can gently caress your derriere with afterwards. If you feel you need to take a nap — do so with gratitude for your nice, warm bed and relish in the peace that comes with sleep. If you need to make a sandwich — make the best sarnie you can and give thanks for the food in your pantry.

Gratitude is a fierce force for raising your vibration. Following your passion and joy boosts your happiness levels. Do both and you’ll be whiz-banging all the way.

Read related article: Simply BE in Gratitude (Take a Bold Step In Your Conscious Evolution!)

What about the moments that aren’t so pleasant? Say for instance: Paying the bills, going to work, cleaning the soap scum in the shower type-stuff?

Why do you believe that these things can be anything but pleasant?

  • If you can pay your bills then you are lucky! Give gratitude for the money you have and the service you are paying for. If you don’t have money, trust that everything will come to you as it should —not a moment too soon or too late. I’ve been doing this lately and it works a treat. At first, it’s harrowing but as you see the fluidity of how the universe works, you’ll start to Trust more.
  • If you don’t like your job, put out an intention to work somewhere more pleasant and then do your job to the best of SUBSCRIBE icon 1your ability — see if you can pick out the positive traits in the work you do. It might be a pleasant colleague or a great coffee machine. Start small and build it up even if the only positive thing you can glean is that you get paid for your services — then be grateful for that.
  • Make cleaning a game, put on some music and scrub to the beat. Be grateful that you have a shower. There are people out there who have to wash from a bucket.

These small things like giving thanks for food and having a warm bed, etc are stepping stones to raising your vibration.

If you liked this article, you may consider starting a gratitude journal. Every day write something you are grateful for, no matter how big or small. You’ll see your life start to change when you focus on the positive!

Get your gratitude journal today (click on this link or the picture below) for yourself or for someone you know who’s starting out on a self-empowerment path and could use a bit of motivation!


These gratitude journals can be purchased lined or blank (depending on whether you prefer drawing what you’re grateful for or writing it). They are 13.2cm x 18.6cm – a handy pocket-sized journal!

Other articles you may enjoy:

2 Damn Good Reasons Why You Need to Love Yourself!

5 Super Easy Exercises to Creating a Positive Life!

5 Golden Nuggets I Would’ve Wanted to Know as a Youth

Going Deeper into Couch Manifesting — What You Need to Know (Especially no.4!)

Going Deeper into Couch Manifesting

The Law of Least Effort

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about my new found delight — couch manifesting. You can recap here: Couch Manifesting: The Only Way to Dream Big!

I’d like to go more deeply into the whole process of what I meant when I said you need to get to a point where it feels real.

I’m going to spare you no details, perhaps to my detriment. Let me warn you in advance — things could get a bit graphic and parental guidance is advised.

Before I begin, I was thinking about writing this article in the wee hours of the morning and — to my surprise — realized I was engaging all my chakras during the couch manifesting process. I thought that was pretty cool. Read related article: What’s Your Chakra Awareness Level? Take This Quick Quiz

Here is my 7 step program:

  1. I sit comfortably. I prefer to have my feet up on a cushion but you can even lie down and do this — the more comfortable and at ease you are, the better! The reason for this is that the first thing I like to do is the mantra: ‘the Universe has my back‘. What better way to get into this than by feeling that you are supported and comfy?
  2. I start to take deep breaths. I do three inhales to the count of five, hold it for five and breathe out for five. I imagine I am breathing in from the top of my head (crown chakra) and this awesome life-giving prana is filling my body with cosmic creative energy. Now I feel relaxed.
  3. I visualize. I clearly see what I would like to manifest in my minds eye (third eye chakra). If it’s a problem that needs solving — I concentrate on how I would like to see it play out or resolve itself. I do a lot of smiling when I see the ‘problem’ turn into a solution. Smiling, laughing or bursts of mirth helps you anchor the joy of having what you want.  If I’m trying to manifest something else, I feel myself in the moment where I have it. I tap into what it feels like to have it and I say, ‘thank you, thank you, thank you!‘(throat chakra engaged!). You may have noticed that I like to do things in 3’s — you do however many repetitions feels right for you.
  4. I spend time in the feeling. This is where I shift my focus into my heart chakra. I feel my heart expand as I see what I want unfold. I then take it one step further and let those feelings pour from my heart into my solar plexus (the stomach area — where the butterflies like to take flight). Here comes the juicy part: I then let those feelings spill into my 2nd chakra (the sacral chakra — seat of sexuality and creativity). Now I start blissing out big time and even go into an orgasmic state — every fiber in my being is shifting into ecstasy (this Universe works on cosmic, sexual energy so you’d better start getting used to it! Who’s complaining, right?). Orgasm is the closest I’ve ever been to God — so, it should surely work when you’re trying to create a glorious reality (Read related article: The Science of Stress, Orgasm and Wellbeing).
  5. I feel it in my butt. Wet, Wet, Wet felt in in their fingers and in their toes — well, I feel it lastly in my derriere. I couldn’t possibly leave out the root chakra in all this manifesting. The energy of feeling the reality of your focus in the NOW moment leaves me with a tingling tush.
  6. I bring it in and boogie. All these steps may sound a bit complicated — they really aren’t. You don’t have to worry too much about how much you do or don’t feel it in your chakras, buttocks or anywhere else for that matter. Getting into the space where you feel your manifestation all fleshed out differs for each individual. I think the most important thing to focus on is a kind of ‘WOOHOO‘ feeling. When I successfully feel into that future and it feels 100% real to me, I want to sing Song 2 by Blur. That ‘woohoo’ is my final anchoring of this splendiforous reality I’ve just created and feels like a super big, ‘YES!’ to the Universe.
  7. ‘All is well’. I like to end of my couch tripping with this affirmation, it always just feels right 🙂

Get your Blur on!

Other articles you may enjoy:

Couch Manifesting: The Only Way to Dream Big!

Switching From Random Creating to Intentional Creating

How to Effectively Slip Into Your Preferred Future

CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (Going Deeper into Couch Manifesting — What You Need to Know) was originally written for and published byConscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

Couch Manifesting: The Only Way to Dream Big!

I’ve been trying a new tactic using the Law of Attraction. Maybe I’m a little slow and you’ve already stumbled across this amazing way to manifest what you want. It’s what I like to call ‘Couch Manifesting’ and it’s as great as it sounds!

I tried this a few weeks ago when I was ill and ‘bed ridden’ and I never stopped doing it ’cause it worked so well. Read related article: How Learning the Art of Slowing Down Changed My Life


Straight off the cuff — I don’t want to confuse my sloth-like behavior with not taking action. Nothing could be further from the truth in my life. I want to appeal to those of you who have dreamed the dream, affirmed your backside off and taken copious amounts of action to get the ball rolling…but just don’t ever seem to catch that break — or you’re not catching that wave as often as you’d like to.

I’ve been there.

Couch manifesting is when you’ve put all the work in and you just want to sit back and feel those well-deserved rewards just being heaped on top of you.

No More Marketing Nightmares

I’m the kind of anal Virgo who doesn’t stop. Even when I’ve done all I can do, I’ll do even more and stress myself out to the brink of breakdown (I’m sure there are a lot of you who feel the same way). But not anymore…I’ve discovered couch manifesting!

The beauty about couch manifesting is that once you’ve taken the necessary steps to implement your goal — all you need to do is sit back, relax and daydream your result into fruition. You’re going to let the Universe take care of clients streaming in, great job offers clogging your inbox, suitors making house calls or whatever it is you’re trying to experience. Read related article: How to Effectively Slip Into Your Preferred Future

As I said before, I’ve done all the work, gone down the expensive road of advertising, pulled my hair out thinking ‘what more can I do?’ and ending up doing more and more or creating more and more…I felt like the Duracell bunny — just going on and on and on beating that drum!

My Battery Was Pooped

I had to get utterly grounded by the flu to take a closer look at what I was doing to myself.

Okay, what does Couch Manifesting entail? Let me give you my real life experience example:

  • The end of the month was looming, bills needed to be paid.
  • I sat on my comfy couch staring at the wall just repeating to myself, ‘I’ve sold 2 paintings and I’ve got money coming in from royalties too‘ (this seemed believable to me at the time).
  • I felt into that for about 10 minutes until I got to a point where it was real.
  • I relaxed a bit and felt my breathing ease up too — I got to the point where I was feeling my bank account looking healthy.
  • My body felt calm and totally at peace — hakuna matata style!
  • I was good, life was good, everything was goooood. All was well.
  • I started reading my book without feeling guilty or the need to ‘look busy’.

I kid you not. Within the hour — and this was so strange because of the instantaneous result — I got a payment notification. I was being paid for 2 paintings I sold last month that I didn’t know about via a local gallery I exhibit at! Then within half an hour I got an e-mail with a royalty payment…and then another royalty pay out a few hours later!

I’m sold on this.

Letting it Go

I’ve spent so long working my fingers to the bone to market myself, I’ve paid for so many adverts and courses, thought I should ‘do more’ to ‘achieve more’ when all I had to do was sit on my couch and daydream about the plethora of ways the Universe was going to bring more wealth to me with the least amount of effort.

I literally wrap myself over the knuckles when I slip back into thinking that I should be doing more and creating more when I’m simply not inspired to. I’m hard-wired to ‘look busy’ but it’s a habit that is dissolving quickly.

I’m not advocating that you don’t take more action — just do what you WANT to do, when it feels right, and not out of any DESPERATION. If you’ve done the work all you need to do is imagine the sh*t out of your success! You’ve got it already — believe it.

Other articles you may enjoy:

Switching From Random Creating to Intentional Creating

How to Effectively Slip Into Your Preferred Future

CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Subscribe buttonHer ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebookpage (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (Couch Manifesting: The Only Way to Dream Big!) was originally written for and published byConscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.


Switching From Random Creating to Intentional Creating

Intentional Creating

Okay, so I hear a lot of people saying that the Law of Attraction is bullsh*t. I get questions like:

  • How can I have attracted all that bad stuff from my past — I would never have wanted that?
  • How can I have brought that abusive relationship into my life — do you really think I wanted to be beaten black and blue?
  • Why do bad things happen to good people?

I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers. I can only share what I have learnt through my life experience and through other people’s life experiences and various other research material.

A Reality of All Possibilities

We live in a universe that is ever-expanding — a universe where all possibilities are available. Unfortunately, this means the good along with the bad.

It would certainly appear that we are living on a planet of free choice — where anything goes. We can play out any scenario we want. Some are doing a great job and are happy, some are merely plodding along and some are conjuring a negative or even evil reality.

Problem is, most of humanity doesn’t realize that they are powerful co-creators of their reality and get sucked into other peoples creations without conscious choice. What compounds this feeling of hopelessness is we have been programmed to just accept that life is unfair and we are powerless.

This is a lie.

Getting Sucked into a Bad Reality

I’ve seen some children sadly experience a lot of negativity early on in their lives. The unfortunate part is they just go with that flow and accept that this is the ‘norm’ and THE one reality (not realizing they’ve been drawn into someone else’s or a collective reality and that there are billions of different realities on planet Earth at any given moment).

We’re never taught at school about the Law of Attraction or what positively potent manifestors we are. We are molded by a society that is, let’s face it, inherently sick to the core.

So, these poor children keep on getting beaten down by life and keep attracting more and more negative experiences and unsavoury characters (not realizing that the LOA is attracting more like experiences). Childhood turns into teenage life and then, these innately beautiful souls, become adults with a very twisted sense of what ‘the norm’ is through no fault of their own.

Some even persuade themselves that all people are innately bad so it’s quite normal to have these bad apple friends and to do shocking things themselves.

We’ve Been Tricked!

We have been taught — almost from birth — that we are small, insignificant, powerless creatures who are subject to life just ‘happening’ to us. It’s no wonder that most people don’t realize that they are haphazardly drawing in random experiences when they are not aware of their innate strength.

This is why I think some people (and, yes, it’s usually the good ones) have some hectic experiences…but only up until the point where they can truly accept and believe 100% in the Divine co-creator that lives inside.

That’s where you can use the Law of Attraction to start altering your reality.

This is why I refrain from telling people they’ve attracted everything from their past into their life experience because it makes the person feel terribly bad about themselves. It is true, however, that the LOA is always at work — as it is impartial — and just keeps compounding the current emotions and feelings. However, it is counterproductive to accuse people of creating their past traumatic experiences when they could have had NO idea that they were creating their experience at the time.

As I said before, if you are not aware that you are in a universe that has a Law of Attraction — how can you possibly be responsible for what has happened to you?

In my opinion, you can only be responsible for how you CONTINUE to create from the point of awareness onward — in other words, when you learn about the LOA and are aware of how this energy works, then you are responsible for your life.

Using the Law of Attraction

Using the LOA isn’t a walk in the park at first — you’ve got to stick with the program and not get stuck in that powerlessness void that can sometimes creep in to test your beliefs. We all have our peaks and troughs and we all have to soldier through them.

Read related article: 5 Limiting Beliefs That Keep Us From Mastering The Law of Attraction

Just remember, you’ve got a multitude of layers that you’ve got to strip to get to your true source.

Becoming aware is not about sitting in the lotus position with a fat smile on your face and wafting above the clouds (although there’s nothing wrong with doing this periodically). You’ve still got to stick out 3D reality and this is the tricky part. The world isn’t going to change, it’s how YOU see the world and work with it that’s going to change your perception of reality and therefore alter your experience.

Other Considerations

Before I became aware of who I was (aka a Divine aspect of Source, just like you!) I also randomly created my reality — having some out-of-control experiences and some pretty good ones too. Point is, I was just going about my life letting reality happen to me (and sometimes getting caught up in other peoples drama too).

I know some people just hate the concept that when bad experiences happen to you, it’s there for a reason and helps you to grow. I’m sorry, but I happen to believe that there is much truth in this.

I’ve had some pretty traumatic things happen to me in my life that, in hindsight, I could eventually see the positive threads appear. It may have taken me upwards of 20 years to see the positive aspect, but they were there.

You’ve got to mine your experiences for the diamonds that so many just leave lying in the dirt.

I believe that if you can take a bad situation and grow from it, you will be able to help others cross the bridge with more integrity and understanding — and that’s nothing to be snuffed at.

Of course, many teachings also speak of karma and soul contracts which seem inconceivable to us experiencing the existential life — lessons we come in to accomplish in our lifetime. This is an area that only your soul knows and it is, for the most part, unprovable — it can be lumped into that ‘Great Mystery’. I suggest you never tell people that bad things are happening because they have a soul contract or a karmic debt — this is horribly presumptuous.

Another persons path is THEIR path and not for you to cast judgments on. All you should do is be supportive and gently remind them that they are powerful creators who are always divinely loved and supported if they choose to see and feel it.

Awareness and Choice — a Lethal Manifesting Recipe

All I know — for a fact — about my existence is that when I became aware of the Law of Attraction my life changed for the better.

I am still a student though and have my ups and downs — it’s not easy changing the program but I work at it every day. I’m still confronted with my own limiting beliefs but I know that the more I chip away at them, the more freedom and joy I experience.

Life’s a trip!

The other fact is that I know I always have choice. My choices impact my reality and I take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions (even when I’m being a slack manifestor). I accept that there is a Great Mystery to life and that I’m not always going to have the answers but I’ve made peace with that.

Other articles you may enjoy:

How to Effectively Slip Into Your Preferred Future

Positive Thoughts Work

The Secret Game That Brought My Soul Mate to Me

You May Be Doing Serious Damage to Your Success By Doing This One Thing

CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebookpage (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (Switching From Random Creating to Intentional Creating) was originally written for and published byConscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

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You May Be Doing Serious Damage to Your Success By Doing This One Thing

Swimming to Success

Getting to That Artichoke Heart

I’ve been actively using the Law of Attraction since I read The Secret (and many other books consequentially) around a decade ago. I’ve had great success with it.

Conquering my limiting beliefs has been a difficult task but a worthwhile one (and I’m still working on them). Scraping away beliefs that don’t serve you is vital on your path to realizing your fullest potential.

If you don’t think you have limiting beliefs, you’re kidding yourself. Even when you think you’ve completely alchemized all your limitations you still find them lurking in the corners disguised as a helpful lampshade or a harmless googly-eyed spider.

A belief is just a flexible agreement at any given time — beliefs can be changed at will and they do not constitute absolute truth. When you can fully get that, you will be well on your way to creating new beliefs that serve you. It will be easier to toss those beliefs that are worn out and don’t make much sense anymore.

The Dirty, Little ‘C’ Word

Now, let me tell you about one of my major realizations — the one thing that prolonged a lot of my success. The belief that I had to control everything. I was an absolute, unequivocal control freak. I needed to be in the drivers seat with every minute detail of everything! I knew it was my greatest downfall but it was so hard to stop.

I know I’m not the only one facing control issues.

Thing is, control is the very thing that can lead you further and further away from your success. It’s a hard pill to swallow because we think that being in control leads to success but nothing could be farther from the truth.

Having control is not a bad thing (as in having discipline) but having to control every little nuance can leave you not only worn out but frustratingly no closer to your desires.

How to Replace Control with the ‘T’ Word

What I’ve learnt on my LOA journey is that you’ve got to have that initial ‘thought’ or ‘desire’, then you’ve got to inject that desire with feeling (i.e. make as if it’s yours NOW), lastly you must take the required action. The latter is where I think I got seriously stuck in control.

Taking action does not mean you must control every aspect of your desire.

Taking effective action means that you do what needs to be done (for example: if your desire is to open an online craft store, you need to physically do what is necessary to get it up and running) and then you’re going to follow those little synchronicities that will bring you the right opportunities and people with the least effort. Read related article: Why Synchronicity Can Change Your Life

If you believe that your business is going to thrive and you can walk around with a heart full of joy because you Trust that the Universe is doing its utmost to bring you more business, you’re going to thrive. You don’t even need to advertise.

I promise you, I’ve spent hundreds on advertising and have got little results. I have also tried the law of least effort and have spent time in nature enjoying myself and doing other things that bring me joy all while telling myself that my online business is getting more and more clients and — voila — that has worked better for me than throwing money at Facebook Ads!

The trouble (or rather the solution) is you really have to mine those limiting beliefs and banish control to bring in more Trust.

Trust that God/the Universe/the Force (or whatever else you want to call it) has your back and you are working with that energy to bring you into a state of joy, abundance and balance. You are perfectly aligned with Source and you are manifesting like a pro!

Flick the switch and give yourself permission to allow that etheric help to flow into your life. Believe that it’s working (just remember if you don’t believe it will work then it won’t — belief is your permission slip to get to where you want).

Let it Go

Trying to control everything is exhausting — do what you can to get yourself ‘out there’ and then relinquish that control. Give it over. Then your only job is to be in joy. Do things that make you uber happy. It’s as simple as that and it’s loads of fun!

When your vibration is high and you are laughing and having fun, you will be in the frequency where magic happens!

Other articles you may enjoy:

Positive Thoughts Work

How to Find the Perfectly Balanced YOU Right Now

‘How Can Nothing Mean So Much?’ — Featured in Odyssey Magazine’s 40th Anniversary Special Edition (FREE)!

CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She also has just recently launched her official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates).

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (You May Be Doing Serious Damage to Your Success By Doing This One Thing) was originally written for and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

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2 Dances You’re Going to Want to Learn Today to Manifest Like a Pro

Manifest Your Bliss

Straight off the cuff, the 2 dances I’m going to step around are avoidance and abundance. Let’s take a slightly different look at these 2 interesting jigs:

Dance no. 1 — The Void Dance

According to Bashar (an entity — channeled through Darryl Anka — whose favorite element happens to be ‘the void’), we don’t need to — in essence — ‘attract’ anything into our lives because everything we could want already exists.

Everything we could ever think of doing is being played out in parallel dimensions, it’s just our job to ‘tune’ into the vibrational match or frequency of what we want/that which brings us the most excitement.

Seeing as we are all creator gods, we don’t need to do anything but hone our vibration to change tracks. To do this, you need to: Believe, think and feel what it is you want AND, to add my twist, engage in avoidance (but not in the way you may think!).

The only thing KEEPING us from experiencing that which we want is the layers of limiting beliefs we’ve clogged our auric airwaves with. So, avoidance could be really useful when using it to samba from a completely different perspective.

The dictionary definition of the word ‘avoidance‘ is:

  1. The action of keeping away from or not doing something. — in this case, deflect limiting beliefs and keep them away from your frequency! Tell those limiting beliefs to take a hike — don’t buy into them anymore! 
  2. The action of repudiating, nullifying, or rendering void a decree or contract. — in this case, render your limiting belief contracts null and void! Everything is neutral (void) until YOU give it meaning. 

Taking a fresh look at the word avoidance (in the above sense) is a good way to exercise your right to keep away the limiting beliefs and to cancel your subscription tot hem. Do this and let the natural state of being — joy — radiate through!

Perspective is key. This does NOT give you a permission slip to avoid the important things like taking action, looking out for synchronicity and getting clear on your thoughts and feelings!!! Read related article: Why Synchronicity Can Change Your Life

How to Tango in the Void

In the Tao Te Ching you can use the Tao any way you want — it is empty but inexhaustible (sounds like the void, right?). What is the Tao? In Chinese philosophy, it is the absolute principle underlying the universe. It is a combination of yin and yang and signifies the way that is in harmony with the natural order.

Is it hard to use the void? No. Here’s how you can make a start:

  • Align with your thoughts and emotions. Thoughts injected with feeling create everything in the universe. What are you thinking about the most? What emotions are you broadcasting? Be completely honest with yourself. Can you see how you are consciously or unconsciously bringing about manifestations in your life that are aligning with what you think/feel the most about? Okay, most of you probably know this point by now — it’s ‘old school’ stuff — but it’s seriously important and here’s why: Manifesting has become increasingly more instantaneous! It’s actually pretty cool.  I think it’s a result of the ‘quickening’ or ‘awakening’ (or whatever else you want to call it) but, holy crap, my hombre — things are heating up in that void of creation!
  • Manifest wisely. Instant manifestation can be dangerous for some and great for others. This is why getting clear with what your mind is preoccupied with is of the utmost significance now. We’re in a potent manifesting energy, where you are going to have things pop up with much more speed than before — the good, the bad and the darn-right ugly. Sometimes what we think we want could be contrary to what our soul really wants. Keep fine tuning your dial.
  • Use the void as your clean slate. What does this mean? Get clear today — hell, right now — on what you want to see unfold. What you’re thinking and projecting now is going to be featuring in those up and coming NOW moments that we refer to as ‘the future’. Be specific, write it down, read it out every morning and take action where you can. Detach from the outcome (let go and don’t try to control how it happens) and watch out for synchronicities that will guide you to achieve your greatest potential/bliss or whatever you came here to experience with great enthusiasm and excitement (read more about that HERE). Most people don’t even know what they want to manifest so they just leave it to fate. Wake up call! Fate, if you like, is you unconsciously manifesting whatever you’re thinking about the most! So you can become a conscious co-creator of your reality or you can subject your life to your random and vague inner dialogue. Read related article about why life is actually meaningless until you inject it with meaning here: The Key to Success That May Surprise You (It Surprised Me!)

Fluff up your life by dancing in that void and expressing your bliss.

Are You Good at Manifesting Nothing?

The biggest trouble I’m seeing at the moment is people who say that nothing is manifesting in their life. Wrong! If this is you, you are absolutely manifesting more ‘void’ when you say or think that ‘nothing’ is happening. You’re stuck in neutral! Shift into gear and step on that accelerator!

Try a little patience and mining your feelings real deep for any lurking saboteurs — those critters can get into every crack imaginable!

You can’t move forward if you’ve got baggage weighing you down (aka limiting beliefs — just remember EVERYTHING is a belief, you get to choose which ones you keep or toss). We’ve all got to do a bit (or lot) of introspection before our manifestations really take off.

Dance no. 2 — The Bun Dance

‘Bun’ dancing (shaking that booty!) is just a great by-product of void dancing…yip, you guessed it, it’s ABUNDANCE — your innate state of being.

When you scrape off all those repugnant limiting beliefs and shine on like a shaft of gold when all around is dark — then you will step into your abundance. Abundance is getting whatever you need when you need it — pretty cool, right?

Wiggle that arse and start a flash-mob-a-bun-dance!

That’s it for today, folks. It was a bit of an abstract article but hopefully it will offer a different perspective to ponder.

Crazy lady over and out.

CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author/columnist, multi-media artist and musicianfrom South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your thoughts, actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She also has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates) and her band’s Facebook page is Templeton Universe.

This article (2 Dances You’re Going to Want to Learn Today to Manifest Like a Prowas originally written for and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons

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LOA: Getting Ready to Manifest the Best 2017 Possible!


It has been an exciting and, at times, hair-pulling 9-year journey of Law of Attraction discovery for me. For the last 3 weeks, I have discussed the ups and downs and how to soldier on through.

You can recap on those blogs by clicking the links below (they are in order of release):

In this blog I want to simply give you my tried and tested keys to using the LOA in all its glory.

“Using the LOA is a life-long COMMITMENT. If you want to see the changes start to roll in, you’ve got to stick with the program!”

Please remember that:

  1. The Law is Impartial. Don’t think of it in terms of being fair or unfair, it just is. How you use it will determine your success.
  2. It’s not a competition. If you take longer than someone else to manifest something — don’t take it as a sign of defeat. Never give up!
  3. Always be 100% honest with yourself. If you’re not manifesting something, get real about how you feel about it — not just what you’re thinking and affirming. And question yourself if you’re taking appropriate action and using synchronicity to your best ability (read related artilce: Why Synchronicity Can Change Your Life and How Weird, Little Synchronicities Can Actually Be the Bomb!).

Now, let’s get to the juicy bits:

  1. Get clear on your thoughts. Negative thoughts will not manifest positive lives. You can brush up on your thoughts by tackling them one at a time. If you have a barrage of negative inner dialogue then just start by becoming aware of it. Then you can begin to filter them out one by one. It takes time and practice — persevere because it’s worth it! Every time a little gremlin thought tries to pay a visit to the watering hole to multiply, extinguish it by being aware that it doesn’t serve you and that you can change any negative thought stream into something positive and beneficial. For example: ‘I’m always tired, I feel terrible’ can instantly be changed to, ‘I am healthy and am going to align to feeling great, energetic and full of life’.
  2. Abracadabra — speak and it shall be done! Find out the real meaning of this magical word HERE. Verbalize your affirmations aloud, it gives them more vooma. You can also meditate on your goals and dreams — gift yourself with a really nice long lucid dream about what it would be like if you had what you’re asking for now.
  3. Feel ‘dem vibes. If you’ve got to fake it to make it then do it! If you’re not feeling abundant and you want to manifest wealth — visualize, daydream and project abundance as much as you can. Start out small, like trying to manifest $10 and then step it up and up and up a notch. As I mentioned in the last blog (READ HERE) you take baby steps until it snowballs. Inject as much feeling as you can into your affirmations — smile, giggle, dance and do what it takes to truly imbibe your desire. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to fake it to truly make something happen. Even if you have to tell a different story as to what’s really happening — do it (as long as it harms none)! For example: You hate where you live. Instead of reiterating to everyone you see how much you dislike your abode, rather talk about how happy you are in your space. Watch how things change in unexpected ways!
  4. Leave it to the LOA. You’ve got to relinquish (I can’t STRESS how important this is!) the how’s and what have you’s. Don’t try to control how you manifest something. Speak your desire and let the LOA take over. It will get you to your goal in the SUBSCRIBE icon 1quickest way possible. If you try to manipulate it, you will probably just delay or hamper your progress. For example: You want to get tickets to the game but you’re low on cash. You want your brother-in-law to give you his spare ticket, the one he mentioned he had. You ask the LOA to arrange that he gives you his spare. You focus on his ticket only (as if that were the only channel available). You didn’t realize he promised it to someone else and you just missed the ticket your neighbor would’ve freely given you because he couldn’t make it but had no idea you were interested in going. Moral: Just ask for the ticket not who and how you are going to get it.
  5. Speak as if it is, thank as if it is. When you think and verbalize an affirmation, phrase it in the present and with heartfelt gratitude. For example: ‘I want a car’ will only bring you more of the wanting of a car. I want is not a strong affirmation — it’s a transition word that brings perpetual longing. I AM or I HAVE are strong, manifesting words. ‘I have a great car’. ‘I love my new car’ and ‘I am so grateful for my new car!’ ‘Dem is manifesting words, buckaroo! Practice phrasing your mantra’s right and watch those dreams become reality! Try and be as succinct as possible — no room for airy-fairy, wafty wording. I verbalize out loud all the things I want to manifest when I do go for a walk. It’s a great way to keep the flame burning. There is a massive hill I hit the moment I leave my neighborhood, so that is my cue to start speaking my mantra’s and affirmations out loud. Try phrases like, ‘I am healthy’ or ‘I am abundant’. I also give thanks for all the wonderful things in my life after I’ve done my affirmations. Using the LOA is a life-long COMMITMENT. If you want to see the changes start to roll in, you’ve got to stick with the program! Be dedicated and, soon enough, using the LOA will be like brushing your teeth. It will become second nature.
  6. Get it down. Make a vision board and write down your goals on a regular basis. Sometimes we change our minds about what we want to manifest, so make sure you keep on top of it! I have a vision board I made at the beginning of 2016 and I’ve manifested 9 out of the 13 things I had on there so far. You should put your vision board somewhere you will see it on a daily basis — good places may include putting it on your fridge, bathroom mirror or computer desktop. Don’t see this as a chore — look at it as something exciting. I put small and large things on my vision board (from a dress I may want to an overseas holiday). Making goal lists is also a great way of decluttering your mind. When we feel we have no focus it may be because there’s too much going on upstairs. Making lists is a great way to get on paper what you want to see manifest and to hone in on what you truly want. 

May your cup spiilleth over now, in 2017 and beyond!

Share the Love and Create More Abundance and Joy Worldwide!

When you master the LOA and start creating a life that you love, don’t forget to share the experience with others! Tell people about what you’re doing and how it’s working for you. Let them know what is possible.

Silently cast blessings of abundance on random people in the street, fling ‘safe passage’ affirmations at cars that pass you by on the road, pray for a peaceful world — let all your good thoughts be hooked upon the sky to start dowsing the flames of the old, fearful energy we have had for millennia.

No thought goes astray. Make them good thoughts.

CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She also has just recently launched her official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates).

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (LOA: Getting Ready to Manifest the Best 2017 Possible!was originally written for and published byConscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

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LOA – Aligning with How You Are Feeling


Don’t Believe in the Law of Attraction?

I happen to believe — 100% — in the power of the LOA (I’ll be divulging, in more detail, about why I believe so vehemently in next week’s blog).

I believe in the LOA as much as I believe in the force of gravity. Some people say the LOA isn’t fair. Well, neither is the law of gravity if you’ve just been pushed out of a 10 story building.

But it’s one of the laws that govern the universe whether you like it or not. Problem is, if you don’t believe in it, so shall that be according to the law. If you believe that we are victims of circumstance, then that is what you will create.

We are all self-fulfilling prophecies.

Related article: Are You Not Winning the Lottery Using the Law of Attraction?

Frustrations Over Injustice

I saw a question the other day that went something along the lines of ‘Why do starving children not manifest full bellies when, surely, all they are thinking about is food?’

The way I understand the LOA is that to merely think of something isn’t enough. You need to think, verbally affirm and FEEL it.

How can these poor children possibly feel full when their bodies are telling them they are starving?

The only feeling they are able to emit — in that dreadful position — is lack. When you are thinking of what you want but feeling the lack of it (and they have very little option to feel anything but) that is all you will be attracting.

It’s not fair but, that’s how I understand the LOA works — it is impartial just as gravity is impartial.

What Can We Do?

If the starving child got a good meal and was taught to anchor that feeling of having a full belly and keep emitting that thought pattern — then the LOA should respond by giving that child more food (or the sensation of being full or satiated).

Unfortunately, that child may never get the opportunity, however, I also believe in the power of our thoughts (or prayers/mantras/affirmations or whatever you feel comfortable calling it).

What you can do, besides physically going to help or supporting a charity that benefits a cause you feel drawn to, is pray/affirm or meditate on all the children in the world having full, content bellies.  Try and ground the affirmation by feeling that it is the truth — try to stay in that space for as long as possible.

Related article: 5 Limiting Beliefs That Keep Us From Mastering The Law of Attraction

You Can Help No Matter Where You Are

Same goes for animal abuse or anything else that vexes you about the world we live in — if you feel helpless then that sends out a negative vibration into the ether and, in my opinion, compounds the problem.

You can’t put out a fire by adding gasoline.

sub buttonTry to catch yourself every time you slip into despair over something that seems insurmountable and turn it around by sending out a positive affirmation (preferably verbally) or meditating on your positive mantra for at least 3 minutes.

Even if you don’t believe this will make a difference, you have to admit — it’s worth a try. If everyone did this it would expedite a positive energetic shift. If people were speaking and thinking good thoughts, we would be living in a different world.

Besides, what skin off your nose would it be to try something new? Do you really think naysaying or bitching is going to solve anything? Why not try something different then? I think it’s worth a shot.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  — Albert Einstein

Just remember, it is not going to work if you are saying one thing and feeling the opposite. There is immense power in your thoughts and words.

Read the next part below, where I explore the believability factor:

LOA: Are You an Accident Waiting to Happen?

CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She also has just recently launched her official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates).

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (LOA – Aligning with How You Are Feelingwas originally written for and published byConscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

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The Impartial Law: Trump vs LOA


The Impartial Law: Trump vs LOA


“Let’s cut to the chase. Yes, I am considering a run for president. … Unlike candidates from the two major parties, my candidacy would not represent an exercise in career advancement. I am not a political pro trying to top off his resume. I am considering a run only because I am convinced the major parties have lost their way. The Republicans are captives of their right wing. The Democrats are captives of their left wing. I don’t hear anyone speaking for the working men and women in the center.”

— Trump, Wall Street Journal, Sept. 30, 1999

Blowing My Trumpet

Well, well, well…who could have predicted that presidential outcome?

I’m pretty much Switzerland when it came to choosing a ‘favorite’ — excuse me while I jump on a fence. To me there wasn’t really a choice, I wouldn’t have picked either (as I’m sure many American citizens felt too).

Read related article: Sorry Beyonce & Jay-Z, Susan Sarandon Isn’t Voting for Hillary Clinton and Here’s Why.

Watching the election news from my side of the globe (I’m South African, as most of you may not know) was riveting.

Even we South Africans — with our very own dubious, polygamist president (with his 4 wives, acquitted rape charges, literacy problems and corruption debarcles) hitting the news virtually every day with a variety of distasteful, scandalous incidents — felt sorry for the voters of the USA with that questionable selection of presidential candidates.

The Trump Card

However, we have to give the man credit (Trump not Zuma!). Since his first mumblings — back in the last decade of the millennium (and probably further back in Trump the Young’s own head) — he did assert that he wouldn’t have a problem being elected.

I smell a man with an extraordinary belief in himself (key to manifesting what you want) and ‘sky is the limit’ capabilities, who also affirms out loud what he’s going to do and how successful he will be at it.

What I’m trying to get at here is: the man is a walking, talking example of using the Law of Attraction!

I was going to write this weeks blog about the astonishing amount of manifestations I’ve been experiencing in my life using the LOA lately. I’ve been manifesting left, right, center and instantaneously too — it’s been way cool. The more you believe it works the more it works and near impossible things become totally believable.

I was going to give you all my examples of what’s been going on in my life just this last week — then I ran into a meme of Trump on my Facebook feed and stopped dead in my tracks.

All I saw was a prime example of how this law works — whether you’re a good person or a total asshole (I’m pointing no fingers – Switzerland here, remember?).

“The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial and impersonal as the law of gravity is.”

Rhonda Byrne

As we know, the LOA is impartial. It only reacts to the energy you are sending out via your thoughts, words, feelings and actions. Trump defied ALL odds and became the president of the USA!!! However, he planted seeds decades ago and never gave up. Kudos, Trump.

Wasn’t Hillary also affirming her presidency? Of course, look how close the elections were. Did she truly believe she was going to win? I can’t answer that — all we can do is look at what transpired.

Please read related article: 3 Ways to Use Magical Words to Create Miraculous Lives

CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She also has just recently launched her official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates).

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (The Impartial Law: Trump vs LOAwas originally written for and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

5 Super Easy Exercises to Creating a Positive Life!

Positive Thinking Banner

“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” — Dalai Lama

Stepping Up to the Plate

You’re probably familiar with the saying ‘what you think you create’ but how can you seriously filter every bad thought? There is a way, I promise. But before we delve into the amazing powers each of us possess, we have to get one thing straight…

There’s only one person responsible for what you think and do and that’s YOU.

If the thought of being the creator of your reality scares the willies out of you, then read on…

The Freedom to Be Happy

Can you remember learning how to swim or ride a bike?  Can you see how determined you were to succeed because you knew the pay-off was going to be huge?

You may have started off with water-wings, splashing about aimlessly— gulping in water — or peddling your heart out whilst trying to maintain your balance even with the training wheels on!  But that child never gave up.

Then what came next once the wheels were removed?  Probably scrapes and bruises the first week but did that deter you?  Did you give up then?  Probably not.  You wanted to ride!  You were hell-bent on feeling the wind on your face and the freedom that would bring with it.

Same goes for swimming — gliding about in the water refreshes and frees your body of weight.  You knew that swimming was going to be the biggest trip ever!

Where am I going with this?  Your thoughts need training wheels/water-wings if you want to experience the same freedom from negative thought.  And here’s how you’re going to do it…

Getting Real Right NOW

Here are a few things you can start to do today to become more aware and proactive with your thoughts:

  • Morning Motivation — When you wake up, give yourself 5-10 minutes to think about what how you want to see this day play out.  See if you can catch any worrisome or negative thoughts before they take hold of the exercise.  Put up a STOP sign in your mind and gently kick those blighters to the curb.  Then bring your focus back to visualizing your positive day ahead.  Try to smile and see/feel yourself enjoying this bright new day.  Emotions back your thoughts into manifestation. Read related article: How Good Are You Out of Bed?
  • Mind Mangle Cleanse — During the day (if you are but a mere mortal) you will probably find yourself slipping into worry, blame, anger, despair and an array of other harmful mind banter.  You may even find that your head is throbbing because of all the distorted ‘mind mangling’ that’s going on up there.  Here’s  your chance to hold up that STOP sign again and see if you can look at things from a different perspective.  Most of what we worry about never comes to pass and most judgments/situations when seen from a different angle can evoke empathy instead of anger.  See if you can alchemize your thinking — in other words, find the treasure in the trash. Read related article: 3 Ways to Alchemize Chaos
  • Marrying the Mind — When you start to get a hold on your thought stream and just how much power you DO have over it, you can start to have a better relationship with your thinking.  You are now in control and you can focus your inner dialogue on what serves you instead of calling in all the unwanted experiences.  Start your affirmations off with a strong ‘I am…’.  For example ‘I am going to have a great day today’, ‘I am going to have a safe trip’, etc.  Try avoid the phrases ‘I desire’ or ‘I want’ because it only brings more desiring and wanting for the future.  When you use ‘I am’ it is in the present tense and is happening right now not in some future timeline.
  • Re-Member — We often get lost in ‘doing’ and not ‘being’.  Try to remember all the things that make you happy and bring you joy. When you smile the world smiles with you.  So, remember to feel gratitude for life, nature and the people that make your world spin.  Look at every magnificent dawn or sunset as a blessing, every fragrant flower or birdsong as a gift, every smile or hug as a gesture of love and draw on those experiences when you’re in a negative frame of mind.  See if you can remove yourself from a negative situation and sit under a tree or listen to some soothing music.  Seek out those small but beautiful moments in your life and embrace them.  Hold them close to your chest and bring them out when you need to.  It’s bound to make you smile. You can always alter your reality at any time.  Don’t forget that.  If you choose to stay in the gloom, then just know that ‘this too shall pass’.
  • Over and Out — At the end of the day, review what happened and see if you can pick out any situations that you have turned around in reality.  Did you manage to have a good day?  Did things turn out like you affirmed in the morning?  Or close to?  Or can you do better tomorrow?  Keep trying and if you do see results it’s going to make you more determined — just like that little tike on the bicycle, gearing up for the next day’s practice.  Because you know that practice makes perfect!

“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.” — Joyce Meyer

You will get a grip on your oh-so-powerful thought stream and you’ll be able to eventually steer those thoughts to benefit your life in ways that will make your head spin — in a good way!

Now it’s up to you to give yourself a reason to smile every day.

CRDCherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.

To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.

Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can also follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment).

Cherie posts a new article on CLN every Thursday. To view her articles, click HERE.

This article (5 Super Easy Exercises to Creating a Positive Life!) was originally written for  Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

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Butterfly on White Poppy by Cherie Roe Dirksen

“The law of attraction is infallible, and every single person is getting what they are asking for, even though most of the time each person is not aware that they are asking for what they don’t want. There is such absolute beauty in the law, which is so responsive and giving in every single moment so that we can experience our lives.

The law never changes — we must learn how to live in harmony with the law. That is the greatest task for every single human being.”

~ Rhonda Byrne (The Secret Daily Teachings)

You got to love how the ‘law’ works, right? No? Are you pulling your hair out at some of the things you’re manifesting?

Join the club!

Upside Down and Inside Out

Yesterday I was putting my video blog together. It’s usually a wee bit of a task and I’m prepared for that. I spent hours writing the forward blog and then got to editing and splicing the footage I’d filmed the day before.

For some strange reason, the footage came out sideways. No big deal as you can rotate it in the movie editor. My eyebrow raised. Was there some sort of hidden message in this for me today? (some of you may understand this form of questioning every nuance that is happening to you as some sort of inner reflection trying to out itself. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about — just put it down to certain madness).

I pieced the whole thing together and exported the video for YouTube. Uh…the whole thing was totally out of sync.

I went back to my editing dashboard — everything there was in total sync. Did the whole thing again. Still out of sync. I did it 3 times to no avail. My blood was boiling as I’m about to go on a trip today until Sunday and I simply don’t have time for these games.

I decided to give it a break and start my newsletter which was also due out yesterday. Another mammoth task that I don’t particularly look forward to (perhaps a clue?).

After hours of working on this, it was time to hit the send button. But what was this? My whole newsletter was suddenly out of alignment. There were boxes and sidebars in erroneous places! Oh lord!

Time to Stop, Drop and Reassess

Okay, at this point I was past mild panic and was heading straight for losing it completely. My husband reminded me to ‘take a knee’ before I blew a fuse. So I went to lie down to try and quiet the old noggin.

As I was looking up at the ceiling trying to do my breathing exercises (through flared and excited nostrils, I might add!), it hit me.

  1. I was in a hurry — I was attracting anxiety
  2. I was putting unnecessary duress on myself by demanding I complete these tasks today — attracting more stress and anxiety

Well, problem solved (almost). I was putting out general chaos and that’s what I was getting. Everything was topsy turvy thanks to me and my energy.

I had to stop and calm down before understanding what and why I was attracting mischief into my day. When I came to peace with my odd manifestations, I felt more in flow and in harmony with my projections. I accepted them and began to change the energy and move on.

Read related article: 3 Essentials You Need To Do When You’re On Fire!

After my epiphany, I sat down with my diary. I still had a couple of hours this morning to write a new blog (*a-hem*…this one), so, I reassigned the task and set my alarm to go off an hour early.

I already felt better. I had to still pack and get things ready for my trip but I did that with ease.

A Small Titbit About Synchronicity

I’m going to end this off by saying that the quote I started with came to me tsubcribe buttonhrough sheer synchronicity.

Read related article: Why You Need to Pay Attention to Synchronicity Now!

I was pondering, whilst packing, what I should write the ‘new’ blog about. I thought that maybe I should be honest and write about my little meltdown (but I thought perhaps my fiasco had the potential to bore you to tears).

I strode over to my bookshelf and ‘The Secret Daily Teachings’ lurched out at me. I picked it up and randomly opened it at the quote at the top of this article.

Read related article: How Weird, Little Synchronicities Can Actually Be the Bomb!

After reading it I started to chuckle. It was pretty much what happened to me during the course of the day and it looked like my meltdown was the very thing I needed to share with all of you upon this very morn.

I’d like to think that there must be someone out there who needed to hear this. If not, you’ve just wasted a good few minutes reading about superfluous misadventure.

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News

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3 Ways to Use Magical Words to Create Miraculous Lives

What Could Possibly Be More Powerful Than Positive Thinking? The Answer May Surprise You!

Gaia by Cherie Roe Dirksen

We Just Can’t Help It!

It’s January 2016 and it’s that time of year when most of us are all revved up and ready for change — we, the hopefuls, dream of stepping up our game in the new months that are about to unfold. It’s all quite exciting.

Then a few weeks into the new year — well, you know the story — some of us get disillusioned and stumble off that rickety bandwagon. Our hopes, dreams and willpower get kicked to the curb and we continue with the same old same old wondering why every year feels like a sequel to Groundhog Day.

Towards the end of last year, I overheard some folks complaining about people who make new years resolutions and all that ‘blah blah blah’…then I saw a quote on Facebook that made me laugh. I’m paraphrasing here but it went something like, ‘I’m not making any new years resolutions ’cause, let’s face it, who likes a skinny, rich woman?’

I even tried to stay away from making resolutions this year but I just couldn’t resist the pull…

Getting Real…For the Umpteenth Time!

I’m no stranger to the Law of Attraction and positive thinking and I’ve applied them to most sections of my life with great success. However, I also have some areas of my life that I’ve applied them too with little or sporadic success.

What I mean by this is that I can achieve something one month but can’t pull it off the next – it wavers (in this specific arena) and then I begin to doubt myself. And I know I’m not the only one experiencing this.

The last months of 2015 had me catching a huge wake up call.

Positive thinking is fantabulosis. But positive feeling is the vooma that lights that ignition! Some of you have probably heard of this already. I had. A gazillion times before as a matter of fact. I know this and yet I was still deluding myself and avoiding how I was truly feeling about the things I was trying to create.

Related article: 5 Reasons Why You Are Failing at the Law of Attraction

Introspection and Facing a Hard Reality

My ‘a-ha’ moments with regards to manifesting finances come and go and never seem to ‘stick’. I have huge epiphanies, things go great and then I trip and fall into a rut.

I took a very serious look at my manifesting behaviors over this past year and was quite shocked to see that I was sliding down a slippery slope of limited thinking — falling back into an abyss of past experience that was dictating my future.

So I hopped to it and created a new vision board for myself in December. When I stepped back to look at it it made my eyes hurt. It was all over the place! It was so helter-skelter that I felt like crying. Why? It was such a huge reflection of what was going on in my head.

My brains and ambitions at the end of 2015 felt like watery, scrambled eggs.

Cracking the Shell

I took a long, hard, penetrating look at my life and thoughts and realized that all the positive thinking in the world couldn’t help me if I felt so ‘out of control’ on the inside.

I do positively affirm a lot of things when I wake up and even during the day. I try to steer my thoughts to positive outcomes but I was lacking in one thing. I wasn’t checking in with myself to see if I was truly feeling positive about my situation.

I got real and figured out that even though I have set goals, vision boards, do affirmations — the whole toot — I was not always feeling the outcome. There was still a little lack in my gut (your solar plexus doesn’t lie!). A little twinge to say, ‘you might not (fill in the blank)’.

That made me think further.

How did I feel about manifesting enough money for next months bills?

Exhausted. My brain was jet-lagged. I hadn’t really accomplished what I wanted to this year and I felt like I didn’t even know what I wanted for next year. It felt overwhelming and it was reflecting in my vision board

Their is No Space For Doubt

One think you need to know...

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I set to work trying to simplify my board. I got it down to the top 10 things I wanted this year. I stood back this time and felt relief wash over me. I could feel the shift within.

It was as though all the straggling thoughts had been filed neatly for me to gaze upon and the feeling was being upgraded.

I had been too chaotic in my thoughts and it was manifesting in my life through my feelings of being out of control. I was even trying to control how I manifested things. My new board reflected what I wanted and I decided to relinquish how I was going to get it.

Within 2 days of me completing the new and upgraded vision for 2016, I manifested one of the things on that board. It involved me bartering one of my paintings for it but, low and behold, the damn thing was working!

Within a week, I had manifested another thing on my board.

What changed?

I not only do my affirmations every day now but I make myself feel what it’s like to be on that holiday in Italy, sipping red wine and I can feel the wind zipping through my hair as I cycle down the main road on my new mountain bike.

Before I thought I had to concentrate on manifesting money to be able to buy things and experiences but I know now that the universe works in mysterious ways.

I’ve had people give me things that I thought I’d have to buy or spontaneously treat me to dinner or even trade with me for mutually beneficial gain. It’s opened my eyes up to new ways of manifesting and has given me a new hope that this year is going to be epic.

All I have to do is feel it. I hope you get to feel your way to all the things you dream about doing and having!

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News — click here to visit their awesome site and see why over 800k readers tune in daily!

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Win the Lottery Using the Law of Attraction

Win the Lottery Using the LOAI get a lot of letters from readers frustratingly seeking advice on using the Law of Attraction to win the lottery.

I’m going to try to make it as clear as possible, in this article, as to why I think you are failing to procure the winning numbers.

For many, you tried using the techniques taught in books like ‘The Secret’ and ‘The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent’ — to name but a few — and have had relative success (meaning you may have managed to lasso your ‘parking angel’ or you manifested a great job).

But how have you done with the big things — like that elusive million bucks in the bank scenario?

What is Abundance — You Really Need to GET This!

The problem with all this new-found knowledge of the Law of Attraction is that it’s become a bit of a breeding ground for greed.

There’s nothing wrong with trying to live a comfortable, joyful life — don’t get me wrong — but just going straight for manifesting huge lumps of money is becoming a big problem and the sweat beads of frustration are pooling up on the collective forehead.

Abundance takes on many forms not just monetary wealth.

So, what exactly is it that you want to do with all this lottery money?

11:11, Lizzy’s Legs and… Bingo!

I’m going to help teach you, not how to pick winning numbers, but how to succeed at
LIFE’S lottery.

Don’t hang up on me now — if you clicked on this article there is a curiosity in you to win big and I’m going to explain why you can but not in the way you may have been going about it.

The answer is actually quite simple.

Why — when you’re quite good at manifesting in general — can you not win the lottery? You’ve got to ask yourself:

  • How many other people who are masters of the LOA (Law of Attraction) are trying to do the same thing?
  • Are you prepared to wait your turn?
  • Are you prepared to wait your turn even if it means you may only win in 20 years+ time?
  • Do you believe that you will win 100%?
  • Is your self talk, thoughts and actions all pointing towards winning the lottery or do you get bursts of highly negative, emotive feelings that cramp your style when someone else wins?
  • Are you happy for that someone else when they win?
  • Do you understand that when you are genuinely happy to see someone else succeed at what you want to do or gain sends out a burst of magnetic impulse that draws it to you even more?
  • Do you understand that to do the opposite and curse and swear for not winning sends out more magnetic energy to attract losing into your sphere?

Now the questions above require that you answer as truthfully as you can.

But even more important is why I think you are fighting a potentially losing battle — you REALLY need to read this:

  1. Book Cover CARPE DIEM OR BUST

    Get this authors second book from Amazon for $8.99 (paperback) or download for FREE – click ‘free downloads’ in menu

    Tunnel Vision.  When you ask to win the lottery you are picking only ONE path out of literally infinite paths to get you to where you want to be. Let me give you a metaphor: Say your friend tells you he is lonely and really wants a partner, someone to share his life with. You tell him about the LOA and he starts visualizing and affirming eagerly. A year down the line you ask him how it’s going and he replies that the LOA is a bunch of rubbish ‘cause he still hasn’t got his dream girl. He then goes on to tell you that he is in love with a married woman and he has been trying to manifest the perfect relationship with only her (he has selected only ONE path/channel among infinite possibilities). You can’t believe how much time he’s wasted! Why? Because you know that if he just asked for the ‘perfect partner’ and not one specific and almost impossible relationship he would be sitting right now with his love. Your friend isolated one option for himself and he may even get what he wants down the line — perhaps when he’s in his 80’s and this woman he has a fetish for is finally available — but do you think he’s prepared to wait that long? Do you think he should rather relinquish the ‘how’ and ‘who’ of his perfect partner and trust that the universe will take care of all the details? Same goes for the lottery.

  2. Multiple Channels for Success. The universe knows how to get you to your destination in the quickest way possible but if you hold on rigidly to only one way of getting there (aka winning the lottery) you are closing doors that would get you what you want quicker. So, you may indeed be manifesting a lottery win but it may take you 10, 20, 30 years+ to get there (like the above example of your friend finally being with the woman he loves in his geriatric years) because you’ve only selected that one channel. Chances are you’re going to get frustrated waiting for your win and your doubt will lead you down a path of negative and woeful thoughts which will kill any seed that is starting to take root. You may even abandon any hope that the LOA works in any way whatsoever and become a sad, lonely and poor skeptic. Imagine wanting to watch the movie ‘Gone With the Wind’ but you only select one channel to watch, wait and hope that it will screen. Wouldn’t you have much better success getting satellite TV and having 500 channels to scour in search of that movie? The one channel may indeed show the movie one day but it could be a long, long wait whereas the satellite option would probably play the movie within a few months.
  3. Scan for Limiting Beliefs.  If you don’t believe 100% that what you’re trying to manifest is possible, it ain’t going to happen. It’s as simple as that. When you acquire smaller stuff through deliberate intent, such as receiving a chocolate or getting a phone call from an old friend you’ve lost contact with, it slowly and steadily builds your confidence in the LOA and your believability factor strengthens. But to go from manifesting a bunch of flowers to the lottery is slightly over-ambitious for the budding believer. Most people get frustrated and give up entirely not knowing that, even if you do believe 100%, it takes the 3 P’s to manifest what you want. Patience, persistence and positivity. Oh, and did I mention patience? Patience, patience, patience…I can’t stress it enough. It’s imperative, especially when you are asking for the big things — mountains sometimes have to move to get you what you want, so start being very joyful in your present moment. That’s the only way you are truly going to get through the patience part. Which leads me to…
  4. Be Here, in the NOW.
    Everything only ever happens in this moment — the NOW (one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read on present moment awareness is Eckhart Tolle’s, The Power of Now. When you are comfortable and peaceful in your present you will be in a space that resonates joy and magnetically pulls great things into your life experience. It’s always good to be clear on what you want ‘cause it’s a real cracker to wake up to the realization that the world is your oyster and that it was just your perception that was out of alignment.
  5. What’s Best?  Winning the lottery might not be in your best interest. Did you ever think of that? I believe we all come here with a purpose — it’s usually to create and grow. Cascades of cash can change people and it might just not be something that your over-soul wishes to experience. It might even set your personal growth back and make you a lax creator — this may be why you are receiving resistance in your personal arena. This does not mean that you must take a vow of poverty, it just means that you must assess what drives you to want so much cash. Whatever the reason is (because you don’t just want money – you want what money can buy) — hone in on that rather than the dosh.

Resetting Your Limitations

Divine You Book by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Get this authors first book from Amazon for $8.99 (paperback) or download for FREE – click ‘free downloads’ in menu

I know how discouraged some people feel because part of waking up to your innate power is that you should be able to manifest anything — even the sky is not the limit anymore.


Now while this may be true, every person has varying degrees of truth and beliefs that could restrict this infinite flow of possibility.

Your job is to crack your own code.

Don’t get frustrated seeing other people manifesting what you want, rather get inspired by it — use it as fuel for your own believability factor.  We all have to mine through our limiting beliefs, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Make the journey pleasurable by delighting in synchronous markers (for more on the importance of synchronicity READ HERE) and other magical encounters your path may have.

Delighting in Desire and Not Self-Destructing!

Desires and making them happen can be wonderful but they can also drive us to the edge of insanity.


Pink Green Spring Flower Quotes Pinterest GraphicWhen your desire consumes you and it starts to define who you are (or, more importantly, who you are not yet) — whether you’ve been successful or not — you are teetering on rocky terrain.

It can be the cause of great unhappiness, especially when your desires are not met.

The key to leading a fulfilling life is to take great glee in all manifestations.  To let go of how you are going to get what you want and experience enchantment in finding out just how the universe delivers your request.  Because the chances are you’re going to meet some interesting people along the way and find yourself on a bit of an adventure and guess what?  That’s life and it’s beautiful!

Take life as one amazing experience at a time.  It’s up to you if you choose to see the experience as positive or negative.

Okay, now that we’ve gone through the finer points, let me get to the juiciest bit — how to win life’s lottery!

Here are the steps to living your life to the fullest.

  • Get Very Clear — If it’s money you think you want then rather get clear on what you want to buy with the money — is it a house, a car, a holiday, a comfortable life? When you know what it is you are trying to achieve then create a vision board or something of the like and pin your aspirations where you can see them. Go ahead and affirm every day what you want and, most importantly, feel what it feels like to have it already (for more info on this I highly recommend you read ‘The Isaiah Effect’ by Gregg Braden).
  • Make Joy a Priority — When you take the above step you open up infinite ways for the universe to bring you what you desire without narrowly trying to squeeze it into only one solution (aka the lottery). Your next step will be to blissfully enjoy every moment of realizing your goals — in other words, be happy now. What you assign this minute manifests in your tomorrows. So invest in your future by projecting joy now.
  • Look for Synchronous Encounters — You’ve heard the saying that the journey is sometimes better than the destination, right? It’s true — every word. As I said before, become Alice in Wonderland searching for those synchronicities (or rabbit prints) that try to steer you towards even more joy. You’re going to get plenty of markers so watch out for them. They might come in the form of a dream that you live the next day or as silly as seeing a number repeating itself wherever you look. In my opinion, even the smallest synchronicities show us that we are pointing in the right direction.
  • SUBSCRIBE icon 1Thanks and KudosGratitude is not only a magnet for success but it also puts things into perspective for you. Sometimes we get lost in all the fuzz of daily life and we forget how much we have and how much we’ve achieved already. Take time out to give thanks and acknowledgment for all that has manifested in your life so far.

You can lead a happy and prosperous life.  You were born to encompass the full umbrella that is wealth.

Don’t be confined by constricting yourself to only one avenue or outlet (i.e. winning the lottery when there are many other ways available to manifest your dreams) — surrender to the universal flow and let it gently usher you with effortless ease along your way.


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Finding a Reason to Smile Every Day

Mona by Cherie Roe Dirksen

“You can always alter your reality at any time.”

Owning Your Power

You’re probably familiar with the saying ‘what you think you create’ but how can you seriously filter every bad thought? Surely it’s a struggle worthy of giving up on before you even get started?

Certainly not.

There’s only one person responsible for what you think and do and that’s you. If the thought of being the creator of your reality scares the willies out of you, then read on…

The Freedom to Be Happy

“Emotions back your thoughts into manifestation.”

Can you remember learning how to swim or ride a bike? Can you see how determined you were to succeed because you knew the pay-off was going to be huge?

You may have started off with water-wings, splashing about aimlessly— gulping in water — or peddling your heart out whilst trying to maintain your balance even with the training wheels on! But that child never gave up.

Then what came next once the wheels were removed? Probably scrapes and bruises the first week but did that deter you? Did you give up then? Probably not. You wanted to ride! You were hell-bent on feeling the wind on your face and the freedom that would bring with it.

Same goes for swimming — gliding about in the water refreshes and frees your body of weight. You knew that swimming was going to be the biggest trip ever!

Where am I going with this? Your thoughts need training wheels/water-wings if you want to experience the same freedom from negative thought. And here’s how you’re going to do it…

Getting Real Right NOW

Here are a few things you can start to do today to become more aware and proactive with your thoughts:

  • Morning Motivation — When you wake up, give yourself 5-10 minutes to think about what how you want to see this day play out. See if you can catch any worrisome or negative thoughts before they take hold of the exercise. Put up a STOP sign in your mind and gently kick those blighters to the curb. Then bring your focus back to visualizing your positive day ahead. Try to smile and see/feel yourself enjoying this bright new day. Emotions back your thoughts into manifestation.
  • Mind Mangle Cleanse — During the day (if you are but a mere mortal) you will probably find yourself slipping into worry, blame, anger, despair and an array of other harmful mind banter. You may even find that your head is throbbing because of all the distorted ‘mind mangling’ that’s going on up there. Here’s your chance to hold up that STOP sign again and see if you can look at things from a different perspective. Most of what we worry about never comes to pass and most judgments/situations when seen from a different angle can evoke empathy instead of anger. See if you can alchemize your thinking — in other words, find the treasure in the trash.
  • Marrying the Mind — When you start to get a hold on your thought stream and just how much power you DO have over it, you can start to have a better relationship with your thinking. You are now in control and you can focus your inner dialogue on what serves you instead of calling in all the unwanted experiences. Start your affirmations off with a strong ‘I am…’. For example ‘I am going to have a great day today’, ‘I am going to have a safe trip’, etc. Try avoid the phrases ‘I desire’ or ‘I want’ because it only brings more desiring and wanting for the future. When you use ‘I am’ it is in the present tense and is happening right now not in some future timeline.
  • Re-Member — We often get lost in ‘doing’ and not ‘being’. Try to remember all the things that make you happy and bring you joy. When you smile the world smiles with you. So, remember to feel gratitude for life, nature and the people that make your world spin. Look at every magnificent dawn or sunset as a blessing, every fragrant flower or birdsong as a gift, every smile or hug as a gesture of love and draw on those experiences when you’re in a negative frame of mind. See if you can remove yourself from a negative situation and sit under a tree or listen to some soothing music. Seek out those small but beautiful moments in your life and embrace them. Hold them close to your chest and bring them out when you need to. It’s bound to make you smile. You can always alter your reality at any time. Don’t forget that. If you choose to stay in the gloom, then just know that ‘this too shall pass’.
  • Over and Out — At the end of the day, review what happened and see if you can pick out any situations that you have turned around in reality. Did you manage to have a good day? Did things turn out like you affirmed in the morning? Or close to? Or can you do better tomorrow? Keep trying and if you do see results it’s going to make you more determined — just like that little tike on the bicycle, gearing up for the next day’s practice. Because you know that practice makes perfect!

You will get a grip on your oh-so-powerful thought stream and you’ll be able to eventually steer those thoughts to benefit your life in ways that will make your head spin — in a good way!

Now it’s up to you to give yourself a reason to smile every day.

Article originally written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Conscious Life News

Conscious Life News

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Why You Should Start Loving Money Today!

Beach Fun by Cherie Roe Dirksen

How About Singing a New Tune?

Love is an amplifier — when you feel love it’s the most powerful energetic vibration in the universe (IMHO).

When you feel lack it brings more lack.  Ergo, shouldn’t we start packing up all our preconceived and deep-seated feelings that money is the root of all evil?  How about we start declaring that we LOVE money.

Did you feel a shudder just then?  It’s difficult for a lot of us to say that we love money!

It’s especially hard when you’re on a ‘spiritual’ path — aren’t you supposed to renounce money?

Why think that?

Money is a Tool — Nothing More, Nothing Less

Money is our current form of energy exchange.  It is a useful tool to get what we need.

The only ‘evil’ is what you do with the money.  We need to start getting VERY clear about why we want the green stuff.

If it’s to impress someone outside of yourself or gain some sort of prestige, you’re going to hit a wall.

Here’s a quick guide to check in to see if you’re wanting money for the right or wrong reasons (I use the terms ‘right and wrong’ very loosely as they are only perspectives — but I think you’ll know what I mean):

  • To want money to prove to your friends/parents that you’re successful — not so good reason (you’ll be out of alignment when you seek fulfillment outside of yourself).
  • To want money to travel the world and experience different cultures, etc — good reason (you’re doing it for yourself).

It can sometimes take the slightest of tweaks to align yourself with your true desires.

If you’ve always wanted money to buy a house and find that deep down inside you’ve wanted this desperately to impress your parents, well, try to align your new desire for a house to satisfy your needs (i.e. I want a house so that I can plant a sustainable garden and/or feel like I’m part of a community).

Manifestation, as far as I’m concerned, needs to be in line with your spirit (i.e. your specific journey).

Letting Go of Brainwashing

If you’ve had blocks regarding money now is the time to chuck ’em out the window!

Money isn’t to blame, you are.  Harsh, yup…but for those of us who have money blockages, we need a cold bucket of water dumped on our heads now to snap us out of this cycle.

There is a fear of success, did you know that?

Why would you fear success/wealth?

  • You may fear the tax man. Being rich means a lot of taxation and paperwork, right?
  • You may fear what people think of you if you were loaded (how do you view the rich — with loathing? Contempt? ‘Oh, he’s such an arrogant bastard, rich son of a b**tch’…bingo!  You are going to subconsciously worry about mirroring these beliefs and not want people to say those things behind your back).
  • You may fear the wrong type of attention you’ll get when you’ve got a fat bank balance (you know, the vultures come a-hovering).
  • You may fear that people will then only like you for what you’re worth or what they can get out of you. There is a fear of being taken advantage of.
  • You may fear that you’ll go off the deep end and wind up sipping cocktails, snorting coke and dancing with loose naked men/women on yachts and totally neglect your spiritual path.
  • You fear that money truly is from the devil and all it will bring is material, superficial pleasures that will lead to pain.

I’m here to tell you…bullshit.

You can actually be a really nice person and be rich…lol.  There are plenty of them in the world.

Dissecting the Nonsense We Tell Ourselves

If you can’t tell a genuine friend from a blood sucker by now, money is the least of your problems and growing a backbone may need to take top priority.

If you fear inland revenue, you’re always going to — whether you’re rich or poor.  Bonus is, if you’re rich you can hire an accountant.  So, don’t use that excuse as an obstruction.

If you fear what other people think, then you need to read this article and give yourself a kick up the arse: 9 Truths to Stop You  From Caring What Other People Think

If you really think money is from the devil, you may want to navigate to another site at this point.  People created money and it was actually a rather splendid idea — it solved a lot of problems that bartering alone couldn’t solve.

If you fear what you may do if you are rich (as in getting jacked up with too much honey and funny business) I think you’d know by now what kind of person you are.  You’re not going to suddenly change your tune if you get money and if you do, well, then there is a massive lesson in it for you that you had to obviously experience.

Just don’t let the ‘what if’s’ be your crutch.

Energy Exchanges and Changes

However, the true test is to not become attached to money.  If another system comes along that works better than money, great!  Just don’t see money as the enemy cause the only person you end up hurting is yourself.

Your perception of money could be the very thing holding you back from your wealth.

Declare every morning without guilt, shame or any other crappy little negative nuance, “I LOVE money”.  Remember to mean it!

If you feel constricted in your solar plexus (stomach area) or anywhere else you need to deeply go into why you feel anxious about declaring your love for loot. Be honest with yourself — there’s a lot at stake.

When I first tried declaring ‘I love money’ I felt really agitated in my solar plexus and I went on to discover that I felt a lot of fear around success (most of the above list was ticked!).

Then I got clear about it and realized it was all nonsense and stuff that I could chuck out quite easily.

Money isn’t the problem — people are.  Money can be a great tool for both good and evil.  The choice is yours.

Trust yourself to be a human being who wants the best for all humanity — abundance is our true birthright.  Start believing it!

By the way, ‘I love money’ can be used for anything you want to manifest.  For example:  ‘I love being healthy’.  Use the word ‘love’ as your new amplifier and trust in divine flow.

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Self-Empowerment Books by Cherie Roe Dirksen:


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How to Use the Void to Manifest

Bluebirds by Cherie Roe Dirksen

New Energy, New World

You may have noticed that the Mayan ‘end of the world’ calendar has come and gone (21/12/2012). We are now supposedly in ‘Year 2’ of this advanced and illustrious new age/paradigm/Earth.

Can you feel it?

Or are you feeling more like you’re stuck in a void with endless karma and drama being flung at your feet?

The Roots are Strong

The good news is that we are in a new energy and in order for the new to emerge the old has to die — and it’s dying hard!  What does that mean?  Well, in a nutshell, old energy is going down kicking and screaming.

It may look like the negative, base, ‘Mad Max’ war-ridden world is winning but it’s roots are rotten.  Smoke and mirrors are being used to prop up these decaying, useless ways.

The new shoots are still young but their roots are strong and fixed in integrity and love.  We have created another realm — it just needs our full attention now to manifest itself.  It’s going to happen one soul at a time — cheesy but true.

‘Okay, so what does this mean practically for me today?’, I hear you ask.

Understanding the Wind Down to Wind You Up!

When an old system winds down we get thrust into clearing out and preparing for the new — something like moving house.  You usually end up throwing stuff out, cleaning your butt off and scaling down dramatically — this is a great metaphor for when we shift into a new paradigm.

You have to get rid of the old baggage to step into a new world.  So a lot of you will have found yourself doing copious amounts of emotional, karmic, mental and physical clearing the last few years.

So, when the end of 2012 hit us we were at the bottom end of winding down…then came the void of 2013.  Boy!  Did any of you feel at a loose end the WHOLE year?  Well, I sure did.

We overcame!  Now we’re almost half way through 2014 — the promised year of manifestation.  However, some people are still stuck in the void energy.

The definition of void is empty space.  This is good news!  Here you can create anything you want — even more void…as in ‘avoidance’ or a void dance!  So use the void wisely.

The void/darkness is the gateway to all mystery and manifestation — the door to understanding this universe we’ve created.

Using the Void

In the Tao Te Ching you can use the Tao any way you want — it is empty but inexhaustible.

What is the Tao?   In Chinese philosophy, it is the absolute principle underlying the universe.  It is a combination of yin and yang and signifies the way that is in harmony with the natural order.

Is it hard to use the void?  No.

Here’s what to do:

  • Align with your thoughts.  Thoughts create everything in the universe.  What are you thinking about the most?  Be completely honest with yourself.  Can you see how you are consciously or, as the case may be, even unconsciously bringing about manifestations in your life that are aligning with what you think about? Okay, most of you probably know this point by now — it’s ‘old school’ stuff but it’s of primary importance and here’s why:  Manifesting has become increasingly more instantaneous!  Holy crap, my hombre!  Hold onto your hats…
  • Manifest wisely.  Instant manifestation can be dangerous for some and great for others.  This is why getting clear with what your mind is harping on about is of the utmost significance now.  We’re in a potent manifesting energy, where you are going to have things pop up with much more speed than before — good or bad.
  • Use the void as your clean slate.  What does this mean?  Get clear today, hell, even right now, on what you want to see unfold in the next 6 – 12 months.  Be specific, write it down, read it out every morning and take action where you can — then detach from the outcome and watch out for synchronicities that will point you in the right direction (read more about that HERE).  Most people don’t even know what they want to manifest so they just leave it to fate.  Wake up call!  Fate is you unconsciously manifesting whatever you’re thinking about the most!  So you can become a conscious co-creator of your reality or you can subject your life to your random and vague inner dialogue.

Are You Manifesting More Void?

The biggest trouble I’m seeing at the moment is people who say that nothing is manifesting in their life.  Wrong!  If this is you, you are manifesting too but you are in the void and therefore you are manifesting more ‘void’ when you say or think that ‘nothing is happening’.

Take a look at that phrase, ‘nothing is happening’.  So be it — your wish is the Tao’s command!

Get it?  I hope so — happy manifesting!

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Lightworkers World.

Other articles by Cherie Roe Dirksen you may enjoy:

2014 — The Year to Sculpt Your Life!

Why We May Be Feeling Disenchanted

5 Ways to Tune into a HD Quality Life

Green Boutique Zazzle Logo

Why You Should Strive to be a Nobody

3 Crucial Steps to Self Acceptance

Feel Like a Rug Has Been Pulled Out From Underneath?

The Universe is Abundant, Why Aren’t You?


Self-Empowerment Books by Cherie Roe Dirksen:


Table Books of Art and Inspirational Teachings by Cherie Roe Dirksen:

Creative Expression        Art Portfolio




2014 — The Year to Sculpt Your Life!

Goodbye and Don’t Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out!

With a warm and cheery smile, we wave goodbye to the year 2013 — what a ride it has been!

Weaving Reality CRD

I have to admit that it was the most trying year I’ve had for a very long time.  It had some epic moments — I met new and wonderful people and I sorted out a lot of mental and physical debris that needed spring-cleaning and reshuffling.

On the other hand, it has been a year of lessons, trials, endings and constant testing.  Anyone else experience this on a grand scale?

It has been the year of exhaustion — both mental and physical.  I have never spent so many hours with my feet up staring at the ceiling!

New Hope, New Beginnings — List Your 7 Wonders

But, what have we here?  A new year.  What ho!

A chance to start a-fresh, to set some new intentions and to hone down on our desires.

What is it you want to see manifest this year?  Have you given it a thought?  If not, now is the right time to set down, on paper, some of your hopes and dreams for the next 365 days.

  • Try think of 7 things that you want — big or small.
  • Start off with something believable, like for instance, a visit from an old friend or a bunch of flowers.  Then work your way up the scale until you’re plotting out your dream home/job/partner/situation, etc.
  • Give yourself a time-frame that you want to see these things manifest.
  • Make notes on how you can take action where applicable to realize these desires.
  • For all the rest, visualize your butt off!  Or, even better, make or update your vision board.
  • Have fun doing this, don’t see it as a chore.  Look at it like you are a magnificent artist sculpting your life into an awesome masterpiece!
  • Lastly, take out this list every morning and read it out loud to yourself.  Don’t skip this step.  It’s not about hocus-pocus or fairy-dust wishes, it’s about aligning to your desires daily and exciting those neuro-peptides into action.  Sometimes we inadvertently forget what we want, so to verbalize this list every day brings you back to the core of your request and direction.

I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.  Let’s make 2014 the start to something brilliant!

—Todays blog picture is called ‘Dreamers Night Sky’ and is available as posters – click on the picture above to take you to the store.

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Turning Trust into Money

“Someone who thinks the world is always cheating him is right. He is missing that wonderful feeling of trust in someone or something.”
— Eric Hoffer

How Trust Can Bring You Abundance

I believe in what I do and what I have to say, so when I saw this new video circulating Facebook I just had to share it with you.

It’s called An 8-Foot-Tall Woman Is Destroying The Entire Music Industry’ and it’s a TED talk by Amanda Palmer.  Take a look for yourself, in case you haven’t seen this already: 

The Penny Drops!

What this brave and courageous woman had to say resonated so much with my soul, it left me shell-shocked for about an hour while I tried to process this invaluable information and apply it to my entire life.

What stood out for me were the similar experiences of self-doubt:

  • Is what I’m doing of use to others?
  • Should I get a ‘real’ job?
  • Am I just kidding myself?

I have 3 passions in life, every one of them has brought me to these questions (and brought me to my knees!).

Careers with Bad Reputations 

I started out as a musician in a band but…

My Limiting Belief:  Musicians are bums and lay-abouts, they don’t ear money. No-one takes you seriously.  Get a real job.

Then I pursued my love for art and I became a full-time artist but…

My Limiting Belief:  You can’t make money being an artist, you’ll struggle all your life.  Get a real job.

Then — oh God forbid — I started to write!  And…

My Limiting Belief:  Writers are poor, they don’t earn money.  If you don’t make it onto the Best Sellers list you’ll never make it.  Get a real job.

Money, Monks and Misunderstandings

The Peacock Nymph by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Prints available – click on picture

The worst part of it was that I am a ‘spiritual’ writer and there is a hefty stigma that you should not earn money off spiritual advice.  After all, stereo-typically monks, nuns and Buddhists are humble, simple, poor people.

I also tend to shudder when I see a sight offering spiritual advice accompanied by a paid subscription.  However, I’m the one with the problem — everyone has a right to earn money.  

Money is an energy swap.  I give you, you give me.  The figure of eight is complete and everyone walks away with an equal exchange.

I am one of those people who cringes when I have to ask for money.  Something in me thinks that it’s like begging and that is shameful.  I seriously need to get over it if I’m going to keep up my chosen career.  If I don’t, there’s a nice cashier job waiting for me at my local grocer.

The Two Common Stumbling Blocks

Asking for this ‘energetic exchange’ or money brings a strange dichotomy.  The problem, as I see it, lies with these two things:

  • Self-belief/love — Do you believe that your product/service/talent is worth it?  I.e. are you worth it? Are you creating/providing a service from a place of love and passion?  Or is this a means to an end?  From my experience, if you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re in big trouble when it comes to integrity.  Doubt will creep in where there is no passion.
  • Fair exchange — Here’s the humdinger.  What to charge? Yikes, I’ve encountered so many people who suffer big time with this.  They either charge too little for their expertise or they charge too much.  In the latter case, it’s just because they may be in a profession where there is potential to charge a lot but they are not experientially there yet.  They shoot themselves in the foot by charging professional prices with beginners experience.

The Solution

Ginger Goddess by Cherie Roe Dirksen CLN

Prints available – click on picture

Love what you do.  Have a burning passion for what you do.  Trust in your clientele or the people you exchange your services with.  If there is a way that you can let them determine what you are worth, then go for it.  Trust that they will reimburse you with fairness and integrity.

I’m not saying everyone will give you what you or your services are worth but it’s in my experience that more people than not, will compensate you appropriately when given the chance.

Letting as Opposed to Making

In the video, Amanda Palmer said that instead of asking how to make people pay for services you should let them pay.  That was my ‘a-ha’ moment.

With our economies in collapse and the entire global population wondering if money will even be present in our future, this novel idea of trust in commerce rings bells in my head.

We are moving into a new consciousness on this planet — heart-centered living — and this kind of energy exchange just might work!

Let’s Put Integrity to the Test

I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is (pun intended!).  I’ve just self-published my second book, ‘Carpe Diem or Bust — a Spiritual Guide to the Good Life’, and I want to share it with the world — whether I make money from it or not.

Of course, I’d like to make money as I’ve also got bills to pay but I believe in this book so much that I’d rather it got read than having it be just another Amazon book statistic. That’s not why I wrote it.

I know it will help people but I also know that a lot of people won’t read it because they can’t afford the luxury of buying books right now.  So, in light of what has just been discussed, I am offering my book to you for free.

I trust that you will enjoy it and find the information on the pages of value and should you wish to contribute — by donating to keep me and my passions alive — then you are most welcome to pay whatever you want to.

Here is the link:  https://cherieroedirksen.com/free-ebooks/ or just click on the picture below:


Any system can change if we all agree to make it happen!

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Purpose Fairy

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7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance

Why is Gratitude so Important When Creating Abundance?

4 Ways to Motivate Yourself Out of Bed

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Can We Really Live Without Money?  The Answer May Surprise You…

4 Ways to Motivate Yourself Out of Bed

Painting by Cherie Roe Dirksen ss


“I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: no good in a bed, but fine up against a wall.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

You may be good (or in the above case not) in bed but how good are you at rising? Right, now that I have your attention…

Are You a Morning or a Mourning Person?

I love to sleep in (don’t we all?).  But at some point of the morning one has to muster up the pluck to actually get out of that nice warm bed and brave the cold/the kids/the untidy house/the boss/the traffic/the kitty litter/(insert general problematic encounter here).

As I was lying in bed this morning, blearily preparing to pry open my eyes, I started with my morning ‘head banter’.  I then realized that my thought process on this fine and sunny morn would make for a titillating blog (always capitalizing on my life!).

If you are one of the lucky few (0.001% of the global population) who eagerly jumps out of bed at the crack of dawn with a glint in your eye and a spring in your step — bully for you!  However, even you may glean value from what I’m about to divulge.

“You will start to see just how incredibly powerful you are as a creator of your experience.”

Here it goes, my list of morning motivating muses:

1.  How Do I Want Today to Turn Out? As Will Pharrell sang, ‘It might seem crazy what I’m about to say, Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break. I’m a hot air balloon that could go to space. With the air, like I don’t care, baby, by the way…Because I’m happy‘ — try to start your awakening mind rolling in the direction of a positive affirmation, like telling yourself just how bizarrely splendid today is going to be.  Hell, it could be the best damn day of your life!

Let your thoughts steamroll with the idea of having good things happen to you on this day.  If you have something to do today that you are dreading or feel uneasy about, now is your chance to manipulate that situation to how you want to see it play out.  If it is a dreary task or something with unavoidable lackluster, tell yourself that it is going to go quickly and smoothly so you can get on with something fun afterwards.

2.  How Is Today Going to Look?  As you lie under your cozy covers, start to visualize this splendid day — make a movie in your head.  Start to see how you want it to pan out — direct, director!

You can draw it out with a detailed synopsis or you can conjour up a quick run-through.  Just remember to see yourself smiling and laughing a lot.  Have copious amounts of ‘good times’ squeezed into this productive day.

Whenever I do this visualization technique, it really does affect how my day starts to unfold (for the better).  You will start to see just how incredibly powerful you are as a creator of your experience.

“You’re only as excited by life as how exciting you can be…”

3.  Who Do I Want to Be Today?  Express yourself!  You’ve got to ‘dress for success’.  Jeez, I feel like I’m writing about Pop songs here.  This may seem like a bit of a strange and unspiritual thing to put in this article but I’ve only just started seeing this from a new perspective.    Men, this applies to you too.  There is nothing wrong with expressing how you feel or your personality externally and it is becoming more and more acceptable for men to convey this type of sassy style and creativity.

I can also get into the rut of ‘dressing for comfort’ but have recently realized that it can get uber boring!  I’ve been exposed to the delights of that online ‘visual’ feast site,Pinterest and, oh boy, have I got some fashion ideas!  It can really broaden your style horizons (and I could do with a bit of that).  After brain-storming, I have taken my existing wardrobe and fallen in love with it due to a few tweaks and accessories.  I now dress according to my mood.

I could be a rock chick one day, a jeans and t-shirt girl the next, a sweet-16-and-never-been-kissed maiden (yeah, right!) to a sophisticated business woman — anything goes where the mood flows (and, yes, I can also just be in a sweat- pants and jumper mood).

It’s heaps of inventive fun!  To add even more pizzazz to this daily routine, I sometimes tease my hair and stick it up in a beehive like Elvira or create a rat’s nest, for those of you who can cast your minds back to the ‘80’s, looking like Kim Wilde or Bonnie Tyler. As the saying goes ‘change is as good as a holiday’.  My husband has a good chuckle on these ‘hair’ days when he sees me emerging from the bathroom after hearing the spray can at work.  However, the main thing is to please and dress for yourself — if other people don’t have the guts to go a-la-mode, don’t let it put you off your pursuit.

Don’t take yourself too seriously either — experiment with your individual taste and mood and make this about fun.  This is just another way of spicing up your life and getting creative.  You’re only as excited by life as how exciting you can be or, to put it simply, exciting is as exciting does.  You have a corporeal ‘Earth Suit’ while you are incarnation — you may as well use it to have some shits and giggles.  Just remember when you look good, smell good and feel good — you exude confidence, which is key to having a good day.

Metamorphic Dilatation Painting by Cherie Roe Dirksen 250x259 4 Ways to Motivate Yourself Out of Bed4.  What is the Soundtrack of Today?  This is my favourite step of the feel-good program — figuring out what musical mood I’m in.  When I make up my mind, my toes are already itching to hop out of bed.

After having your first cup of the day accompanied by catching up on the latest articles on Lightworkers World (*wink*), music can be a terrific motivator — especially when you are doing something mundane like housework or on your commute to work.

Put on that Queen greatest hits CD and hoover to ‘I want to break free’ or plan what music to listen that will elevate your mood whilst on your way to work.   I actually cannot do the dishes without having some form of toe-tapping tune on the stereo.  Spoons make for great pretend microphones and dishcloths can be stretched to make great air guitar solos.

When I’m driving, what I’m playing over the system has a tremendous effect on how jovial my trip is.  Seriously though, music has a tendency to make things better and kick-start your day.  Combine a cup of coffee or ginseng tea with Jimaroquai and you will be instantly transformed into a Duracell bunny.

I hope these tips works for you!  Please do share your thoughts or successful morning rituals in the comment area below.

Original article written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Lightworkers World

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Could You Do With an Infinite Supply of Money?

Money, Money, Money

Oh boy, ABBA got it right — it is a rich man’s world!  Financial flow is a sticky and uncomfortable topic.  We all want a constant stream of income to live well, whatever your version of ‘well’ is.

For me personally, I care not for Porches, Gucci handbags or Mansions — I want money to travel and enjoy the finer things in life (haute cuisine, theater and Belgian chocolate are more up my alley).

But no matter what you want to do with your money, we all want that financial security at the end of the day because money brings choice — the spice of life!

Your Free Ticket to a Healthy Wealthy Attitude

So with that in mind, I knocked up this little visual money affirmation.  It should help to shift your attitude or feeling towards money.

After all, the sky is the limit!  We are the only ones who put restrictions on our earning capacity (ask Bill Gates).

Pin it to your vision board (I have :D), save it as a desktop wallpaper or print it out and stick it to your forehead — anything to hammer this affirmation home!

Let’s do this together and see if it works!  Here it is (see below picture for download instructions):

Money Affrimation 2

To download, click on the picture — right-click and ‘save as’ to your computer. You can print it out and use it about your home or office as mini posters or you can use it as your computer desktop wallpaper.

If you couldn’t be bothered to print this out for yourself or you just want it on a specially made, easy-to-use product — fear not, I have the immediate solution for you.

I have made this item available as magnets ($4.45), stickers ($6.40 for a sheet of 20) and postcards ($0.95).  Just click on the pictures below to take you to the store.

Money Affirmation Magnet

Magnets for $4.45

Money Affirmation Stickers

20 Stickers for $6.40

Money Affirmation Postcard

Postcard at $0.95

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Getting Specific about the Direction Your Life is Taking

gaia header

Catching a Wake Up!

Today’s blog is going to be mind-blasting.  I have had a revelation!

You would think that as a self-empowerment writer I would eat, breath and poop the Law of Attraction and understand it fully.  Oh boy, so did I!

The Universal Curve-Ball

I fell off the bandwagon a few weeks ago but it was such a slow tumble that I hadn’t realized I was falling until a few days ago.

I have been verbally (telling my friends and husband in frustration) and mentally (reaffirming this over and over again in my head) repeating a mantra of late:

“I have no time, I’m so busy, I’ve no time for myself”

moonlit forestOh, Cherie, for someone who knows that what you think about you bring about, those are foolish words!

I’ve even been telling people that I wish I could clone myself at least three times and give each replica jobs to do on top of trying to squeeze an eighth day into every week.

My new year’s resolution for 2013 was to meet new people, make new contacts and get myself ‘out there’ more physically (as opposed to having my nose stuck to my computer).  The opportunities have been rolling in — from attending lectures and mingling with like-minded folks to being invited to go to the theater.

Getting My Act Together:  Act 1 — Scene 1

So, to cut a long story short, I was walking on the beach thinking of my ‘problems’ when I was gifted with a moment of clarity.

The Universe:  Didn’t you get what you wanted?

Cherie:  Um…yes, I suppose but now I don’t have any time for myself.

The Universe:  What do you mean?

Cherie:  I’m very grateful for all the opportunities and recognition I’ve been getting recently but I wish you could space these gifts out a bit.

The Universe:  How?

Cherie:  Well, like give me say a weeks’ notice prior to each meeting/event so that I can properly organize instead of having everything one on top of the other and feel completely unprepared and have to shift my workload into my weekend.

The Universe:  OK.

Yes, for those wondering, I do actually have these conversations in my head.  Am I mad — probably.  But mad is the new sane.  Here’s why…

Instant Feedback that it Worked!

Painters UniverseThat very evening, my best friend writes to let me know that he is visiting South Africa and will be here in 7 days’ time.

I was so excited about this that it didn’t dawn on me that I had got that instant feedback that the Universe was listening.  It however did smack me over the head a couple of hours later and I burst out laughing.

My hat! The Universe had not only acquiesced to my request but was rather darn specific about the details to boot!

I’m amazed at how this system actually works.  I know it does but sometimes I get carried away in that old 3D tide of life and forget that I am in control all the way.

Improvising Your Menu

I hope you come away from this tale of timely terror with a renewed sense that:

  • When you are clear about what you want, the Universe conspires to make it happen.
  • The Universe constantly gives you things that it thinks you’re asking for.
  • If it’s not congruent with what you do actually want, you need to get more specific.  Hone your desires.  Be clear about what you do want.
  • You need to keep assessing what you’re being given so that you shape what it is you specifically want.  Only you can do this, don’t leave it to fate.
  • You can ask for anything.

Money, Money, Money — It’s a Rich Man’s World

The next thing that dawned on me is that I have been working my butt off and, admittedly, been getting opportunities to network, grow and expand in my field but I have not been asking for financial compensation.

In fact, I am just making my bills every month by the skin of my teeth.

I’m grateful that I can pay my rent and put food on the table but I want more.  I want certain luxuries (like all of us do), I want to travel and I want to save.

I have also had my eye on a darling pair of red velvet shoes…lol.

All jokes aside, I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid as to not pick up on the fact that I’m not being clear about how much I want to earn for all my efforts.

Sometimes we get so carried away with all the gumpf in our lives that we forget to spell out the obvious.

So, even though I have not hit the jackpot yet — my request is still in the pipeline — I just know I’m going to get a huge windfall soon.

Happy manifesting!

Please share your stories here.  How are you doing in the manifestation department?  Are you seeing the fruits of your visualizations or are you still having trouble manifesting your desires?

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12 Things Successful People Do


In a world where almost everything seems to be competitive and the yearning for success is rife, take heart in knowing that you can benefit greatly by learning from others and how they manage and maintain success in order to establish a winning formula for your life.

First things first, what does success actually mean?

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” — Albert Einstein

Success can vary according to the individual.  It can be measured in relationships, love, money, career, purpose, spirit, attitude and the list goes on.

There are some simple qualities you can take onboard to excel in all of the above.   If you know someone whom you or society deems as successful and they don’t quite make the grade with the many attributes listed below, you may want to question their overall success — they may have the money and career in the bag but success in life should tick all the boxes.

Let’s take a look at what sets some people apart from the rest:

  1. Life Hacks

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    Talk Positive — Successful people always communicate confidently to others and themselves.  You can’t thrive on a negative dialogue.  Aim to encourage, motivate and inspire all you meet including yourself.

  2. Move On — Never dwell on your mistakes.  Failure should always be used as feedback.  Being stuck in the past only ensures that you will not be able to effectively work in the present.  Take your blunders and learn from them — there are always hidden gems to be found in boo-boos.
  3. Look out for No.1 — Efficacious people know that they need to take care of themselves first and foremost.  This is not a selfish act; it is an action of necessity.  Besides, no-one appreciates a self-declared martyr — there’s no brownie points in it for you, believe me.  Acting the martyr will lead you to harbor resentment and will alienate people around you, especially those of you who do everything with a mumble under your breath.  When you take care of your own needs first, you will have the ability to help others with a gratified smile on your face.
  4. Set Boundaries — Don’t be a pushover.  Know your limits and draw the line in the sand for others when you need to preserve your energy and time.  Learn how to distinguish what you need to address and what you need to let alone.
  5. Philanthropy — The Buddha mentioned that one should tithe a percentage (Judaism stipulates 10%) of their earnings to benefit their community.  This is a no-brainer.  You want to see your society thrive because you are a part of it — it’s a symbiotic relationship.  You wouldn’t take a dump on your own doorstep now would you?
  6. Remain Grounded — Remember your roots and always practice humility in the face of any position.  Be a lone, content stallion rather than a prancing pony — ponies get ridden at fairgrounds.  Strut and you’re likely to stumble, be humble and you’ll always be firmly footed.
  7. Be Open to New Ideas — Bend like a reed in the wind.  When you give in to complacency, you stop listening to others and their thoughts — big mistake.  You don’t know everything, no matter how old and experienced you are.  The universe is ever-expanding so what gives you the right to stand still?  Nothing ages you like rigid conceit — your passport to entropy.
  8. Own It — Prosperous people own their lives, where they are, how they got there and what they stand for.  Embody your experience and live your truth.  Be an original and not a copy.  There’s nothing worse than a cheap fake.  Everyone has something unique to offer the world — your job is to uncover your diamond.
  9. Admit to Mistakes — Successful people aren’t afraid to acknowledge they’re wrong.  True courage lies in integrity — your ability to recognize the truth and concede when appropriate.  To err is human.
  10. Think Creatively — Fruitful endeavors are usually sparked by thinking out-of-the-box, stretching beyond what is the norm and testing the limits.  If  you want to play it safe you’re going to be average.  Pushing boundaries is where resilience leads to triumph.  Inject colour, passion, vitality and true-grit into everything you do and you will succeed.
  11. Exercise Criticism Immunity — Success lies in your ability to detect constructive from destructive critique.  When you can master the skill of not taking things personally, you will be able to clearly see what opinions you can take aboard your ship to steer you in the right direction and which thoughts need to be left on the dock lest they sink your ship.  Discernment is one of your handiest tools for gauging the worth of alternate views.
  12. Enjoy Life — Finding joy and fulfillment in everyday activities is another sign of a successful person.  Can you take any situation and turn it into a gift?  Can you find the beauty in the chaos?  The delight in the mundane?  If your life is a bore, you need to take a long hard look at who’s making it boring — let me give you a clue:  Go stand in front of the mirror.  Boring is as boring does.  Use your time on this planet wisely, there is a hidden microcosm of treasure in any situation — you just need to view things from a different perspective.  A recent study just reported that adventure and travel (another activity you see successful people adhering to) seems to lead to longevity.  If there is just one thing you must take from this list let it be to enjoy your life.

 “Action is the foundational key to all success.” — Pablo Picasso

The road to success needn’t be a difficult one; your perspective of your given obstacles and victories will determine how you use them to free yourself.  The moment you get out of your own way, you will find the happiness you seek.

12 things successful people do by Cherie Roe Dirksen

Did you enjoy this article? Don’t forget to pin it 😀

You can supplement the word ‘happy’ with success — they are one and the same as the definition of success is merely to have a favourable or desired outcome.  Ultimately, everyone just wants to be happy.

So, I want to end this off by saying that success is a state of mind, if you let others dictate to you what it looks like then you are doomed to failure.  Strive to be happy and content right now and you will be on your way.  Take action now to live with the conviction to be happy and you can only be prosperous.

Next stop — success!

Header Image by Nissor Abdourazakov from Pixabay

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10 Tips Designed to Keep You Happy

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3 Silver Bullets to Eliminate Fear

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6 Ways to Alleviate Stress Now

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 Book Cover CARPE DIEM OR BUST    New Divine You Cover Creative Expression         Green Boutique Zazzle Logo


People Who Own Their Lives Live With Conviction

“When you take a stand out of deep conviction, people know. They may not even agree, but they ask, ‘Do I want someone who is willing to take a hard stand and someone I can trust to do that when the chips are down?’ They want that”. ~Barbara Boxer

Thumb-Sucking in Society

So many people today seem to be mulling about — scampering hither and thither with no real purpose in life.  I’m not implying that you need to have one, two or even three main drives in life, your primary purpose should really only entail the betterment of yourself and, if you can manage it (but usually comes with the package of self-improvement), the betterment of other people’s lives as well.

This does not necessarily mean that you need to don a nun’s outfit and become the next Mother Theresa.  It simply means to live with integrity and to let that little light of yours shine, shine, shine.

For want of not breaking out into song at this point, I will swiftly move on.

So many ‘self-help’ writers (including myself) bang on about purpose but let’s take a look at another word today — conviction.

What does it Mean to Live with Conviction?

Simply put, conviction is a firmly held belief. You can start to act upon your convictions today by ascertaining:

What is it that you stand for?  Is it love, world peace, justice, having a jolly good time, a particular cause, educating the next generation, spreading your particular brand of creativity, etcetera?  Get clear on your legacy. How would you want to be remembered?  This can usually point you in the right direction.

Then ask yourself how you are embodying this?  In other words, how are you walking the talk in your everyday life?  You can either take giant or baby steps to stand in the light of your convictions or you can just talk about them.  If you choose the latter, you’re not going to be judged by me, but you need to then own that decision too.

Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct. ~Thomas Carlyle

Living your conviction, in my tangy opinion, just means to go for what you believe in guns blazing (not literally, of course). Own your choices. The golden rule is to not infringe on anyone elses free will.

Are you Wishy-Washing Your Life Away?

Conviction is a way of taking responsibility for your actions no matter what you are doing. If you can’t take responsibility, then you shouldn’t be doing it.  Chances are that you are going to end up blaming everyone else but yourself for any future repercussions.

Don’t be a ‘poor me’, be an ‘I-know-what-I’m-doing’ kind of chap/lass.

Own your life, own what you want to get out of it, own that you are still learning and growing, own who you are and what you stand for and most of all own the fact that it won’t last forever.

We are in this theatrical production of life together, we will come and we will go — make the most of it while you can.

Hello, Steven Spielberg!

We can write and act out a drama, comedy, romance, horror, sci-fi (if you have the relevant props and celestial connections) or a feel-good script (heck, it could even be a combination of all!) — this is your God-given free-choice.  Live it with conviction and your life story will not only make it onto the Top ranking DVD list but could also end up on Blu-ray.

Own it, be it, do it and then, when it is your time to exit — depart knowing that you truly lived.  If you leave this plane of existence having touched just one person’s life, you have made a difference!

Live like you mean it.

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Finding Your Inner Peace

Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does  not obtain peace of mind — Buddha

I want to keep on reminding you about gratitude.  Why?  Because to be in a state of thankfulness you are very close if not touching internal peace.

When you brim with gratitude, that feeling is overwhelmingly heart-centred and can literally make you glow.  To be mindful of all that is right for you in the world now instead of harping on all that is wrong, brings you into alignment with abundance.

Think of abundance as your ‘happy place’.  It’s not just about being rich, it’s about experiencing all the good things life has to offer…joy, peace, bliss, health, material wealth, love, friendship, etc.

So do your little a-bun-dance!  Wiggle your butt and dance for joy in honour of all you have.

In honour of joy and abundance, here is your free wallpaper and e-card download for this week (click on picture, right-click and ‘save as’):

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7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance

Prints available

We all want abundance in some form or another, whether it is wealth in the monetary sense to being richly blessed with meaningful relationships or even to achieve self-mastery — the wealth of spirit.  In this past decade, and, even prior to that, we have been introduced to the idea of the Law of Attraction with popular books such as The Secret and the Jerry and Esther Hicks series, just to name a few.

So Why Is It Still Hard To Manifest Our Desires?

We hear catch phrases like ‘Be in the Flow’ but what does that practically mean to you?  How can you step into this flow and apply it to your situation or reality?  Wishful thinking just isn’t cutting it for some.  Here are some fundamental reasons why it may not be working for you:

1. Patience

I have to get this one out of the way first because it is a simple yet integral principle when you are applying deliberate manifestation.  You need to learn the art of patience.  Think of a seed — it gets planted but it still needs time, rich nutrient and mineral-based soil, sunshine and water to blossom into its full growth potential.  Any hint of doubt (or drought, in the case of our seed) will hamper its chances of reaching the surface and begin its graceful climb towards fruition.

2. Action

Once you have ascertained what you do want to create in your life, have you taken the necessary steps to get the wheel in motion?  If you think that ‘couch manifesting’ is going to take care of everything, let me tell you now — it isn’t.  You need to actively participate in bringing about your desire.  Set yourself realistic goals and hold yourself accountable to them.

3. Mindset

The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car… a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little. ~ Ben Sweetland

If you are having thoughts of lack about what you want to see in your life then that is what you are calling into existence.  This is like wanting to lose weight but only concentrating on all the most fattening foodstuffs — this kind of thought-stream is counter-productive.  Instead of thinking the worst, think about the way you will feel when it does come into your life.  How will it change your life?  Does it feel good when you are in that space of living out your fantasy?  If the answer is yes, then that is the emotion or feeling that you need to fertilize, in your mind, whenever you are practicing co-creation.

4. Vibration

As I addressed in the last point, when you truly allow yourself to feel the desired outcome emotion, it enhances your power to manifest tenfold.  Think of ‘the thought’ as the key in your ignition; ‘The action’ is the spark that ignites the engine and ‘the feeling’ or emotion behind the thought is the gas that gets it all going — the driving force.

5. Alignment

Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. ~ Wayne Dyer

You need to regularly align to what it is you want.  Set yourself that weekly goal and check in with yourself.  Has this week seen you get any closer to what you want?  If not, why not — what could you have done differently?  Sometimes we have to assess that what we are trying to manifest is still truly what we want.  If you change your mind then that is fine, just don’t kid yourself.  If you change midstream to another outcome it is better than plodding along with a manifestation that you are now uncertain about.  Your emotional potency will also be lacking if it is not what you want anymore, so, as the old adage goes, it will be like breaking wind against thunder (slightly euphemized for this blog).

What Can I Do To Bring Abundance Into My Life Now?

Well, now that the blockages have been outlined, let’s take a look at what you can do in this moment and in the near future to bring about the expediency of your manifest will.

The energy behind any deed needs to be from your genuine source.  Any fake or compromised gestures will be meaningless in the pursuit of true abundant living.

Metaphorically this is like taking a flat battery and expecting it to work in your camera.  What goes around comes around, the intent you put out into the universe will come back to you, so, if you are handing out ‘empty’ words or actions, your boomerang effect will be just as hollow and meaningless.  Acting with true integrity is the key to manifesting the life of your dreams.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

6. Tokens of Unconditional Love

Life in abundance comes only through great love. ~ Elbert Hubbard

When you visit someone or just bump into them, bestow a gift upon them.  This could be a silent blessing, well-wish, compliment (make sure it is genuine), a heart-felt hug, a flower or a small gift.  With this action you are giving freely.  Do not expect anything in return, that will be taken care of energetically in a way that you may only come to realize when it happens.

7. Gratitude

Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

List all the things that you have in your life now that you are most thankful for.  This could be from the smallest thing to the largest thing.  For example, you may feel immense joy sitting in your garden — give thanks for that.  You may have a pantry full of food and a roof over your head — give thanks for that, and so the gratitude ball starts rolling and we start to have a clear insight as to how much abundance already exists in the present.  When you start this exercise, you will find more and more things that you can be grateful for from the air that you freely breathe to the limbs that operate at your will.  It is a truly eye-opening experience for those who think they are lacking in some way or another.

But Why Should This Work?

The reason why this does work is because the more elated you feel about your current situation, the more joy you are injecting into your energetic field.  This doesn’t just get lost in space, it is a frequency that you are emitting outwards and it is going to be matched.

This is how our lives really work in the subtle field of energy.  Your energetic signature or emotional frequency is what you are setting yourself up to attract.  You are like a magnet, attracting that to you which you are putting out via your emotions or feelings.  This is why it is imperative that your thoughts are steered towards being more positive, which will then allow your feelings to be in alignment with what you do want.

You cannot bring into your experience joy if all you are feeling is sadness.  You cannot be wealthy if all you feel is lack.  These are basic principles that, unfortunately, too often get overlooked when we try to view our own lives and how they are turning out.  It is often hard to face the truth that what you put in, you get out.  But if you are to make any headway in this life, you need to face the core truth of what you are creating consciously or even subconsciously.  This is actually good news!

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Life isn’t going to just randomly happen to you anymore — you are always in full control of your life and can guide it in any direction you choose.  You always have a choice, never forget that — our freewill is our greatest asset.

This isn’t to say that your life is going to be all cotton-socks and pink roses — you may very well have your fair share of everyday mishaps.  What will change is how you perceive these obstacles and what you choose to do with them.  The world isn’t going to change, it is how you view it that will make the change you desire.

Put into this world what you wish to get out and you will be in the flow.  You will be in the driver’s seat steering your life into abundance.

Original article was written by Cherie Roe Dirksen for Purpose Fairy:  7 Helpful Pointers To Activate The Flow Of Abundance.

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3 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself When Dealing With Aggravation

The above quotation is what is sometimes referred to as the ‘smoky mirror’ syndrome.  We don’t like in others what we don’t care to admit is a fault within us.

How Can I Identify this Kind of Behaviour in Myself?

An example of this could be that you are very annoyed with your colleague for never allowing you to get your point across.  This may be a reflection of how you  behave at times.  It may not be with this specific person, it could be something that you do to your friends or family, in a completely different environment from the workplace.

This is why it is difficult for us to sometimes identify the problem within ourselves — we simply don’t recognize its existence.

“Awareness allows for truth to flow through a situation.”

It is imperitive to find time for deep inner reflection, questioning and, above all, honesty when it comes to dealing with trying to figure out why your buttons are being pushed.

When you can identify the behaviour within yourself, you have found the awareness to deal with it.  Awareness allows for truth to flow through a situation.  So instead of reacting the next time your colleague doesn’t allow for you to have your say, see if this inner questioning system works:

  • Do I need to ‘have my say’ or can I simply be the still presence and say nothing?
  • If not, why is it that I feel the need to reciprocate?
  • Does it make me feel less important when I remain silent?
  • Do I really need to convince my colleague of my point of view or is this my ego wanting to control the situation?

Be honest with yourself. 

Now when you find yourself on the giving end of the situation — in this instance, you will be the one doing all the talking and not letting anyone else have a word — see if you can:

  1. Identify that you have perhaps not allowed anyone else to talk or contribute.
  2. Can you stop talking once this awareness has broken through?
  3. Are you comfortable with letting someone else speak and listening to their point of view?

I have only given one example here of how the smoky mirror can work, please try to mould this example to fit in with any situation you are having difficulties with.

If you can’t identify the behaviour in yourself, then perhaps you can go out on a limb and ask a friend if they see this behaviour in you.  Don’t be angry if your friend can identify it, just remember that you are on the path to self-empowerment and  you need to be able to not take things personally.

Call to Action!

Can you share a story about recognizing the actions of another reflected in yourself?  How are you dealing with that?  Share your wisdom…

Are you having problems seeing this concept in yourself?  Is there no way that you mirror the bad behaviour you see in others that irritates you?

Are you walking a fine line between acknowledging your faults or finding that you are just being objectively critical?

For further reading, please see my other blogs:

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…Who’s in the Most Denial of Us All?

Do You Take Things Personally?

More about this topic can also be found in my book ‘Divine You – Redefining Love in the New Earth’ (where the above quotation was taken from).


A Practical Guide to Feeling Good

Are You Reading Me on FM?

It’s a kind of magic…not only does this Universe work on energy and everything in and of it is read as energy, which by the way, cannot be destroyed only transmuted or reshaped – but we are also working primarily with vibration or frequency.

Quantum Tongue-Twister

Quantum physics has a wave-particle duality phenomenon that states that all particles have both wave and particle properties….and behave, in accordance with the observer, in either fashion. When a camera observes, they act as particles. However, when there is no equipment  used to observe, they acted as waves and particles simultaneously.

“…the tree falling in the forest with no-one to hear it makes no sound but also dances the fandango if it feels the urge?”

Does this mean that everything in the Universe is guided into manifestation based on what or who is observing it? Does this mean that not only will the tree falling in the forest with no-one to hear it make no sound but also dance the fandango if it feels the urge?

So what?

So everything!

Every thought pattern that you conjure up in your mind has a certain frequency. Is it lower or higher? Are you thinking ‘good’ thoughts or ‘bad’ thoughts? Whatever you are thinking you are calling into creation.


You can master your life experience with just the information that whatever you project emotionally or whatever frequency you emit, is shaping your life experience.

For example:

Your girlfriend leaves you. For weeks you are feeling a pit in your stomach (solar plexus chakra) and you can’t eat, sleep and feel depressed. This is a ‘grieving’ period and it is appropriate.

But sooner rather than later (or never at all!) you are going to have a choice to move that feeling from your solar plexus to your heart chakra (middle of the chest).


You need to master the transmutation of energy. Sounds difficult, doesn’t it?  It really isn’t.

Moving the Energy Up

When you are feeling stuck in your solar plexus (stomach area) you can always choose to move it up a notch into your heart chakra (chest area).

When you are feeling down or depressed or even stressed, angry or frustrated (any ‘negative’ emotion) you can move it up on the emotional scale.

Butterflies and Pits

When we feel those butterflies in the tummy or a pit in the stomach, we are experiencing the negative scale of the solar plexus.  I’m sure you can relate to this feeling.

Expansion and Bliss

When you move it up one, you are moving the energy or frequency/vibration into the heart center.  To experience the feeling of love, joy or bliss we must put ourselves into this frame of emotion.


Observe how you feel when you think of something wonderful.  Holding your child for the first time, getting your first puppy, watching a magnificent sunset — these are all triggers to get you to feel ‘bliss’ and this is usually felt in your heart chakra.

When you find the one thing that can immediately make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, you have your trigger to activate the heart centre/chakra.

This is extremely important as it is a tool to help you to elevate yourself and your well-being.  It is empowering to know that whenever you are feeling out of alignment with your true state, which should be bliss, joy and/or love, you can use a memory to help guide you back into your center.

Practical Steps to Feeling Good

Practice this whenever you can.  Just sit quietly, close you eyes and think of that one thing that brings you joy, feel it, observe it, expand it until your whole chest is tingling and opening.  Can you feel that the more you expand this feeling, the more it permeates through your entire body — every cell seems to ‘vibrate’.  Congratulations!  You have found your good vibration!

Now you can use this to steer your life in the direction you want to see it sail into…have fun!

Just remember, if you fall overboard, you can throw yourself a life belt by either moving it up a notch or reminding yourself that ‘this too shall pass‘.  Then when you are feeling a little better, you can start your heart chakra meditation and start redirecting your cosmic vibration to match your desires again.

Other articles you may enjoy:

Are you Creating the Life of your Dreams?

4 Practices to Help Cure Negative Thinking

7 Proven Tactics to Spread Joy Around the World

Are You Letting the Wonders of the World Pass You By?

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What You Need to Know About Desperation and Manifestation

Travels and Learnings

I always find that my travels around the world are not only inspirational but I also learn so much more about cultural dynamics.

My trip to Egypt was no different.

I had a wonderful adventure and fulfilled a life-long dream to visit Egypt’s many ancient wonders (which I will be sure to blog about in the weeks to come) but I have decided to start the ‘Egypt Blog’s’ off with one of the less positive aspects of my trip.

The Tourist Trap

The most unfortunate of my experiences was the down-right invasive nature of the Egyptian peddlers and vendors at the ancient sites.  For those of you who have been to Egypt, you most certainly will know what I am talking about.  For those who haven’t visited this spectacular country, let me explain:

The government allows these hawkers entrance to all the major sites — they charge a kind of rent for these vendors to access the tourists.  The only trouble is they have absolutely no sense of personal space, what the word ‘no’ means, a sense of when to quit, etiquette or customer relations and don’t get me started on invasiveness!

You cannot take in the splendour of these ancient awe-inspiring monuments because you are being chased by these desperate peddlers.  They seem to see  you as dollar signs and won’t take no for an answer.  Even if you agree to purchase something off them, they try to sell you more than what you need and it is hard to get your change out of them.

Keep Your Head Down and Your Nose Clean

Our tour guide advised us to keep our heads down, don’t make eye contact, say nothing — do not engage in conversation on pain of death.  This is easier said than done, especially if you are South African.  We find it very rude not to greet or make eye-contact, never mind ignore someone if they ask you a question.

But the words of our guide were indeed words of pure wisdom.  If you even look one of these men in the eye they can follow you for miles, pushing clothes and scarves on you and sometimes even throwing them over your shoulder and demanding payment.  They become very aggressive very quickly too when things don’t go their way.

Surely the tourism board should have picked up on this by now?  I watched a Michael Palin documentary the other night, that was filmed in the 90’s where they were taking the Mickey out of these sellers for doing exactly the same thing.  Some things never change.

But enough about me venting this unfortunate tourist pet-hate, this blog has got a point.

Desperation Leads to Repulsion

After many hours of deliberating this, I realised that their desperate attempts at making money were actually repelling their own trade.

Our whole group as a whole said that if it weren’t for their pushy and annoying way of trading, that they would actually buy their wares.  So, why don’t they get this?

Well, it all boils down to the universal law of attraction and repulsion.  When you are desperate for something, your very desperation pushes what you want further away from you.

I have the utmost compassion for these traders as I know that their ‘rent’ is high and they need to make money to support themselves and their families but what they are doing is counterproductive.

But let’s take ourselves out of Egypt and apply this to any persons situation.

Lack vs Flow

The more desperately you want something the more your frequency will be that of lack.  So, your emotional body is emitting not that which you desire (let’s say money, in this case) even though that is what you may think you are primarily affirming, it is not.  Your lack will be what you are sending out into the cosmos and, you guessed it, that is what will be magnetically attracted back to you.  You will be drawing in more of your lack frequency.

So, how do you stop feeling lack when you want something?

Surrender to Divine Flow.  When you surrender to your circumstance and trust that all will be well, you no longer are fighting against the current — you are allowing yourself to be gently carried by the stream of Divine Flow.  This does not mean that you do nothing to realise a goal, do what you can and let the universe take care of the rest.

The least resistance will allow you into the slipstream of flow whereas desperation will see you struggling against the current.

What are you struggling with? 

Is there anything you are having a hard time trying to fathom or understand about your circumstance? 

Can you see how your emotional vibration is more potent than just your thought stream?

New Beginnings…Building up an Art Collection from Scratch

Faith Repaid

A couple of weeks ago I had a buyer who practically cleaned out my stock of paintings.  This was great as I was still trying to source funds for a trip to Egypt I had already booked.  My theory behind booking the holiday before I had the funds was:

  1. I am using the Law of Attraction and you must have faith that what you need is on its way
  2. I will procrastinate about going for the rest of my life if I didn’t make a move NOW
  3. I had finally convinced my husband that we NEEDED to go (lol) after many years of begging and never being able to be on the same page about this particular destination.  He had a bad experience going through Cairo on his way to Israel many years ago.  So, again, I felt the time for action had finally reared its persistent head.

Manifestation Elation

Right, so with all that said, I licensed some of my art to a home goods chain store in the US and sold most of my art collection after I had put my trust in the manifestation of the money process and had gone ahead and booked the holiday.  Fancy that?!

Now What?

Now here I sit.  My site where I sell my work is looking very bleak at the moment and I am pressed for time with mustering up another collection as my trip is literally around the corner and the paperwork is still being processed, which leaves me anxious about wrapping up the details.

A New Perspective

But then my dear partner pointed out that this is a whole new beginning for me — a clean slate to start afresh.

“I know about the law of least effort (thanks to Deepak Chopra) and I am applying it to my life.”

No matter how long it takes to build this up again, I get the chance to truly go further into what I want to paint and how long I take doing it is entirely up to me.  There should be no pressure with the creative process, only enjoyment and true expression of what needs to come out and manifest in this reality.

So with that in mind, I will be starting this new adventure by going out into the big wide world and seeking the beauty and inspiration I need to get this new collection on the go.

The ‘old’ me would be frantically running around like a headless chicken trying to paint and build up some stock but the ‘new’ me knows better.  I know about the law of least effort (thanks to Deepak Chopra) and I am applying it to my life.  I have given myself no time limits and will now let it flow naturally…

I promise to document the process, so look out for this in my Tuesday Art Blog.

Thanks for looking!

Don’t forget to claim your FREE copy of ‘Creative Expression — How to find your inspiration….’ (along with other bonus free gifts)

My Art Portfolio book is also available as a glossy paperback (click on book to take you to the bookstore)



You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for daily inspiration and articles:


How to Surf on Good Vibrations

Please recap on part 1 HERE (What Frequencies Are You Sending Out?)

Moving the Energy

When you are feeling stuck in your solar plexus (stomach area) you can always choose to move it up a notch into your heart chakra (chest area).

“…you can move it up on the emotional scale.”

When you are feeling down or depressed or even stressed, angry or frustrated (any ‘negative’ emotion) you can move it up on the emotional scale.

Butterflies and Pits

When we feel those butterflies in the tummy or a pit in the stomach, we are experiencing the negative scale of the solar plexus.  I’m sure you can relate to this feeling.

Expansion and Bliss

When you move it up one, you are moving the energy or frequency/vibration into the heart center.  To experience the feeling of love, joy or bliss we must put ourselves into this frame of emotion.


Observe how you feel when you think of something wonderful.

It could be:

  • Holding your child for the first time,
  • Getting your first puppy,
  • Watching a magnificent sunset,
  • Lying in a warm, snug bed,
  • Getting a promotion or bonus,
  • Eating Italian ice-cream…

…whatever coaxes that warm, fuzzy feeling in you. This is the trigger you need to get you to feel ‘bliss’ and this is usually felt in your heart chakra.

” It is empowering to know that whenever you are feeling out of alignment with your true state, which should be bliss, joy and/or love, you can use a memory to help guide you back into your center.”

When you find the one thing that can immediately make you feel all cozy and gooey inside, you have your trigger to activate the heart centre/chakra.

This is extremely important as it is a tool to help you to elevate yourself and your well-being.  It is empowering to know that whenever you are feeling out of alignment with your true state, which should be bliss, joy and/or love, you can use a memory to help guide you back into your center.

Practical Steps to Feeling Good

Practice this whenever you can.  Just sit quietly, close you eyes and think of that one thing that brings you joy, feel it, observe it, expand it until your whole chest is tingling and opening.

Can you feel that the more you expand this feeling, the more it permeates through your entire body — every cell seems to ‘vibrate’.

Congratulations!  You have found your good vibration!

“…you can start your heart chakra meditation and start redirecting your cosmic vibration to match your desires again.”

Now you can use this to steer your life in the direction you want to see it sail into…have fun!

Just remember, if you fall overboard, you can throw yourself a life belt by either moving it up a notch or reminding yourself that ‘this too shall pass‘.  Then when you are feeling a little better, you can start your heart chakra meditation and start redirecting your cosmic vibration to match your desires again.

Let me know how this works for you.  If you already are in touch with your chakras and how to align yourself, let me know what works best for you.  Let us share our knowledge and experience and please feel free to ask questions.

Other articles you may enjoy:

Are You Letting the Wonders of the World Pass You By?

7 Proven Tactics to Spread Joy Around the World

Finding Yourself and Your Purpose

6 Techniques to Stop Worrying

Anchoring the New Energy

How to Stay Positive

What Frequencies Are You Sending Out?

Are You Reading Me On FM?

It’s a kind of magic…not only does this Universe work on energy and everything in and of it is read as energy, which by the way, cannot be destroyed only transmuted or reshaped – but we are also working primarily with vibration or frequency.

Quantum Tongue-Twister

Quantum physics has a wave-particle duality phenomenon that states that all particles have both wave and particle properties….and behave, in accordance with the observer, in either fashion. When a camera observes, they act as particles. However, when there is no equipment  used to observe, they acted as waves and particles simultaneously.

“…the tree falling in the forest with no-one to hear it makes no sound but also dances the fandango if it feels the urge?”

Does this mean that everything in the Universe is guided into manifestation based on what or who is observing it? Does this mean that not only will the tree falling in the forest with no-one to hear it make no sound but also dance the fandango if it feels the urge?

So What?

So everything!

” Whatever you are thinking you are calling into creation.”

Every thought pattern that you conjure up in your mind has a certain frequency. Is it lower or higher? Are you thinking ‘good’ thoughts or ‘bad’ thoughts? Whatever you are thinking you are calling into creation.


You can master your life experience with just the information that whatever you project emotionally or whatever frequency you emit, is shaping your life experience.

For Example:

Your girlfriend leaves you. For weeks you are feeling a pit in your stomach (solar plexus chakra) and you can’t eat, sleep and feel depressed. This is a ‘grieving’ period and it is appropriate.

“…you have a choice to move that feeling…”

But sooner rather than later (or never at all!) you are going to have a choice to move that feeling from your solar plexus to your heart chakra (middle of the chest).


You need to master the transmutation of energy. Sounds difficult, doesn’t it?  It really isn’t.

I will dive into the transition of bad feelings into good feelings in my next blog and will continue with practical steps to activate your heart chakra.  You can READ IT HERE.

Other articles you may enjoy:

Why is Gratitude so Important When Creating Abundance

Making a Commitment to Creativity…Do You Lack Self-Worth?

The Universe is Expanding – Are You?

How Can Wishing For Your Rivals Success Make You Successful?

Is There Enough?  How to Wish for Abundance for Others Too…

This is the part that most people don’t get and it is such a wonderful thing to do.  It is a great test of your faith and just how much you want to see others happy and successful too.

“…would you only want one of your children to succeed in life?”

This principle works on the visualization of other people succeeding, especially those you deem your competitors.  It is a hard concept as we are taught that there is not enough for everyone and that we must win and in order to do that, someone must lose.  This is utter nonsense as the universe is abundant.  This is another ploy in keeping us on opposing sides – the ‘me’ versus ‘them’ theory.

“We don’t all want the same thing anyway, so stop feeling threatened by others…”

Let’s take the ‘Parent Analogy’ – would you only want one of your children to succeed in life?  Of course not, you would want them all to succeed.  We don’t all want the same thing anyway, so stop feeling threatened by others and the wonderful idea of everyone experiencing abundance.

If you believe that the Divine is behind the Law of Attraction then it makes perfect sense, yet again, that we all manifest abundance.  Just like  parents wanting all their children to have happy and prosperous lives.

“Is it not a thrill on its own to see other people happy and excited?”

So, whatever situation you want to bring into your life, be it a successful career or a successful relationship, see others enjoying the same benefits.  If it is a raise in your salary you desire then see all your colleagues happy faces as you visualize them all receiving a raise.

Is it not a thrill on its own to see other people happy and excited?  This vibration is also extremely powerful and will make you a magnet for success, especially as all those around you will be experiencing good times through your visualizations as well!  How about that for a win-win situation?

If you find yourself having trouble with this exercise, then it might be prudent to question, deep within yourself, why you are feeling this way.

This exercise will help you to see the Grand Design – a world of joy and creativity where everyone’s a winner.

Above photo image created by Grant Cochrane

Part of the above article has been an extract from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is available now through all good bookstores.

Why is Gratitude so Important When Creating Abundance?

To recap on the previous article about abundance, please CLICK HERE

Set Your Emotional Dial to ‘Vibrate’

Feeling gratitude for what you have brings with it its own vibration.  For those of you who are at a loss to what the word vibration truly means, I will give you some dictionary meanings that I think encapsulate this vitally important word:

 Vibrate –  (def) experience a rush of emotion in response to something;  a distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively;  feel sudden intense sensation or emotion;  to resonate:   be received or understood;  oscillation.

This vibration of gratitude seems to attract more positive things into your life.  The more grateful you are for what you have the more you will have to be grateful for.

“…give thanks even before you have received…”

It seems like a good deal for such a pleasant feeling, gratitude.

Bypass Gratitude and Say Goodbye to Abundance

Gratitude is therefore a very important aspect of the Law of Attraction and should not be bypassed.  Besides, it feels good to be thankful and to remind ourselves of all the things in our lives that are going great.  We so often only think of our lack.

When you want to manifest a desire and you can picture what you want, don’t forget to give thanks even before you have received it.  This process brings it to you even quicker, as the matrix has to ‘hop to it’ because you are already feeling emotions of gratitude and it will have to align with that vibration or frequency.

The above article has been an extract from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is available now through all good bookstores.

Other blogs related to this topic:

What is Thanks Giving?

Are You Creating the Life of your Dreams?

Top of Blog Photo credit:  ”Thank You” by Felixco, Inc

What is Abundance and How Do I Get It?

Now Don’t Just Think of Money!

When we think of the word abundance most of us jump straight to material wealth.  However, abundance, like the word ‘wealth’, does not only mean physical treasures.

Wealth can be measured by your physical wealth or health.  Without your health you could be the richest person in the world and it would mean nothing.

“…the umbrella of wealth covers so much more than money.”

Wealth can also refer to your mental frame of mind, as in the case with health, if you are mentally ill all the gold in the world won’t help you.

Having meaningful relationships, whether romantic or otherwise is of great importance.  In other words, you have a lot of money but no-one to share it with – not much fun either!

“…you could be the poorest or the richest person in the world and still suffer a huge amount of pain if you feel that everything is worthless and your life has no meaning. “

Then there is of course the financial wealth which we all think will solve our problems but as you can see from the list above, this is not always the case.  Of course, it is wonderful to have no money worries and to be able to buy anything you desire or go any place in the world or just to have enough to pay the bills – I am not denying that.  But the umbrella of wealth covers so much more than money.

The most important of all is the wealth of spirit.  Without this you will be searching your whole life for meaning to it all and you could be the poorest or the richest person in the world and still suffer a huge amount of pain if you feel that everything is worthless and your life has no meaning.

The Distortion of Wealth 

Unfortunately, through most media outlets we are being pumped with the need for greed.  This is another clever ploy by the ‘elite’ to keep us in a cycle of want and ‘tunnel vision’.

“We are being manipulated on a massive scale to keep us from seeing certain truths about our reality.”

Be very careful of the need for riches and try to assess why you want all that money anyway.  Always try to see the root of the desire and be mindful and appreciative of the trees in the forest instead of not seeing the forest for the trees.

We are being manipulated on a massive scale to keep us from seeing certain truths about our reality.  This is being done to keep our minds preoccupied with meaningless pursuit.  This is what I mean by being ‘mindful’ of your desires.  Are they really yours?  Or are you having the wool pulled over your eyes?  So be clear about what you want and why you want it.

How Can I Feel Abundant When I Have Nothing? 

A good starting place, to manifest your dreams, is to start with being grateful for what you do have.   That which you consider being of wealth to you.  This could be having a close family or a special talent or even the fact that you have a roof over your head and food in the fridge.

To be continued…CLICK HERE for part 2

Thursdays Blog will look at the importance of gratitude in receiving true abundance.  To follow my blog, please click the ‘follow’ button in the right-hand sidebar.

The above article has been an extract from my latest book ‘Divine You — Redefining Love in the New Earth’ which is available now through all good bookstores.

Here is another article, about abundance, that I found helpful from the Deepak Chopra Center Blog —

Are You Ready for Abundance? A Letter from David Simon, M.D. – The Chopra Center Blog.

Photo credit:  “Green Dollar” by Scott Chan

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How to find happiness without buying it

How to Manifest Your Desires

Poppy IToday’s blog is going to concentrate on the key steps to manifesting what it is that you desire to experience.

“It is always a good idea to reassess or rethink what it is we want to manifest so that we can always remain focused and clear on what we want out of life.”

For a recap of the Law of Attraction and how you can begin to take charge of your life, please read Tuesdays blog here before proceeding with the following steps.

  • Setting an intention — do this daily and try to follow-up every week on your desires manifestation.   You may want to retweek what it is you want.  It is perfectly okay to change your mind.   It is important to bend with the wind and to not resist it.  So, if you feel like there is something better you want to manifest, then do that and don’t stay rigidly stuck on your first desire.  It is always a good idea to reassess or rethink what it is we want to manifest so that we can always remain focused and clear on what we want out of life.
  • Visualization and Emotion — when you have set your intention visualize what it would feel like if you were already living in that reality.  The more you feel the emotions, the more the Universe will line you up with that frequency that you want or believe yourself to be on.  We all played ‘make believe’ when we were kids, so don’t tell me you don’t know how to daydream!  This step is literally daydreaming that existence and when you get to the ‘feeling’ part, you have your positive manifesting emotion.
  • Anchoring — anchor that emotion!  Try to feel that emotion whenever you can.  Think about how wonderful it feels.
  • Detach — the most important part of this process is to detach from what you want.  This almost sounds like a dichotomy but it isn’t.  The reason why we need to detach from the outcome is that we don’t know the quickest possible way to get to our desires.  The Universe does and when you detach you are actually allowing for the speediest route to your desired destination.  Know in your heart that your wish is being seen to and that the fruits will come.  When you can be in this frame of mind, you have detached and are in the state of allowing.  Blank out your mind and stop worrying about how to ‘get there’.
  • Live it out — see yourself always living in the desired outcome.  Instead of focusing on the hows and whens of the manifested desire, focus on what you are going to be doing when your dream is met.  In other words, if you desire more money, then money is not what you really want — you can do very little with the physical aspect of the money except wipe your bottom with it.  What you want is what the money can buy — the vibrational exchange.  So picture what it is you want the money for.  Is it a new car or a lavish vacation — then picture yourself driving down the highway in your new car or soaking up the suns rays in Barbados (hell, even throw in the first class ticket you could afford to get there with!).  Let go of how you are going to get there and ‘feel’ like you are already there — picture yourself boarding the plane and drinking champagne in first class or getting into your new red Porsche and starting the ignition.  Make the visualizations exciting and pleasant.

Poppy IIYou can do these visualizations and emotion-enhancing techniques when you meditate. All it takes is a powerful 5 minute meditation to kick-start your desires into action.

“Tell yourself how quickly you are going to get things done and how much fun it’s going to be.”

I usually do an exercise in the morning over my first cuppa.  I set my intention for the day and I see myself easily carrying out all my plans and having time to spare.  I also visualize that I am enjoying myself immensely whilst I am doing it.  Go on, try it!

You will be amazed how everything falls into place when you expect it to.  Think about that.  When you whine and complain about how little time you have, or how much you have to do — you usually end up meeting that agreement easily!  So try it in reverse.  Tell yourself how quickly you are going to get things done and how much fun it’s going to be.

Let The Universal GPS Take You There!

What I know for certain is that if you do not detach you start to doubt, when you doubt you lose the momentum of your desire.  When you try to fathom the way the Universe should bring your desire about, you are resisting what can be done to achieve your goal.  This can lead you to take ages to manifest what you want instead of letting go and letting the Universal GPS take you there.

“…when you are in your integrity you will be a responsible creator and you will manifest for yourself and the greater good.”

Keep focusing on your goal and enjoy the ride!  You are always going to want more and want to create more, this is alright as the Universe is ever-expanding.  Please don’t get me wrong with this statement as I am not advocating being an ‘over-consumer’ — please co-create responsibly.  But I have no doubt that when you are in your integrity you will be a responsible creator and you will manifest for yourself and the greater good.

Lastly and probably the most important step — have fun!  The joy is in the journey and not always in the arrival of your destination (this is just a momentary bonus until you want to manifest your next creation).

Happy manifesting!

For more about the Law of Attraction and how to co-create your life, I have found the Jerry and Esther Hicks books of great help.  CLICK HERE for more information.

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 Autumn Whispers Poster

“There is no sugar-coating this theory because the time for pandering this issue is over.  “

For those of you new to the Law of Attraction (LOA) – read on.  For those who understand the LOA — it’s of great benefit to recap what you already know to glean information that may have previously not been taken on board.

Get With the Law of Attraction Program!

Simply put — the LOA states that like attracts unto itself.  Whatever you think about the most you attract into your experience.

“You must take responsibility for what you have created in the past so that you can start creating a better future.”

Autumn Whispers Poster 2There is no sugar-coating this theory because the time for pandering this issue is over.  We have got to get real and face the consequences of our unconscious creations.

I have been practicing this concept for a good few years now and it is REAL.

When I look back into my past and ask ‘what I was thinking?’ — creating such chaos — I soon find that there definitely was a train of thought that led to certain events (albeit undesirable events).

You must take responsibility for what you have created in the past so that you can start creating a better future.

Get Your Good Vibrations Dial Tuned In

We co-create everything in our experience.  Not only through thoughts but through vibration — what we feel.

What we feel sends out a strong signal or frequency and that is mainly what the LOA works with.

It can’t decipher words as such — only the vibration or feeling behind the words.  So, to think that you don’t want something only reiterates that which is unwanted.


Are you Holding your Fat Rolls in Discontent?

When you think about losing weight, for instance, you are most likely concentrating on how fat you are not how thin you want to be.  You are probably looking into the mirror holding your fat rolls and sending out a frequency of self-loathing and discontent.

“The first step to creating the life of your dreams is to get real about your ‘head space’.  “

What then happens is the Universe picks up on that which you are thinking about  — the fat — and sees to it that you receive more.

Choosing From the Cosmic Menu

This is what I know:

  1. We are living in a Universe of abundance.
  2. The Universe holds the building blocks to everything.
  3. The Universe is continuously expanding to our every whim.
  4. There is enough abundance for all.
  5. The Universe is manifesting according to our will but it can only deliver that which it sees as being called into existence by us.
  6. We need to seriously filter our thoughts and emotions in order to project what we want to manifest in our lives — if we don’t do this, we still end up creating our experience through our random, unfiltered thought streams and feelings.

The Taming of the Mind

The first step to creating the life of your dreams is to get real about your ‘head space’.

  • What is going on upstairs?
  • Is it a continuous loop of worried thoughts or random streams of mindless pap?
  • Can you devote some time in your day (only 5-10 minutes is required to get you started) to meditate?

“Meditation is allowing your self to just exist with no distraction.”

Meditation, in essence, only means sitting still in a quiet area and blanking out your mind.

Not thinking of anything and just being.  You don’t have to sport a lotus position or hum and chant if it does not resonate with you.  Meditation is allowing your self to just exist with no distraction.

If you find it hard to meditate then seek help, guided meditations or classes.  This is a paramount step to decluttering your mind and clearing the way for positive thought streams.

Jump in the Drivers Seat, Take Your Life for a Spin

When you can apply the breaks to your negative thought streams, you are in control.  When you have this capability, you are on your way to manifesting your dreams.

Pick up a glass and toast to your new co-creator abilities!


Please feel free to share your thoughts on this matter.

Abundance ecard

Here’s a free ecard for you to download and use. Click on the picture, then right-click and ‘save as’ to your computer. You can then upload it to your e-mail.

Read here

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How to Get and Maintain that Positive Attitude

Turning a Negative into a Positive

Facebook Header SpectacularWe all know about positive thinking and the Law of Attraction but do we really put it into practice?

I have so many friends who say they completely understand the Law of Attraction but I find these very same people asking me to join groups on Facebook with very negative connotations, such as ‘Stop Child Abuse’ or ‘Fight Cancer’ . They still don’t quite get it.

So how do you phrase with positivity then?

It does take some getting used to and it can be thought-provoking but it is possible. Mother Theresa said something very profound to demonstrate this premise, it went along the lines of: You’ll never see her at an Anti-War Rally but you will find her at a Pro-Peace Demonstration.

“When we harp on negative words or phrasing we are actually calling them into existence or perpetuating their existence…”

Let’s take the ‘Stop Child Abuse’ campaign, this can be rephrased as the ‘Love and Respect our Children’ or ‘Joyous Childhood’ campaign. ‘Fight Cancer’ can equate positively to ’Complete Physical Well-being”.

What Happens When we Focus on Negativity?

Pink PoppiesWhen we harp on negative words or phrasing we are actually calling them into existence or perpetuating their existence. Feeding the problem, making it recur over and over until we change our mindset.

Let’s try to think a little differently and see what a world of difference we make.

When I talk to most people about this they nearly always tell me that it is far to difficult to alter ones thoughts.  It is not — it just takes time, awareness and patience.

How to Stop Negativity 

The first step is to put your awareness on your thoughts and try to stop the negative ones in their tracks.

At first, some of these thoughts will slip through the cracks and you’ll find yourself in a fear induced state of panic of what might be or what has been and might happen again (isn’t this conducive to how most of us think?).

This is actually quite a normal state of mind in our society – one could even say a collective state of mind. Don’t give up on it though, with repetition things will change and you will find it easier and easier to stop your train of thought when you want to.

One by one you will slowly begin to eradicate these unproductive thought processes from you mind.

Patience is a Strong Virtue

Blue BirdsEverything takes time and a bit of getting used to so the best is to be patient with yourself and gently usher in the new positive thought process.

Do not judge yourself if you fall of the track every now and again – you just pick yourself up and get back on track.  Before you know it, you will be identifying negative thought patterns more and more easily and you will be able to alter the pattern to positivity.

“Just remember the ‘what if’s’ usually never ever happen anyway – how much time have we wasted on this?”

I know this for sure because I practice this and find it to be very effective. It has taken me almost a year to be at a point where I can change negative thoughts midstream and reverse it to a more positive scenario.

What if I Lapse?

Believe me, I also have my lapses but more often than not it can be stopped before one gets carried away in the stream of ‘what if’ scenarios.

I was very good at the ‘what if’ scenario – I’m sure we could all win Oscars for that but how about changing the ‘what if’ into a ‘what is’ because only what is happening now is of true importance. Just remember the ‘what if’s’ usually never ever happen anyway – how much time have we wasted on this?  Read more about how to stop worrisome thoughts HERE.

Easier said than done? Most definitely, but anything of great importance is worth the persistence. Persist with this and, I promise you, you will reap the rewards of a clear and positive state of mind.

Positive thoughts can pull you out of the darkness.
Positive thoughts can heal a sick body.
Positive thoughts can help eliminate our biggest obstacle, fear.

You are in Control 

PoppiesPositivity will alter your perception of the world you live in – the choice is, and always will remain, with you.

You create your life experience, you are in control.  What you see reflected in your life circumstance is what you have projected, consciously – or most of the time unconsciously.  Be clear about this and move on to filtering your wants and don’t wants.

Live your best life – you can only do this when you take responsibility for your actions and thoughts.  Take control of your life and truly live!

Have Your Say…

  • Are you a positive person or do you feel yourself slipping into the negative realms before you can stop it?  Share your thoughts and experiences…I’d love to hear from you.

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